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New releases on Mondays (usually)

McDonalds collab
Plastic Rail CW Phantom Shinkalion

Previous talk
I knew it AI assistants like Copilot are resource hog bloatware
This is why you don't play Chinese Gacha games
>kare/his identity
>overlaid on top of a girl(?)
Is she some kind of transformers crossover character??
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Never watched anything from this franchise, what does it have to offer besides trains, crossover and being one of the only recent mecha anime to get more than 20 episodes?
Pic related is one of the few snippets to leave much of a lasting impression while lurking.
For a more serious answer, Shinkalion S1 dips into the ethics of using child combatants, and now when I watch Braves, Eldoran and other mecha anime I can't help thinking
>wow are these child soldiers AT LEAST compensated with free train rides that come with complimentary luxury train bentos!?
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Shinkalion is BACK
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Sounds interesting, but I'll probably stick to the movie before going deeper.
I was thinking more along the lines of
>Dynamic heroes (Koji Kabuto, Sayaka, Boss, the Patlabor crew)
>Treatening, charismatic villains (Prince Heinel, Count Brocken)
>Cool origins for weapon upgrades ('70s Gaiking's miracle drills being developed while the crew was in captivity)
>Wild monster designs (Grendizer giving every monster a saucer form, until the designers ran out of ideas and switched to mutants)
I know this one is aimed at little kids, with some nods/pandering for the older viewers, but I still hope it'll deliver on some of them.
The movie is a continuation of S1 and makes no sense without it
A serious answer, apart from the interesting characters, train/engineering history and trivia, and cool storyline about trying to understand even your enemies, it also shows tons of places that are interesting to travel in Japan and talks about what kind of food you should sample when you get there. It has pointed me to countless interesting places and I've tried the local specialty. Second season delves into yokai, mythology, and urban legends of various places and shows you more things to see. I probably would have had to do a lot more research without Shinkalion, but it really sold it. Problem is, Japan Railways raised the price on the Rail Pass for foreigners visiting on tourist passports last year by almost 2x the price. The Rail Pass was fantastic fun for a railfan or just someone who wanted to travel. I went for three weeks and for something like USD 600, I rode the Shinkansen literally every day, went as far north as Aomori, and as far west as Hiroshima, and many places in between. I had a lot of fun, but I wouldn't have tried to travel to even half of those places if not for Shinkalion.
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More leaked mecha.

500 refuses to die huh.
Overcompensator 9001
not really digging the Form 0 mechs desu
Legs look Erda Lifter's
Nice they are intergrating the combiner parts into the armor form.
Gunleon called, he wants his giant wrench back. We're literally four days away from the possible reveal of his model kit, only to be hit with this stick?
I like kodama
they really pale in comparison to either the first two designs. I think shinkalion designs peaked with z.
fap hand
If we get another EVA episode, I'd like ShinkaMari.
Shinkalion is a kodomo franchise
Yes, and?
why would you want to smell train autists
This is some weird age range of the merch...
Shinkalion is a weird mecha franchise where it's made for both kids and older fans. Well, others tried to be that way, but I think Shinkalion is the only one who managed it succesfully in recent years.
It explains the Eva cameo and all. Kids would not get this.
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Yeah but previous seasions were purely kodomo.
Shinkalion original toys are from 2015, and the anime aired in 2018, 6 years ago.
The kodomos that saw Shinkalion originally are now teenagers, some perhaps even 18.
>Shinkalion is a weird mecha franchise where it's made for both kids and older fans
That's been the case since mecha exists.
When mechas first were made yes, but it has being less and less the case in more recent years. Hell i'd say even in the 2000s.
But this topic would benefit better of it's own thread, might do that later today.
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Akane looking gay.
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>introducing ShinPhone 15
feels weird that Jobraver is still going, they usually alternate between Shinkalion and Tomica hero lines.
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Reeeee, get out of my show, footfags! Also, Ina-feet.
Damn, she's very manipulative. Now I see how she turned evil.
What? Was he held back 10 years?
Wait a minute... are we getting surprise yuri?
>Problem is, Japan Railways raised the price on the Rail Pass for foreigners visiting on tourist passports last year by almost 2x the price.
That's what happens when they didn't raise the price for at least thirty years (any increase were only reflecting on changing sales tax rate), and whatever "perks" they gave out corresponding to the huge spike were laughable at best.
i was more curious why she's using a male avatar in the first place. whenever shion appears in the OP and ED it's in girl mode so presumably there'll be some kind of emotional problem that gets resolved just in time to get in the robot and throw some bad guys around. as for the yuri, i'd be surprised if it goes anywhere beyond girlish admiration after the reveal.
Based white man Akane denying yuri in the next episode
> I'm mad about something trivial.
> Time to haxor your software and manipulate you into doing things my way.
She definitely seems like the kind of borderline personality who could be pushed over the edge.

Everyone who plays an MMO knows that one person who is totally a girl and a hot one at that, but can't go on Vent/Discord/Teamspeak because she had throat surgery and doesn't want to sound weird. And as it turns out is totally a dude.

I suspect Shion uses a male avatar because she doesn't want to be made fun of for liking traditionally boy pursuits like martial arts, pro wrestling, and trains. Problem is, she's led someone on, and she doesn't want to lose a friend because of it but she's in too deep in her lie and can't get out of it without upsetting someone.
With every pilot being some kind of natural prodigy, I feel like Ryota's next character arc is probably him being the worst one, or how he feels that way.
Yandere onee-san time. They want to aim at young adults and teenagers, I see.
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In the metaverse how do you know the other person isn't a greasy fat dude?
Do people that use VR normally have dreams of them being in VR space?
Anyway, i'm wondering if the unauthorized access has to do with Taisei dreaming since it happened around the same time.
I've dreamed of games I was playing (like Pokemon) sometimes when I obssessed over them
So, I guess if you spend lots of time in VR and thinking about it, dreams set it VR shouldn't be strange
Just like with vtubers. If it's a loli avatar, behind there's an ugly fatass.
Calliope being as fat and white trashy as she is IRL will never not make me laugh.
After Shion's reveal, will the boys start using female MeTaVeRsE avatars?
I can see Ryota going for a sentai hero avatar and Akane being a furry.
in case you were wondering how you are supposed to dance along to the theme song. also seems to be a slightly extended version (they move on from instruction to actual dancing about 3 minutes in).
full op and ed when
funnily enough i found the full version of the OP song right after posting the dancing video
Full OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Uyw4Bw1pj8
In huge purple letters in the center
He has good taste
Men really live like this and see no issue.
I swear if her entire motivation is some bullshit like "virtual is the same as real"...
metaverse shills when will they learn.
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>by the way... does akane-kun have a girlfriend?
Well that's a ship.
yuri-crisis averted. but what about the BL?
Might not exist for all I care, though it could change with new Drivers down the line.
>idly browsing listings for the few models still available on amazon from prior shinkalion series
>multiple reviews in japanese talking about how their 4 year old son/nephew/little brother loved it
wow, not sure what meaning i should derive from this...i guess japanese 4 year old boys have incredible taste!
From Z? I hope it's true because most JP youtube reviewers felt that it might be too complicated for younger kids.
>I suspect Shion uses a male avatar because she doesn't want to be made fun of for liking traditionally boy pursuits like martial arts, pro wrestling, and trains.
So much for that, lol.
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Oh shit.
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yeah to be specific it was the yamanote line stuff that could be purchased separately to go with the main figure. i trust the kids, a little complication is nothing compared to the sheer primal allure of trains that turn into fearsome fighting machines.
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What were kids supposed to learn from this episode?
Weaboo, your subs glitched unintentionally. Maybe a V2 could fix things.
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what a creep!
>remember kids, the stranger you meet in a metaverse chatroom might be a fat lazy cat.
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do people explode after being slammed in WWE?
shion is so cool, aki should re-evaluate her taste
Has happen to me 5 times already.
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Myany syuch cyases
ichihime may be a lazy cat who loves to eat but she's not fat
Was Freakazoid's origin story.
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Shion seemed shady from the start, but I wasn't expecting that reveal. On to episode 10
People you meet on the internet are not always who they say they are.
Shion went from being sus to cool and Akane gained an admirer.

I wonder if Big Sis is acting alone or is working with a group of people/entities.
There will be AI waifus(shotas) made from the cache of the metaverse like in build divers.
>a.i waifus are people too! aaaa
Oh how I hated that plot.
The Shinkalions look cool, I wanna get into this, Which season do I start with? Also are these robot toys like sentai or proper model kits or both?
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First series and Z are their own continuity, this one is a full reboot. They are toys like Sentai mecha but there's been some Moderoid kits for OG and Z and a Soul of Chogokin for OG in the works.
>It has both
Fucking rad, gonna watch the first series first.
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>Also are these robot toys like sentai or proper model kits or both?
Both. For the first shinkalion, the OG toys are bricks down the waist. All of them. But they are true transformers. Z is predominantly parts forming, but you get a fully articulated robots with some nice interchangeability with everyone plus you get more trains to combine with. Ctw is basically z but smaller and less cooler since no wrist articulation. The first two have moderoid lines if you don't care about the train and just want the shinkalion form.
Toys are more like Transformers than anything, they use a lot of the same engineering and even same Vietnamese factories. It's no secret that Tomica Robots and Shinkalion are Takaratomy produced "transformers" that they don't need to share with Hasbro, sorta like Braves back then.
Z is wasted potential because of COVID ruining the whole thing. They only planned a year of airing, not a manageable episode count (normally 48-51), leaving so many ideas cut like the Z Alfa-X. Also, has anyone tried to display the Z Doctor Yellow combined with the Z N700S Nozomi?
>Doctor Yellow to be retired
It's over
It's the 923, which is a repurposed 700 Series. It's going to be replaced with the N700S. So they'll probably paint it yellow too, Doctor Yellow is too popular to just get dumped for a garden variety white and blue N700S. Unless they don't want autists chasing it down anymore.
Moderoid looks awesome. The Doctor Yellow in particular looks and poses amazingly.
I wish I had that hat.
Whether it's the 0 series, the 923, or the N700S, the Doctor Yellow is still a tourist sighting for people to get lucky. It was a tradition since the beginning of its life as a 0 series.

>Both Dr. Yellow sets to be retired.
> JR Central retiring set T4 in January, JR West retiring T5 in 2027.
>No replacement, standard N700S sets can do the same work.

It's a terrible day for rain.
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Aw man, glad I picked up Z Dr Yellow then.

>Also, has anyone tried to display the Z Doctor Yellow combined with the Z N700S Nozomi?
Lazy to dig out my sets in storage. The Z body's joints can't handle too much weight anyway, it's already struggling with Dr Yellow's added mass from the 2 additional train cars. The "combined mode" with the backpack cannon especially topples over easily.
Only exception is Dark Z and the repaint because it has different hip joints formed from the horse parts.
They're not gonna repaint the replacement n700 with the same yellow livery?
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>three person 4 legged relay
Does that mean SRG mode is showing up soon or is it a set up for some kind of yaoi threesome?
0 was 922, 700 was 923... N700S better be 924.
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The more you know
lol no
that's for the online class, I'm pretty sure
>Unless they don't want autists chasing it down anymore.
Sadly that's pretty much the case since JR Central indicates some of the N700S trainsets will have monitoring equipments installed to perform those checks. This would basically allow them to perform much more frequent checks on the infrastructure along the line instead of the current schedule of one run every ten days. I'd hope JR Central would at least keep one of the lead cars and maybe another car in the SCMaglev and Railway Park

Is it a bad sign when they have to frequently check rail status now?
Giving them the ability to do so (because you don't have to find a gap in the schedule for a Doctor Yellow run) doesn't mean they will actually be doing those checks daily, besides given how frequent the service is on that route wear and tear on things like tracks and catenary will probably occur a lot more frequent compared to other Shinkansen routes so knowing where, when, and the rate of those things occur would help the overnight maintenance jobs too.
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I don't trust this A.I to be around cute little boys.
Holy shit
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RIP shotas
How do you all feel about change the world so far?
I watched up until episode 5 and then got busy, so I’m not caught up—but! I didn’t really feel as attached to the series as the first one.
The cgi is a lot better, the fights have some better choreography, but the actual weapons and attacks used kind of aren’t as exciting I feel. The actual units themselves are a bit eh as well. I do miss the train halves on the legs. Although, the actual figures feel so much higher quality than prior sets. Kind of mixed, but I do think I like it a lot more than Z.
Unrelated note, but I was actually at the Kyoto Railway Museum recently and they had Z figures on display! Kind of cool to see.
I'm liking the a bit more serioust tone the show has since the pilots are a bit older and stuff.
I'm hoping onee-san's motivation is not just "a.i. lives matter" and there's something bigger in the behind.
>something bigger in the behind
That would be me.
So this is season 2 of shinkalion? Seems like a classic brave series show in tone at least form the PV to me.
3rd but new universe from the other 2
So was I right about the tone?
Sht's getting real.
How can he say this with a straight face after how badly they just jobbed to her?
Clearly just coping, but they did manage to hold her in place for a bit at the end that Taisei might have finished the job of he didn't PTSDing out.
it looks like it needs more calcium
La Hermana...
Oneesan programmed it, so clearly it's reflecting her /ss/ values.

I like it, but it's definitely more serious in tone. Two people have ended up in the hospital, team conflict is more than just "I'm drawing a line down the dorm, stay on your side!" and "Don't tell mom I'm a robot pilot!" and "Girls are nosy and don't understand train stuff."

Music is amazing this year, maybe the best it has been so far.
The rest of the mechs get armored up. Hers probably does too. Once they think they've beaten it, she'll probably armor it up and put the smack down on them all over again.
It'd be funny if she just died for real.
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I can see her end goal. she wants to create a metaverse where boys are young and cute forever. Onee-san became evil after realize Taisei was growing up.
What was she even doing there?
rushing to the institute, they literally said that
Wasn't expecting Big Sis to show up so early. I'm curious about what her connection to the Unknown is, we know they first showed up twenty years ago, resurfaced when she was part of Erda and vanished around the time she disappeared before coming back in the present
Bros, I love childhood friends.
What did Taisei do wrong again? Saying he heard his sister before wouldn't have change much if anything, these bros need to chill before they throw Taisei to the Shinji Ikari path, is not like they are getting any pussy from this.
What a passive aggressive bitch navi AI.

It's more like Evangelion but trains

Shes angwry about Dr Yellow retiring
I agree with you, this drama could have been done way better. Akane is a jackass so whatever but making Ryota act like this too was a lot to take, Mai simping or otherwise. This is actually poor drama and it’s going to take a lot to redeem them.
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I think the weapons that comes with the Phantom toy will take the place of its ERDA vehicle armor, or maybe it'll hijack one of the existing armors.
He didn't try to kill his family member when afforded the opportunity. He probably should have told them "hey, I thought I heard my sister" but considering how Takanawa brushed it off, he probably didn't want to entertain the notion that he might actually be right. It's like when people's family members commit crimes and they'll swear they didn't, that it's all some big misunderstanding.
Taisei didn't do anything wrong, and his teammates overreacted. Even if he did tell them, I don't think it would have changed anything. As they are now, they have nothing that could stop Big Sis.
Somehow, I feel like the AI is going to be an unwitting pawn for Big Sis. Maybe she sees and hears whatever it does?
His teammates obviously overreacted, with Ryota lashing out because of Mai, but Akane had a point that Taisei, for all his friendship speeches in previous episodes, decided to bottle up his worries instead of talking to his friends, which directly led to a him shutting down at a critical moment during the fight.
Maybe things wouldn't have changed at all even if he were able to act here, and his sister would still overpower them all and escape. Maybe he would still end up clamming up even if he had confided his worries to them. The absolute best case scenario of "Taisei told them, and they planned around trying to capture her, while Taisei is not conflicted at all" would definitely not have happened, but having a plan fail after trying their best is different from having their plan fail because they were blindsided because of a teammate keeping quiet.
Either that, or it's the good,sisterly part of her that the evil part lacks. Vina still seems to be the sisterly part that wants to take care of Taisei, while still sassing him as a sister might do.
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Would you stay here?
Those are some cute child size beds.
"Come on, let's push two of them together."
Some of the details for this collab:

Location: Hotel Metropolitan Edmont (Operated by JR East Hotels) located in Iidabashi, Tokyo
Date: Starts on July 20th, 2024 to January 12th, 2025
Types of room available: E5 / Taisei, E6 / Akane, and E7 / Ryuuta
Price: From 15400~21900 Yen / Person (2~4 Persons with the cost goes down with more occupants)

I can understand Phantom not getting a skin out of respect for relatively recent spoilers, but if they blended the designs with E5, um... Someone would call the cops.

But the yandere for Taisei part is still not seated with Ina, so that could wait.
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It's the Jimmy neutron cube!
Here goes nothing...
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>muh ai zoo!
Oh noes, I think it's just going to be "A.I. lives matter!" again. VR chat was a mistake.
So two more cours of VR apologism? Hopefully she is controlled by another general who has other plans.
I have my specuation about how they wanted to do it, but TV Tokyo, JR, and Takara-Tomy would probably never have let them do it on a show running against PreCure. If I had written it, it would have gone down like this: we know there were previous Shinkalion drivers. Entering the Capture Wall means being converted into data. People who are destroyed in virtual combat experience massive data corruption. Their bodies are recovered flatlined from the Shinkansen, but their minds are intact, though they experience severe data fragmentation on account of being converted into data. ERDA kept this a secret, and Ina discovered that they were just letting children go braindead. She felt is was wrong, so she made a digital afterlife of sorts for their minds to persist even if their bodies were destroyed.

Ina says in this episode, "If you continue on with ERDA, this is the fate that awaits you" and she shows a bunch of data corrupted animals. Imagine how messed up it would be if it had been a bunch of ghostly corrupted data children instead. It's pretty easy to see how that kind of knowledge would drive someone insane, as Ina seems to be.

Actual speculation about the actual story: Ina is corrupted somehow, either by the Unknown themselves, or by the Commander of ERDA doing something to her to silence her. Vina is a backup of Ina's mind from before she herself was corrupted. Maybe she's going to be the key to getting Ina back to normal.

I kind of feel like that's what they wanted to show, but couldn't get it approved. Who knows, maybe they still will?
Something that I've been thinking is how Ina is attacking places important for her and Taisei.
Maybe she's trying to prove that the only way to preserve precious places like those is in digital form via the metaverse.
Although she might be right about ERDA not really caring about the pilots, the higher-ups at least. That commander(?) immediately asked for a replacement pilot without even consider Taisei condition.
New character news this Thursday! Possibly someone from Yamagata? They want to keep everything in lock and key for this since there are no other hints this time.
E8's coming so >>22690731
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Ina on the cover
I'm tempted to buy 3 for a black SRG
Besides the Tweet, who else is thirsty for Ina anyway? Still wrapped in very blatant incest going forward.
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Well we know of at least one other villain mecha coming at a higher price point so maybe hold off.
I'm starting to really dislike him and Ryota at this point. There's being frustrated and then there's being a cunt.
Especially Akane. What a fucking asshole. I don't know how you even begin to salvage his character at this point.
"You were mean because you're secretly nice" isn't going to cut it, sorry.
been saying that from the beginning. This little shit needs to chill out.
You could very well have him switch sides and it would make sense.
Ooh. Hope that means it comes with new additional parts. If not though combining the two still gives cool results, and if you buy 2 Phantom's the balance of both with this one in the center could be pretty nice.
>phantom N-word gattai
If Nightmare is still an Ina-piloted Shinkalion, that would definitely show her status as a yandere in full.
So oneesan is trying to annihilate humankind because they didn't let her feed her neopets?
No, because she cares too much about the young Shinkalion drivers too much due to how anyone getting trapped in digital space is like killing them. And with Taisei being among those drivers, she is pissed off enough that she takes action herself.
Stalker named it lol I'm not actually sure what the N stands for, maybe it's just to sound like "Energy"?
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I can't believe it's real.........
Well, he is half French, after all. Legendarily rude until you get to know them well, and then they're your best friends for life.
Mina is a good friend, Ryota and white boy are not, but the show acknowledged it.

Based on previous series, Big Sis might get taken out of commission in the next two episodes and a new general will be introduced, unless they change the formula ( which would be odd since the Unknown were a thing before she joined ERDA and defected)
>That commander(?) immediately asked for a replacement pilot without even consider Taisei condition.
ERDA is a military operation tasked with protecting vital and historic infrastructure. They have to be willing to replace pilots that are no longer able to function in order to continue doing their job. It's not cruel, it's pragmatic. Ina, on the other hand, went fucking insane because her boss shut down her pet project AI zoo. She's an unreliable narrator at best who will unfortunately still end up being proven right because this is Japan and we can't do anything original like "The villain is genuinely batshit insane and speaking gibberish".
>show from 23 years ago
nips didn't realize how rude frogs were back then
Why don't Ina just migrate her stupid vr zoo into a private server? Fucking drama queen.
her vr zoo got deleted
>didn't made a back up
>cheaped out on recovery software
>recovered data was from a previous build(pre-speech patch)
>perfectly capable of fixing the corrupted data
>doesn't do it to gaslight little bro
She's not just evil, she's dumb and evil.
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Mogami Grandma voiced by Fumitake Ishiguro
Highschooler. Does Shogi.
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E8 and ERDA Drone.

Love the new design.
sexy hag face
>looks 35
Accurate for modern times.
Would be interesting if ERDA had to keep secrets because of Japanese Article 9, that the Shinkalions are could be considered a mechanized army, not a Self Defense Force.
>pilots are basically child soldiers
Oh no, Japan is committing war crimes again.
Wonder if the conflict will be human vs human or is the ultimate boss some rogue AI like Tomica Drivehead
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Ok this episode was the most anticlimactic shit in the history of the franchise.
I miss z already.
I don't.
Special episode next week
Recap? Oh man.
that's pretty standard bro
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Is that Akane-turned-evil?
>Ina doesn't remember what she was doing or where she is after they beat her
>already eating her sister's thighs
Omg taisei get a grip
well that was the fastest the black shinkalion switches sides
If Ina keeps it. Maybe glitchman edgylord >>22703775 will recover it and paint it to fit his palette.
You could say that. Glitchman is basically driving the Nightmare, and he will conjure a second Phantom after hijacking Ina's to make his own SRG. With the days of the Doctor Yellow ending, Ina could very well take the most ancient Shinkalion, the 500 Kodama herself.
the second doctor yellow isn't gonna retire till 2027.
I'm just glad we're not going to spend 20+ episodes on Abuto and Shin playing robot grabass only to have him turn good in the final moments. I'm actually kind of good it only took two episodes for Ina to snap out of it, because "They shut down my AI zoo!" would have been the silliest motivation for villainy ever.

I suspect this edgelord is the inventor of Shinkalion who got mentioned once. And chances are, he is the one who saved Ryota when he was a child.
>goes straight to him
Bros, I love childhood friends
change the world
Fuck Ina, where is Suzaku, did she get married? With me?
Hopefully to Honjo-san. They had some chemistry, unlike Honjo and Futaba. Futaba was a career woman. Suzaku and Honjo seemed to hit it off. I hoped for their mutual happiness together.
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It's out. Sorry, I have to wait for them to upload the actually good ones and I never know when that will be. Enjoy.
What the fuck is *Taisei* apologizing for? Fuck that.
Ah, the reverse Naruto.
>It's already over
So what are they doing for the remaining 26 episodes?
We're Nier now.
Glitch Char arc about how he's in coma for using the Gran Cross one too many times.
seems like the recap will actually have new footage and dialogue
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>is this your first time overusing the Gran Cross?
Sexy scenes of sister lap pillows to appease the incest fans probably.
>same colors as Phantom Shinkalion
Screencap this, the fat fuck is going to be the final boss.
Sorta forgot Gran Cross existed but it's interesting how they made it a double-edge weapon this time. Kinda explains why they don't just slap it onto every Shinkalion. Guessing SRG will be reduce/neutralize the strain like what Goldymarg did for Goldion Hammer.
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Change the Meow
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hymmmm, nyo.
She'll be out for half a cour before returning to pilot a Shinkalion. For now, the 500 and Kamome is confirmed, but if they can still squeeze in the Doctor Yellow or Alfa-X, which they abandoned before Z ended, it would be awesome.
yo Sailor Otaku, if no one picks it up do you think you can do Grendizer U as well?
When's it coming out? I am limited in time until after summer but will take a look. I suspect someone else will do it because it's Grendizer though.
>When's it coming out?
1.5 hours ago
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Will Shion do this?
Tiger Mask collab when
actually never mind, there are subs now
actually wait, the subs are shit
Is Jobraver really cheap to produce or something since it doesn't involve Hasbro or JR?
>their faces turn into their butts
Some shows just don't die. I still wonder how Ninjala is still airing after 2 and half years.
Ninjala's fun
The plane was a hit last Christmas
where did it hit?
I'm surprised they resolved the Big Sis plotline so early in the season.

Commander is suspicious, the Unknown were a thing before Big Sis went missing, but he tried to say she was the mastermind behind everything
>ina went missing
>unknown started attacking again
>ina shows up with a war declaration
Well he had a point.
All things considered, pretty good recap. Lots of Ina POV dialog.
No hints where the possible mind control came from though. Starting to think the amnesia a side effect of getting Gran Cross'd.
will the recap be subbed?
>E3's pilot introduction next week
Please don't be the "I'm the oldest, I have the responsibility to keep everyone safe" type...
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I wonder why N700's and H5's Erda vehicles were repaints/retools of E5 and E7's Erda vehicles especially considering that the later releases are unique
It's E8 now. I wonder if he is overcompensating for Shinobu being too feminine and cute.

Remembering the kid who couldn't accept Shinobu was a boy.
Recap subbed

So, I guess no brainwash.
She joined the Unknown willingly? Or did she lose on purpose and playing double agent?
I still believe getting Gran Cross'd fucked up her brain a little. But we will see next episode.
I heard starting next episode we are getting a new ending theme. It's performed by a combo between meiyo and THE ALFEE.
For obvious reasons, it is to hype up the return of the 500 Kodama.
full version of the first ED when
Anyone got the magnet to the latest subbed episode, the russians running Nyaa blocked Finnish IPs again, probably until the NATO summit ends.
I think she was brainwashed, honestly. That line about her having some part of her screaming at her that what she was doing was wrong sounded like her subconscious resurfacing. I don't know what Masked Man did to her. Perhaps some kind of virus, given the weird data glitching.


Episode 13:


Dunno if you meant 13 or the recap, so I gave you both
Thanks brah, needed the recap.
>damn, how do I stop ERDA from abusing children
>I know, I'll kill children myself
Ina sure is smart...
Why let them have all the fun?

New ED
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Not my favorite, but it's pretty nice.
Well, Ina got away with everything.
SRG doko?

It was in the recent magazines with E8 so probably soon. Not sure why they didn't do it in this last arc seeing as the setup was perfect.
The recap is chronologically between ep 12 and 13 but was there a reason they couldn't air it in that order? Didn't seem like it revealed much.
I think it's because SRG feels like an endgame power-up that makes Erda Vehicles obsolete. Once all models come out, they will abandon Erda Vehicles and go ham on the SRG variations, as it only needs three Shinkalion to perform. Basically, it's the Shinkalion Trinity, but with more freedom than the original.
The new guy didn't give a good first impression to me. I've never liked how the student council president has the highest authority in Japan after the prime minister either.
He's an inflexible dweeb. His character design is uninspired, too. He just looks like a background character.
shinka lion

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