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Ple! Ple! Ple!
What if Ple...WAS REAL?
how many purus have we gotten over the years? Ple 1 and 2, and Maridia?
El Ple Puru.
shit thread
kill yourselves
plesioplesioplesio pleeesiiioooooo~!!!!!!
/m/ love spam threads when it's pedo shit and lesbian shit
but post actual mecha thread and you got troll faggots derailing them to ruin them
There’s also Alicia and Gloria and their clones in Gundam Inle which could be the surviving Purus (though could be a separate cloning batch or something).
I ple on my dick to puru
OH SHIT! he trolling hard!!!!!
Her name is the an onomatopoeia for the sound of spitting up cum.
You'd know, cum slurper.
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Marida doing Puru things is always a good jam
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ackshually, it's a wordplay on "El People" which is the spanish for "The people"
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How many Purus do you want, Mister?
There's a few in UC Engage too
I can't be greedy, I'll just take two.
One to creampie, the other to go down on her and lick the cum out of her pussy
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I really need to cum
i like this one
some really good Ples in this week's episode of OL Haman-sama
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People in Spanish is Gente
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She is ready to become pregnante ToT
Shut the fuck up erp fag.
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The SpyxFamily movie did a good take on this when Colonel Snidel straight up stole dessert from Loid and Anya.
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I'm still not tacking how this is supposed to spelled vs how it's intended to be pronounced.
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Don't let this Thread Die /Ple/ase
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i look like this irl
Imagine being a pilot who saves and romances a Puru, as she ages into a MILF.
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You have the sun in your crotch?
My life has been unbearable pain without you and I can't even enjoy Puru without thinking of you anymore
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How many rolls would it take to pull a puru? If I were to hopefully pull a full puru from a gacha pull?
Fuck you for reminding me of the autist that floods the Marida tag in Pixiv with his Chris-chan tier drawings.
Chris chan wishes.
Protect all Purus. Gas the Glemmys.
Darry from TTGL?
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So this is the power of AI.
I have two questions in increasing order of importance:
Why is she in Gjallarhorn?
Is there a version of this with more Z'gok-E?
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