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Why did the federation let her live during Unicorn? or even post ZZ?
Why wouldn't they? She was just a kid during when most of the shit went down. They're not just gonna black ops a kid. At least so openly.
because she was a figurehead of the Zeons. she had the potential, and arguably did, pose a massive threat to the Federation's cohesion just be simply existing. Not to mention was the daughter of the greatest war criminals in human history.
I just want to know what happened to the one at the end of ZZ. Was that really her lying or another kid that disappeared? I remember when Moon Gundam first came out, people thought the Mineva in it was the double since it wouldn't make sense for Mineva to be romantically linked to another guy after Unicorn.
Mineva in Moon is the same one in Unicorn.
They really did perform a Unicorn-esque miracle through Newtype seggsual thoughts and created an Axis Shock way earlier than the actual one and the one in Unicorn Ep 5.

That's just not possible with a body double, and she genuinely looks up to Char and Char treats her as she's the real thing and has her on high alert to have people watch over her,

I don't think there ever was a body double and she was just lying.
You kill her and congratulations she's now a martyr and every zeek out there, who is already insane I remind you, is looking for a revenge war.
During and after Unicorn it’s pretty obvious: because she’s the only Zeon leader who’s against continuing to fight the Federation, so getting rid of her entirely would make things worse. Before then they didn’t know where she was.

How do we know the Unicorn one is real?
even in current year it's illegal to kill an enemy head of state.
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Real Mineva lives with the Chadau since 0091, far away from the Earth Sphere, and never came back. Everyone else is a newtype clone ala Puru and there's nothing you can do about it
>she had the potential, and arguably did, pose a massive threat to the Federation's cohesion just be simply existing
She openly called on the zeeks to stop their shit, if anything, the Feds choosing to protect her is the perfect move to dab on the zeeks by being the bigger person.
Assassinating her as a kid would just make the Zeon madder unless they could somehow make sure nobody ever knew. And I mean nobody, a single witness of any kind of credibility just claiming the Feds murdered the last of the Zabi's when she was a child could spark another war with the Remnants. After Unicorn.....well she's not trying to lead Zeon against Earth so they're probably counting their blessings on that. If anything she could prove a needed ally.
She could slip and fall down the stairs on live tv in front of all of space and they'd still try to find a way to make it Earth's fault.
The only thing she's the head of state of is Banagher's pants.
Small office
They could imprison her indefinitely. That way you avoid the murder and can play up the goodwill of letting her live while still having the pretense of punishing her for the Zabi's war crimes.
Crimes she had no part in.
Irrelevant. They need the Zabis out of the way so there's no hope of them ever returning to legitimacy. Giving a motive beyond that is a gesture of goodwill.
Making her a political prisoner for crimes she didn't commit would just inspire more anti Federation sentiment among spacenoids. The strategy is only a good idea if you're planning to go full Titans and rule by fear by stomping down anyone who gets uppity.
Making her politically useless without hassle is possible if she would have been treated like Amuro right post-OYW
>How do we know the Unicorn one is real?
^^ This.

For all we know, Unicorn-and-beyond Mineva is a plant from the Feds, cooked up at Augusta and thoroughly fucked with in the head to believe she's the genuine article albeit one with subtly different memories and personality needed to craft the motivation necessary for her to become the figure-head to stop the war that the Feds were looking for.
>>crimes she had no part in
>what is the Dublin drop?
Was obviously Haman.
It really doesn't matter if she is the real one or not
you don't know that she didn't put on a space suit and pushed the colony out of orbit
She looks like she weighs like 40 pounds
yeah I know, right? she's petite
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So small. itsy bitsy teeny tiny. BACK OFF!
Keep her alive and on a leash. She's an official figurehead the Federation works through with legitimate claim and support, if you kill her you create a power vacuum and voila you've got another power hungry despot leading Zeon into another war with tye Federation. This way, Zeon is divided between Mineva loyalists and Full Frontal, and any resistance Zeon can muster up has to do so at half strength, if not against their own people in general
we saw Mineva making decisions in her court in Zeta, even ordering and being the complicit in the executions of political prisoners. We dont see it but its certain that she gave the go ahead for the Dublin drop. She's also the head of state of Neo Zeon. by defualt she shoulders responsiblity. this is even the case for IRL monarchs. She is by definition a war criminal.
And just like IRL monarchs it's politically advantageous to ignore that when you get can them on your side to legitimize your occupation. See: Hirohito.

Also Mineva was pretty obviously reading from a script given to her by Haman in Zeta. We don't see her hold court in her own right until Narrative, at which point she's shown herself to be opposed to Neo Zeon (who seem to basically ignore her anyway). So it'd be hard to prove she was genuinely complicit in anything Haman did beyond as a mouthpiece.
what i wanna know is what was she doing during CCA.
>we saw Mineva making decisions in her court in Zeta, even ordering and being the complicit in the executions of political prisoners.

I don’t think we did see this? Actually I don’t recall her ever giving anyone orders as monarch aside from asking her maids to bring Haman to her during the escape, which they didn’t actually do.
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>They're not just gonna black ops a kid.
>They're not just gonna black ops a kid.

Lmao. OK. Sure buddy.
Probably just hiding
Personally, I think Axis should have been allowed to be dropped on Earth.
Depends on how much stock you put in the Zeta Gundam video game ending. Char found her and had her spirited away to safety so he could take full control of Neo Zeon.
I love how unhinged this is
Mineva isn’t acting as head of state during Unicorn, she doesn’t seem to have a role in the leadership of Zeon while Full Frontal is around
Which makes me wonder what the point of keeping her around even was then
Eventually installing her as a puppet moat likely. You never throw away good backup plans.
Wasn’t the whole point of Full Frontal so that they wouldn’t need Mineva for legitimacy
If anything it’s kind of schizophrenic to have them both around at the same time, they can’t both be legitimate
Bakharov implies in Narrative that they’d grab her if they knew exactly where she had moved Magellanica to

Then again that guy lies about everything
How is it certain she gave the go ahead for Dublin? Haman constantly did stuff without even bothering to inform Mineva about it.
Dublin happens after she did the swap with the body double, meaning Unicorn Mineba (if the real and not the double) has no culpability for it. If it is the double, she also has no culpability, as the double was never given political authority at that time.
Zeon is not one single group. They are a bunch of sub-groups that have broken apart since the end of the One Year War. All with different agendas.

She is a symbol and direct link to the original Principality of Zeon. Many still support the original Principality, and do not support later Neo Zeon movements. But if Mineva openly endorses Full Frontal then many more people will support Full Frontal's cause.

>If anything it’s kind of schizophrenic to have them both around at the same time, they can’t both be legitimate
She doesn't have any direct real military power backing her anymore. She's just a very charismatic symbol. Like the Queen of Britain. Yes, new British laws can still theoretically be made without the Queen's approval. But in reality any law the Queen doesn't support will be dead in the water.

Its important Mineva stays alive and endorses Full Frontal. Or at the very least doesn't negatively speak of FF. He needs her. Many people in the colonies still love Mineva.
prison bitch mineva
>She doesn't have any direct real military power backing her anymore. She's just a very charismatic symbol. Like the Queen of Britain. Yes, new British laws can still theoretically be made without the Queen's approval. But in reality any law the Queen doesn't support will be dead in the water.

This sort of “constitutional monarchy minus the constitution” setup is pretty much exactly the role we see Mineva in in Narrative, which is why it’s so notable that Unicorn looks like something else entirely. Neo Zeon doesn’t give her even feigned deference, and Full Frontal seemed perfectly willing to kill her that one time so she’s clearly not necessary to him. If anything it’s the mostly the Federation that bothers to treat her like royalty throughout the whole incident (minus the ECOAS guy).
Remember that no one is sure that Mineva is still alive. She's been missing since Zeta Gundam. And the Mineva we see in ZZ is a body double. Full Frontal's faction somehow tracked her down and is keeping her in custody.
That just proves my point though, he can’t derive any legitimacy from having her around if nobody knows she’s there.
Remember she's not dead. She's just listed as missing and the general public still believes she's alive somewhere. Just in hiding or whereabouts unknown.

FF probably was planning to reveal her at some point once he gained more power and united more factions of spacenoids under his banner. Thus making it incredibly difficult for her to rebel against him.
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What you’re missing here is that Mineva has no interest in being a public figure until the second half of Unicorn. Fukui isn’t a subtle guy, Banagher has some lines outright saying this. Theresa reason we don’t see her wearing her regalia until the scene where she confronts Full Frontal, because that’s where she accepts she can’t deny who she is, leading to the Laplace speech. It’s not that anyone was preventing her enthronement, she just refused to accept it until she felt there was no other choice, because it means she has to sacrifice her freedom. This is another thing Fukui isn’t subtle about—the scenes in Narrative where she holds court practically beat you over the head with “gilded cage” symbolism.
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>Yeah we erased a whole room of influential consolemen who were in charge of a charter dictating the world government's expanse into space
>But one little girl???
Why does the shadow government only seem to be willing to go too far when it's convenient?
That was ninety years earlier
Aren’t they already looking for that
They should have compromised and dropped half of axis
If I knocked up Haman would Mineva be able to live a normal life?
No, because the child wouldn’t be a Zabi. You’d have to knock up Kycilia.
You can't defeat movement scattered across solar system when there is no one is left to capitulate on their behalf.
Why didn't Char just go full Casval Deikun and built a neo Zeon out of that name? Surely the son of Zeon Deikun has more political power than a gorilla and a bimbo's child
Because he didn't want the responsibility like a positive pregnancy test.
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What if Char knocked me up hahahahahahaha that would be crazy.
He tried that in CCA but was too dysfunctional and terrified of leadership that it was bound to end poorly.
Because out of all the Zeon leaders he’s probably the least competent
Technically she does have military power backing her in the form of Banana and the Garencieres, though I’m not sure if it’s ever clarified whether people know they’re linked to her or not. If the Narrative novel was translated that would probably explain some things.
One of the tragedies of CCA is that Char could've genuinely leveraged his charisma and his leadership over Neo Zeon to great effect, if he wasn't so focused on getting his salty runback with the space Canadian.
Going by Tomino's write up about Char in Zeta's proposal, Char really feared getting old, feeling like his newtype senses had decreased after the OYW, and wanted to get stuff done before he got to that point. He fighting in the battlefield helped him feel his youth too. It pretty much means he'd never settle down. and explains why he wanted so much to rush things leading to CCA.
I was going to respond that Char is only 34 in CCA, but that is prime midlife crisis age. Maybe he should've gone for the Corvette instead of Sazabi.
If he didn’t want to fight Amuro he probably never would have never taken charge of Neo Zeon in the first place
Because her entire existence is as a figure head. Being that last remaining zabi gave Haman an excuse to rise to power and fuck with Char. Making her a genius mastermind who manipulated the whole Laplace's box incident in unicorn was retarded.
What genius mastermind, everything she tried either failed or needed Banana to bail her out to make it work
Because there was no reason to kill her. Mineva was only a figurehead for Haman, and after ZZ it became public knowledge that for the whole Neo-Zeon War the real Mineva had disappeared and Haman had been using a body double in her place. Even if someone found the real Mineva they couldn't use her authority, since there would be no way to prove that she was the real deal. It would be even more pointless to kill her after CCA, since Char had taken control of Neo-Zeon and used the opportunity to discredit the Zabis and their supporters. Plus since there's no way to know for sure who was the real Mineva, if the Federation tried to kill her then the zeeks would be able to spin it as the Federation being heartless bastards going after a kid just because she happened to look like Zeon's former ruler.
> Plus since there's no way to know for sure who was the real Mineva, if the Federation tried to kill her then the zeeks would be able to spin it as the Federation being heartless bastards going after a kid just because she happened to look like Zeon's former ruler

This would require them to acknowledge that their Mineva was fake, which would undercut their own movement.
Do we even know that the Mineva in Full Frontal's custody is the "real" biological Mineva? I thought Tomino said she escaped Zeon and lived the rest of her life as a normal girl thanks to Char's help.

The Mineva in the Sleeves could just be another lookalike. Some poor homeless girl who looks like Mineva that Full Frontal's faction picked up grok the streets.
Does anyone know what happened to Degwin's wife or wives? How can there be no Queen of Zeon?

Because Degwin simply called himself "Sovereign". Not forget to mention that it wasn't a polyamorous arrangement: just Degwin having children with multiple women while only marrying one of them (Tomino's novelizations point to this woman: Naliss, being Dozle and Garma's mother who died before the One Year War).
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Assuming Deacon didn’t just change things around for no reason, the Narrative manga actually does use the title “Queen” for Mineva, though this could be just soemthing someone’s saying and not her formal title.
It's weird how men in business suits are the "secret leaders" in UC. Tomino didn't have any of the in OG 0079. Zeon had leaders dressed to the nines with elaborate uniforms. A business suit is a lazy man's uniform in UC
He had a bunch in Zeta though
They weren't leaders. They were just business people giving donations AEUG. And they were so cheap and complained about every little thing. I remember Wong from AE complaining about the cost of the Hyaku Shiki and demanding better results from the Argama crew.

Isn't the Hyaku Shiki some leftover prototype that AE had laying around in storage? It's not like Char custom ordered it. AE was just giving AEUG leftover crap from failed projects they had in storage. Yet Wong was busting their balls.

I thought it was a joke since the Argama crew was literally going above and beyond. They were pulling off amazing successes with just a single ship. But Wong still complained all the time. Not sure what else he expected from a ragtag crew and a single ship with a hodge podge of random suits.

Anyway...The real leaders were the Titans in Zeta. Not some "shadowy people" in business suits. It's such a lazy modern trope at this point.
I really need to watch LOGH.
For the same reason why it was smart to try to empower Rouhani in Iran with the nuclear deal and lifting sanctions. Nobody believed that Iran would suddenly become friends with America or that they wouldn't still eventually develop a nuke.

The point of it was to try to create a contrast between hardline administrations and moderate administrations so that, over time, people realize the standard of living under the moderates was higher than under the hardliners. The hope was that the Iran moderates would intentionally slow nuclear weapons development, because they know America won't invade them and will keep a leash on Israel so it can't just keep bombing and assassinating Iranian scientists and leaders.

They did the same thing with China and it largely worked. It essentially took a soft coup by Xi and the hardline faction to halt China's liberalization. At the recent party Congress, Xi had the last president physically dragged out of the event. Without all that economic development and rich coastal Chinese who don't want their western lifestyles to end in nuclear fire over Taiwan, Xi would have probably already invaded Taiwan.
>It essentially took a soft coup by Xi and the hardline faction to halt China's liberalization.

How exactly did Xi successfully launch a coup if China was doing so well economically?

>At the recent party Congress, Xi had the last president physically dragged out of the event.

How did the previous president lose so much political power?
To be fair the guys in the pic aren’t “secret leaders”, they’re the actual elected leaders of the Republic of Zeon. Not that Fukui doesn’t have loads of secret leaders in suits, these just aren’t them.
This comparison doesn’t work because these were elected leaders with tangible legal powers. Is there a similar example with a constitutional monarch? Maybe Juan Carlos I, though that’s a weird case.
not enough robots
Dead before the OYW
Full Frontal did that
In a cave, with a box of scraps
She wasn't a fake in unicorn though, full frontal was lying out his ass to keep what legitimacy the sleeves had
The feds got their fill of killing teenagers during the One Year War.
>She wasn't a fake in unicorn though
How do we know this? Tomino said Char helped her escape Haman and she went on to live a normal life.
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>You’d have to knock up Kycilia.
alrighty then
It doesn't matter that she wasn't fake, Full Frontal claims during the hostage negotiations that she doesn't inherently have any value if he can't verify that she's real.
Yes, because you are a Diekun and Haman would be too out of shape after the pregnancy to pilot anything and you're way easier to kill than she is, Char.
Mineva best girl
Who cares, Unicorn isn't real and you shouldn't pretend it is.
None of it’s real moron it’s all a cartoon
Actually ZZ isn't
Mom of the year. Everyone thank Haman Karn for raising a good daughter.
I wonder how Mineva feels about Haman. You can absolutely see her influence in Unicorn.
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Mineva respects Haman and is probably afraid of her like everyone else.
Probably likes her as a person but disagrees with her politically
>sees the Federation and Zeon are both full of shit and rotting to the core
>makes no attempt to change it
Wtf was her problem?

The Federation is corrupt and full of shit.

Zeon is full of in-fighting and dis-unity.

Pick your poison.
Zeon was also corrupt, don't try and sugarcoat it.
Is infighting not corruption?
By the time Mineva was old enough to do anything the Neo Zeons had completely lost the plot for what they even fought for. Mineva believed in the ideals of Zeon Zum Dekun, but every Zeon movement past the OYW abandoned them for Ghirenism/Zabi family nonsense. From her POV the Sleeves/neo-zeon was a dead end who just wanted to control the earth sphere rather than change it.
She could have used Laplace's Box to secure true independence for the colonies. Or at least some of the Colonies like Side 3 and/or a few others. Then lead them and instill peaceful ideals and neutrality into them.
>She could have used Laplace's Box to secure true independence for the colonies.
She wasn't really in a position to do that in unicorn though. The sleeves/neo-zeon would have killed her if she went against their plan and the Federation would do the same if a Zabi ever started to grab power again. Any movement to do this would have to come from somewhere other than the Neo zeons who were still perpetually stuck in the oyw
this is entirely Casval's fault, all he had to do was not commit suicide
The Federation was afraid of opening Laplace's Box. They wouldn't have killed Mineva if her demands were reasonable enough to accept. Giving up control 1 or 2 Colony Sides to Minerva's faction is definitely something the Federation would accept in order to keep the box closed. The Federation would probably look at it as a relief since they don't have to worry about feeding or managing them. But box or no box, The only thing the Federation would absolutely NOT do is give up control of Earth. That's their bottom line. Everything else is negotiable using Laplace's Box as a bargaining chip.

As for Neo Zeon, I'm sure Mineva could gather support to her cause. The Sleeves are just one faction. But others would support her.
Tragically Char was too much of a coward to actually commit to ever leading anything, him and Mineva probably would've been able more easily start up a legitimate state of Zeon not focused on Zabi obsession. (No I am not implying child marriage).
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She needs a strong and supportive father figure.
>The Federation was afraid of opening Laplace's Box. They wouldn't have killed Mineva if her demands were reasonable enough to accept. Giving up control 1 or 2 Colony Sides to Minerva's faction is definitely something the Federation would accept in order to keep the box closed.
I seriously doubt that. The Federation was terrified of the box because it was a serious threat to their control, and giving up part of that control even if it's to keep the box hidden, is something they wouldn't find acceptable. Even if they did go with it they would backstab her as soon as they could. Mineva also didn't want to just be another dictator over the sides, she wanted real change throughout the Earthsphere.
>As for Neo Zeon, I'm sure Mineva could gather support to her cause. The Sleeves are just one faction. But others would support her.
Probably, but that wasn't possible immediately in unicorn. It would be better for her to get the Neo zeons to fuck off and start anew, free from their baggage. She's only 16, so she has a long time to come up with something.
he would have been the perfect general for Mineva's Zeon
That would be Marida.
The person who really ruined everything was Ghiren. Degwin may have had a rough start with what happened with Zeon Deikun but he did have a shot at developing the principality into something that could carry out the will of its namesake. Ghiren hijacked this and made everything revolve around himself, completely torpedoing every subsequent zeon movement.

He's the lorgar of the UC
>I seriously doubt that. The Federation was terrified of the box because it was a serious threat to their control, and giving up part of that control even if it's to keep the box hidden,
Disagree. The Federation were fine with giving Side 3 as a bargaining chip to Neo Zeon for their help during Zeta. And during ZZ, the Federation were fine with Haman dropping a Colony on Dublin, Ireland. The Federation officials even said "Good. Now we have less mouths to feed."
>The Federation were fine with giving Side 3 as a bargaining chip to Neo Zeon for their help during Zeta
That was the AEUG acting of their own accord. Plus Mineva even having the box presented them with an existential threat that would loom over them no matter how peaceful mineva would say she is. If mineva ever goes back on her word for any reason that deal does jack shit for them.
Degwin fucking killed Zeon Deikun, he is not blameless here
but yeah, blaming the Zabis is correct, Casval was completely justified in his actions during the OYW
Laplace's box was a massive nothingburger. Imagine if we found an earlier, secret (but still ratified) Constitution that said the Pope had veto power over Congress. Do you think anyone would put that into practice? Do you think the Papacy would be able to leverage that into any sort of meaningful reform?
Besides, the issue in UC isn't that NEWTYPES are treated like shit, it is that SPACENOIDs lack representation.
>Besides, the issue in UC isn't that NEWTYPES are treated like shit, it is that SPACENOIDs lack representation.
I mean, newtypes are indeed treated like dogshit. But they're a smaller subsect of spacenoids who are also treated like dogshit
>That was the AEUG acting of their own accord.
The Federation honored the agreement and even allowed Haman to tour Earth itself.
>Constitution that said the Pope had veto power over Congress. Do you think anyone would put that into practice?
It would, at minimum, severally rattle the legitimate control the government has and call into severe question hundreds of years of legal law. It would probably also cause a resurgence in the Catholic faith. The Pope would probably enjoy extra attention and potential power that he hasn't seen in hundreds of years. At minimum, the government would want to negotiate with the Pope to avoid that happening.
Because they had no way to resist axis zeon after the titans fell apart. The same isn't true in unicorn. They were on the verge of helping the Vist foundation glass a colony just to keep the box from ever surfacing.
I wonder how much unicorn mineva weighs...
50kg at best, probably less.
What are you talking about? The Federation is in deep debt and having serious trouble providing social services and feeding its people.
Debt is different then having a constant threat to your government's legitimacy hanging over you at all times. They'd never allow that.
Axis shock scared the Feds because it was the closest they had come to an extinction level event AND even though their asses were saved, they worried about what if someone weaponized newtype miracles against them. In the three years since 0093, they spent even more money to bolster their military and even refurbished Gryps into a working superweapon again. Ironically, they started the Unicorn project which must have been ridiculously expensive to develop (anti-)newtype weapons and to ensure supremacy over Neo Zeon who usually uses newtype weapons as really effective force multipliers to make up for their lack of numbers, but units 1 and 2 fell into third party hands and unit 3 was lost.
>they'd never allow that
>here's an example of them allowing it...twice
>t-t-t-hose don't count!
If you don't understand what I'm talking about you are an utter retard. Learn to read.
There's also the fact that that the Federation was flat out more powerful than the sleeves or mineva's faction were. Why would they accept some peace deal when they could just blow up anyone who finds out about it and sat they were zeeks?
Childish naivete. People would go "that's neat" and entrenched power would continue on as it has.
Nice head canon. But it's completely wrong. The Federation is on the verge of bankruptcy and the military is facing constantly shrinking military budgets and huge budget cuts. The military, in the eyes of the Federation public, doesn't have anymore enemies to fight. So The Federation Parliament will not approve more military spending, and is even looking to cut down military spending massively. Big Federation bases like Torrington are just a hodgepodge of random grunt suits dating from the OYW to ZZ. No standardization because the military can't afford it.

What does the military do? They refuse to chase down Zeon remnants in order to justify keeping their ever shrinking budgets. With remnants still around they can at least keep some of their budget. This is discussed in several Gundam manga like Return of Johnny Ridden manga where Zeon remnants have a huge naval presence on Earth (and hinted at in Unicorn as well). In the manga, these remnants have submarines and surface ships and mobile suits. The Feds allow them to exist, and even secretly supply them with goods and weapons to keep the Zeon Remnants going. Unicorn even shows us that the remnants are allowed to have mobile suit bases like that crashed Pegasus class ship in the mountains. The Feds know it's there but won't do anything about it. They need an enemy.

The Federation Military is afraid of losing any more money and do not chase Zeon remnants down. It only gets worse with The Federation military. They are stretched thin and keeping ships like the old Salamis in service well into the UC 120s, and keeping the Jegan as their main suit for 30 years into F91 era.
>gryps laser doesn't exist because they're poor
>Unicorn project wasn't expensive because they can't afford it

what the fuck?
Beautiful happy family unit.
Ok first of all, the Gryps laser was already built. The Federation didn't pay for a brand new space laser from scratch. Only some of the internals of the Gryps laser were damaged. Nothing substantial. The Federation only just repaired it. Captain Bright and Londo Bell only thought the Federation dismantled it. But the Federation just secretly moved it.

The Unicorn was privately funded by the Vist Foundations. They are the biggest shareholders of Anaheim Electronics.
>Ok first of all, the Gryps laser was already built. The Federation didn't pay for a brand new space laser from scratch.
All of the colonies were initially bankrolled and constructed by the Feds.
Sure, the Titans took control of it and converted it into a colony laser.. but the Titans themselves were funded by the Feds until they cut ties only a couple of months before the eradication of the Titans. No matter which way you look at it, the Feds paid for all of it. Who the fuck else paid for the construction? Did they do a charity drive and collect donations from the public?

>The Unicorn was privately funded by the Vist Foundations. They are the biggest shareholders of Anaheim Electronics.
UC project began as a Fed-AE joint development. Cardeas used his influence to take over control of Unicorn unit one, but not Banshee and Phenex. Banshee and Phenex were being developed jointly between the Feds and the rest of AE not aligned with Cardeas, such as Martha Vist and Ricardo Marcenas. Cardeas doesn't even seem to know or care that Banshee and Phenex existed, he was too preoccupied with the Unicorn and setting up the stupid wild goose chase that was the Laplace system.
She is trying to change Zeon, at least as of Narrative, and it’s not like she has any real road to change the Federation.

I don’t think she actually believed in Deikun, she just wanted people to stop killing each other for stupid reasons
That wouldn’t have worked, and Mineva has a whole scene in Unicorn where she explains why it wouldn’t have worked.
Yeah but that’s also because Haman had her own army occupying Side 3 already, so they were more legitimizing her existing conquest than giving her anything she didn’t already have. Mineva’s position on the throne of Zeon, as has been previously discussed, is mostly a symbolic one and doesn’t give her access to anything she’d need to make the Federation take the deal, unless Banana can single handedly wipe out Side 3’s entire garrison.
Photos taken seconds before disaster
Because she is defacto the biggest asset the Federation has. Her ungrateful faggotry during Unicorn is basically singularly responsible for the Federation being allowed to limp on to its death parasitizing the rest of the Earth Sphere and being propped up by counterevolutionary/paramilitary forces until the Space Sengoku Jidai rather than being forced to the negotiating table and to begin the painful process of actually building a sustainable logistical and political structure rather than a corrupt bloated mess doomed to kill itself and drag everyone else down with it.

Her entire thing is insisting on perpetuating the actual problem that causes all this fuckery on top of allowing simmering resentment to continue because she's an ungrateful little bitch who huffed too many of Char's fumes and blathers about bullshit she doesn't actually understand and only thinks she believes in while projecting like fucking crazy, IE a lot of the same bullshit that Char did constantly.
Unicorn's entire plot is literally "We found a way to maybe fix this mess and pull us out of the deathspiral! It's not nice but it doesn't even require an actual fucking war, just some skirmishing and raids!" and Mineva going "Nooooooo you faggots can't do that you're just warmongering warmongers who buy into propaganda and will make things worse somehow! I hate my dad who died fighting for my future and my adoptive mom/aunt who died after making sure I wasn't lynched or sold off as a trophy bride at age 8! No I don't have any actual fucking plan to fix things and no I'm not gonna say anything about how the Federation has fucked this entire situation to the point of unsustainability ZEON BAD ALWAYS"

Little bitch is directly responsible for the Dark History being able to happen because she threw a temper tantrum and went off the reservation due to teenage rebellion. Haman should have sold her ass to Glemmy and then spaced them both while he was throwing a tea party.
Well they were actually down to stop with at most maybe one last round for old times sake but Mineva fucked that plan in the ass personally so yeah basically.
This would unironically explain a lot about Unicorn Mineva.
Haman you can do better than that faggot. If you're that into blond newtype OYW pilots Johnny Ridden is still around and he's like if Char lived up to the hype.
Going by what she says>>22681036
is right and she's an ungrateful little bitch about it.
Full Frontal I thought you fucked off and turned into a Newtype ghost
I mean aside from his personal nihilism faggotry or whatever the fuck you want to call that and retarded Char-abooism Full Frontal was completely right and was seemingly entirely honest about the plan being "Get political clout to force them to the table+Make it so the Federation can't reliably hope respond to an embargo and negotiations with a blitzkrieg against the colonies and finally end all this bullshit peacefully".

He's unironically the good guy in Unicorn, he's just also a pretentious asshole who made shit harder than it had to be. But he's the only faggot in the room who had an actual workable plan to avoid all this retardation.
You're implying the Federation would need a reason to just start invading and or massacring colonies at this point. They were on the verge of using the colony laser to wipe out industrial 7 just to destroy the box.
The basic idea was to get the box, use it to force the only people in the Federation who matter to the table no matter what it was, and for the Sleeves to be *enough* of a military that so long as the colonies didn't break ranks and start funding the Federation again, the Federation military wouldn't have enough gas in the tank to actually have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, thus meaning they can negotiate terms or have terms dictated to them after a short conflict.

The federation military is in fucking shambles by Unicorn. Honestly, it's in fucking shambles by ZZ at the latest. Its logistical network is non-existent aside from minimal planetary industries and what it can leech from the moon and the colonies. Major military bases that have suffered targeted strikes before are seeing titans surplus and GM fucking Aquas fielded alongside Nemo IIIs and Jegans in their defense because these motherfuckers are so fucking decrepit that they can't even afford to decommission decades old hardware because even a full rollout of 2 to 3 generation old machines would break their logistics like a fucking kitkat bar.

That's more or less what the entire point of the Sleeves raids outside of getting the fucking thing in the first place even was, to prove ahead of time "yeah we can fight the federation, you can trust us to handle shit", it was fucking advertising for trying to get all the colonies onboard with "let's choke the federation out to force them to negotiate" because if enough of them kept supplying the federation it could mean more ugly, painful fighting when the feddies tried to swing their dicks again.

The colony laser was mainly one bitch who only got away with it because the box had them that fucking spooked and it would be possible to cover it up, they managed to convince everyone that the colony getting fucked at the start was the sleeves anyway and Londo Bell did that.

It's not a perfect plan but it's better than anyone else had.
Good point. It's probably why the Federation increased Londo Bell's funding and gave them all the new toys and MS.

Londo Bell is designed to be a smaller and quicker task force that can be rapidly deployed to put out fires and any other issues. It was easier and cheaper than updating the entire Federation military.

They are autonomous and don't need to go through Federation paperwork to deploy troops. Their authority stops short of the Federation Chairman.

Londo Bell could probably handle 95% of the issues that come up in UC 0096. So no need to update the military. Keep them 2 generations behind in technology
Considering some of the shit at Torrington was from the fucking OYW-immediate post-war period it's way worse than that. The GM Aqua is fucking ancient. It'd be like if you attacked a major US military base and 1 Abrams came out accompanied by a challenger, some random shermans, a repainted Panzer we're not asking questions about, and received their air support from some fucking Mustang fighters.
Bro the aqua gym is only 15 year old. We have fighter jets and bombers that have been around for much longer.
The big problem here is the real risk that the colonies/fed military does in fact call their bluff and tries to fight. The feds were in shambles butbthe sleeves weren't any better, they were arguably in worse shape. The Feds at least still have their weight they can throw around if they rallied enough. For a of the colonies, the name of Zeon carries way too much baggage to side with, especially with such a loose plan as FF's. The colony laser is kind of the final nail in the coffin, too. The VF had way too much stake in the box staying shut to allow FF to use it at all, they would have wiped out any colony that housed it with a smile.
FF's plan was also dependent on the box being useful to him
Why are people shitting on the Feds still using Aqua GMs stationed at a base that obviously wasn't involved with heavy duty operations when Zeon remnants were also using OYW holdovers in a suicidal do-or-die all-out attack?
What was she up to in the F91 era?
The sleeves could have handled the federation but the plan hinged on them having logistical support which they didn't end up getting because the plan never got finished.

I mean as a political tool it still was, and he was going to go ahead with the plan anyway because he figured it would still work, Banagher just got in the way.
15 years is a long fucking time in universe, the A-Gms are like, 2nd generation MS at most. MS development was fast and furious. And Torrington is an important base that has been struck before.

The Sleeves used some OYW MS in support yeah but they were using remnants without a supply line in support of an actual modern force, not the standing forces of a functioning military.
>The Sleeves used some OYW MS in support yeah but they were using remnants without a supply line in support of an actual modern force, not the standing forces of a functioning military.
Problem is that even with their logistical shitshow, the feds are still using primarily jigens. The Sleeves struggled against londo bell who had their hands tied behind their back. It was joever for zeon by this point.
No instead they should drop Axis onto the Earth gently, like with a massive crane. Just place it down real slow.
Mineva would have taken the reigns of Zeon if Riddhe took one for the team and killed Banager in front of her
Canonically they're barely even trying to replace them and even the development of the Jegan itself was a logistical boondoggle because the Nemo III already existed, was better armed and armored, and was more mobile while using a lower output reactor, the Jegan literally existed as a Federation cope project to avoid saying they wasted all that RND money prior to just being handed the AEUG's top of the line MP Mobile Suit and they still aren't managing to reach full roll out with the fucking things. Londo Bell has them yeah, but after CCA burnt most of the stock apparently nobody other than them, ECOAS, and the Man Hunters have almost any of the fucking things, bulk forces are still GM IIs and IIIs with a grab-bag of pre-and-post-Gryphs MS from basically every faction. It's a miracle the navy had GM Aquas to be honest because canonically their situation is so shit that they've been reduced to using OYW Zeonic prototype and early MP amphibs to make up numbers, the bulk of their forces are shit like Zaku Mariners.

The Sleeves didn't struggle against Londo Bell, Londo Bell struggled to deal with the equivalent of the Sleeves fielding five dudes with tricked out guns in a space truck for most of the conflict despite being hardcarried by two autists with gundams and the military industrial complex and the moment the Sleeves brought any actual military force to the table they folded that shit like Bright's wife folds his laundry outside of the Unicorn or Riddhe.
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>FF to use it at all, they would have wiped out any colony that housed it with a smile.

If they resort to using the Colony Laser, then FF would have just used the full power of the Neo Zeong like we saw in Gundam NT. He'll just psychically grab the Colony Laser and crush it. Or throw an Asteroid at it and destroy the Colony Laser. Since the more people that believe in Neo Zeong's pilot, the more psychically powerful the Neo Zeong becomes since that's how it works.

The Federation really doesn't have a choice here if they are afraid of Laplace's Box being opened.
>Mineva would have taken the reigns of Zeon if Riddhe took one for the team and killed Banager in front of her
What's the deal with Riddhe and Mineva? Like in 1 episode, Riddhe goes from a fun pilot to a psychopath obsessed with Mineva and having her choose him. Did I miss something? Is this better explained in the Unicorn novel? Because I REALLY do not get it.
>The Sleeves didn't struggle against Londo Bell, Londo Bell struggled to deal with the equivalent of the Sleeves fielding five dudes with tricked out guns in a space truck for most of the conflict despite being hardcarried by two autists with gundams and the military industrial complex and the moment the Sleeves brought any actual military force to the table they folded that shit like Bright's wife folds his laundry outside of the Unicorn or Riddhe

It's implied there are other Neo Zeon factions, and the Sleeves are just one faction of many. Neo Zeon as a whole is leaderless, and the other factions are suspicious of Full Frontal and aren't inclined to follow him. Plus Anaheim seems to be secretly funding the Sleeves with free Geara Zulus
Zeon’s military isn’t in a good state either, it’s almost all old shit. The Geara Zulu isn’t even more advanced than the Zaku III, it’s just cheaper. And the Sleeves don’t actually do that well in fights without Frontal or Marida mpbacking them up.

They couldn’t have handled the federation either way, they just don’t have the numbers,

The Sleeves absolutely had trouble with Londo Bell, their grunts usually get trashed before aces save the day. And Jegans aren’t rare, the General Revio had them too. We only see the old GMs in used in garrisons in earth, and they’re honestly enough because the zeon remnants’s equipment is just as bad. They only got as far as they did because the Sleeves were backing them up, and they still collapsed the moment they met any real resistance.

It doesn’t matter if the colony laser gets destroyed if it takes out the box along with it. And if Full Frontal ended used the Neo Zeong at full power he’d probably just end up stuck in ghost town (like what ultimately happened to him anyway) since he doesn’t have any attachment to the real world to drag him back the way Banagher did,
The Sleeves were working for Bakharov, so they have the Republic behind them. That probably makes them more powerful than the rest of the remnants, especially before Mineva starts interfering.
I mean she does that by Narrative already, if anything Banagher dyung would make her more likely to stay in Earth with Riddhe and never get involved in Zeon politics again
Well, for the longest time, she was nothing but a powerless figurehead being heavily guarded. It wasn't worth it. By the time she was no longer being heavily guarded, she had escaped into the underground and lost what little power she had. Tracking her down would cost time and money and accomplish very little. By Unicorn, she had become something of a myth, albeit a myth with, still, very little actual power. At this point, killing her would only serve to turn her into a martyr which Full Frontal could use to his advantage.

Pretty much, the only time when killing her actually benefitted the Federation was the times when she was out of reach. Whenever she was in reach, it would only serve to galvanize their enemies resolve.
Probably the same shit as Narrative
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You try taking her out.
why the fuck are all of the problems in post CCA Gundam solved by ghost mommy abducting people
Mineva would have made a good MS pilot
I mean Tomino clearly thought Frontal was right strategically given the Regild Century is pretty much exactly what Frontal was proposing, plus the space Pope.
Isn't that also kind of a shitty world to live in?
To dinner? Only if she lets me take her to a hotel afterward.
I bet Puru could beat up Mineva, not sayin she would, just that she could.
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He isn't a bad looking dude, I mean he looks kinda thicc ngl, and he comes from a super rich family. Mineva was dumb as fuck.
>he comes from a super rich family. Mineva was dumb as fuck.

Casval's interference withholding, she's the legitimate heir to an empire.
And Casval is DEAD.

Mineva is already more loaded than Riddhe will ever be.
The only appealing aspect for her marrying him would've been the political connections the Marcenas family has within the Federation, and even then Riddhe was - let's face it - an impotent fop. Daddy-dearest was doing all the talking, and if Riddhe didn't like that he could get a back-handed pinky-ring slap across the face to reinforce the pecking order.
Woah woah woah.

Artesia is alive.
And a civie without military protection. Which makes that a 'solveable' problem, if need be - if you catch my drift.
Don't forget: Mineva was raised by Haman, and wouldn't be above some cold-blooded "back off, or else..." even if she'd never have to follow through on it.
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Do you think Haman would have won in ZZ if she wasn't a single mother trying to do it all on her own? Speaking of Zabi gold 90% of welfare recipients are single mothers.
ZZ wouldn't have happened in the first place if Haman's baby fever was sated. The only reason it did is because Char wouldn't put a bun in her oven and then Judau rejected her, ensuring that she continued her menopausal tear leading to the colony drop.
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Dublin died because of her empty eggs.
>Artesia is alive.
The world thinks she's dead.

>Do you think Haman would have won in ZZ if she wasn't a single mother trying to do it all on her own?
Haman had plenty of men to choose from, but like many women she wasn't content to choose from them.
Her standards were too high.

Haman would have been fine if she got with someone like Mashymre. He loved Haman. But all Haman craved deep down was Char. He alpha widowed her and she could never let it go.

The world and colonies think Artesia is dead. Sayla will never join the world of politics. She hates politics war, and wants her past buried.

She even bought an entire island using the gold Char gave her, and she fracked off to live alone in a beach mansion with some butlers and maids. She doesn't want to be apart of war anymore.
Amuzing choice of pic, considering how when someone is mental you can say that they're "short a few from a dozen" ...
>Empty at her early twenties
How horrifying
Being cucked by a dead Indian woman ages you.
He was kind of a bitch. Banagher got to hit because he was autistic and goofy
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Riddhe would be *your* bitch though. Like as soon as he gets you pregnant he would be your little bitch simp eating out of the palm of your hand.
Why does Mineva look as if she's been given more quaaludes and codeine than someone her age needs?
That is how Haman keeps her quiet and in line.
Everyone seems pretty happy except Cumpa, who is mad weekends exist.
That's just normal procedure when you need to keep a kid subdued during filming.
...how do you know this?
Riddhe piloted much cooler suits though
>That doujin were she gets raped and drugged by Federation soldiers and her sex video is spread to make her claim as leader of Zeon invalid.
Dirty zeeks should count themselves lucky that some kind federation soldiers blessed them with strong earth cock.
That wasn't okay.
Could be worse, she could have been novel version Kiki.
That doesn't make it okay.
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and he also had a pretty girl from his own faction simping for him too. Let alone the fact he didn't start his story as a comic relief retard but a bro-tier chad. Last but not least, he fucking survives his show. That fag Glemy can't hold a candle to him, really
What? She didn't simp for Riddhe. She barely cared when everyone thought Riddhe died.
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Imposter or not, you just know the higher ups passed her around right after this
Why do that when you can just visit the local puru clone brothel?
Federation were not the Titans and Mineva was overall more helpful than harming. Unicorn is pretty dumb when she is allowed to have many things under her real name, she mostly uses a second name for most of it
>Why did the federation let her live during Unicorn?
history doesn't repeat itself, it stresses itself out until it has choices.
>and he also had a pretty girl from his own faction simping for him
>Glemy can't hold a candle to him

Except Glemy came THIS :: pinches fingers together :: close to actually bagging Roux.
He literally had the PRETTIEST girl of the ENEMY faction simping for him, before he fucked it up.
>He's the Lorgar of the UC
Not Erebus?
>Federation were not the Titans
Yes. They were. That's the whole point. They are a branch of the Federation that got too powerful.
but what about Micott
Which one? The one in the anime with the sex hair or the one from the book who is a cocaine addict?
>cocaine addict
I don't think that's true
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We don’t see her do anything political she wouldn’t have been taught by Haman, though. In Unicorn she takes part in diplomatic negotiations, and in Narrative she holds court with her ministers, but these are both things she’d ned to do as Haman’s puppet anyway. She doesn’t need deep political knowledge for that, just decent interpersonal skills and knowledge of how to act regal and dignified. She never really stopped being a figurehead, she’s just in control of it now.
What about her
Why did her hair color change
Who's saying she won't be? She's clearly not averse to sticking her head in trouble personally, which is how she ran across Banagher in the first place at the start of Unicorn. Piloting is just the logical next tier up. And you've got to admit, if she's found flying Zeon's colors in a state-of-the-art redux of Haman's Qubeley at the head of a fleet, then *that's* gonna get some troops to join her banner.

Might not exactly be the right kind of troops, i.e. the right kind of moral fiber and ethos to match her faction, but that then would just be something she'll have to learn to cope and deal with - which in and of itself may become a plot device and a way of character growth, that may even have her regain some appreciation for how Haman was able to keep herself on top despite infighting and subterfuge in the ranks.
After her time with Banager? "Sore domo" Bitch sucked the life out him.
She's cute!
she literally disowns zeon the second she is released from their grasp
how were they suppoused to know she wouldnt just create her own even more insane brand of zeon like every other leader theyve had? imprisonment is the only real solution.
I mean she actually did do that exact thing, it’s just a version that happened to be in the Federation’s interests

Just let the Spacenoids vote in the Federation Senate.

Is the Federation that stubborn? The Earth has been hit with THREE Colony drops, AND an Asteroid was dropped too.

Just give the Spacenoids some representation in the Senate. Give them a couple seats so they will stop dropping colonies and asteroids on Earth.

The Federation was willing to give up ALL of Side 3 to Neo Zeon, but won't give them a couple seats in the Senate?

This story doesn't even make sense ANYMORE!
Mineva is Dianna's ancestor.
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She's not half the mother that Dozle could have been a father...
You just realized Federation assembly is run by morons who're more interested in keeping their power to themselves than giving other people a share.

Welcome to the entire plot of Hathaway.
She's not around in F90 so it's likely that she dies in a war with Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile
Why would she be around in F90? First Oldsmobile War happened in Mars sphere after F90 Unit 2 got stolen. Second Oldsmobile War was just Charles remnant fleet fucking around.
Mineva doesn't have to do anything with either iteration of Zeon and if anything, it's her job to stay away from them, so she's probably living somewhere under a fake name, like Sayla does.
Man was so much Man that he functionally had two wives just to keep up with him. Naturally he would have been twice the father any other man would have been since he was giving her like 2 and a half times the mothers.
So she transitions into a man, takes on the name Carozzo Ronah, and founds Cosmo Babylonia?
>founds Cosmo Babylonia
Based retard.
Yes, Mineva becomes Iron Cuck the Cyber-Newtype and Cecily is actually a clone of Mineva.
BTW Banana takes a name of Theo Fairchild and becomes a baker.
Alternatively she ends up fully in charge of Zeon and banishes any troublemakers from Side 3, which is why the only ones left are on Mars
These three need to chill and like go to Disney or something. Ride the Carousel of Progress, get churros, fight the Gaston actor for getting too handsy, have hatesex in the bathroom by It's A Small World, save Zeon.
beach party with Amuro would have saved them
No it wouldn't have. Judau is the cabana boy. Fucking moron.
Amuro deserves a beach vacation too
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>ywn hit a watermelon with a boken on a beach
Sad he never got to meet his first daughter Puru.
And the American Democrat an Republican parties.
The Ronah family created Crossbone Vanguard, anon
He married into it. Meitzer Ronah founded it.
the Federation was corrupt into Zeta, but after the Gryps conflict they were outright disfunctional. The government cant really prioritize earth or the colonies leading to both getting neglected and falling into dissaray all the way up to Crossbone and Zanscare. Even the military isnt coherant.
>most of the competent people get killed in the OYW
>population reduction relieves some strain on food resources and opens up a ton of property, but also reduces the workforce immensely
>then 0083 happens, earth raised food supply from North America is fucked by Delaz, Federation space officer ranks are nuked at Solomon
>Gryps War kills off a ton more of the competent officers as many are funneled into the Titans who get gunned down en masse by the AEUG
>more fighting in the Neo Zeon War plus s third colony drop on Dublin, the tidal waves apparently reaching as far inland as Paris
0079 to 0089 ravaged humanity. It's no surprise at all that the Federation was fucked in the decades after. It's like a macro version of the French population bomb that was WW1.
Carozzo didn't have anything to do with that. The rest of the post is the joke.
>Degwin fucking killed Zeon Deikun, he is not blameless here

Despite what Char believes nobody fucking actually knows in canon how and why Deikun died. There's some non-canon shit here and there but even that's conflicting on if Deikun was even killed to begin with let alone who might have done it and why. Alternatively the Federation could have had him assassinated. Or he really did just fucking die. Or maybe Sasro was connected somehow. Or maybe Degwin really did do a power grab. Or maybe fucking Ral did it himself. Or maybe Gihren did it. Or maybe Deikun was killed because he was too much of an extremist and was Gihren on coke.

Nobody fucking knows in canon.

That's the entire thing which Char's hatred of the Zabis, he went off on this entire crusade without ever actually figuring out if he was told the truth to begin with and killed basically everyone alive who MIGHT have known the truth other than Degwin who was killed by Gihren.
I believe Casval because he's hot
Just gonna say that's how the last five bitches died.
No they died by beam sabers.
>have hatesex in the bathroom
But char liked Mineva
Char likes just about any girl who's A: underage and B: a Newtype. Fuck, it doesn't even always have to be a girl, just have a girly name and he's bricked up and ready to wreck that like Australia.
Shut it, Jerid.
He was talking about haman, Char never wanted to fuck an actual child
Char never wanted to fuck an actual Haman lets be real.
>Laughs in Lalah Sune
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Thats fucking a 14 year old who happens to be your mother.

Lalah was 17 when she got killed. And let it be remembered that Char was 19-20 during the One Year War.
She was 17 years and 364 days old you sick fuck
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>Lalah and Amuro
>Lalah and Char
How hard is it to not fuck a child?
how far apart are Amuro and Char in age?
That does actually line up with the Mineva in ZZ being a double.
Double mineva was found out at the end of the first neo zeon war though, so it's unlikely she would keep it up after that

4 years. In CCA, Amuro was 29 while Casval/Char was 33.
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>Lalah was 17 when she got killed
How old was she when Char met her while she was working as a prostitute?
My favorite is that one doujin where a blatant Minerva expy gets destroyed by adult cock while wearing the sluttiest pair of baby high heels.
Mineva hot dog is one of the three good things that came out of Unicorn.
I can't believe the dead can actually post on this site.

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