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This is it, this is the year macguyver comes back
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>takes a broken spaceship
>an ancient control medal
>his own disintegrated body
>and makes the ultimate super armor that even the ancient ayylmaos couldn't come up with
I am 99% positive the mangaka has given up and gone back to dentistry. The author had a great premise but took way too long to think about an ending.
He should let someone else finish it then
That's exactly what happened. He gave up after his assistant died.
I've been interested in this series for a while, is the 2004 anime a good entry point?
>I've been interested just not enough to actually try it
Fuck off.
>is the 2004 anime a good entry point?
No, it's more manga accurate, but the manga isn't good either.
No. Watch the 1986 one-shot OVA for the tentacle rape scene, the 1989 12 episode OVA for a classic 80s violent anime, and the second American movie with David Hayter in it for an actually fairly decent schlocky action movie and don't touch anything else related to the franchise.
Anything guy we have an actual ending? I used to watch guyver when I was young but I barely remember anything from it
Didn't mean to reply but I'll be checking these probably
Not really. The manga is a fun ride, though.
The 2004 anime is 1:1 the manga.
That's partly why I don't think it warrants much attention.
Weird how all of a sudden /m/ shits on faithful adaptations, but absolutely malds at Devilman Crybaby for daring to deviate from the original.
as far as anyone knows without a direct interview with Takaya, this is the fate of the story.
It's fine if you have access to it. If you wind up liking any version, you'll probably watch all of them anyway.
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I just don't think the 2005 series is particularly well-animated or directed. It's fine, but it didn't have a high budget and it shows.
>malds at Devilman Crybaby for daring to deviate from the original.
Can't say I was part of that.
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Why not? Free money for the license and the fans get what we want.
The only Guyver anything with an actual ending is ironically the American movies. Everything else ends on a cliffhanger.
It sure has a lot material coming out lately
>New figma
>Unofficial fan book about the American movies
>New Blu-ray of the first live action movie
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Would you watch an American Guyver 3 movie featuring David Hayter and a new guy as Sean? Also, Cronos is still active even in the end of Dark Hero.
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>featuring David Hayter
Would that be due to him writing the screenplay in this scenario? Might as well throw Mark Hamill in
Devilman Crybaby would be bad even if it didn't bastardize a far better manga
Yeah I plan to get around to the rest eventually, I'm just more of an anime guy than a manga guy, hence asking for one to be an entry point before going to the other stuff
The 2004 anime is utterly disgusting visually.
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The OVA doesn't get nearly enough praise for its music. Probably the best soundtrack I've ever heard as far as BGM goes.

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>mfw when there will never be a Figma Oswald Lisker Guyver II.
>The OVA doesn't get nearly enough praise
It's the only one that gets praise.
Gonna need you to learn how to read full sentences before responding.
Because he was Sean/Guyver in Dark Hero is what I'm getting at which would make a neat nod to the movie, plus Mark Hamill is much bigger than David at the moment so I doubt he'll want anything to do with the movie that turned him into a cockroach.
it didn't bastardize anything faggot
you just don't like it because tumblr liked it
I wish the shit "scanalators" that have monopolized this manga would die though
Most endings suck, just leave as it is.
Based gatekeepers.
>Weird how all of a sudden /m/ shits on faithful adaptations, but absolutely malds at Devilman Crybaby for daring to deviate from the original.
if anything I feel Crybaby is bad because how closely it does still crib from the original manga(mind you I don't have a very high opinion of the original Devilman manga in the first place)
Not that anon but look dude you have to keep in mind there is a lot of good anime out there and watching too many series in parallel may affect how much info you retain watching them.
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It's on the archive.
For me, it's Guyver 0
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Cliffhangers aren't true endings.
As far as I know, Steve Wang can't do it due to licensing agreements not currently obtained.
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I grew up the '89 OVA, but I do find the 2005 anime a little better for the sake of the manga accurate story.
That would be the Out of Control movie, actually.
Deal with it, you will never think outside of the box because you're obsessed with the box having a little bow on it.
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And people think The Last Jedi had Mark's Worst Death Scene.
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Are you gonna to learn Japanese and do it yourself?
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Tumbler is Dead

You mean Reddit.
Tastelet, Out of Control was aesthetic as fuck
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Just look at the shit Zoanoid designs.
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>look at these shit designs!!!
>posts great designs

What did this homo mean by this?
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Vs Good Enzyme
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Vs Good Malmot
I remember reading somewhere that one of Takaya's biggest regrets with the story was killing off Lisker so quickly. One of the things I appreciated about the 2005 anime is how he sticks around just a little longer even if he meets his end the same way.
Agreed, Lisker had potential.
Other than the resolution, what's shit here?
Yeah, he survived longer by Takaya's request.
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It's been a long time since I've seen any of this, but when someone turns into a zoanoid, can they turn back into their human form? IIRC, every time anyone transforms in the story they are immediately killed by a Guyver
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They can, but as you said we usually see them die first.
>we will never find out if alkanfel ever makes it to meet the creators
>we will never find out who Uranus is
Right he was going to try and hire a new assistant after the guy died, there was apparently even an ad, but nothing came of it and he apparently gave up being a mangaka instead.
Shō's first encounter with Enzyme scarred me mentally as a kid. I had nightmares for about a week.
It was a pretty brutal scene
Even worse with the English dub
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Steve Blum was pretty great consistently
It lost me at gigantic upgrade.
Mangaka clearly had no idea what to do with the story and decided to go DBZ route, and went nowhere.
I adore designs and the setting, but it should have ended like 20 years ago.
>I cannot substantiate
I can't sit through this stuff anymore because I will only understand it 20 years later
my only gripe with guyver is that at the last second, information arises about characters and scenarios after collision and confrontation, not before. like when GYRO destroyed the ship at relics point and we all thought the gang had died. there was never a statement prior which indicates that the ship had escape pods, and when they're alive in the next chapter, it's just glossed over with little to no explanation.
It was teleportation.
>Would you watch an American Guyver 3 movie featuring David Hayter and a new guy as Sean?

Yes. In fact, Steve Wang has had a script ready to go for years now. He just can't do shit about it because he doesn't have the film rights to the IP anymore and whatever publishing company that does isn't interested in working with him and the original author doesn't care because he went back to being a dentist.
>All put together with a rusty paperclip.
He actually isn't a Dentist. This was confirmed by a pretty reliable source who has enough connections to get a birthday picture from Takaya himself.

Not that it matters much. He still hasn't done anything in 8 years. Even the "new" Artbook from last year never had even a single new piece.

It actually rewrites the early manga, fixing some early amateur writing when he thought he wasn't going to continue the manga.

That has been solved. All of the manga that has been released in Japan is now translated and up for free. Quit your whining about it.

No, if you read past that, you will see that it was allowing the Guyvers to go on the offensive.

I will admit, that the Exceed was a bit much, but there is nothing wrong with the Gigantic itself. It just put them on a more level playing field with the bosses.

I hate how people actually like the Manga Entertainment redubs Openings/Endings.

I mean sure, Japanese music isn't for everybody... but it's still better than the generic crap they tossed onto it.
I'm a huge Guyver nut (just waiting on the super expensive 1/6th figure to ship), but after 8 years of hiatus... And the fact it is STILL listed on Shonen ACE's website as an "Active" series...?

I dunno. I'd love to see it finish... Hell I'd take jotted down timeline notes just to see how he would end it... But judging by how he writes and draws... We probably have at least about another 5-10 volumes... And that is if the fights don't drag on like they did earlier.

He really needs to hand it off to someone who could finish it... because unlike Muira who had assistants and friends to carry on Berserk... It doesn't seem like he has that kind of back up.
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Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
So he's been sitting around doing nothing for 8 years? I'll finish it for him if he just doesn't give a shit anymore. His style has been pretty consistent forever and shouldn't be too tough to copy. You sound like you're from Guyver Advocacy, so give me his number.
Doesn't Hayter also have a script or a treatment that he turned in only to get passes on because the rights went back to Japan
No, that was Wang.
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It's a shame when a Director who actually cares about a property is denied.
>Guyvah, 'e's coming to get yew
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Speaking of American Guyver, anyone else find it disappointing that only the first movie is getting a 4k collector's edition and not Dark Hero? I imagine this is only getting such a release is because of Mark Harmel or licensing issues.
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Agreed, but wait for it.
If they did a 3rd movie I would want them to stick with practical effects still.

And bring in Agito somehow
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And a better Zoalord.>>22667096
for what it's worth apparently the whole reason it got one is because WB was doing a fire sale of rights due to all the financial shit they're going through, so I'm sure if this does well we'll get it
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Guyver Zoanoid is an incredible design. I mean I know it's basically a gussied-up Guyver 3 playing Guyver 2, but it works really well.
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Granted it would never happen, but what if in Gainax's desparation to restore itself, they do a new Guyver anime. Now complete with a Gainax bump.
How about a live action toku show instead
>Shō's first encounter with Enzyme
Same here. The screaming, graphic X-ray vision (or meat-ray vision) and the melting scarred me for my of my childhood.

Got me into anime tho.
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That or when he lost his brain.
In the manga this was even crazier
Enzyme took his arm off before killing him, and Sho's arm regrew into a new body alongside the control medal regrowing him as well. So Sho has a crisis of identity wondering if he is the real him back from the dead, or just a clone who thinks he is.

Something that can never really be answered
The joke isn't lost on Takaya
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I do love how Viz kept that in. Even when the pages flipped, they made sure to keep the reference.
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And even doubled down a few pages later.
I love this guy
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Just a shame what has happened to him.
He's still waking up.
>Something that can never really be answered
the 04 version has problems but one thing i really like about the ending / destruction of chronos Japan is that they basically definitively say that there is an answer, and it's that the original sho fukamachi died on the mountain. any sho that exists after that is a clone made from the metal's backup data. its grim in a way that traditional toku doesnt like to be and i find that fascinating.
Yeah that's the kind of thing you don't want to think about
No idea where the fuck the author was going with this story.
Is Alkanphel going to actually launch a war against the Advents? How the fuck would he even find them or get to them? Wouldn't they be millions of years ahead of him in tech by then anyway? Or just plain extinct?
And if he does, then the bad guys are basically just fucking off from Earth because there's no chance for them to get back anyway, so that kind of resolves the whole story.

I guess you could have a final showdown with Sho and Agito if he wants to take over the world for himself?

What the fuck is Murakami doing in this Apollyon getup?
If that's the case then we're on like the third or fourth Sho clone by now, because he died again when his brain was destroyed by Enzyme 2, and then again at Relic's Point
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It was getting pretty clear with the last volume or two... Apollyon went after Guyot looking for something that Guyot had... Which was likely the unit remover... And Archanphels last known orders to Imakarum were for him to obtain a Unit-G. (Apollyon is Imakarum) Don't know exactly what he is doing with the Zoacrystals though.

Plus with the death of most of the Zoalords, the Guyvers were running low on Enemies... But then they bring in another Guyver and an old enemy who is CLEARLY the most evil character in the story in Guyot... Who no doubt still wants to become a Guyver Zoalord... But might have to go for his last choice and take Female Guyver 2's unit.

There is no way Takaya would have teased a Guyver Zoalord, and have a character work towards it, only to return after a suspected death and be even more devious.

People who think the Creators/Advents/Uranus are involved at all haven't been paying attention, and only have one reference of Apollyon looking up to the rainy sky saying something along the lines of "the time is fast approaching", which likely means Archanphel's death.

As for Guyver 3, he was already humbled by Guyver 1 and has returned to being a good guy.
I don't think I've read the latest chapters escaped from GA hell, I was only up to here >>22671810

They have. For about 4 months now the last 3 chapters were released.

Everything that has been printed is now up.
I'm thinking since Guyot turned traitor, Alkanfel can no longer trust any of the zoalords except Imakarum and is going to have him collect their crystals and return them to him to restore his full power or something.
Considering that, Al's shirt is not a coincidence either

There is no evidence, but I believe he's using the crystals to try and extend his life until he can get a Unit-G.

And it wasn't just Guyot either, but the other 3 rogue Zoalords as well. He's had 1/3rd of his "loyal" lords betray him. It's fair to say, that yeah, he has only one he can really rely on, which is Imakarum, who was processed specially.
I want to know where the Apollon armor came from if it's made of control medal metal

Chronos has been trying to recreate a Unit-G and said they had no access to that specific material, but Alkanfel, who wants a Unit-G the most, had 500lbs of the stuff sitting around to hand to Imakarum to cosplay in?
It's a real shame Takaya dropped off the face of the earth
Makishima is still an Anti-Hero with leanings toward villainy still.

Though he might have gone after the Rogue Zoalords now to get a Zoacrystal for Shizu.
Possible, but I still think Shin and Barcas are loyal. Although, I've been thinking the Tetsuro and Mizuki might've been brought to Silha for more than just hostage purposes.
Might've been a type of armor he found the doesn't function the same way that a Guyver does.

Plus, it is only a hope that a Unit would cure his increasing lethargy. The only guarantees are a massive power increase and mental protection from the Creators.
>Mizuki and Tetsuro zoalords
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Guyver is a series that I don't think should have some dark tragic end

No... He isn't. He was willing to die to let Sho continue to protect the world in his own way... And Sho spared him and even shared the exceed data. It's clear that Takaya has changed Agito back to the side of good now. Sho is basically in command now. Agito is just doing what they decided to be the best, since they both agreed to a truce with what is left of Cronos... But they need to eliminate the threats that exist... And unfortunately Cronos doesn't have the main power to take on the 2 Zoalords.


It's very likely Archanphel did not know about the Unit experiment, and Barcas does not know that Archanphel wants a Unit-G for himself. He was away during the whole Guyver 2 incident, and only showed up to deal with Guyot. Archanphel lets Barcas do a lot of things on his own, and didn't likely concern himself with most of his projects.

I think it is very much like what happened with Archanphel and the Creators. they realized that they could not properly control even him, so they decided to ditch and destroy everything. Archanphel doesn't know who he can trust, except Imakarum, because of their special bond. Barcas might be his first Zoalord... But he is still is own man... And Shin is trusted by Barcas... but Archanphel does not have the same close relationship.


As far as we know, it is just ceremonial armor, like how all the Zoalord wear. It is VERY unlikely that there is any bonding going on, or boosting of powers from it... Or Archanphel would have wore it himself. It is just made of the same alien metal.


Agreed. I don't see the story ending without Sho and Mizuki living happily ever after as humans (Sho having his armor removed at the end). Agito I see dying, especially since Shizu doesn't have long to live anyway...
I want Agito and Shizu to live somehow. There have been bigger asspulls in the story already. Tired of reformed villains dying
I can see Agito's Ambition costing him his life, but I hope Shizu turns out ok. Hopefully, she gets Luggnagg's Zoacrystal.
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Anyone read this yet? Curious about what it says about the production of the movies and whatever plans they had for follow ups to Dark Hero. I ended up buying the Blu for the first movie with the soundtrack so I missed my chance to get it atm
So this is happening... A figma Guyver Gigantic...
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That the one difference between these two originally was a tiny little asymmetrical smudge on the mouth cover. The character design came a long way by replacing it with a much more visible position on the suit's big sensors.
I wish I could find two and three


in the same size as the first.
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Another shot

Surprised, but super happy that they are actually making it in scale with the new Figma. The old BFC Max wasn't in scale with the figure released in the line... But was in scale with the original Figma #231.
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Got my 1/6th scale Guyver this week.

Still over priced for what it is... But it is nice.
im so mad that i couldn't get the guyver 1 re release before it got scalped to shit
Why the hell aren't they making Oswald Lisker Guyver II?! He's the only one missing from the main cast!

I figure it is because he hasn't technically been a part of the cast for a LONG time. He died in chapter 2 of the bloody manga... And even if they used the revised timeline from the 2005 TV series, he was barely in a third of it?

I agree he totally needs to be done, as he still has meaning in the overall plot... But I think they think we might've forgotten about him. But they would be wrong.
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Since Facebook just removed my 2 year old post about them as "spam", I figured I'd post them here too: Here is a mega link to download the English translated Visual Data Files book, and the 3 Master File booklets that were released with the original DVD releases of the 2005 TV series.

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According to the author of Budget Biomorphs on Twitter, Dark Hero is currently in copyright hell with chances of a rerelease currently slim
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Thanks for the reading material.
Ty anon
Even Cranes base zoanoid design is fucking great. Peak gillman aesthetic
Wow the OVA sucks. Out of Control movie is far superior.
>That Bryce 3D lightning effect
Jesus Christ anime really suffered in the 00s.
Gigantic Bumpu
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The foundation of Guyver is good. The whole "super sayan" ending was fucking retarded just like all Japanese escalations. It should just stuck to the aliens vs humans vs zoanoids. Literally, awakening a god alien would have been a better outcome than, "Look, I'm gold now. That's still original, right gais?"
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How's he even making a living then?
Never read or watched this franchise but i just finished watching this movie for the first time
What should i start next?
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Go watch the sequel movie Guyver 2: Dark Hero starting David Hayter(yes, THE Solid Snake) then I would suggest the '89-'90 12-part OVA. After that check out the '05 Anime for a more manga accurate story.
Which is your favorite?
Huh? I thought I was up to date with the manga, but that isn't what I remember it leaving off with.
Practically all of it. My least favorites are the first live-action movie, and I think '86 anime movie Guyver: Out of Control.

Dark Hero is a superior sequel that had the Director Steve Wang unhindered by the studio producers.

The OVA has great music and proper violence

And the 2005 anime is the best way to experience the manga story without having to learn Japanese. Although, it sucks they toned down the violence for some reason and they never made a second season.
Although i knew going into the first movie it was going to be cheesey power rangers tier it still made me cringe how poor the script and acting was. Not even Mark Hamill could save it
The whole thing's been on mangadex for awhile. I just wish someone would go back and use better raws for the earlier stuff.
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They are bitching/over exaggerating about the end of the 2005 TV series where the Guyver Gigantic first appears.

I will admit, even as a die hard fan, I think the Exceed form of the Gigantic was a bit too much... But the normal Gigantic armor was FAR from the concept of DBZ and the "Super Saiyan" forms.

And the translations are pretty bad for a lot of it too. Their editor was terrible at trying to write English.
I personally don't mind the Exceed.

And it you want full on Dragonball-style power-ups, check out the Warrior Guyver fan fiction.
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Yeah, I don't mind the exceed overall, but it was a bit much, and I can see why people legitimately don't like it... Even if it was teased back in volume 10 just after the first appearance of the Gigantic.

As for the other comment... I am the main artist and side writer for the Warrior Guyver Fanfiction... I resemble that remark... As much as we tried to fight it... We do have a couple character that are a bit too much like DBZ...
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Yeah. By the time I discovered Japan-Legend and I saw your work, I couldn't be bothered to read it. I like some of the fan-fics but Warrior Guyver never appealed to me.
residuals, I also guess that the whole dentist story is conflicted with him maybe owning some dentists offices(either the practice or the buildings themselves), or possibly his family being in dentistry and he has investments in that too. But that's just pure specualtion
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It's a shame that Japanese designers can get a one or two day license from Kadokawa to sell their custom designs... But the only way to get them is to be there in person... Or pay much more at Japanese auction sites.

And they don't put their stuff online because it might piss of Kadokawa and they never get the chance for a limited license in the future.
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Would have been nice to get a set of these Chibi Aptoms.
With slight Predator influence. Steve Wang worked on Predator with Stan Winston.
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Thanks dude
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That's adorable.
What are your favorite designs? For Guyvers, I always liked 2 for the asymmetry even though it's meant to be a defect. Zoanoid wise, I always enjoyed Somlum for some reason.
Love 0's collar
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My favorite aesthetic choice that the new Guyver stuff is moving away from is how the helmet has the disks and balls located in such a way that they look like eyes so the head has the eye catching appearance of an insect without that Kamen Rider look.
Is Kamen Rider a mecha now too?
>Is Kamen Rider a mecha now too?
Did I accidentally click on the wayback machine or did this post time travel from 2006?
How is he a jobber? His control metal was damaged.
When will Viz revisit Guyver like they did Fist of the North Star?
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Maybe if a big time Guyver fans gets into power at the company.

Apparently, I heard ADV help fund the 2005 anime, but I never got confirmation on that one.
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My man the figma sold out, he's still making money.
>How is he a jobber?
Because he exists to make Sho look stronger, that is the point of jobbing in wrestling. Damaged control metal is effectively an excuse.
To me a jobber is more like Worf from Star Trek. At full power, he's constantly defeated by more powerful aliens. Lisker's brief arc seemed more intended to convey to the audience (in 'show, don't tell' kind of way) some aspects of what the Guyver unit is and how it functions. However, he separately was an interesting character and probably deserved more screen time and development.
Sort of. It was Sojitz, who would later go on to by ADV.

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He didn't make Sho look stronger, in fact his entire purpose was demonstrating how weak and clueless Sho was even with an alien super weapon. Lisker wasn't defeated by Sho, he was defeated by his own suit and Sho got to live another day because of it.

I would agree that Lisker deserved a longer arc, but then it would mess with the plot of Archenfel trying to get his own unit. Once he learns of Lisker he could just order it taken from him, and then Lisker would have to turn traitor to survive, sticking him in Agito / Guyot's role. I don't see a good place in the story for Lisker if he survived, not without cutting Guyot at least. I think Valcuria currently has the same problem and don't see anything interesting happening with her besides just having a female guyver for the novelty.

I do want to say that G-2 has my favorite sword shape
>Sort of. It was Sojitz, who would later go on to by ADV.

Invest into ADV, I mean.

It was Sojitz who helped fund 2005 which is why ADV got it, and why later Funimation, after Sojitz and ADV had their breakup.

Sojitz was a huge ass shitshow.



I think Valkyria is totally protagonist material - in her own manga. Great look, great backstory, great conflict and handicap where she seeks to defeat an opponent who is way, way out of her league at the moment.

However, Sho is the protagonist of this story. And I don't think narratively it has room for the kind of arc Takaya may have been setting up for her.
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That show had the most boring and bland looking fight scenes in a live action toku series ever. Very disappointing from the company that created Ultraman and Gridman.
Worf's debut series is him losing physical confrontations and being told to shut up despite being right when the crew encounters a problem.
random thing I realized during my recent reading through of the manga, for whatever reason Chronos never seems to process into a Zoaform anyone who's a woman, only time we see a woman who's undergone the process is Griselda, hard to say if there's supposed to be anything intentional about this or just sheer coincidence since it never gets brought up
They wanted soldiers so using men exclusively is a no brainer choice. It is also a sentai show so all the mobs being guys is just tradition.
Sure, why not
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Thanks Dad! And this was after we already saw Guyver 2: Dark Hero on the Sci-Fi Channel.

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