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How would you rank them from best to worst?
2004>80s=FX fist half>FX second half
2004 best
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I don’t get all the praise for the 80s show, it’s so bland and boring. And basically took away everything unique about Tetsujin.
The only praise you see for it comes from Duel
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Only one got into SRW so Japan thinks it's the best iteration
That’s only the case for copyright reasons.
>took away everything unique about Tetsujin
like what?
Shotaro is a genius boy detective that fire guns, can ride a car and outsmarts every adult around him. Villains are usually humans like gangsters and thugs, not space aliens or other cliched Super Robot trope. It’s a period piece that represents Japan restoration after WWII and that’s a very unique setting for a robot series. The villain robots have are not MOTW, they’re actual characters with presence similar to Ultraman monsters and their storylines usually last for a couple of chapters instead of done-in-one stories.
I haven't watched the 60s version so I don't know if it's that good or not but those ideas would be a bit boring to kids during the Mazinger Z/Gundam boom where they expect giant robots to fight each other.
marketing stuff and all
FX > Shin > 4th work > power gap > Midday Moon movie

Never saw the live action movie or 60s version.
You have a problem.
>The villain robots have are not MOTW
They are though? They're just more fleshed out than their contemporaries.
>Midday Moon movie
Hey, we don't talk about that shotacon shit around here. Go to /trash/ to discuss that.

Captcha: sky4
80s Tetsujin looks the coolest and has the best OP song
Flashback ep FX>60s/manga>80s=2004>FX

To be honest the FX flashbacks feel like a glimpse into a ideal Tetsujin show. Just need the three Murasame brothers.
By the way I'm talking about the actual designs.
In terms of story it's 2004>manga>power gap>FX>80s. Haven't seen much of 60s yet.
Where can I read the manga? I only see a few chapters in Mangadex
Bad bait.
I assure you all of these anons are lying and their only experience is 2004.
The Tetsujin manga is one of the easiest things to read RAW if you have any basic knowledge of Japanese. Yokoyama in general is a pretty easy read.
I don’t get your boner for it. It’s really nothing special and it’s jarring to see classic Tetsujin fighting some really edgy 90s designs. The flashbacks are so inconsistent too, Franken and Black Ox doesn’t match anything seen in the manga where the Ox acts as an ally more than a villain and sometimes they use Otsuka 80s design for whatever reason.
>They are though? They're just more fleshed out than their contemporaries.
Not really, usually there’s one enemy robot per arc and that takes a few chapters or episodes to be defeated. That’s not the typical done-in-one with the occasional two parter that most MOTW shows do. That’s why people remember them and there’s a lot of merch as well. Compare it to Mazinger where only Garada and Doublas have any relevance for being the first and also showing up in the opening.
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This design is sex
The character designs of the pre-existing T28 sans Franken are the most accurate to the manga. the Imagawa directed adaptations uses washed out colors, has stiff proportions and the faces look especially ugly. It's the inbred pug of Tetsujin adaptations. Only Takamizawa looks good.
This. Raws have been in the Internet forever, it's low quality but enough to have eligible text. They just weren't usable as scanlation material. Same with Suikoden until recently.
They look really 90s to me, not very close to the manga at all. Yokohama also was never the best artist from his generation, his style is pretty stiff compared to most of his contemporaries so not sure how that works as criticism for the 2004 version. I particularly don’t see anything wrong with their faces. Don’t know why you would put Takamizawa above the rest either.
>They look really 90s to me
They look how they do in the later chapters of the manga with more modern proportions, essentially similar to the GR OVA but more closer to Yokoyama's style.
>Yokohama also was never the best artist from his generation, his style is pretty stiff compared to most of his contemporaries
He isn't really even that stiff compared to 2004. He used a lot of dynamic posing especially early on, you probably get that impression since the last half of his career is just historical manga.
>Don’t know why you would put Takamizawa above the rest either.
She's the one recurring character that's actually on model, the rest constantly morph faces from frame to frame. Kenji is the worst offender of this. 2004 has the best storyline, but its animation is pretty awful especially when put to other showa revival animes in the early to mid 00s.
Is FX really bad?
An unusual order. That is, reverse release order. 2004 best, FX second best, 80s third, original is the least watchable (but the most important and influential)
It’s awful. Do never listen to Duel
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FX sucked but had best loli.
What was the deal behind the World Masterpiece Theater designs of 80s Tetsujin?
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It's enthusiastically mediocre. Some cool moments, mostly things happening exactly as you'd expect them to.
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While I agree being by the numbers isn't a big problem, Tetsujin is NOT, so making it so does it make lose part of its appeal
Tetsujin the most by the numbers mecha though. None of its characters are even remotely interesting unless they have to rebooted.
>the most by the numbers mecha
The funny thing about being the first in a genre that's expanded and re-iterated so many times is that Tetsujin 28 is pretty novel compared to all the other big name mecha properties. It's quite simply a boy and his robot roaming around the city beating up criminals and foreign conspirators. The closest counterparts are Patlabor and even that is a tiny stretch.
Predating Mazinger basically meant it came before most genre conventions were set, which is why it's weirdly refreshing compared to newer stuff that had a formula set to follow
Exactly. Shotaro and co look like they all come from a completely different genre to the likes of Koji, Amuro and Shinji et al.

It's also pretty funny to consider that next to Shin Tetsujin and FX. Both shows try to alter Tetsujin to be more in line with current trends.
Yokoyama was never about the characters, that’s why his style is called hard boiled. The characters are tools he uses to tell a good story but they only do what the story requires of them. Tetsujin is closer in tone to Astro Boy and Cyborg 009 than any Super Robot show, so not sure what you mean by “by the numbers”. That would be something like Trider G7 or Exkaiser, Tetsujin is not even very formulaic. It’s about a detective boy and his friends having adventures, but it’s TinTin-esque kind of adventures. They go in wildly different directions.
>Yokoyama was never about the characters, that’s why his style is called hard boiled
This is really only really true starting in the 70s. In the 50s and 60s his manga had a lot of character focused dilemmas and gags. Did the characters have much depth? No, but the "hard-boiled" trait people often throw around Yokoyama is only a half-truth.
Kinda sad we never got that Shotaro in Giant Robo OVA
There's another "Shotaro" as a Maghrebi boy in the 3rd Ginrei omake. Otsuka is also one of the Celestial Nine. I'd have liked them both as well as Shikishima (wikipedia says he's in the novel version) and Ryuusaku.
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Anyone else finds him really hot?
No, it's best Tetsujin.
First shota for a reason
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>Tetsujin or Yokoyama thread turns to Giant Robo OVA thread
This might have been the longest it's taken for this to happen.
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Giant Robo is inevitable
Lack of manga available in English plus people get filtered hard so what you get people zoning in exclusively on the OVA. Which is fine, because it is pretty good.

I'm probably the only person outside Japan who gives a shit about this manga.
Similar story. I was always into GR and T28 but reading Babel II and Mars just made me want to scour for more of his work. You can really see the impact of doing Suikoden and Sangokushi concurrent to B2 on how the action scenes unfold more like military campaigns with the characters falling back, lots of panels dedicated to Yomi or Koichi plotting their next steps, collecting intelligence.
Or anything that makes it similar to Fighbird for that matter. There's no comparison between 10/10s and 4/10s
Anyway, speaking of, it looks like Hokuto No Gun picked up His Name is 101, so I guess they'll eventually translate volume 5. Not sure why they started over from the beginning, but at least we'll get the end of the story at some point
Now if only we could get people to pay attention to Pilgrim of Time.
I do notice they did go with Yinling for Ginrei's name which I brought up back in those old /m/ threads.
>Now if only we could get people to pay attention to Pilgrim of Time
Scanlatioj groups tend to be really petty/picky in what titles they pick. Iirc, they didn't even want to do S101 until somebody else did it on their own. Hox had several manga he wanted to do before quitting but his work ethic to me always seemed like it was going to inevitably end up with a burnout. Suikoden was one of them but the Kinnukiman translator is doing that at last.
The lack of translations for a lot of these classic manga is always painful
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I've given up caring too much about the lack of exposure outside Japan long time ago. I recommend befriending JP people and/or learning Japanese if you really want to see more. The Giant Robo fans outside 4chan are extremely insufferable with few exceptions.
>The Giant Robo fans outside 4chan are extremely insufferable with few exceptions.
Huh? The only other person I've ever seen is that awful fanartist who clogs up the tags with her calarts shit and pairs herself with Alberto.
Daisaku has better /ss/ potential
Daisuke is also a great shota, thanks Toshiyuki Kubooka
At least spell his name correctly fucking shotacon
You can tell who's a shotacon based on how they spell Daisaku's name lol.
Well, most of the ones I've encountered here seem to know some deep cut stuff about T28 and GR.
Recently, I have noticed some Babel II shotacons on the bird app who pair him with Igano or Yomi.
They probably like it FOR Daisaku over anything else
I've seen lots of activity in both Japanese and English twitter who talk about YokoMitsu stuff beyond just the OVA even though it's mostly the same 5 accounts.
>it's basically a Fighbird manga
What the hell? How are they even remotely similar?!
>Babel II shotacons
So Yokayama really got the Tezuka treatment, huh
Not really. It's just two Japanese accounts with big follow counts. Most Yokoyama fans in Japan are either 40+ yros or fujoshi/yumejos.

Yokoyama fanbase is the best out of all the 4 big "old" mangaka due to its short size. You're not going to see any stupid shit like discords or idiots beyond what >>22687791 alluded to.
Fighbird's kid character generally doesn't join the MC in the field. In Babel II, the robots are the tagalongs, not the "kid"
Babel II does not have an "evil doctor" character. The antagonist Yomi is a psychic cult leader who is never said or shown to have great technical knowledge beyond whatever the tower gave him. Fighbird's "evil doctor" is a secondary villain that gets very little screen time.

These two stories are nothing, absolutely nothing alike.
Started watching 60s Tetsujin... Guys, it's very low quality. Are we sure this one is not the worst of the main four? And where does one watch Gap?
You’re insane dude, there’s tons of better comparisons out there and you chose the most nonsensical one.
This just sounds like every other Brave series desu
FX is clearly the best design but faggots will be pretentious as always and speak against obvious improvement.
>Black Ox
you really can't improve on perfection
Why did you post some Dancouga looking knockoff
>Daisaku has better /ss/ potential
You think fags care?
>Kouichi Yamano
Lol. Kek. Lmao
Shhhh, Babel is totally Fighbird the manga, you must be blind to not see it!
That reminds me that Koreans really love FX
That's the last word I'd use for him
Yeah. At least early on he came off as somewhat naive and wide eyed so you got some "joyous" moments but that pretty much evaporates completely after the encounter with the caped android and he becomes stoic and blunt from then on.

Especially in part 3 of Babel II and Sononawa 101.
Can someone explain what is Babel II: The Returner and how it connects to the original manga?
It's a psuedo-sequel that follows on from the events of S101 where the CIA and several other groups are still after him, but since Babel has recharged his power and set his Guardians free, he can now finally counter them.

It's pretty awful.
S101 is good.
Babel II usually relies more on his ESP than he does Ropross and Poseidon.
Maybe you haven't read the manga fully but the manga is less about mechas and superweapons and more about these almost military-like offensives, counteroffensives and espionage. Both Yomi and Babel II do this each other constantly throughout the manga. Sononawa 101 is just taking that to its most logical extreme only replacing Yomi for CIA and the SBC.
iirc, volume 5 wasn't translated by the /m/ anon posting the megas.
Suikoden volume 6 has been released on mangadex btw if anybody's interested.
Is Suikoden good?
It’s 60s Yokoyama so it’s very different than Sangokushi. Characters look more cutesy, but the art is more dynamic. I think it’s pretty good personally. Most Giant Robo characters came from it so guess Imagawa was a big fan as well. Just don’t expect them to be the exact same characters despite the designs. They’re only played by the same “actors”.
>the exact same characters
The personalities are the exact same (with the exception of Wu Yong/Prof. Gou), the roles in the story are just different.
Iron Ox
I'm kinda lost on this whole Babel II thing, how do you tell the parts apart?
Part 1 is the manga up to Babel and Yomi's first duel in the desert. Part 2 is up to the part where Yomi dies from over-exhaustation at the ESP-chair. Part 3 is the virus arc. Part 4 is the Arctic arc.
Just adding into that, Yokoyama dislike Part 4 and made 101 with the intention of retconning it
Is there a relationship between Giant Robo and Tetsujin?
Too lazy to Google
Same author.
Same author for the manga, same director for the OVA and 2004 TV series. They're very much sister shows all things considered
36 episodes into 60s Tetsujin and I can safely say that, in terms of TV series (fuck Midday Noon movie) it's the worst one. Like it barely manages to be decent and I'm trying to go easy on it since lol 60s and all. I'm giving it a chance and I will finish it, but man is it a drag.
It's rough and probably the worst out of the early major early 60s anime.
>fuck Midday Moon
Only good for Ryuusaku screencaps and Dakkan Sakusen was his best showing anyway.
i liked the oniishota fuel from the dinner party scene. still prefer takamizawa /ss/ing shotaro though
>Dakkan Sakusen
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Why is this show so bad?
Not enough action a d subpar music and animation.
Thank you
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I think I'm going to take a break from 60s Tetsujin once I get through episode 48, it's somewhat entertaining and has gotten better since episode 32, but man the villains are very samey and the pacing is slow. Not dropping it. Gonna share this from episode 46, Tetsujin thinks he's King Kong.
Anon if you don't mind me asking how does this show's versions of robots and gangs play out compared to other entries?
First work, Messenger of The Sun, and FX all feature modernized pirates as minor antagonists, Middle Eastern disputes, Robby, Black Ox, and docs Franken and Dragnet. I know aliens will be a thing in the final stretch to boot. Both this and Shin also featured a giant octopus and the Incan Empire being super advanced. As for classic Tetsujin villains here's a run down on what happens in the first half of the 60s series:

>Monster is just a type of drone used by Robby
>Robby has an annoying voice
>Bacchus is treated like a real threat when he shows up
>Android Monster shows up in most episodes Franken is in
>A lot of original robots, mostly just based on animals
>Gilbert only appears in one episode and fucks off after a brief fight, no idea if Dragnet transplanted his mind or his entire brain into it
>Tetsujin 27 appears in the first two eps, goes nuts, and causes some underwater hassle for the cops before scuttling off like Dr. Zoidberg (Woop Woop Woop!)
>Black Ox only appears for five episodes and is forgotten about, he's treated like a borrowed weapon that a formidable for
>Fire 2 is supposed to show up, no idea about Fire 3, VL 2, Saturn, or Garon

I'll update the Tetsujin article on the /m/ Wikia very soon. Keep in mind I am seeing these raw and using Google Translate on multiple sites, good chance I missed some nuance. Oh yeah and eps 12 through 31 completely ignore Kenji exists.
>Fire 2 showing up without Fire 3
What!? What makes you say that shit? Or did the old series club that hard?
Thumbnail for episode 58.
>middle Eastern disputes
Was also in the original manga. It's where Velanade comes from, he was a western backed despot that Shotaro helped overthrow alongside a radical group. when you realize Shotaro helped Ba'athists
>Oh yeah and eps 12 through 31 completely ignore Kenji exists.
Kenji fucks off soon after avenging his brothers in the original manga and is never seen again. The first 31 eps of first work are a very abridged version of the manga stories so far, so the rest are just original stories, so they used Kenji again saying he now turned into a intelligence officer when in the original manga, he was still a mafia boss.
Thank you for all this, anon.
The Tetsujin 28 wiki was written by a literal schizophrenic who is pretty infamous with people who've been a fan of T28 for a long while. There's tons of misinfo and weird personal comments in there. If I had no life, I'd edit it but that would be putting a target on my back plus I don't want to.
wikia is a shit site anyway, making a custom site or miraheze is better.
This isn't really important anyway
Yeah it's so bad that it's sad
Tatsu and Johnson have the biggest misinfo lol and then you get weird passive aggressive subheadings on the Ryuu and Takamizawa page.
The wiki is a whole mess where 4th work and original manga is concerned. It seemed another autist came in and made it a general YokoMitsu one since there's now info on Ginrei and Six Combination Godmars. Also badly written.
Japanese wikipedia is genuinely your best go-to source.
Also a weird bias for the 80s version
The 80s version is pretty popular although so that makes sense plus was edited by another person.
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Made it to episode 66. Wow do Shotaro and Otsuka show up in not just Middle Eastern affairs, but South Asian ones too. Like every other episode has them traveling to other countries in the Eastern hemisphere. I am enjoying this slightly more as it goes on, but this is a case where the episode count hinders it a lot. Also the robot from episode 58 was not Saturn or Fire 2, confusion is added when you consider the doctor that made it is called Doctor Fire. Episode 66 is the first time for a 60s series mentioning the space race. And hoo boy so many fighters, tanks, boats.... Keeping track of all this is hard.
Including this insanity, I'd make regular screencaps but YouTube stands off the edges of the players, very dumb choice on their part.
It's weird that Tetsujin 1963 finally gets talked about in depth on this board.
Considering how the 2004 series tried to put so much Tetsujin as Shotaro's brother, it'd be very funny if it even got balls
They might as well pull a Rockman.exe and say Tetsujin has the digitised DNA of Shotaro's stillborn twin.
Up to episode 72, mostly the same except Nazis. The villains in episode 69 used not just Nazi subs and tech but also had Jewish scientists captured for 20 years. Just the idea of holding people captive like that for that long is more grim than they let on. Episode 71 had an actual Nazi nation (fictional but still) running a a full on concentration camp mass producing fake Tetsujins. To boot it's the only episode to actually feature blood. And the good guys allied with a guy that looks like Joseph Stalin. Just going to juxtapose that information with pic related.
Part of me wants context as to why Tetsujin has a giant fishing pole, but it wouldn't matter.
>Talking about Tetsujin in a Tetsujin thread is blogging
And please spare us namefag drama.
I do agree with the blog idea but that's more so it won't get lost in 4chan's void
That is what pisses me off about Tetsujin 28 fans. There's a few anons here and certain english accounts on social media that seem to know tons or have opinions to say.
And yet none of them ever care for media preservation or try to create a blog to centralise all their information or thoughts, you do not see this with other retro anime fans.
why the fuck would we do that
the only people who give the slightest iota of a shit about what I think about mecha anime browse this board. There is absolutely no reason for me to set up a blog.
See >>22709403
He'd just spam his shitty "blog" here and call it the board's blog or something.
>media preservation
Kill yourself.
Nobody wants to be gang-stalked by a canadian zionist gobina who scans hardcore lolicon "to protect and educate kids" for talking about a 70 year old manga or kenji murasame.
Tetsujin 28 isn't lost media kek. Just need to learn moonrunes to see everything it has.
I hate I know who you're talking about.
People who don't care about media preservation is why we don't get these old shows now baka
Anywhere I can watch Tetsujin 28 FX? I love the art style.
The usual places.
there is no wiki for this board
fuck off forever with your shit
We do have a board wiki, it exists, a d the only person that needs to leave is you. Anti-preservation mentality is not allowed on this board.
Since when??? No one here cares about preservation.
/m/ DOES NOT have a board wiki, /m/ has never had a board wiki, /m/ just has one schizo who tries to pass off their shit personal opinions as that of the entire board because they are mentally ill
now samefag some more dumb shit
See >>22719728
Nice bravado. Doesn't prove anything though.
I report IPs I see on private trackers and only seed the magnets I know have viruses, that's how dedicated to anti-preservation I am.
Except first work was never lost. It literally has a DVD boxset with all episodes. Not even particularly rare. Literally all anyone can do is just buy it.
>the /m/useum thread
Semi-related to this shitshow but did anybody know that a couple of episodes of the Tetsujin tokusatsu were destroyed decades ago?
Yeah that's a major issue
No it is not
There's no board wiki, and you need to stop pretending to be you-know-who. He's the furthest thing from a preservationist there is.
It kind of is when almost every resource etc about the series is from one lunatic. Thankfully, that's not the case anymore as it was years ago, and that person seemed to have pissed off a few people since for preserving hardcore lolicon "to protect and educate children" anyway.
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Can we stop talking about attention whoring preservationists and a deeply disturbed schizowoman to talk about Tetsujin 28 instead? Like what do you think are the chances of something new coming at least this decade?
>preserving hardcore lolicon
Who gives a shit about "the chances"? You either get something or not, and it's probably the latter.
>hate loli
>upload for all to see
either they are insanely retarded or hiding something
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Exactly. I understand the English side of the Tetsujin 28 fanbase is a very small world but one schizo tumblr e-celeb who writes about getting panic attacks and nightmares from seeing pic related is not worth any headspace.

Like, there's been tons of translations of Yokoyama's manga this year, there's better things to talk about.
/m/ has a "board wiki" like it has competent or consistent moderation:
It does not.
You're part of the problem
Is the problem here in the room with us?
>Tetsujin 28 takes place a decade after WW2
>tfw you realize Shotaro and Shikishima's kid are probably the only ones still alive.
>inb4 half the posts get deleted
>I clicked
Spell check changed click to pick, what the fuck?
Uh oh >>22723606
Looks like the /y/ning continues. Such a waste of time complaining about imaginary friends.
>black ox
>looks like a cat every time
/m/ is typically a cat person board anyway. Hell, half the hype for Amaim: Ultra Steel Ogre Gear was "dawe look at the kitty!".
I'm not duel, moron.
Why are you lying then?
I'm not though?
Hi samefag!
>there's some avenues I think you can still go
What do you want to see from a new Tetsujin?
For it to be good for starters.
>there are 200+ pages on it that are all /m/ related
And CWCville has 200+ buildings.
0, every Yokoyama anime franchise is dead because of the stupid prices the state set
Shotaro is probably old enough to be the great grandpa of a theoretical modern Shotaro
>0, every Yokoyama anime franchise is dead because of the stupid prices the state set
That's literally not even true. That's a rumor.
I mean, FX kind of had that thing with the son being the "next" Shotaro and Otsuka's granddaughter.
So are you going to continue doing commentary posts or end here? You just sorta stopped, anon.
Combine that image with V2 Gundam whale fishing. Reminds me of that motivational poster with Unit 00.
You missed a spot janny.
He missed several, that not being one of them.

And others that break the rules.
This series is a bit of a hard watch, not horrid but 96 episodes with barely any episode guides, random baddies and places without names, very cheap animation, and constant plot point recycling is just... I'll try to continue on Sunday, got important things in real life over the next 48 hours that prevent me from being online long for a while.
Did your mom die? I hope that's it.
Who the hell wishes a mother dying on anyone? You really are worse than Clawshrimpy.
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Go bitch about drool elsewhere.
Agreeing with this reluctantly. Hoping for death in a family is a special level of awful I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. Absolutely repugnant.
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My African American friend what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Head straight to /b/ and never come back.
Moderoid Shin Tetsujin.

You were raised better than that.
Quads for truth.
>Did your mom die? I hope that's it.
Well doesn't someone feel like a big stronk man on the internet today.
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>Agreeing with this reluctantly.
Thirding. Claw's a pedo, Duel is a sociopath, and guys like Zetarager and Bikinischizo are irritating. But this shit? Fucking rotten and detached from human civility.
Clawshrimpy might be a criminal if he has real cp, but in terms of non-criminal shit this is vile even by cesspool on the internet standards. You just don't hope for moms dying.
Some day your own mother will depart from your life, is this an actual reply you want to receive when that day arrives?
It will be a special kind of wonderful when Duelrager's hatred is banished from this board. I can't get behind being anti-mom, he had to have had an awful childhood to have that position.
i attempted the same and miraculously succeeded one or two years ago. heads-up for the final, it ends just fine, but then they force in another random arc.
do you speak any JP?
i was actively trying to learn during my watch but that never went anywhere, so i watched it with most dialogue being gibberish to me. probably curbed the enjoyment, but not by too much i reckon
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Speaking of moms, did anybody know she was from Sangokushi and her name is a Seven of Seven reference?
>do you speak any JP?
Kek he begs for russian guess subs and you think there's any chance he understands nip?
He literally used machine translate youtube subs lol on those screencaps lol.
I just see some guy being edgy, where are yoy getting everything else from?
Anon I've seen edgy humor and I love that shit, that post was disgusting. It is also off topic trolling, not helpful in any way.


>One was actively breaking the rules
Yes, the one posting the link to your blog was breaking rules 10 and 11 and you break those rules every time you post that link
Oh look the troll is deflecting and lying like he always does.
Your post before this one was also breaking rule 8 but unfortunately there's no way to report that
That was not my post.
I'll repost the article link when it's got more data on it, no need to get ups-
>>22724434 Actually nevermind do what you got to do.
Why would you repost something that was deleted?
Professor Shikishima
yeah, and I'm the president of Kenya
if you don't like the shitposting, you could always stop the samefagging and gaslighting we all know you do. There's not even any reason for you to deny that you posted >>22725223. The mods can see your IP if they decide to ban you for it. Telling me you didn't post that makes no difference. I don't have any power.
Okay but why did you reply twice?
you could just stop ban evading, dummy
What's the real reason if you say that's false?
Why are these PX Group goons arguing?
>our discord
They're clearly Big Fire
>online users: 1
>offline users: 0
I love the color direction of the Dr. Black ep. I think Tetsujin would fit in being more "weird" with slight horror elements.
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Up to episode 84 now, so much of the same. It really feels like the writers kept recycling plot lines and took the setting to different countries. No idea why they thought cowboys and indians were an Australian thing. Eps 82 and 83 cap off the season with a robot Olympic style tournament because I'm guessing the 1964 Olympics. Ep 84 introduces some aliens (and Skaro Hunting Society actually subbed three episodes), meaning the Imagawa series is the only one of the main four not to have them. Oh yeah and Tetsujin learned to hang ten in an episode about mutant seaweed almost out of the Hanna Barbera Godzilla Power Hour. I'll try to finish this week, no promises.
>meaning the Imagawa series is the only one of the main four not to have them.
The zoo ep had a alien lifeform attached to a meteorite.
didn't you get banned
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I've never been banned.
Oh yeah. Welp, my mistake.
Kek caught red handed speedwatching.
Learn to Kunrei-shiki, faggot
most people that claim to have watched 4th work haven't actually watched most of it or sped-watched it
Forgetting a detail in a one-off episode is normal if you didn't watch it recently
Forgetting a fact and claiming the opposite of it? That's a speedwatcher move.
That was the entire premise of an episode not a minor detail, retard.
demonstrably a lie:

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