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I don't like purple girls.
Eva-01 looks incredibly masculine.
Eva 01
Minerva X
One pilot

Do the math
I prefer her
This is from nausicaa right? I always assumed it sounded like a little boy-- doesn't it refer to itself as her son?
Read the manga.
Shinji's mom has (not) got it going on
True. The moms are the hottest.

Now here's the billion-dollar question...
Do you think Ryusei sees EVA-01 as a MILF?
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>Sure O.P.
Because Evas are not really females and whoever says otherwise is either a coomer or a libtard who thinks that imagining titular mechas as women is le subvertion of le expectations

Evas are genderless sexless alien-human-robot hybrids which only happen to have women souls Trapped into them for random reasons
What an autistic explanation

It has a woman's soul in a very butch body. It's a tranny at least
No. Just no.

Then what if Yui never died in the 01 so that her soul ended inside of it? What would the Eva be? Still a female or tranne?
A fucking genderless piace of meat, that's it. And it still is.
But can Evas fuck and give birth to other lil Evas
>Dude what if we killed off all of humanity in order to prove there was a humanity.

She's a cunt.
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Now post the one with Shinji
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People have been calling the EVAs women long before the best part of you dribbled down the crack of yo mamma's ass
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why are americans so obsessed with gender identity
who cares
it is literally a giant humanoid entity that groans and moans and kills geometric bitches. isn't much more complicated than that.
>why are americans so obsessed with gender identity
They haven't had a war in some time so they are stirring up trouble to ease those needs.
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Ironic given their schools are more dangerous than warzones
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Why did they decide to turn Shinji into Akiha Tohno?
Since this is an Eva thread, I might as well ask it here.
What exactly set EVA-01 apart from other Evangelions. both before and after it got the S2 Engine?
I mean, it's ROLE in Gendo's plan and Instrumentality's obvious, but that's not what I mean.
It is stated that 01 is based off of Lilith, rather than Adam, and that makes it different somehow. But it acts, functions and even generates AT fields like other Evas and Angels. By comparison, the only other Lilith-based creatures out there (i.e. us, humans), are only able to use it to keep their corporeal forms. On top of that, when it gets the S2, despite it supposedly granting limitless energy and making it closer to the rest of the Angels, there's not really any scenes suggesting it doesn't need an umbilical anymore, other than it rising out of NERV HQ when the 3rd Impact starts to happen, but that is obviously not a normal deployment of the unit.
Lilith is a FAR.
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And people call him a pussy
And people say eva looks bad.
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The animation quality does vary a lot since the show had a very chaotic production on a tight budget and schedule
But some of the flashier sequences, like the mass production evangelion fight in EoE were made by savants going all out just for the hell of it

There isnt really any "bad" animation in eva, thats what actually sets it apart from other tv anime before it, and after it.
>There isnt really any "bad" animation in eva,
There is a not small amount of long........ thoughtful...... pauses.......
Yeah the camera should've been panning around the character's faces at 60 fps while the terrain blows up into cubes, did they not know what good animation look like back then? I pity the people that had to put up with such low standards.
For it's time, it did.
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01, based off Lilith, presumably better for merging with her.
I really want a concrete translation of the whole "Eva-01 gained an S2 organ" bit. It seemed to me it got _another one_ and that extra was what allowed it to overcome its armor/bindings.
'Wonder what the rules for AT field strength would look like. At the simplest it might just be "The closer you are to Lilith the stronger your soul is." Rei and Kaoru are slightly-more-than-half breeds and they can selectively block the EMG triad. I wonder how long it took things to become weak.
It wouldn't make sense for Unit 01 to have an S2 organ before consuming Zeruel's, since otherwise the whole 5 minutes of battery thing would be redundant since the EVA would be able to produce unlimited energy anyway
And the NERV site in Nevada blew up because they fucked up an experimental artificial S2 engine
Thats a boy
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The moms are hottest.

The armor and electronics embedded in the Evas are meant to control and limit them, though. Multiple units have demonstrated a disturbing tendency to act on their own, after all. Recall Katsuragi's comment on 00/Ayanami's imminent core collapse.
Regarding the American S2 disaster, we are free to attribute causes. We certainly know that the MP Evas were made somewhere and _they_ don't appear to have blown up. Then again, they were necessary to the plan.
Of course, we can always assume 04 was a prototype. Remember that the research data was sent back to the other NERV branches before the Nevada base blew up.
Who's mystery tits on the left though?
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>on a tight budget
I keep seeing people repeat this but I couldn't find any numbers backing this up, only some news article making unsourced claims where it actually looked like the budget was not below average for its time
>There isnt really any "bad" animation in eva, thats what actually sets it apart from other tv anime before it, and after it.
Yeah, because half of it is sakuga and keyframes traced from other shows, so it was easy to focus on the rest to make it fine
ur'e mo'ms
>imagining titular mechas
They're not even mechas. They're just discount Ultras that humans built armor around and added a back plug so that people can control them like flesh puppets.
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Biomechas are still mechas
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One of these guys had a cockpit and machine gun mount. No idea.
Is she still the No.1 most evil character?
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>has a family
>abandon them to become one with robot
>doesn't elaborate
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Hey, if she hadn't done what she did the evangelion wouldn't have worked and humanity would have been defenceless against the angels
hmmm, I wonder where those angels came from...
Evangelion would have been better like this.
>they're organic/living so they aren't mecha!
That's BS and you know it, anon. By that logic, then Aura Battlers wouldn't be mecha for being made of organic parts. Neither would Transformers and quite a few Braves for being living beings rather than just pilotable robots.

In all fairness if they never bothered adam in the first place none of this wouldve happened.
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>traumatized her husband and son
>didn't even her Gendo in on the plan at all
>Litteraly didn't care about him or her son beyond their usefulness as pawns in her quest for immortality
Why is Gendo the bad guy again?
Gendo did everything he did for the love of his wife. He didn't do anything that a person genuinely invented with someone wouldn't do to be with them, he was a genuinely noble person. Shinji was a selfish brat for not seeing that and only caring about how he was treated.
>series is full of maternal imagery everywhere
>hurr they're not female
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I wonder how the EVAs would look like if they swapped color schemes.
Like, can you picture an 01-colored EVA-02? Or a 00-colored 01?
Gendo did what he did out of a desire to have Yui by his side again, but in doing so he unknowingly went against her wishes since what SHE did she did it for her son
>traumatizes her husband and son
>Basically abandoned them
>Manipulated multiple people
>Killed off most of humanity
>Became immortal which was her goal all along, and then fucked off...EVEN HARDER
Yeah, bro. It was totally all for Shinji
Fuck non-binaries injecting their retarded belief into everything.
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