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Why do people like Cagalli? She's written horribly and never does anything.
Miri and Luna are prettier.
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She was best girl in season one of Seed. In Seed Destiny she turns into an unlikeable whinny bitch. Luckily Lunamaria is there to pick up the slack.
Luna is stinky.
How do you know how she smells?
>She was best girl
She didn't do anything in Seed.
Still better than Releana (god female characters in Wing are ugly).
You're ugly.
All the Wing females are beautiful.
Still mad that you couldn't tap that Yuna?
Sex between Cagalli and Kira.
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She loves my boy Athrun.
Without the comma, it makes it sound like you're asking if OP wanted to tap Yuna.
And he loves her back as we've seen.
Because she's with Shinn, who stinks extra.
How do you know how they smell? They're fictional characters.
Because I know.
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But, she showers.
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How does Cagalli smell?
I didn't want this to become a waifu picdump.
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Male Cagalli fans are just tomboyfags, female Cagalli fans are AsuCaga shippers who more than likely self-insert as her.
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The ultimate victory of the Clyne faction. The last surviving Zala fucks natural girls.
My point is still that she doesn't do anything except get browbeaten by the show. Why do people think she's a good character that got done dirty?
>Generic Cyber-Newtype
Seed fans have no ability to understand you should not be allowed to waifu badly-written characters.
She's the emotional core of the show. Some of the best scenes involve her.
>never does anything
This right here is what has gone so wrong with modern writing.
The idea that a character needs to "do something" to move the plot to be essential or important to the story.

It's not a good criticism.

Characters can exist to support a theme, to create a certain tone, to do so much more than just move the plot.
When you treat characters as mechanisms to move plot is when they stop being characters.
Storytelling is way more than just plot.

Cagalli helps to support SEED's idea of Coordinator/Natural coexistence.
There's another motif in SEED of children having to deal with the burden of their parents decisions.
Cagalli gets caught between her father's decisions for the sake of ORB and her own personal ideals about what to do in the conflict.
Disgusting. Think of how genetically inferior they are to their father. They'll grow up with the worst complexes because of how much smarter, stronger, and tougher their father is compared to them.
>When you treat characters as mechanisms to move plot is when they stop being characters.
>Storytelling is way more than just plot.
That's a recurring issue for this show, though. Characters stop having personality beyond their story function 20 episodes into Seed.

>Cagalli gets caught between her father's decisions for the sake of ORB and her own personal ideals about what to do in the conflict.
For way too long and way too obnoxiously. It's bad enough how she just submits to Yuna and needs Kira saving her from herself, but then she just watches in the Astray Rouge doing nothing in the next two fights she's around for. And of course the Archangel crew and her flashbacks of her dad keep beating her up for it.
>She's written horribly
like every other character on the show?
I'm sorry that your gay uncle raped you around the time SEED came out but you don't still have to be upset and projecting your faggotry everywhere you go.
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>Likely rich beyond all reason
>Breedable natural pussy
>Dubbed 'goddess of victory' in SEED by the Desert Dawn
>Put a wedge between Kira and Flay
>Helped save the Archangel at Orb
>Bankrolled development of SF Mk. II, Destiny Mk. II, etc.
Cagalli was initially a fine character in SEED initially. A close analysis reveals that her character starts to fall apart after she meets Athrun.
She's probably a freak in bed.
Her character had potential Destiny ruined her.
People don't like Cagalli that much, they like Asucaga. Or I'd say they love Asucaga.
Bro, do you even tomboy princesses?
She can wash as much as she wants, she still stinks.

That reminds me, if Coordinators were meant to be a necessity for further space exploration (per Shigeru Morita), isn't the PLANTs' problem of reproducing beyod second-generator Coordinators the flaw in that, thus the need for the idea of children who have a Natural and a Coordinator as parents?
What about her sister? How does she smell?
She smells nice.
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Why could she Sneed Mode?

I don't think ANYONE knows that spatial awareness is a thing in-universe to try to achieve before the Atlantic Federation tried with that Newtype unit that was annihilated, save for Mu la Flaga, at Endymion.
Cagalli was always SEED's best girl
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Shut up. Zaft girls never poop, unlike Filthy Earthlings. Spite Luna's BF is ugly pug nosed Earthling named Shinn. (Why did Dullindal chose this Earthling to pilot zaft's best mobile suit spite Harry Juggernaut is vocal and unhappy about this?)
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Zaft people aren't stinky for they never poop unlike Earthlings. Zaft is alien race. Zaft is More like Elf or protoss in cosmic era.
Why is Athrun so huge here?
The power of love is powerful...
You and your alien and poop obsession.
Well, OP is a faggot, after all.
Ironic because she's pretty much stuck forever at the bottom of a freezing lake.
I'm more concerned about how his right arm seems much bigger than his left arm.
Because the show thought it needed to powerscale her to participate in the Seed finale.
Coomers don't care
they see a lewdable girl and give her popularity votes
this is why entertainment is dead
games? only sell if they have sexualized girls/animal trash
movies? only sell if they a whore with big tits
anime? only sell if they have pedobait loli trash
books? only sell if they are anti-right wing or anti-boomers
Could you shut up about your poop obsession?
How? And don't say it's because they're aliens who don't poop. How would you even know that to begin? Unless there's a source, I'm just going to assume it's your headcanon.
He's got weird yaoi hands too.
She's cute
If anyone is an alien, it's definitely you.
They're just humans in space dude, Kira and Shinn are also Coordinators, just like any other space colonist in Gundam, or do you think Wufei frpm.wing is also an alien ceno because he was born in space?
IIRC, he considers Newtypes to be aliens too.
That's retarded several Newtypes are bornon earth like Lalah Sune, Tiffa Adil, so on and so forth its just a fucking mutation. This dipshit is either a giga tard or a retarded attempt at trolling
Are those onaholes or some incomprehensible standee variant?
Everything points to legitimate mental illness.
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Is he gay or something?
Probably. I don't think he ever gave a fuck about Agnes.
Press-on nails?
cute slut
Dr. Hibiki's genes were too powerful, like Al Da Flaga's.
Hirai sameface is real
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So when will they announce their series of 8 new SEED sequels, where in each one, Cagalli's pregnant with another of Athrun's kids, until they reach 8 of them?

The names are also already there: Nicole, Patrick, Uzumi, Heine, Juri, Asagi, Maya, and Lenore, rounding out to 4 boys and 4 girls. Bonus if they have 2 more, named Miguel and Via.
Nope. Actually, Zeon,Vagan,Moon wraith and ZAFT. Bout Zanscare, they seems like SNRI traitors, since Usher shits diahhrea.
>beyod second-generator Coordinators the flaw in that, thus the need for the idea of children who have a Natural and a Coordinator as parents?
Nah that will only make them go back to being Natural with every generation after that lost the Coordinator genes, why do people still don't understand the villain even propose Destiny Plan to serve the purpose of Coordinators just like what Glen wanted.
>Nah that will only make them go back to being Natural with every generation after that lost the Coordinator genes
The children of Naturals and Coordinators would still have superior abilities, just not to the extremes of their pure Coordinator parents. Interbreeding would raise the average of human ability without causing the fertility issues of Coordinators inbreeding, and then you could simply repeat the process to effectively speed up evolution. Coordinators inbreeding despite knowing it's causing fertility issues is the selfishness of only wanting the best because you're the best and deserve nothing less than the best. Freedom is much more explicit about this because this is basically Orphee's argument for why he deserves Lacus.
Fertility issue only happened in 3rd generation, so until then current coordinators should genetion 1st and 2nd should inbreed and have so many children to pass the coordinator genes
They're supposed to be a bridge not the overlords ruling over their genetic inferiors. That's what the Destiny Plan would end up being and what the Accords in particular specifically wanted to be.
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>They're supposed to be a bridge
...with outer space and, potentially, an intelligent lifeform. Coordinator technology was created for the specific purpose of exploring the cosmos, not just be "CE spacenoids".

Other than the fact that the stupid manga is not fucking canon to the series (Morita and Fukuda have said that the authors basically made whatever they wanted with their story, with little overlap other than some notes), "interbreeding" is not a thing that happens in the series. There are no "half Coordinator" characters anywhere in the story. The thing with Cagalli and Athrun is a non-starter since it's been pointed out repeatedly that, even if they have feelings for one another, they can't be together.

Then there's a fault with the worldbuilding that cannot be entirely blamed on Fukuda (it ends pointing to Morita too but not entirely): it makes the potential of space exploration limited. As I pointed out in >>22654402, the PLANTs' unwillingness to give Naturals another chance prevents them (a Coordinator-only nation) from having a Third Generation.

Therefore, there needs to be interbreeding for Naturals and Coordinators. What we can't take seriously from Astray is what AI Glenn said about his claim as to why the blueprints for turning unborn infants into Coordinators. As for Athrun and Cagalli, I thought we're already getting past that with their date in one of the SEED Freedom tie-in novels and their necklaces in the movie proper?
>the PLANTs' unwillingness to give Naturals another chance prevents them (a Coordinator-only nation) from having a Third Generation.
And, after the events of the movie, that prospect is even further distanced. Again, interbreeding and co-existence just don't happen here.

>As for Athrun and Cagalli, I thought we're already getting past that with their date in one of the SEED Freedom tie-in novels and their necklaces in the movie proper?
If the story wanted them together, why didn't they have a scene like the ones with Kira and Lacus, or Murrue and Mwu? It's a bunch of key-jangling for the crazy shippers. Destiny intended to bury that relationship, but the fans wouldn't let it happen.
If you want to go that route, the novel's epilogue has Cagalli saying outright that he can't be with Athrun because of her responsibilities with Orb
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No. Zaft people cannot do this due to having no butthole unlike inferior Earthlings like Kira,Cagali and Shinn. Zaft people are like Elf of space. Unless Luna is Earthling immigrant...
Cagalli got the wrong depth perception II
cagalli is crying!
And you know this how?
That doesn't answer my question at all. I'm just gonna assume the source you're getting this info about Coordinators not having buttholes from is your own butthole.
Why do you do this? I honestly do not understand why do you insist with your disgusting coprophilia.
So, according to Fukuda we're just supposed to assume Shinn is now friends with everyone except Athrun, right?
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Because she allows Athrun to use gooning as an ability
Could Kira, Shinn, or Mu pull it off as effectively as him?
>Bland MC
>Tranny #1
>Tranny #2
>The one paired with Wufei
I mean, Catherine and Lady Une is okay ig, but you're fooling yourself if you think female characters in Wing is all beautiful
So, what's everyone's thoughts on Meyrin? I think she's alright, but I can't see her and Athrun as a serious couple outside of her one-sided crush on him. Also, she looked better with the pigtails.
They just don't dare writing more about her and Athrun, Meyrin could be his escape to be more than just soldier, everything about him should not always about serving a country, remember what Lacus talked him about in Seed, i feel like he just doing the same except now his superior is on protagonist side, Meyrin should be actual potential love interest who can win him too, Morosawa said Athrun needs cute and healing girl like Meyrin around because Cagalli is too busy and being way too serious thinking about Orb all the time.
Anon in case you forgot Meyrin is a soldier too. And even she backtracked on Meyrin before she died. Meyrin and Athrun were simply never in a relationship to with. Doesn't help that it was forced either.
She's alright, I think that anyone who honestly thought that she'd end up with Athrun are pretty delusional. She's only interacted with Athrun twice in the entirety of GSD, and her giving up everything for a man she didn't even know as a person more made her out to be a stupid teenager rather than any kind of serious love interest.
I think the only person that could do it better would be Mu
They can be in forming relationship after that if Mrsw and Fkd didn't afraid of the ragging shippers, Mrsw clearly intended on that until well she just gave up.

One of good thing about Meyrin she is a good observant and information hacker she knows more than what meet the eyes also admiration turns romance is normal
She was cool till she got sisterzoned.
So, you're saying she's should have hooked up with Kira.
I love that this thing just exists to tank laser beams.
A cool suit and it's nice Cagalli lets Mu use it a lot.
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For the same reasons you watch SEED and believe anything else in that show is any better.
This >>22663337
If she had been given the chance, she would have been the perfect match for Athrun. She's his perfect match for work.
Totally, also they should've kept her tomboish attitude intact.
No, I actually think Seed is worse than Destiny.
>One of good thing about Meyrin she is a good observant and information hacker she knows more than what meet the eyes also admiration turns romance is normal
Nice fanfic anon but that was never in GSD. Meyrin in GSD didn't know jack shit about Athrun as a person.
>They can be in forming relationship after that if Mrsw and Fkd didn't afraid of the ragging shippers, Mrsw clearly intended on that until well she just gave up.
Nice fanfic but Morosawa didn't give a shit about shippers and Fukuda simply never supported that ship. In fact, no one at the time took it seriously besides Morosawa. Meyrin only got screentime when Morosawa was involved because Morosawa was literally the only one who gave a shit about Meyrin.

Fukuda and Sunrise had a habit of forgetting that she even existed. Meyrin didn't get much added to her character until much much later by Morosawa because people only knew her as Lunamaria's younger sister.
>Nice fanfic but Morosawa didn't give a shit about shippers and Fukuda simply never supported that ship. In fact, no one at the time took it seriously besides Morosawa.

Then it's not fanfic, anon. You said it yourself. Morosawa did try to pair Athrun up with Meyrin. But Fukuda was clearly against the idea and SEED is Fukuda's show after all, he has the last word, if he doesn't want something to happen, it won't happen.

And fans have something to do with his decisions. He has said it himself: I want to do things that people like/enjoy. Then, if most people like AthrunxCagalli, he will do stuff with them. That's the way he works.
Morosawa Ending for Athrun and Cagalli is Open Ending, the hug before Athrun goes to space was added later because of fans angry reaction, all the scenes of them in the movie also added by Fukuda and Morosawa didn't write anything about them in her draft.
Remove the underwear on the left, please.
>Then it's not fanfic, anon. You said it yourself. Morosawa did try to pair Athrun up with Meyrin. But Fukuda was clearly against the idea and SEED is Fukuda's show after all, he has the last word, if he doesn't want something to happen, it won't happen.
It is headcanon. You were trying to push the idea that the fans are the reason why Fukuda and Morosawa didn't pair up Athrun with Meyrin but the actual truth is Fukuda simply doesn't give a shit about Meyrin.

Wanting to make something that people will enjoy is a common sentiment amongst any half decent director. Hell it's actually the Meyrinfags who got uppity about everything Cagallifags didn't give a shit.
>Fukuda simply doesn't give a shit about Meyrin.
That's headcanon too. You don't if they give a shit or not about any of his characters.
*You don't know if he.
Is Shinn refering to Nicol here?
Maybe, and Hari meant for Nicol when he shouted "Don't forget the Blood of our brethren" to Yzak.

En taro Patrick. Na adan Zaft, En arudin Nicol.("For Patrick Zala!! We stand as Zaft, in memory of Nicol" in Zaft language) My life for Plant. Do Zaft have different language from Earthlings?
Of course. Unless you think he was referring to Miguel.
This is /m/, not the DBZ general.
Nope they speak the same language because they're the same species
If there was a language barrier it would have been mentioned in the show and not just be your stupid headcanon.
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Will destiny spec 2+zeus silouette kit include Anti ship blade and its beam part?
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Did shinn had no problem learing Zaftish language, spite being an Earthian?
It has everything. Sword, cannon, wing effect parts, all of it.
Must make Earthian mirage combination scene with 3 destinies. 1 old HG, 1 clear destiny i have, and 1 spec 2 HGCE,
No, because there is no other language, stupid. I like I said it's never mentioned in the show. Stop mistaking your headcanon for real canon.
No "Zaft dialect" thing like original first gundam with "zeon dialect"?
No to either. These were never a thing so trying to make them a thing.
Not them, but I imagine he would at least give a shit about Kira and Lacus.
Except for gauss rifle which he had in crusade.
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You again with your bs. I have already posted another interview of Morosawa where you can read her opinion but you always ignore it because it is the opposite of what you would like.

Morosawa always wrote Athrun in the second series as someone who, even if women of different types surround him and throw themselves at him, he pays no attention to any of them. At the end of the series, his decision is still clear.
Zaft and Zeon are regular Humans who speak the exact same language as everyone else, the only Aliens in Gindam are the Space whales in Destiny and the ELS in 00, no space elves this isn't macross
>you can read her opinion but you always ignore it because it is the opposite of what you would like.

Have you ever thought that not all people here know japanese so they have no clue of what that fucking interview say? And you can't copy&paste a text on a pic to use a translator.
>And you can't copy&paste a text on a pic to use a translator.
we've been able to do that with phones since about 15 years ago
Is that how we got stuff like "Fukuda hates Super Robot Wars" or "Murosawa hates Cagalli"?
No shit, same way you couldn't trust people to translate shit they couldn't understand like when Nyoro~n group released the episode of Gundam 00 that said the Gundams needed to recharge from the ship
It doesn't change anything my boy that interview came up after Special Edition when they were chickening and did damage control because the hate comments, do you think the shippers only rampage lately? No, they were even worse back then hence Morosawa gave up writing about Cagalli and Athrun because fans only wants fairy tale love story for them when it is not that kind of series if you have seen past Fkd works you would understand this too. Cagalli could still win even if Meyrin actually have chance but they barely could write anything about Meyrin just seeing her besides him and not Cagalli they are already extremely angry, having love triangle could actually give benefits for them having larger story proportion because they are already not so much plot relevant like Kira Lacus and could increase more ship fandom but okay lost big opportunity there.
If he gave a shit he had 20 years to show it but didn't.
Not that anon but going
>it doesn't matter because I don't want it to
Is honestly just cope. No one gave a shit about Meyrin back then, besides Morosawa. There wasn't any secret ship wars because no one really saw her as anything inportant. If you want to talk about Fukuda works he would often disclude her from anything he was in charge of to the point where you could tell if Morosawa was on staff by whether or not Meyrin was there. And even Morosawa had a habit of just having her stand around and do nothing.

No one cared about Meyrin besides Morosawa and even she stopped caring about her. No one was forced to disclude her from any Seed, there was no secret cabal of rabid shippers against her, everyone was just apathetic towards her. Meyrin is a side character who has not much to her to begin with. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Hirai and the rest of the staff simply forgot that Meyrin is younger than Lunamaria but then didn't see her as important enough to fix her design.
What I want to know is did she really care about Meyrin or was she just pairing her with Athrun to spite Cagalli like people say?
Who knows at this point it's pointless to even goes since even Morosawa stopped pushing Meyrin.
You are the one coping you only based on everything you got now not everything that could happen back then, in Morosawa interview she said she was not able to write more about Meyrin, if we talk about romance it ends there when they decided not to write anything, but if we talk about now if he didn't care with Meyrin he won't include her in the story at all or could restore her previous role just being bridge bunny but she has actually important role in the movie even if she doesn't get many lines, again I don't talk about romance but just as character she is now trust worthy elite partner of Athrun, remember she was in poster even at the ED credits her name was there among main supporting characters that included Athrun, Cagalli, Shinn, Lunamaria
Stop projecting, the only one coping here is you. Morosawa also never blamed the fanbase for why she couldn't write Meyrin more. Meyrin is a side character not a main character so by that virtue alone she was very limited in how much screentime she could get, doesn't help that Morosawa only decided to push her at the very last minute. Meyrin at this point is only included as an extra you're attempting to extrapolate meaning where none exists. Comes across a more desperation from your end, like you made up a headcanon about Meyrin being important and popular for years on end and are just now finding out that that isn't the case and are now looking for someone to blame. You sound like that other delusional antiCagallifag who didn't know that Cagalli has always been the second most popular Seed female character.
>Morosawa also never blamed the fanbase for why she couldn't write Meyrin more
Which creator will blame the fanbase?
>Morosawa only decided to push her at the very last minute
That is when she would start to write more about her until she and Fukuda knew the reaction was not too good especially from female fanbase then they just damaged control with SE scene.
Comes across a more desperation from your end, like you made up a headcanon about Meyrin being important and popular for years on end and are just now finding out that that isn't the case and are now looking for someone to blame

But that is the case she has male fanbase that is why they keep releasing her figure and she is one of most important supporting character in the movie, you could just say everything with Cagalli off screen but not with Meyrin, and being important and popular don't need to be about shipping but as individual and when did I blame anyone for that? I just feel she could be actual potential love interest with chance to win Athrun and it has nothing to do with popularity or being important

>but but Cagalli is more important but but Cagalli is more popular
Again the coping in your part
The only Meyrin fan I know of is that YouTuber, Kakarot197.
Look, I shouldn't bother doing this, but I'm going to write it down.

Athrun and Cagalli's story during Destiny is one of misunderstood love on both of them, and this apart from being seen in the series itself was said by Fukuda and Morosawa in interviews. Fukuda never talked about Meyrin because I don't think he had her in mind at all. Meyrin initially didn't even count as part of Athrun's harem, in fact she doesn't appear in the opening episode among all the others until the second half.
In the opening of episode 38 you'll see Athrun and Cagalli finally join hands. It's the episode where they finally talk, that's when they finally understand each other and therefore have ‘the same dream’, words that Athrun will later say.

About what might have happened with Cagalli and if it was upset with Shindo, recently Fukuda on https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2313221/full/ said:

>He also revealed the worries of the production team. "At that time, Morosawa was also in a serious slump. The story wasn't progressing as intended. Cagalli wasn't ready to face off against Durandal.

And in another interview years ago she said that she had nothing more to tell about Cagalli (because her story is told in Destiny) and if a sequel were to be made, it should be with Kira and Lacus, with whom she has more ideas.

>did damage control because the hate comments, do you think the shippers only rampage lately?
Yes, you know why? Because Fukuda had no idea that Cagalli has so many fans at this point, and you can tell by his words at the movie's premiere in Thailand and by his question on Twitter about what they see in her:

>I was surprised to see Kagari-sama trending in the recommendations. She even has "sama" attached to her ^^; . It's certainly an honorable name.
I know this might cause a stir, but I wonder what it is about Cagalli that people who love her like? To be clear, I like all the SEED girls. #SEEDFREEDOM
>That is when she would start to write more about her until she and Fukuda knew the reaction was not too good especially from female fanbase then they just damaged control with SE scene.
Anon Meyrin wasn't even considered until the very last 13 episodes when the story was wrapping up. Before that she literally only had two scenes. So I don't know where your headcanon about Fukuda came from because Fukuda never talks about Meyrin at all.

>But that is the case she has male fanbase that is why they keep releasing her figure and she is one of most important supporting character in the movie
Anon Meyrin's fanbase is so small that she never even hit the top 20 characters even in male oriented magazines. Her fanbase is so small that her fans used to use photoshot to edit other people's fanart because that never got any. And the only female character gets still getting figures is Lacus not Meyrin. Meyrin only got remembered by the Heroine set which she was never a big part of and which every girl got merchandise because of it.

I mean Fukuda himself is the one who calls Cafalli important so it's not an opinion on my end it's a fact.
>I know this might cause a stir, but I wonder what it is about Cagalli that people who love her like? To be clear, I like all the SEED girls.
Tomboy peace princess who wasn't really peaceful.
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That phrase is also from his post.

I guess he read some Japanese ones and the next day he responded with another post:

>Thank you for your opinions and feedback. I felt a lot of passionate love. I want to continue to raise Cagalli responsibly, while taking into account Morosawa's feelings. Her relationship with Athrun is good now, but it seems like Cagalli will be busy again with the post-Foundation situation.

>And the only female character gets still getting figures is Lacus not Meyrin.
She has figures though
Lunamaria also has figures.
Like you are writing that long but your main point is the same Meyrin should not be with Athrun because she is not as important or popular as Cagalli, and again it has nothing to do with how Meyrin should not be written as actual potential love interest to end up with Athrun as my only complain

>About what might have happened with Cagalli and if it was upset with Shindo, recently Fukuda on
It has nothing to do with what we discuss now, like the article main point talk about why they decided to create Meer because in Destiny Durandal did nothing wrong especially toward Orb until the end

>And in another interview years ago she said that she had nothing more to tell about Cagalli (because her story is told in Destiny)
While fans demanded they need to solve the love story when there is nothing to write even that because Morosawa ended everything with Meyrin has no chance, if it was actually a love triangle then there might thing that need to be solved.

Again about popularity and important has nothing to do with my point

Also Fukuda cared about Meyrin as character she wrote her being important as supporting in the movie but again it has nothing to do with shipping just want to point that who said Fukuda doesn't care about her.
>Again about popularity and important has nothing to do with my point
You're the one who brought up popularity as the reason why they weren't doing it and what myself and other anon are stating is that it simply was never in the cards to begin with. Morosawa considered it at one point and then changed her mind

>Also Fukuda cared about Meyrin as character she wrote her being important as supporting in the movie but again it has nothing to do with shipping just want to point that who said Fukuda doesn't care about her
Fukuda isn't a writer it's likely that Meyrin's part was written by Morosawa before she died.
I didn't mention popularity, I said that it is written from the beginning to the end of the story that Athrun is still with Cagalli. It doesn't make sense to think that Meyrin can take that place because it's not even developed, she appears at the last moment.

Meyrin is a character who has potential as a hacker, but it's a shame that her role is reduced to being a possible love interest for Athrun.

>While fans demanded they need to solve the love story when there is nothing to write even that because Morosawa ended everything with Meyrin has no chance
That is not what they are asking for at the moment, what they are asking for is to close the story as they have done with Kira and Lacus. All that is known is from talks at events and on twitter. Nobody will remember these details in future years, and this information will be lost. No one should need to go to social networks or forums to find out what is happening in the story. All this should be in books, comics or animated.
Zaft is closer to "Civilians" in Xabungle then?
>It doesn't make sense to think that Meyrin can take that place because it's not even developed, she appears at the last moment.
Yes the shippers are the one being overreacting over her even when it is clearly that they don't write anyone has chance except Cagalli

>her role is reduced to being a possible love interest for Athrun.
Kek it is other way around being Athrun love interest is Cagalli actual role in the movie every other Orb personals could just said Cagalli order them without Cagalli actually present but they need to create moment to please the shippers like really for shipping moments only if not she maybe won't even out of her office while Meyrin actually does hacking jobs and with Heilen and Neumann being top 3 elites in the movie

What to close about them when they never break up, their problem was never relationship problem it will be different if Meyrin actually has chance but it doesn't, If it was relationship problem the one that would rescue Cagalli from wedding should be Athrun but with just Kira it means there is no problem in the first place, they just need to understand each other problem that it because they both can't involve in each other problems the problems are solved they understand that it. While Kira Lacus are being misunderstand for years as platonic couple so they need movie to clean things up for viewers and for themself
Are any of the couples in CE well-written? Maybe, Mu and Murrue to some extent.
Their just humans with manipulated genes
>Meyrin is a character who has potential as a hacker, but it's a shame that her role is reduced to being a possible love interest for Athrun.

Anon, I don't know where you got that idea, but Meyrin's development up until the movie wasn't reduced to being a love interest for Athrun. It was completely the other way around. She didn't show any signs of having a crush on Athrun anymore and she fucking hacked Foundation's base to rescue Lacus, she piloted the Z'gok during that part and she probably was the one who hacked Foundation's base information so Athrun knew what they were up to.
So, you need to upgrade a little.
I was referring to the perception that many people have about her. I know she's done a lot of great stuff and I love it, but some people still look down on her.
>but some people still look down on her
The only ones who look down on her are the forever butthurt shipper

So apparently the one piloting Zgok during Artemis break is Cagalli said by Fukuda but this remote control thing is like so conveniently bullshit in the first place, with this technology Kira could just pilot Freedom from earth next so he doesn't need to actually fight but..well
Kek Cagalli gatekeeper here bring my post on their group on X, when I just stating the truth, they call me hater So I will explain to you Cagalli gate keeper why is her problem with Athrun in Destiny is not relationship problem in the first place
Athrun talked to her when he decided to go the Plant and she allowed him, about marrying Yuna he knew that time would come so he gave her the ring, but he couldn't intervene It is up to Cagalli how to solve the Orb problem so she won't need to get married, what can Athrun do? So do you think he can say anything to the Orb council? who is he?
He enlisted in Zaft
He didn't need to tell Cagalli because he thought he did the right thing because he didn't see Durandal did something wrong even if he talked to Cagalli what could she do? Would she let him just feeling useless in Orb?
Marry Yuna
What can Athrun do even if she told him, and Athrun's also sure she will only do for politic, she didn't love Yuna, she is not actually commit infidelity she is hopeless if he kidnapped her he would be criminal but Kira was being forgiven for being relative so didn't need to be Athrun

Kira also only decided later to fight after Durandal tried to kill Lacus at that time Athrun already joined Zaft and later they had meeting to try to fix things but it did not work, because he still didn't see Durandal as wrong until he did, They already apologize he was impatient while she was hopeless and they understand that, but it is not because each other but because themself, more like personal struggles? nobody misunderstand about love here, nobody doubt about love, nobody need to be tell I love you here, nobody argue with each other about their relationship, even if Athrun told Cagalli he loves her will it fix Orb problem, will it fix the Plant problem and the war? so what is the relationship problem? Its completely different things with Kira and Lacus in Freedom in which their problem are very personal and about their feelings for each other.
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If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.
Beyond salty
>Her darkness
I thought they were talking about Shinn's darkness. And why the fuck Stella has lipstick? She is dead and time shouldn't have passed on her, if that is the use of the botox líos for the girls, to make them look older.
I also don't understand why she likes Athrun, what I got from Seed "oh Kira is my brother so I would go with my second choice", I remember she only started to blush with Athrun after it revealed Kira is her brother
>Yes the shippers are the one being overreacting over her even when it is clearly that they don't write anyone has chance except Cagalli
Shippers don't give a shit about her. I haven't seen any of the so-callled ship wars that you speak of. The only people I've seen be upset and throw accusations around is Meyrin shippers like yourself.
Not that anon but the issue with Yuuna was that he was corrupt. He got Cagalli to agree to marry him by threatening Kira.
In Seed Athrun and Cagalli kept running into each other to the point that they sorta became friends. Cavalli seemingly had a crush on Kira and their relationship was very questionable up until it was revealed that they were twins. Athrun was the one who was there for her when her father died. They basically were running to each other for comfort or a sounding board. That's how their relationship started.

And gaslighting her about her duties as Orb's Chief Representative.
>That's how their relationship started.
But is not Kira that comforted Cagalli after her father died? I was surprised they suddenly kissed like they moved on so fast, I still remember Athrun dejected looks when Lacus being so formal with him helping her when Eternal was shaking after being attacked, i feel like they are like Shin Luna, atleast Kira and Lacus didn't fall in love instantly and Muu Murrue were always flirting so they're good
Are you living under the rock it was everywhere on X atleast until recently especially I remember Asucaga shippers embarrassingly bashed Meyrin seiyuu when she was revealed to host the GP result announcement with Athrun.
Self insert for women.
>Are you living under the rock it was everywhere on X atleast until recently especially I remember Asucaga shippers embarrassingly bashed Meyrin seiyuu when she was revealed to host the GP result announcement with Athrun.

No, I live in reality. And outside of 4chan where Meyrinfags were constantly seething crying about AsuCagafags, and constantly outing themselves as newfags or just secondaries who knew nothing about the fandom back when GSD and Seed were airing and next to nothing about any of the Fukuda and Morosawa interviews back then either. No one was posting about Meyrin, at all, they were too busy posting about their ship to care. Which is pretty much how things were back when GSD aired as well.
I remember Athrun being the one who comforted Cagalli, she was avoiding Kira for a time because she found out that Kira was a her twin and was processing that at the same time. It was actually Athrun who she first told that Kira was her twin.
No you are wrong please rewatch Seed again, she never avoided Kira, Kira also the first one she hugged after her father died, when she about to tell Kira about them being twin Athrun thought she would confess her feeling for Kira but it was not and she asked Athrun to stay to listen about their twin story too
Just like her brother.
>Back then
Then you are really living under the rock then we are in socmed era now, back then Asucagafags seethed only on blog or forum or tumblr, interview posted with no source, and you wouldn't see atleast you searched there, lately it was on X don't think Seed generated newfags we are just in new era while you are staying on 4chan and no there was barely any Meyrinfags actually even back then
>Their ship
Right, I wonder why they said they wait 20 years when Asucaga never break up and they are always canon the reason Morosawa didn't write about them because they are fully developed already
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But About Zeon, In 1st gundam, Flanagan told one of zeek agent to shut up due to his zeonic dialect when infiltrating white base. And 0080 mentions "zeon dialect" as well(Zeon namari in Japanese). I thought Zaft would have Zaft namari(ザフト訛り) too.
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We are going to have notcosmo babylonia as the new enemy soon, boys. Fukuda never lets SEED Series dies so easily. It will be really funny if orb has become notcosmo babylonia for real, and not to mention all those space pirate things Fukuda making fun of.
I'm honestly shocked too. I really thought she was gonna have a moment or two. Butbhyer big climax as a character is giving up her cool family heirloom to a better pilot.
Surprised she resonates with people once siscon stuff is off the table.
Relena actually had agency and narrative focus that wasn't just her being infantilized.
Any time Cagalli gets focus it's to show she's not as hot shit as she thinks she is.
I was surprised at how unessisary she was in the movie since I saw the character polls first. I thought she was gonna make up for her behavior in Destiny but she really didn't.
She's barely a tomboy after the original. She's like a grumpy princess in Destiny and an office lady in Freedom.
Seeing a character purely as a passive utility for other characters really isn't any less cynical than judging a character by their active contributions to a story.
Meyrinfag here. I wanted to believe she could win the Athrun bowl when Cagalli took off the ring and told her to take care of Athrun, when Meyrin and Athrun left together in SE and with that chart of Athrun's relationships and there was a heart between him and Meyrin. But I suspected that nothing would happen between those 3. Then, 20 years passed and I stopped caring about Seed in general until I found out the movie would be released for real, and when I saw the poster with Athrun-Meyrin-Cagalli I thought that MAYBE we would see something romantically interesting between Athrun and Meyrin. But when I read the spoilers (horny Cagalli in Athrun's mind, Cagalli using the ring as a pendant, and Meyrin's description as "used to have a crush on Athrun"), I knew Meyrin "lost" the Athrun bowl. And, that's it. Now, as a Meyrinfag, I just want that in future projects she can get more screen. I want to see her doing more cool stuff as what she did in the movie.
>Asucaga shippers embarrassingly bashed Meyrin seiyuu
Shame on them. Evil people. Orikasa Fumiko is a such a nice and sweet person. I like her, a lot! (that's why I paid special attention to Meyrin in the first place).
Have you never seen Japanese before in your life?
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ctrl+f flay
1 match
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She's hot.
IMO the polls were tainted when they released 'provisional' results halfway through, which changed the subsequent voting patterns instead of letting things continue as an organic popularity contest.
By the time that tumblr took off most Seedfags weren't talking about Seed anymore. And you are making shit up again. I around during that time and it was Meyrinfags who made shit up. They used to edit AsuCaga images and try to pass it off as "the latest season".

>Right, I wonder why they said they wait 20 years when Asucaga never break up and they are always canon the reason Morosawa didn't write about them because they are fully developed already
Dude what? Most GSfags haven't posted about about any of the Seed characters because they haven't had an entry in almost 20 years. But it seems like Meyrinfafs like yourself were the only ones hyping yourselves up for something that was never going to happen and was too invested in your headcanon to see what was right in front of you.
>The polls were Tainted because the results aren't what I wanted them to be.
In all honesty I realized that Meyrin and Athrun wasn't going to go anywhere early on. Fukuda had no interest in it, Sunrise couldn't care less about it (remembers he wedding collab), only Morosawa pushed for it but then even she lost interest in it. She actually deconfirmed Athrun with Meyrin when she made the Seed Remake and wrote a drama cd where Meyrin gives up on Athrun.

>Shame on them. Evil people
Anon is talking out of his asshole. He's been seething over Cagalli and her popularity for a while now and playing victim and trying to rewrite history.
Imagine choosing a bumbling idiot like Cagalli in the end.
He's not wrong though, AsuCaga rallied hard because they want SEED Justice.
>The girls basically creaming themselves in Hoshi's presence
He gets ALL the bitches.
cute girl, that's all
Would Hoshi had cheated like Furuya and Bael guy?
That won't work. The major problem is just the fact that the altered genes of Coordinators don't mix well with one another. The PLANTS already installed an arranged marriage system but that's more delaying the problem rather than confronting it.
Earthian traitor who fought for alien troops. Why did Dullindal give Shinn best mobile suit in Zaft, spite Shinn is Earthling immigrant? Hari and Agnes would not like this for being hawks.
Wow! Shinn scored higher than Lacus.
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No he's wrong of the same dimbass that didn't know that Cagalli was the second most popular female for both seed and destiny.
I'm interested in how the authors and readers of the dozens of Hentai Doujins that feature Kira and Cagalli felt when it was revelead they were related
Made for Shinn's hatefucking rape
Wonder why Athrun chose this filthy Earthling instead of his brethren spite he has better physical, and psychic ability(spite Assrun is more focused on physical while Lacus is more focused on psychic).
I would unironically ship them if they actually interacted more than once or twice in the show. And if Cagalli wasn't a wet sack of flour.
I think that Fukuda and Morosawa were just undecided who to ship him with since a lot of extra material post Destiny tried to sunk Asucaga and made Meyrin the canon love interest, not to mention that Meyrin still hangs around him even in Seed Freedom
It was actually a pretty big alternative ship early on in Destiny's run
If they never poop that makes their buttholes just for sex
Why does Dearka's foot smell bad spite Zaft people won't stink?
He likes her as a person it's that simple, plus it's practical Coordinater genes don't mix well if their Gen-2 and forward so Athrun hooking up with another couldn't have kids and would need to adopt, sadly this doesn't bode well foe Shinn and Luna who as second gen coordinators are likely genetically incompatible
I thought it was the opposite like in that one Drama CD where Meyrin tells Luna that despite her still hanging around Athrun, he still has eyes only for Cagalli.
But Heine mentions "latrine cleaning"... was Zaft people human too?
Yes they are
Kira's reign is coming back.
Athrun 3, Shinn 11, Lacus 19... where's Cagalli?
Is 10 from the BDSM Magical Girl show?
I just watched Freedom and I'll use this thread as as my opportunity to vent:
How did they manage to make a movie that bad. Seed and Destiny weren't good, but this managed to be one of the worst anime movies I've seen. Terrible story, terrible new characters, music was bad or recycled, the music and sound directing was actually real garbage as well, animation was nowhere near of what you'd expect of a movie, what the actual fuck happened here.
She's the best girl of the first 52 episodes of Seed.
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Cagalli didn't rank in this issue, but she then ranked #12 in the next issue after this because her fans decided to buy the magazine to vote after seeing she was the only one not ranking among the main five. I think it was an irony that Cagalli, who's supposedly very popular among women, didn't rank in the magazine with many female readers. I think she is really not that popular among general anime fans or female otaku.
>who is Flay
Audiences have changed, huh.
So they would pee and poo like us?
Worst girl. Even she knew Cagalli was better, that's why she got so jealous about her talking to Kira.
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Yeah. Since Earthlings cannot compete to Superior Zaft alien gene. En taro Patrick!! My life for Plant!! En arudin Junius!!(Translation: For Patrick!! My life for Plant!! We remember Junius!!)
That's why they meed a latrine
Yeah. Seed destiny manga had this mention.
There are pictures of Lacus shitting on sad panda. I've seen them.
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How about Luna? Does she have R-18 pic with defecation? It would be error for her to defecate for her racial trait. She is Zaftish. Korshala Nicol!! (Until we meet with Nicol in Zaft dialect)
I wanted to say something about Shinn x Lunamaria, but I can't say anything because of the fucking scatfag ruining all discussion in this thread.
I believed that Zaft people don't poo unlike Earthlings, but somebody said that there is pic which Lacus poops in sadpanda(IDK how to access this).
En arudin Nicol.(Zaft dialect- In memory of Nicol)
You realize ZAFT is just tje name of tje plant military right? They aren't their own people and culture just humans in space
It genuinely felt like an old Shounen Jump anime tie-in movie to me. The way the villains were just kind of piggybacking on something villains from the series tried to do. The way the characters just kind of felt like flanderizations mostly colored by fan reception (Shin and Cagalli in particular) and the weird formulaic way of giving everyone something to do.
I did kind of like watching Kira and Lacus fuck up and have to face consequences, but then you learn that they were literally brainwashed, so it goes back to them seeming like perfect angels again.
Also I can't help but feel like the Mighty Strike is supposed to be a conscious attempt at making the most bullshit Gundam with that fucking 360 AOE lighting defense system and somehow cutting a base in half (I think??? you see it happen but they don't zoom out and show the damage).
Even if you tell him, it won't mean anything. Everyone has told him the characters aren't aliens, but he refuses to listen.
Why won't the mods do anything about Scatfag
Maybe their friends.
Was Zaft not like Gamilas and Buff clan?
No, what gave you that idea?
Their costume and MS design looking like alien. And
Nothing about ZAFT's anything looks alien like the Buff clans machines
Even for Zaft's Uniform?
Was Patrick Zala, the founder of Zaft born in Earth? According to Namuwiki.
Patrick wasn't the founder of the Plants but as a first Gen coordinator yeah he was born on earth

No their outfits are just supposed to be "Sci-fi futuristic military" more akin to federation uniforms in star trek than any alien
>Also I can't help but feel like the Mighty Strike is supposed to be a conscious attempt at making the most bullshit Gundam
I got that impression as well, but the tech in CE isn't advanced/bullshit enough for MSF to actually beat the normal Gundam heavy hitters in a power level discussion.
Nah you are one of those Toonami brainwashed victims Releana is an annoying failed Waifu she can’t even protect her own Country and ruined rival fights.
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Forgot link for song..

Certainly within the top 10 if not like top 5 depending on if you put all the unicorns in the same spot...or the two I guess.
Fukuda realised that he didn't have to put any effort, because the audience would eat it up anyway. Delaying the production for years worked in SEED's favour.

>It genuinely felt like an old Shounen Jump anime tie-in movie to me.
Shounen Jump properties wouldn't allow the MC to kill the villain when he has already lost and has a hot soon-to-be-girlfriend at his side (one who doesn't even want to keep fighting and just yearns for love). Such a resolution would never have been greenlit by SJ.
This guy is either an idiot or a troll, who repeatedly insists Zaft are aliens and refuses to hear otherwise. Given his obsession with their shitting habits or lack there of and his made up language for them I think he's just a troll.
Fucking report him then. Report him for spamming or low quality.
Are Zaft closer to Terrans in starcraft who are colonist humans?
People have been doing it for months but jannies don’t do anything about it. He got briefly banned a little while back but only because someone made a thread and told the mods to stop pussyfooting around but he’s back now
not hard to see her appeal, she's the "puts on a fierce act but is inexperienced, feminine and cute inside" type. evokes the feeling you want to protect her.
also has good ship, tragic story, actually gets somewhat a lot done in-universe, etc.

the only minor "gripe" of mine is that she's kind of plain design wise compared to Hirai's other characters :P
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But she must poop for being an Earthling unlike Lacus and Luna who are superior Zaft girls who has psychic ability. En arudin Nicol(Zaft dialect: In memory of Nicol..) but how did Assrun link his psychic power with Earthling like Cagali?
> :P
I've tried trust me I have but it just won't stick
ZAFT is just the plant army but yes they're just colonist humans
Then make another thread.
Or compile all his posts and send them to Feedback.
Would that even stop him? He seems to be show up in every SEED thread to let everyone know about his alien poop fetish.

I can imagine he's been active ever since we discussed SEED Freedon so why now? We had Cosmic Era Gundam threads BEFORE SEED Freedom so why did we get stuck with this idiot during the hype campaign of SEED Freedom?
He might just hate the cosmic era and wants to make threads annoying in an attempt to curtail SEED threads
Until Hathaway 2 comes out and he starts scatposting on those threads.
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