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Shoulda asked this a whole while ago prior to my trip to japan desu.

I've visited the 1:1 Scopedog(& the other Okawara statues there), 1:1 Unicorn, Hetare Gramps, 1:1 Gigantor, and the 1:1 Nu.
Unfortunately I've missed the opportunity to visit moving gramps but I do plan on visiting the veritech fighter at the tokyo skytree.

There any other /m/ecca pilgrimages I can make?
Personally I think the Kennedy Space Center should be regarded as one. Especially to watch a rocket launch.
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Go to The Netherlands to stand up for the Victory
Go to Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia. You'll love it.
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There's a Martian Tripod in Woking, which is pretty cool
Go to detroit and yell some Robocop lines at the top of your lungs.
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Go to anywhere in India as a single white woman.
Go through a Stargate while you're there.
Mazinger statue in Catalonia.
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thx, solid plan anon
Or England!
Go nagai museum when it reopens
There's that huge Eva Unit 01 head (1:1?) that'll you can see riding the ring metro line in Shanghai,
along with all the other random shit Chinese metal scrapers cobble together in their free time.
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isn't the unicorn smaller?
The Shotaro Ishinomori "Mangahattan" museum in Ishinomaki is a pilgrimage to make. You need to go to Sendai from wherever you are, then change to the local line and go to Ishinomaki. Not only is is the birthplace of the man who created Kamen Rider, Cyborg 009, and others, the place was obliterated by the tsunami in 2011 and recovered.
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couldn't really tell from the ground desu

Damn, I was in sendai for a week but didn't know about the place. I'll mark it, thx anon
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where's that one?
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Visit the zeta
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I've been there whe I lived to the zone

Great statue
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this feels like an AI generated mess but I know it's real
Damn, these look really good compared to some of the malformed abominations in this thread.
It is real, they are made by a barber since the mid 2000s (the article was written in 2017 when he was 72 so he is almost 80 now), and you could actually rent the Gundam head as a party space. Just use スズキ理容(ガンダムカット) for your Google Search and you can see some of the more recent creations and pictures.

Kami-Igusa Station. There is a lesser known Gundam sculpture outside there. It is in fact where Sunrise Animation was/is located, so they have the Gundam there.
>big zgok
Too bad it's in what seems to be the middle of nowhere. I'll probably never get a chance to visit...
You will have to rent a car at Hachinohe Station (the closest Shinkansen station) and drive around 20~25 minutes to get there
>this feels like an AI generated mess
Shoo zoomer, shoo.
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>Both places provide funeral and tombstone related services
I have to wonder who actually manufactures those Not!Zaku tombstones since they aren't exactly cheap
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Ngl I thought my thread died a while back, glad to see it's still alive
I gotta go back overseas in the next 2 years so I'll most likely try to visit these statues, thanks for letting me know they exist anons.
Respect the robot.
respect the robot!
I wonder if the big V Gundam statue is on display somewhere or if they just scrapped it.
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Id definitley head over to Toho studios to take some selfies with the Heisei G and see the big fucking painting on the wall of the studio.
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Dumb roastie.
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>Tomino smiling
>At a V Gundam related event
AI generated image. Fake as hell.
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Hard to find pics of it, but i found this.
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At the Shinjuku Toho cinema, there is a giant Godzilla head and claw. If you go to the restaurant you can get pretty close to it. Also I hear that Fuji Q highland has life size EVA heads.
>If you go to the restaurant you can get pretty close to it
They closed that part because of foreigners.
I didn't know that. I actually just got back from my third trip to Japan and I went to Godzilla during my first way back at the start of 2018
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Hello fellow Pilgrim
The hotel that is on top of the cinema also has "Godzilla View Room" on the 9th and 10th floor so you can have Godzilla staring at you when you wake up.


>They closed that part because of foreigners.
Should I assume it is due to "typical foreigner idiocy"? Article not related but definitely hits home

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That's Hyper Zeta designed by Kazumi Fujita. I don't think it's ever appeared in any media but it's been a popular subject for garage kit's since the 80's. I believe it has no wave rider mode and I wish Bandai would make an RE100 fir it.
Fujita's Tyrant Sword design getting a plastic kit would be awesome as well.
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