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Matrix room:
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ANCHOR POST for questions about existing content, link new content to the OP, please.

New chapter of the Kondo manga up! Much shorter this time. Also Mega Links work better than GDRIVE lol
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The srungling will continue.
Many thanks to both of you!
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these are ancient doujins which were just settei sheets photocopied into a book btw. i don't actually own one but there's a bunch of Battle Fighters out there
Noice!!! I have one of those for Galvion and one of those for Dorvack. They're "Battle Formation 19" and "Battle Formation 20". No idea what 1–18 are, but one of them is likely that Srungle collection.
You should scan the Dorvack one because the series never got a proper art book.
Anybody got Takehito Ito’s “Take Out?”
I'll need to see if my scanner is still working, but if it is, you're right, I should.

I only have the Dorvack one and the Galvion one.
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remember these guys
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Is there any particular difference between the dvd and blu-ray of Discotek's releases for Dancouga other than the OVAs?
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to be honest I like Fighting On more than the first theme.
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space high and high baby
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too bad the second LP didn't have character art like the first.
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Hello yes I am not dead I'm just dying. I will respond to things soon.

Please do not do this. I understand Srungle-anon is posting his subs in here, but posting random images in here - however neat they may or may not be - with no productive commentary or a proper archive is effectively spam. This is not the thread for that. Please make a dedicated Srungle thread if you wish to continue.
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Any good WfM BD encodes that don't have very huge file sizes?
P9 Bump
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I bring you the terrible secret of Subspace.
Subspace has a terrible power.
Yessss awesome I've been dying for some answers
Gotta be honest this episode doesn't answer anything so much as it introduces a twist that sets up the final story line for the series. I think it's the last episode to feature any decent sakuga too.
And again.

an old friend returns for this one
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welcome to HFIL
Yessssss, I'm always stoked when there's more Srungling!
Gonna need a pic, anon. Your link shows none.
Did anyone scan the Galvion Memorial Works book? I remember some anon had pics that weren't in any preview.
Does anyone have any idea of how the Braiger LD release compare to the DVD and SDBD in terms of picture quality? I know the masters are gone - so no chance of a good HD scan, but sometimes LD versions have better audio and video than early DVD for a variety of reasons.
Apologies, I haven't been following these threads, but does anyone have a seeded torrent or ddl to the complete subbed Srungle series? Had a look on the usual torrent places and can only find the dreaded 40.7% one, sadly. Many thanks in advance!
The upload on the internet archive is the same as the torrent.
I suspect the answer is no, because the original masters were lost way before that. The first fansub of episode 1 did have a different source with wacky colours, but not sure if that was LD source.
Someone said they got the Srungle blu-rays and ripped one ep and saw it was a decent upgrade. Did anything come of that?
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Anyone have any extracted Vifam subs I can use with Moozzi2's blu-ray raws? Thanks!
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I bring you ancient memes.
Yeah - the LD boxset was released in 1993 it seems, what were they using for the initial JPN DVD then? I was thinking that there is the possibility that what ever was being used as a source that it had degraded more since the LD version was made, so could be a chance for a quality upgrade - the LDs aren't that pricey.
Oh thanks! This looks like the raws though, unless they've been mislabelled. I'm happy to download these though if the subs are available somewhere by themselves though. The torrent I was trying to get was labelled with [RuSub] but I'm not fussy.
I'm just stashing the sub files on a friend's blog for now. Nothing has been put together with video yet.

Oh this is perfect thank you! I'll grab them all once you're done then.
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Crime has made the final sacrifice.
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This is incredible -- Srungle is nearing fansub completion! What an incredible time to live in. Thank you for your efforts, VF5SS-san
>Srungle and Suikoden near completion thanks to /m/en
What a time...
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Chance is a real man isn't he
>Is that book of knockoff mecha kits Dorkly scanned years ago still available?
that's a good question
it was like "Road To The Lost Plamo" or something, iirc I only upped the raw paint shop pro files?
I'll try digging around
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The Entire Godzilla Singular Point novelization with all the weird extended lore crap in it...

Untranslated obviously.

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checked the spreadsheet,doesn't seem like n-extreme raw was on it yet
i will re-up a copy
vol 1:
vol 2:
Anyone got the post-credits scenes to the SSSS.GRIDMAN and SSSS.DYNAZENON compilation movies? I remember seeing somewhere that they were subbed back when they came out, but outside of a YouTube upload of Gridman's, I can't find them anymore.
Sweeeeet. Thanx gang.
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Trekker-ing right at ya.
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hello hi does anyone happen to have have link for a full toushou daimos soundtrack rip
specifically one where the daimos' (the robot's) theme collection contains battle turn track I should add
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Just one more episode to go. 53 is just a clip show summary for the whole series so occasionally it gets left off the total count.
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>Just one more episode to go.
>53 is just a clip show summary for the whole series so occasionally it gets left off the total count.
Oh. Well alrighty then!
What is after Srungle? Kind of hoping for Vifam 13 or 70s Enma-kun personally. Plus it looks like ARR died recently.
Did anyone upload the BDs for Srungle?
ARR is less dead than just permabanned from nyaa, and for good reason. People who sockpuppet for them also tend to get the boot. I'm sure they still try to spread their shit on some forums or wherever. They clearly have material ready to go whenever they find a new victim.

Also, not sure if VF5SS is going to do stuff outside of the Takatoku or Kokusai Eigasha circles. But if he does, I hope he gets a good fansubbing team together or joins up with an active fansub group (so either Inka or he starts working with Marty/LonelyChaser because nobody else is alive enough for full TV series translation in a reasonable amount of time these days, unfortunately). The episodes of Srungle I looked at were decent, but they had some signs of amateur and one person project, which is why I hope Srungle gets scrubbed by a group (I know there's interest).

I can also confirm that there's interest for Vifam 13, but idk if anything concrete is happening on that (or a regular Vifam BD batch with a non-Moozzi encode).

Don't think so. I know there's someone in the fansubbing circles who does have the BD, but they've been MIA.
Does the link there still work?
I think I recognize you from mmg
>Also, not sure if VF5SS is going to do stuff outside of the Takatoku or Kokusai Eigasha circles.

No this one was Clover via their subsidiary Poplar. Srungle was Dunbine's partner, baby!

>they had some signs of amateur and one person project

That's right, Sexy.

> (I know there's interest).

Is there
maintaining the possibility of me just being blind, the only ones still working are the mediafire links for COCC-72066, which doesn't have battle turn
the mega links for CX-7022 and SCS-410 are dead, so I'd appreciate a catbox if you have them, but going by vgmdb.net the former's essentially the same as COCC-72066, which, if the listed track length is correct, would also lack battle turn, and latter's just the OP&ED
either way, thanks for the help
Doing a cursory search through the methods I usually use just give videos of the theme as it appears with the other audio and some Japanese forum posts discussing the original version as a "phantom" music piece.
It's possible that the original composition was never publicly released, which is common with many 70s mecha.
surely they'll get a re-release for the live action
yeah, that's the same as the COCC-72066 linked and the one I got on soulseek, a bit different encoding aside
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Here we are at the literally mind blowing finale.
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bless you anon for doing this
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Unbelievable. It is done! Thank you, VF5SS!! I'm on episode 38, really enjoying this weird little show -- and your work!!
I don't want to clutter up this thread but I expect lots of Srungle threads, webms, and sakugabooru posts in the future.
Hey, out of curiosity: did something happen with [hchcsen]'s torrents? It looks like they disappeareed and theyn were re-upped by others on June 15
All torrents were deleted on May 15, and the account closed on May 17. I don't know what happened exactly, whether it's hchcsen quitting, or some spat with nyaa staff or whatever, but in any case, he's gone.

Some of his torrents were reuploaded by users who had the files, but there are probably a bunch still missing. I think the inconsistent dates are because people uploaded the exact same torrent files, meaning that the reupload shares the same nyaa post ID, but uploader, description, tracker numbers, upload date are all new.
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Here's the clip show that covers the entire series in under 20 minutes. There's a tiny bit of new dialog thrown in but the real triumph is them adding "FIGHTING ON" over the final confrontation. There's no credits and I assume this episode was made because Galvion wasn't ready to take Srungle's place so they probably had the extended PV play at the end.

Enjoy the show and as always, "TAKE YOUR CHANCE! NEXT TIME!!"
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Thanks again, VF5SS-san!
Awesome! Batch torrent when? A d damn did Aniwave get a hold of this fast.
Aren’t the other uploads the ARR subs
Well it can’t be helped now.
These subs are an amateur effort. I don’t think they’re torrent worthy in their current state.

They're plenty good. I've seen worse from professional releases. Are they perfect. Hell no. But almost no releases ever are.
I know that my request would be considered off-topic, but does anyone here happened to have the Goro Ohmi Guin Saga albums shared by theturokfanboy and Love17?
I know that MartyMcflies endorsed them on one of his threads here back in 2016 (https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/14266407), and at least one person got them.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I do want to go back over the subs at some point, but if someone wants to put them together with the video for a torrent I don't mind. Just don't change the credits. I know the show was a bit of a white whale for English speaking audiences so I'm eager to see what people think. Honestly, I think it's both more and less than what people were expecting.
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Of course! The show was indeed one of my white whales, big time. I can hardly believe I've now seen all of Galvion, Dorvack, and Srungle -- with subtitles!

I agree the show is both more and less than what I was expecting. It's an odd duck, combining Real Robot and Super Robot schticks. It's also strange how it switches from "Mission Impossible" flavor to a much more standard war story in the second half.

I actually love the characters, I think they're really fun. It's odd that they got rid of two characters halfway through and replaced them with almost carbon copies right away. And with the addition of the Aero Mighty the Gorilla team actually winds up being short a pilot.

Anyway, I'm still only up to episode 42. MIC's work is pretty jank a lot of the time, but there's also some really spunky sakuga. Seriously enjoying the show, so glad you made it possible.
There’s speculation that both Baxingar and Srungle got pressure from PTA groups since both shows had major character uniform changes for their respective casts. Superstar and Sugar at least have different voices and attitudes. Dolly and Sexy could have been the same person with a code name change and a haircut.
I tried to make a separate Srungle thread but it got hijacked.
No. Newfag piece of shit.
Forgot to mention, you need Epub to view it, converting it to PDF seems to just cut off letters.
wow, you must be very new indeed to think that
IIRC with Srungle done there's only five giant robot shows with no subs now - Gowapper, Gakeen, Balatack, Gordian Warrior, and Galatt. Wonder which will be next?
Oh nice, didn't know Galatt was that close to done. Gordian is REALLY long so that might be a stumbling block, though interestingly complete versions of it, Gakeen, and Balatack in Italian are readily available online.
Nah, there's a lot more. And I won't count any crabsticks, ARR, Kingmenu or AnimeShinigami as real subs, they're too shit to consider watching. I'll also list current projects since you brought up Galatt.

So, to name a couple:
60s Tetsujin has two episodes and half a dub
Getter G only has 13 episodes subbed
Raideen is up to 37.
Time Bokan has 3 episodes, the other shows in the franchise reach between fully subbed (Yatterman) to nothing (Zendaman), with many having only like 1 or 2 episodes by NoraInuG
Jeeg is ARR
Grendizer subs are wonky as hell
Dai Apolon (and anything else Luurah) is edited MTL'd Italian, so should be redone, like Ginguiser was
Groizer is ARR
Blocker Gundan 4 is ARR
Danguard Ace is ARR, but it should get real subs "soon"
G7 is ARR
Daiouja is Shinigami (MTLd Italian)
Wataru got 10 official episodes and ARR for the rest
Liger is AnimeShinigami
Multiple Braves have bad subs (Dagwon's being shit for example)
Getter Robo Gou is up to 28
Red Baron gets the choice of crabsticks via ARR or Spanish dub-based TL via SubsDeLaRosa
Yamato Takeru has ARR and revised ARR (but I don't think the guy revising knew Japanese)
Vifam 13 has nothing
Zoids is stuck in partially subbed but fully dubbed hell
Ordian subs are a complete mess
Dendou is up to 26
Tri-Zenon has a handful of shit fansubs and a handful of crabsticks
Rouran fansubs are incomplete and bad

And there's probably more I missed, as well as shows that need a scrub of their "acceptable" current subs (like Zambot and Daitarn). There are also unripped Discotek releases (like Astroganger until two weeks ago).
TY. What does "crabsticks" mean in this context?
There is only one retard willing to defend ARR.
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Learn to read. ARR is not real subs, they either rip HKDVDs or MTL Italian dub scripts. Their only worthwhile subtitled release was their rip of DNA Sights 999.9 because nobody else ripped the R1 DVD for that for some reason, and that's long in the past now.

Raideen was the Italian Dub variety of trash from what I gathered, and starseeker intends to finish Raideen when she finds time (so most likely after we finish the Dragonar BD batch).

Crabsticks are English subs from HKDVD bootlegs. They are known for their utterly shit translation quality and bad English diction, and take their name from the Mazinger Z bootleg.
They're not even poor, just passable. This board sure has translation purists.
I think some people (or just a dedicated retard) has beef with Shinigami. ARR is pure barf though, no clue why anyone would defend that shit.
What I watched of their subs was MTL-tier (and if it wasn't, damn). There's a reason Inka and /m/subs redid GR: Giant Robo without even referencing the AnimeShinigami subs.

I also don't think they're as bad as ARR, but it's hard to be as bad as them simply from a moral standpoint with selling DVDs of their bootlegs, inserting Pro-Russia and conspiracy messages into subtitles, titles, descriptions, insulting people calling out the quality of their subs, duping people into uploading their stuff to nyaa when they have been banned, etc. (maybe Ichido Reichan threatening other Baki scanlators gives them a run for their money).

The issue is more that their subs are similarly useless. Maybe compare to Helena Halestorm, who gets a bunch of hate too, but because the TL is bad, severely ESL, and the subs are timed to full seconds (Helena apparently doesn't know what milliseconds are).
I wouldn't scrub AnimeShinigami or Helena Halestorm, so from that perspective, it's the same as no subs.

Also gonna add to what I said here, I generally didn't list bad subs for ongoing subbing projects (no crabsticks on Getter G and Dendou for example), so I didn't on Raideen either. May be inconsistent (since G is as dead as it gets if we're being real, sasword's more elusive than Rainbowman RAWs), but meh.
And yeah, Jeeg has some stuff, but I'm not sure if those subs are avaialble, the nyaa torrents are dead for one. Henshin-Man is available, but that's edited ARR, and he isn't that good at JP afaik.
Anyone still have the Mechander Raws from this post >>17246042? Mega link is dead unfortunately.
There are these fansubs https://mega.nz/folder/UmIQECIZ#t9XJXGUHZl4PLG7KTRA7Yg
of Yuusha Raideen i don't know how good they are. They just dropped them randomly on a nyaa comment section.
I was actually about to start the Brave series soon, what's the issue with their subs? Also who's doing Danguard?
Srungle guy here. I started making tweaks and changes to correct some of my rookie mistakes, so whatever future release will be better. I managed to stumble on some helpful references and resources as I went on but to be honest, there isn't a whole lot out there. People are generally positive about Srungle but it isn't like say, the J9 shows, that have many dedicated bloggers and fan sites.
Balatack is my choice for next showa mecha to get subs.
what kind of tweaks & changes exactly? were these applied throughout the whole show? or only a select few episodes
Since these are by a Chinese group that barely speaks English, we figured that they just use Msubs for 1-37 and ARR for 38-50, with no changes besides maybe shifting around. I tried asking them fwiw, the guy didn't speak enough English to understand the question...

Brave isn't my area of expertise (I only watched Exkaiser and Fighbird like 5 years ago before I decided to wait for BDs for the rest), which is why I talked somewhat generally. But here goes:

Exkaiser's Silver_Castle subs are fine, but could use a touch-up. Subdiver just used S_C in their batch.
Fighbird was done by Onmitsu, a BR group, so it's not the best TL or the best English.
Da Garn subs were done as a joint of two primarily toku groups, the subs are good.
Might Gaine had 1-29 by PDSG, which are old school but solid, but was stuck with crabsticks for most of the rest. It's got full subs now, but from disparate groups, though the guy who put together the torrent did some TLC and editing to make it all fit together, so it's probably good now.
J-Decker was also done by Onmitsu, so same applies.
Goldran was done by msubs, so it's good.
Dagwon is Subdiver, KR->EN with some pretty bad Engrish subbing.
GaoGaiGar has official subs, so no issues there.
Betterman also has official subs.

As for Danguard Ace, Inka did the two movies and asked for TV show ISOs last year (which they have now). Just don't know when that project actually kicks off, Inka's got a lot of stuff going on at once.
Ah yes. I still have a few issues.
So... Albegas was released but nobody's ripped it?
Had a chance to take a closer look at this, the subs look to be:
1 seems to be new; either that, or it's very heavily edited shin-getter.
2-12 are OCRs of Shin-Getter, though they miss a few lines.
13-37 are /m/subs
38 also looks new
39-50 are edited ARR; it fixes some of the worst-sounding passages, but I doubt they did proper TLC.

So it's more or less what was available in terms of subs, slightly spruced up and timed to the HDTV airing.

Mondo has bought it, but it'll ship together with God Sigma once that releases, so he probably won't get it until August.
P9 Bump
And again!
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Anyone have DVDISOs for Mekanda Robo
And another.
Should this thread have a bump archor, given the frequency?
Is Nyaa kill? It's been down for a couple days now.
Nyaa is up and has been up.

Though I did get 504 errors today when trying to access it; I assume they're blocking some VPNs from accessing the site. It's probably some kind of anti-DDOS measure?

I hopped between a few of the servers on my VPN service and eventually got through, so maybe try that.
I don't have a VPN. It's been giving me 504s all week.
Works on my machine
Then YOU are the VPN.
>a bump archor
Whoah, I've never even heard of such a thing. Sounds handy!
Any /m/ historians know the answer to this? I know the manga version of Infinite Stratos ended recently, but I can't find any details on the ending in English. Anybody know? With both the anime and novel versions consigned to Canceled-on-a-Cliffhanger Hell, this sounds like our last chance for an actual conclusion.

Vaguely related, did the translation for the volume-long final chapter of Broken Blade ever finish?
We did but the main guy doing them hasn't been a regular for a while now.
Page 9 bump.
The earlier episodes are a little wonky, merging too many lines together and omitting hefty chunks of what was spoken, so if you manage to bring them up to par with the latest ones, that would actually be really cool.
They are also blocking whatever european IP segment I'm in, and I'm not using any VPN. Seems like they went rather trigger happy with blocking, and that's in addition to a number of countries that block it from their side. I end up using the iss mirror instead, though it's as shady as all other nyaa mirrors.
If anyone can I'd like to request seeds for Dodgy's torrent of the 2005 Tetsujin 28 live action movie please.
It's not even that big, here's a DDL


I'm seeding the torrent too in case you can't get it from the DDL

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