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We need another mecha ecchi anime.
>hurr we need more mecha
>proceeds to ignore the shows currently airing
No, ecchi mecha. Not mecha, ECCHI mecha.
Yes, and I'm tired of pretending we don't
Maybe they were talking about this girl with big tits.
Is it time to post the mecha nudes?
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It's not?
Not allowed to have hot looking women anymore chud.
Could an ecchi Gundam AU work?
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best suits
You can tell by how much zoomers seethe about it when they find out about its existence.
lol this argument
Catherine from the upcoming Code Geass sequel series looks like she's going to be sexed up basically every moment she's on screen.
It's not the same without Kimura.
She was his parting gift.
Holy hell
Godannar is where I learned the word ecchi from
Nobody mentioned Daimidara?
Character designer died a little while ago.
He was also part of GaoGaiGar, Betterman, and Gun x Sword.
I believe this was the same studio that worked on School Days and the first three seasons of High School DxD. Kyouko looks similar to Kotonoha too.
Lurk more retard.
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I want a mecha ecchi anime, but not the kind you're thinking of.
Character designer of Code Geass designed the girls for Godannar?
>Penguin Empire
The fuck?
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Among other things.
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You having trouble following something?
Can I have a name of the character designer?
Already said in the thread you fuck nugget
Kimura who?
If you can't find that out from knowing the shows and part of the name, it's a wonder you can tie your shoes without hanging yourself.
Bro at this point just google "Code Geass character designer" if you can't figure it out based on the context clues ITT.
If you need more than that you're a retard.
Not that anon, but it's worth noting, that production director (or whatever it is called) of the entire Phantasy Star Online 2 project, including New Genesis update/transition is also named Kimura, and every time I hear or read this name I think of PSO2 and its colossal fall from grace first, hentai VN/anime artists second, because I was exposed to PSO before Variable Geo and anime in general.
There is more than one Kimura in mecha-adjanted world.
>There is more than one Kimura in mecha-adjanted world.

I'm sure. But if you type in Godannar, or Code Geass followed by the name Kimura, you're only going to get the one you want. We're not in a PSO2 thread. So if you spent as much effort not being retarded and lazy as you did trying to defend why you were retarded and lazy you might not be so retarded and lazy.
Holy shit go back secondary.
Should have used the tiger mech more instead of a last minute joke
He's talking about the one the bridge bunnies' used in the time skip as shown >>22663535
I forgot, did the plane in godannar have breasts too or am I thinking of a parody?
That's why you also use the other information available. It's a basic skill that literally every human being should have.
The regular planes didn't, though IIRC part of Volspina either did in its plane mode or immediately generated them on combining.
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Bravern has to be the most neutered thing Obari has ever done. theres nothing ecchi or sexy there.

Trigger is right, the world need more classic ecchi anime with stupid senseless plots, and sexy chicks everywhere. the world cant be THIS Neutered.
Fuck off.
Whos the mechanical designer?
Whos the character designer?
Who is the asshole who didn't read the thread
i'm gonna miss Kimura.
i'll forever thank him for Shizuru
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>get this artist to draw for literally the gayest Transformers series
Should be a crime
>That would be The Inspector if you're talking about fanservice
Really? I haven't seen OGIN since it came out, but I remember half of the girls getting jiggle all the time, great panty shots, and they even had an entire ED sequence that was an honorary beach episode. And then there's that one ED sequence from episode 3 or so - you know the one...

Agreed with the rest, though.
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I want ecchi mecha where lots of cables and cyber gear get connected to the pilots

opera gloves are nice
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Like this?
exactly like that
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>didnt even have a chick getting mind controlled
wtf I thought that was like his whole thing??
Only women are allowed to get fanservice now, chud.
Goddamn, it's like they made it 2x times as big
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Speaking of Sayaka, remember this particular episode of Mazinkaiser?
There are many things In my time as an anime fan I've forgotten. But this will be forever ingrained into my mind and when I close my eyes.
Takahiro Kimura, died last year. Did Variable Geo, Godannar, Geass, Dirty Pair Flash, G Gundam, Gaogaigar, Usagi-Chan de Cue, Brigadoon, GunxSword, and Earth Defense Family, and probably more I'm unaware of.
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I love that Nia got a lot of fanservice after the timeskip. Especially, in the movie.
Classic ecchi is not enough anymore. We want anime with not just full-on nudity but sex scenes between the lead male and the sexy girls. Basically, a mecha version of Qwasar, Maou Testament, Interspecies Reviewers, Futoku no Guild and Redo of Healer.
Get this, mechas where they pilot by sitting on a dildo and taking a dildo in their mouth and rocking like that one south park episode
>That bulge
that's a puffy pussy
I'd watch that
it had smileservice
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Right? I just want a mecha fighting game (or even just a show) with lots of woman in various cyber gear and moaning and groaning and zaps and stuff. (like all female G Gundam)
I'm rewatching Godannar as I was building the Moderoid this weekend (Just finished S1) and it got me thinking - Why didn't they go all-in on the fanservice? Like they basically highlight Mira's nipples in both the OP and show itself, so why not do it with the rest of the cast?
For what purpose?
Just play a ryona fan game if you want your fix of eccci women getting beat up, can't say there's a mecha version of that stuff though.
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A lot of stuff is determined by the network too.
How the fuck would that even work anyways, these retards want a mecha game but also want the game to have detailed women so why have the robots in the first place? It's just a bunch of unrelated ideas thrown into a blender with no cohesion.
women pilot the mechas? which part do you not understand? what is contradicting? Mecha always had decent enough focus on human characters
>Mecha anime never shows cockpit shots and never has scenes were characters are outside the mechs
You're a whole special kind of stupid
I'd rather just watch hentai at that point
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That's because you're a boring ape. Ecchi isn't just about getting something to rip your dick off too. You lack the drive for fantasy. You lack imagination. The actual tits and ass aren't the appeal. Not in off themselves. The appeal is tits and ass in cool sexy pilot suits battling in cool sexy robots.
>Watching sex scenes where you don't see the penis or vagina
You're a retard
And you're a chimp who doesn't understand the first thing about eroticism.
We need sweaty mechanics too.
I don't think you've played a fighting game, ever.
Cockpit view next to the health/energy bars, cut-in scenes like in super robot wars/gundam versus
Good taste.
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Is mahou shoujo mecha?
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It CAN be.
What is this
How new?
Learn how to use an image search.
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I miss beautiful women in media in general. Everything has to be so tailored to have "a little something for everyone" that studios dont take risks anymore. Its sad because there are alot of cool visual and philosophical themes, the idea of a beautiful lady combined with cold machinery. The concept of a person becoming something trancendent and powerful either for the greater good/evil. I dont know, I just think its cool.
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Externally piloted mecha, with the women riding on the head or back while their breasts and asses jiggle in full view.
Not lewd
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I can't tell of the average level of brain-rot has gotten worse over the last decade, or if I'm just too old for this place now. jfc
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This thread needs moar Potent Robo DAIMIDALER
internet will turn all of our brains into sponge pudding, sooner or later
foid moment
I will now jerk off
no pussey?
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Yet you people hated Darling in the FranXX.
What do you mean "you people"?
I was talking about you specifically, but used the royal plural.
Just because we want THING doesn't mean we want THING BUT BAD.
But I liked DiTF.
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. It's a magical girl show but has a lot of elements that wouldn't be out of place in a mecha show. Especially the later series. Nanoha, herself, is often considered an honorary Gundam and even gained the nickname White Devil. Some people are even open to seeing it appear in Super Robot Wars.
nta but thanks for informing us newfags. definitely gonna look into this one.
Spambot that's been going on for years that necros threads with images from archived ones once they're close to deletion and often the images aren't even relevant to the threads.
Worst thing: some things point at this not even being a bot and those spam-threads also being made by them.
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This counts as /m/? Though, it had ships and I think power armor.
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I want to fuck Peppercat
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Even the ecchi and fanservice in franxx were garbage but I guess that's just fitting with the rest of the show.
no sexy dressed women, no hot villainesses, all about homos homoing it up...

Bravern is not an ecchi show, at fucking all.
I think there is definitely a bot. Another anon noticed a similar pattern with some faggot taking images but adding the letter of the board the image was saved from at the end of the image hash and then reposting the image in a different thread.

But good luck reporting that to a fucking janny and hoping they magically understand the entire situation from these basic ass reports. They cant even piece together and punish blatant avatarfagging and advertising.
Because it was shit
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Hilarious how waifufags and ecchifags remain buttblasted over Bravern.
Nobody likes fags.
unless not-ecchi IPs are involved (namely Fatal Fury, KOF or SRW OG), Obari has ALWAYS been associated with ecchi works.

anime has been founded on the tastes of 'waifufags' or 'ecchifags'. shitposting trash like you dont belong here.
Why do anytime I see breasts in this show jiggle, I imagine a comical wobbling sound accompanying it?
I don't remember if godannar itself did it but that kind of punctuation wasn't exactly uncommon at the time
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>i'm gonna miss Kimura.
Same. Rest in peace king.
That's what they do irl.
I fucking loved this one. Wish we had gotten more of it.
>A mecha anime all about gigantic tits animated by the studio who made Manyu Scroll
Why have mecha at all?
Because giant robots are cool. Giant tits are also cool. So what if we combine both?
Am I cool?
Oh awesome I never knew we had one of these! Abd it has all the mimetic beasts listed.
Holy shit stop ban evading.
still wouldn't have to resort to generated crap
Did they make her tits and ass bigger than it is in the show?
For me it's Mikoto.
Noriko's pubes, that is all.
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