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What's your favorite thing about Double X?
it exists
Either its introduction as an enemy (and "walking" bundle of Jamil trauma) that's promptly stolen or the Colony Laser shooting sequence.
also shoutout to Ishigaki's head design draft, love the idea
>the Colony Laser shooting sequence.
one of my favorite moments in Gundam.
the episode is a masterpiece
Probably the rifle or the shield. The shield in particular is real distinctive.
I love the shield as well even though the DX's armor is bulky enough to not need it lol
I like how the Mighty Strike Freedom absolutely outclasses it in every single way and then some.
Freedom >>>> shit >>>> Strike Freedom
Freedom >>>> shit >>>> Strike Freedom>>>>anal fissure>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Double X
Double X fucked your mom, faggot
>seed yaois get a movie but instead of watching it they go trolling in DX threads just because their asset flip Gundam is a rip off of DX
micro penis cuck energy
Actually my dad has X and Y chromosomes, My mom is the one with Double X. It's ok, i dont expect a Gundam X fan to know basic science.
>>buzzwords make my argument valid.
>>X-trannies seethe that CE is still relevant and thriving while their mediocre children's show is long forgotten.
>complains about buzzwords
>makes an entire reply full of buzzwords
seed yaois, everyone
Just playing your game X-bud. I will close this thread and build my new SEED Freedom kits, whereas you will keep refreshing this thread because there is no new X content for you and there wont be for a long time.
They really do be the eternal lilbros of Gundam
I will continue watch and enjoy all Gundam content while still appreciating the old ones
>asset flip Gundam is a rip off of DX
Nah If anything MSF is a vast improvement. The disruptor will rip DX asunder before it even gets to charge the satellite cannon
At least they aren't making the same "Double X is love: discuss" thread 17 times a fortnight
Strike: RX-78-2
Freedom: F91 + DX
Strike Freedom: F91 + DX + Hi-Nu
Impulse: Strike + Victory
Destiny Gundam: Zeta + V2

Seed Gundams are literally asset flips
Good. It perfects what has come before. Like renaissance painters of old building upon the art of their Roman and Greek forebearers. Beauty in motion
more like cheap and easy cashgrab for the NPCs.

Look at Exia, 00 and other CB Gundams. so original they haven't copied anything from old designs and they look fantastic.
Seed is so shameless they literally brought UC Zeon grunt designs just because they realized Seedorts will buy anything without thinking
And it perfected each and every one of those designs, perfectly done for an anniversary series. Do you also complain characters in TransFormers Animated look like their G1 counterparts? A UC remake has --GASP--designs evocative of UC suits done by the guy who designed the OG suits?! SCANDAL!
Tough talk from a Gundam X fan that ripped off the setting and multiple mobile suits form UC despite not being an anniversary show. Bertigo is just a budget Qubeley. Daughtress is just budget ugly GM and Jenice is a lame Zaku rip off. At least SEED doesn't hide its inspirations behind different names.
You're just being a bitch 24/7 kek

exhibits A+B
Sure, cower when you're being called out. Definitely see the Double X chromosomes.
>SEEDlet is going to samefag multiple boomer-tier replies comparing designs
Nobody's afraid of you lilbro.

>see the Double X chromosomes

You've never seen those in your life kwab
That's all that comes out of your mouth
This is the most embarrassing thread we've had in months.
SEE: >>22672408
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X is in fact a UC show but because of Wing's huge success, it was remodeled into a mix of UC and Wing. You can check the early designs of X and see actual UC units being used there
This is why it's the only AU Gundam with Newtypes.

>left: G-Fighter combined with Gundam (still retains the MS form)
>right: Gundam combines Getter-Style (no mobile suit)
>b-but same c-c-c-c-colors so they are the s-s-s-same
Seed yaois, everyone...
also Gundam 00 + GN-Raiser were inspired by this :)

check your eyes
all Gundam AUs have nods to Zakus. you are so stupid
Seed Destiny didn't even bother to make new Zakus, they reused the exact same ones from UC
DX: Guncannon + Nu + Wing
only the shoulder cannons.
by this logic, all Gundams are rip off of RX-78-2 for carrying a beam rifle and beam saber.
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sorry, posted the wrong image
>i'm losing all arguments like a little bitch
>better go full racism and buzzwords now!!
seed yaois, everyone..
>also Gundam 00 + GN-Raiser were inspired by this :)
Super Gundam existed long before X.
touche, I was dumb and forgot about Super.
my bad
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Afraid so.
Color scheme.

Green crystals on the chest, it also ripped off its super powerful gun gimmick and Zero's concept of doubling it up.
Lmao go back to plebbit, fag.
>Color scheme
Ok nice.
>Green crystals
this thing was on everything in the 90s.
Even Zero from Megaman had it.
Burning Gundam had it before Wing
>super powerful gun
rifles =/= cannons conncted
Zeta had a super strong beam launcher before Wing.

also Wing is transformable, DX is not.
>Garrod married Tiffa and she's already pregnant in the manga
>Kira is cucked by children
>also Wing is transformable, DX is not.
Two can play that game:
>Zeta is transformable, Destiny is not.
Ok but you can't deny that
the entire Zeta/Kamille/Four/Psycho was recycled into Destiny/Shinn/Steller/Destroy

Destiny was a shameless copy of Zeta
Oh wow, so X went from blatant rip off to a less blatant rip off. No wonder it was a financial failure. Why buy a rip off when you have the original?
are Thunderbolt, 0080, 0083 and 08th MS team rip offs for being UC works?
it's not X's fault that Banrise wanted to take advantage of Wing's success and changed the show from UC to AU
Bro, Jamille is a shameless copy of Amuro and Quattro, What are you talking about?>>22672494
>are Thunderbolt, 0080, 0083 and 08th MS team rip offs for being UC works?
No. Because theyre UC. At the end of the day, doesnt matter what anyone intended X to be. At the end of the day, it comes off as a pale UC Fanfic with names changed around to avoid looking like a complete rip off.
>this thing was on everything in the 90s
Which makes it even less original. You're so fucking dumb.

>rifles =/= cannons conncted
That's why it's a Guncannon rip-off too.

>Zeta had a super strong beam launcher before Wing
That's an optional weapon, not part of the standard loadout.
>Jamille is a shameless copy of Amuro and Quattro
Jamille shared the looks of Quattro but he wasn't obsessed with a little girl like Lalah.
he had a different story and background
>wants to rescue all Newtypes so they aren't used for war and repeat the same mistakees.
Neither Amuro nor Char had this motives.
Amuro just wanted to defeat Char because of Lalah
Char wanted to destroy earth to make everyone a Newtype
>doesnt matter what anyone intended X to be
it matters when you make a stupid arguments, like why Jenice looks like a Zaku.
>Which makes it even less original. You're so fucking dumb.
ok everything in G and Wing aren't original because of this too
>That's why it's a Guncannon rip-off too.
not even the same cannons shape and funcationality.
Guncannon is a recycled Ideon anyway
>That's an optional weapon, not part of the standard loadout.
you are so desperate
>he had a different story and background
Yes, he did. He had Amuro's story and background.
>Amuro was a full-time ace pilot in Earth Federation from the get-go like Jamille
Found the Origins zoomer
>Amuro just wanted to defeat Char because of Lalah
This is a gross and childish simplification of 0079 and Amuro's entire story arc till CCA. Amuro and Lalah dont even meet until like the last third of the show.
You sound like a child.
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You fags keep trolling in my threads to make the jannies delete them on sight, right?
and somehow I'm the evil scary X boogeyman ruining the board when I haven't posted anything off-topic or bait?
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>not even the same cannons shape and funcationality
Functionality's stolen from Wing, anon. And if we're arguing "shapes" now then I guess Strike and Destiny don't count as asset flips either.

>you are so desperate
Why? Zeta's main gimmick is the transformation, it doesn't carry and shoot the Mega Launcher everywhere.

>ok everything in G and Wing aren't original because of this too
Exactly, nothing's fucking original if your retarded "everything's an X rip-off" logic was remotely consistent.
My favorite thing about Double X is that you have constant meltdowns over it.
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>Functionality's stolen from Wing
Wing's rifle doesn't need charging from the moon, stupid
>it doesn't carry and shoot the Mega Launcher everywhere
it can though. the launcher can be sticked into the waverider form too
also Destiny stole Shining Finger and Wings of Light.
it doesn't have anything original at all.

don't exploit my passion and love for this robot
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The debut scene was fuckin kino
True. it was badass
>Wing's rifle doesn't need charging from the moon
Freedom's railguns don't, either.

>it can though. the launcher can be sticked into the waverider form too
What part of optional equipment don't you understand, you dumbass? The Mega Launcher isn't one of the Zeta's main weapons.
>Why buy a rip off when you have the original?

Yeah but enough about SEED
>Freedom's railguns don't, either.
contrary to popular beliefs, DX's cannons doesn't need charging to shoot as proved by G-Bits's satellite cannons (same cannons as X and DX) being able to shoot weaker, fast shots without charging.
the charging is only necessary to destroy colonies however.
this functionality was also used in some games where DX could do shoot beams from its cannons without charging.
>it's optional so it doesn't count
ooof seed yaois, not like this...
The fact that its show got cancelled and you will proceed to cry about this post like a bitch.
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not going through that again
I can see you want to ruin thread

either post on-topic or fuck off to your Kira cuck threads
>contrary to popular beliefs, DX's cannons doesn't need charging to shoot
You just invalidated the argument you made about the SC not stealing the BR's functionality.
>Wing's rifle doesn't need charging from the moon, stupid
>contrary to popular beliefs, DX's cannons doesn't need charging to shoot
You're such a Double-faced moron. Pun definitely intended. Keep you shit straight.
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multiple functions cannons =/= rifles
now please stop derailing the thread
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>this makes Xfag seethe uncontrollably
What a retarded looking shield.
*Gets Disruptor'd*
The Buster Rifle also has multiple functions.
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>Troll #22672567
charging isn't one of them
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>couldn't even get an on-screen kiss
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>i never post DX in seed threads
>seed fags keep invading my threads every time
>/m/: "yeah, Xposter is the real scary and evil troll that is killing the board with his on-topic spam!!!"
>mods: "*send warning after 404* stop being a jerk to our discord-approved shitposters and trolls*
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Cry harder.
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^rent free
Its not just SeedFags, anon. You got it all wrong. All of us hate you. Even those who've never watched Gundam. Because you make these repetitive pointless threads. Ok. Fine. Double X is great. Its the best. The bees knees. Zabi's Knees even. Can we move on, now? Can you watch some other anime? Please? Have you Watched Layzner? what do you think about it?
Yeah, those words describe you perfectly. Thanks for sharing your mental state with the class.
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>All of us hate you
nooo how can I live now knowing unknown people screaming behind screens hate me?
>Even those who've never watched Gundam
makes sense
>Because you make these repetitive pointless threads
not repetitive as Zeta/ZZ/Hamas/Ple/IBO/Wing/Seed/G-Witch threads but ok you are a troll so you have to lie a lot to make a point
>Double X is great. Its the best
thank you <3
>Can we move on, now?
you can ignore or hide the thread
> Can you watch some other anime?
i watch hundreds of them. from 70s and 90s
>Have you Watched Layzner? what do you think about it?
Absolutely. a great show but with a disappointing ending.
i listen to the Lonely Way everyday too

I also made threads for Gaiking, Mazinger Z, Daimos, Baldios, Macross, etc.. when I was watching them. I also post Gundam mangas from time to time.
but you think I only post about DX because you are a schizo
>nooo how can I live now knowing unknown people screaming behind screens hate me?
Considering you asked for a poll to determine whether you'd keep posting here or not as well as your obvious complex and meltdowns regarding SEEDfrens, you obviously care more than you'd like admit.

>I also made threads for Gaiking, Mazinger Z, Daimos, Baldios, Macross, etc...
Maybe try making X threads that are more like those and try gaining some self control when you start getting trolled. You can't control other people's actions, but you can certainly control the way you react to them (unless you're a literal sperg).
>Maybe try making X threads that are more like those
You think I didn't? it's always the same tranny trolls spamming the same replies just to derail the threads. it became impossible to make a normal X thread and now you faggots want to do the same for DX
Tiffa fucks dolphins.
i wish I was a newtype dolphin
>You think I didn't?
Yeah, I don't think you did considering your X threads always go to shit because they're that recognizable.

>it's always the same tranny trolls spamming the same replies just to derail the threads
This is why your threads always get derailed, you have no self control. This is the reaction of a lolcow, and trolls will keep milking you for as long you keep being one.

>it became impossible to make a normal X thread
I've seen normal X threads, yours are anything but. You have to either stop posting or make it way less obvious that it's you, and people will start actually discussing X again.

Sorry dude, but you're just too much of a troll magnet, your actions have tainted X discussion.
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>Troll #22672650
>i'm a lifeless troll spending my time shitting and derailing threads but it's your fault for replying to my bait posts because I think you are [schizo headcanon]
Go ahead and don't listen to anything I just said, this lolcow-tier behavior of yours just makes anons more eager to troll you, and you'll keep asking why your X threads always go to shit like the mentally challenged autist you are.
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Broke: Headcanon.

Woke: Head cannon.

Disclaimer: I fucking hate the MSF. It’s just peak laziness, and this is coming from someone who digs CE’s UC grunt ripoffs. I just HAD to make that joke.
god gundam ripoff
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I didn't find the new designs that appealing tbհ.
OG Freedom is still the best Freedom.

I downloaded the movie. Gotta watch the movie after work today so I might have different opinions seeing it in action.
Everything about it. It's the coolest, I find it funny that I went from being absolutely in love with it when I first saw it as a kid, being indifferent about it in my teens, then back again to being in love with it now
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Similar thing happened to me.
First time I saw it was in SRW R when I was a little kid and I was like "damn he's so fat" but still was cool to me. I loved Resolution too in this game and both were enough to make me stalk the the show online and I was so happy when I found some (shitty) DVD rips.
simple times
Gundam X aired on a local TV channel in my country when I was like 5 years old, so that was how I first saw the design. I remember I saw bits and pieces of Gundam Wing before it but didn't really think they were cool, while Gundam X, Double X and Leopard were just the coolest shit to me and affected my taste for the rest of my life (not Airmaster though sorry Airmaster lol)
I kinda like Airmaster and its Burst upgrade, but damn, they should have given it weapons beside 2 beam rifles.
also lucky you having X on TV.
We only had Wing here
To be fair I just never found transforming into a plane cool for some reason, in hindsight it might have been a big reason I never found Wing cool. I can kinda appreciate Airmaster and Burst more nowadays, I sometimes pull from their designs when I'm trying to draw mechs, just not as much as I do from X/Double X or Leopard/Destroy
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I love Transforming mechs like Zeta, Ex-S, and Wing Zero. one of the reason why I didn't like Zero custom is because it doesn't transform anymore. such a downgrade.
Ironic that my fav Gundam isn't transformable. that bulk with the sexy "X" wings is peak.
I personally am not super fond of elaborate wings/backpacks, so X and Double X are like the rare exception of me liking designs with cool wings
>one of the reason why I didn't like Zero custom is because it doesn't transform anymore
It does now.
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Talk about the early draft DX
perfect, like everything Ishigaki makes
went to check his portfolio
his designs are really great
It's a Strike Freedom Raiser. They could've just made a new suit design with the same PD capabilities, but people slurp up SF's design too much for them to try.
Funny, because I think the 00 is far and away inferior to the Exia. The 00 feels like “generic CB Gundam” and not “this is an upgrade to the Exia.” The Quanta does that way better IMO.
00 is the best design of the three though.
Qan[T] is a awful design and only the Full Saber version looks good.
This is the best thread we've had in months
The best X thread, maybe, and that's only because these threads are always garbage spam.
It kind of sucks how we aren't allowed to discuss like half of all mecha shows on /m/ because there's one autistic shitposter who ruins it for everybody. It's the same shit with eva too.
Eva doesn't get spammed though.
I like this better than the actual DX.
Better than the DX we got.
Double X is definitely among my top designs. I love just about everything about it. I'll proceed to list all the points I love about it so thanks for reading my blog in advance.

The "mustache" is cool. Really cool. Damn, it's just so intimidating looking. The V-Fin matches perfectly with the cheek flares and it just makes it so menacing for what is otherwise a pretty normally proportioned Gundam head. Big call out to the mohawk being rounded instead of angular, it's a small detail that makes it feel much more balanced. Also it's nice to get vulcans back on it after the GX. Speaking of, I love the quad guns on the torso. It feels very practically minded and the sheer barrage of lower calibre munitions it can dump out is very cool, the scene of it shredding the Correl is amazing. The two green satellite sections also really pull your eye to the chest more than the head, which I think helps add to the feeling of bulkiness to it. Even though the basic body itself isn't particularly thick or big, it feels like it is chonkier than the norm. Partially because of the big flaring shoulders and the extra microwave arrays on the arms and legs with their coverings but also because a lot of Gundams since have leaned down and gone for a little more svelte design sensibilities like Exia or Aerial or even just the Katoki Wing Gundams. It manages to just feel like it's actually armoured, particularly with the cool Hi-Nu esque skirts, too. And man, the beam sabre racks are cool as shit. They look so neat stored, and the design of the sabres and their blades are still some of the coolest in the franchise.
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It has a perfectly simple and utilitarian rifle with a nice design that is neither too big nor too piddly, it's just a perfect basic rifle for a Gundam. The shield is likewise a very functional lightweight slab that does what it needs to do and isn't too large to be cumbersome to move and pose with. The satellite panels on the back aren't quite as unique or interesting as the Gundam X asymmetrical arrangement and it's a little bit of a shame it no longer can use the microwave panels as thrusters, but it's still really cool. It's very functional and the twin cannon storage works really nicely. I appreciate that they don't fold up or get hidden or anything, they're just nicely stowed back weapons in a vaguely AC style arrangement and their only mechanic is the barrels extending out more. The locking clamps/targetting sensors on the shoulders are also just insanely fucking cool. It could have easily been designed with just free hanging guns over its shoulders like basically everything else but they didn't and we got a slick, sensible system to stabilize them a bit more. And the way the arms and legs hide the (likely realistically fragile?) panels in them before opening up into an impressive radiator display is just so fucking cool. It's actually crazy in one respect that the GX did "Gundam with glowing lines on the armour" pretty early, and Double X could have tried to go more down that road to a Unicorn etc finale shape, but it ended up being something pretty different from the GX. Oh, and the vernier on the toes is just fucking cool looking too.

Double X as a whole feels incredibly utilitarian to me. It has some flash, it's a lead Gundam design and all, but the design of each part is very functional and no-nonsense, and it doesn't sacrifice aesthetics to do it either, tying it all together with nice sleek lines and a mixture of angles and rounded edges in all the right places.
Ok, but the X Divider is still better.
X Divider has one of the only rifles that might be better than DX's and the Divider Shield is fucking awesome but I'm going to have to disagree, the Double X body is miles better than the Gundam X body (which is already an incredible, top tier design anyways) so it's not even a contest for me.

All the other X Gundams fuck too btw, base Leopard particularly is way fucking cooler than Heavyarms or any other design in the franchise that uses a big gatling, straight up. Leopard Destroy really takes away the coolest part of Leopard though which was the whole-arm-covering gatling, I think.
Excellent taste anon
I love how hard the Leopard commits to being the heavy. Heavyarms being able to purge weight and then suddenly being able to flip around might be practical and effective, but it also comes off to me as a kind of weeny playground move of "actually my MS's weakness isn't a weakness at all!" lol, so much for being the heavy. Leopard just gotta deal with the tradeoffs like a chad
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I appreciate how the show kept its integrity with its semi-realism regarding the technology aspect of the show instead of going into "full super invincible, unbeatable can-do-everything robot with extremely overpowered systems and weapons" like god gundam and wing zero. Even though TSC is too strong, it didn't go overboard. The mech needed an entire system to withstand its shoots and charging to make it fair-play.

Still, I wish the show had given it its own G-Bits army to make it way scarier. Just imagine the world of After War shitting itself by seeing a DX and army of G-Bits all carrying satellite cannons
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I definitely appreciate that most of the designs in X do manage to have some restraint. I also really enjoy that the Gundams in it all feel like they're designed to function without any others around/by the same rules all other MS do. They're all equipped to handle themselves in "actual war" unlike the specialists of Wing prior, where it feels a bit silly your super advanced Gundam has no beam rifle or any real means of engaging at range. It helps that even in X most of the Gundams weren't such one-offs, too. Obviously Airmaster and Leopard work compliment each other very nicely but they're more than capable alone. Despite being more generally minded than stuff like Sandrock, Shenlong and Deathscythe, their design to their roles is actually also more apparent in the animation. Leopard's relegated to groundpounding (apart from the extremely cool aquatic equipment) the whole show for carrying its heavy payload. Airmaster carries very light armament (give the fucker some beam sabres though) to fly uninhibited, even with Burst adding a pretty good boost it's still got the weakest offensive output of the final gang.

Even Ashtaron and Virsago, which are all about teaming up, are fully rounded designs on their own. They do unfortunately get the generally least cool things in the show because of that, but I love their designs a lot anyways too. The extending shenlong design arms aren't treated as infinite length so much in X which I enjoyed even as a kid, and the Ashtaron is severely underrated, though I've always wished it carried a beam rifle or anything in its normal hands. The atomic scissors are cool as Hell and the MA mode looks neat even if the transformation looks pretty stupid from the underside/is very boring and simple like Wing and Airmaster. Though I think Airmaster actually works, the transforming torso goes a long way to smoothing out the bottom and seeming less lazy even if it's still pretty lazy.
The power of the sat cannon/twin sat cannons even worked against Garrod a significant amount of the time, I loved it
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>Heavyarms being able to purge weight and then suddenly being able to flip around
That's not true, it doesn't purge anything to do that. It just does gymnastic flips while carrying all the gear.
Never actually seen the movie, just the first half of the show (dropped cause I hate Wing lol), thought I remembered in the show that he had to drop the shield with the gatling before he started flipping around
>thought I remembered in the show that he had to drop the shield with the gatling before he started flipping around
Oh, that was something else stupid. Heero is trying to fight in a duel with a fractured arm or something, and the cockpit's left stick controls are set to provide feedback according to weight and resistance, so he has to exert more force to move the Gundam's left arm which makes his own left arm hurt even more.

Trowa set up a special switch to purge the left arm's gatling gun to save weight and told Heero to only press it when he ran out of ammo. Dropping the weight also reveals a beam saber intentionally hidden there so Heero would have a more familiar weapon to use after he ran out of ammo. There's some hopping here and there as they take part in a boring saber duel, but no acrobatics.
Nah, Double Satellite Cannon destroys O'Neill colonies and annihilates a island.

Slicing a small mobile asteroid base and throw-up a fancy EMP field is no near as destructive.
GX and DX were strategic weapons of mass destruction, and totally not an analog to nuclear weapons that are taboo as hell in Japanese. The series played it straight. The SC and TSC were treated as truly horrifying weapons.
I see, I completely misremembered it lmao, I spent so much of my time with Wing (before I dropped it) on the verge of falling asleep
>Xfags bashing Wing
lmao, Xfags can’t help but seethe over the superior (and actually successful) show.

Xfags cope with the fact their shitty show flopped and nearly killed Gundam before SEED (another far more superior and successful show) came and saved the series.

Xfags also cope with the fact all of its mobile suits are shitty imitations of better suits from other shows.

Xfags are bottom of the barrel trash like their show.


MSF destroys DX easily but any suit would.
DX is a pathetically weak suit who needs to charge up to do anything lmao.

A Zaku would defeat it.

Coping still? MSF’s disruptor body blasts DX bin a second.
Garrod cries as Kira fucks Tiffa in front of him
Garrod asks Mr Yamato to stop but he won’t
Garrod kneels
>Retard can't tell the difference between a strategic weapon and a tactical weapon
>Contrarian idiot keeps harping on different flavors of silly model kit commercials and thinks his flavor is the best!
I get the feeling that most, if not all of these posts are by the same person.
X Gundam is just a AU re-telling of OYW dial-up 11 which resulted in mutual devastation of both sides. It also deconstructed the whole Newtype/ESP ubermensch to little more than mutants, freaks of nature.
I like the Virsago. It's edgy but not super edgy. Chestbreak takes it to over edgy with the bat wings.
That has nothing to do with my post, bot. Also Tomino himself had already deconstructed Newtypes long before this show came to be.
Only 3 (you)s from you unfortunately.
Tomino didn't deconstruct newtypes until Turn A Gundam, Victory Gundam was just Tomino's big FU to Bandai and Gundam franchise.
The wing change sucks for Chest Break. I like the titular feature of it, but most of the other changes it did from the base design feel a little worse. The sharp zig zag v-fin doesn't do much for me. Ashtaron Hermit Crab is a bit better but I never liked it as much as the original either.
He deconstructed them in Zeta.
Fukui did it again in Unicorn, despite what some speedwatching retards believe.
Three of them were from me. Cause I was talking to another guy, you idiot.
Show 'em.
He deconstructed them several times throughout Zeta, ZZ, CCA, F91 and Victory.
Need to know exactly which ones are yours, with proof.
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>MSF’s disruptor body blasts DX bin a second.
less than a second, while also being invisible and unblockable
Nope, Zeta he want full NT and the dangers they presented and went back to the promise they held with CCA. F91 was too short. Victory comes back again with NT. Turn-A Gundam is where finally deconstructs them entirely.
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>meanwhile, two anons who don't know what deconstruct means continue to talk about unrelated bullshit irrelevant to the topic
>so deconstructed it got cancelled
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you got me
Just ignore him and let bark like a dog alone. He's clearly drone X threads just to ruin them.
He's probably Du*el/ZetaRager
>about unrelated bullshit irrelevant to the topic
You're the one who brought up "Newtype deconstruction" in the first place to suck off X, you retarded autist. Your samefagging is fucking pathetic too.
The troll couldn't see the thread moving nicely and healthy without derailing it again.
He's obsessed and literally have X living rent free inside his head
>Zeta he want full NT and the dangers they presented
Showing how Newtype powers can be misused subverts the idea that they were inherently better than regular humans. It also displays how some Newtypes, despite all their psychic bullshit, are unable to actually understand the people around them. And Kamille ends the show as a vegetable due to Newtype shenanigans too.

>went back to the promise they held with CCA
Not only do we get a retread of the themes seen in Zeta, even a literal miracle like the Axis Shock didn't stop Zeeks and other lunatics from rising up time and time again. It couldn't actually unite humanity as a whole.

>F91 was too short. Victory comes back again with NT
Both of those shows prove that Newtypes are just a fluke, not humanity's next evolutionary step like initially believed, since they're still a rarity even a hundred years after humans started living in space. Victory also once again shows how Newtype powers can be misused, and how Newtypes can be manipulated by people who aren't even ones themselves.
Newtype was a tool for everything about Usso. The show explained it many times that Usso's strength despite being too young is because he's Newtype.
Newtype ghosts were all around the whole show too
>the thread moving nicely and healthy
That's what you call replying to yourself to bump your shitty thread?

>He's obsessed and literally have X living rent free inside his head
The fucking irony.
Nice projection troon
That's how you bump your coomer threads
Lmao, you're such a fucking schizo. Also, for someone who screams "rent free" 24/7 you really seem to have lots of people living inside your head.
Ok, Du*el/ZetaRager
Should start calling you the sterile, because you keep shooting blanks.
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You don't complain about the daily G-Witch/Ple/Haman spam because you are cumbrain troon who hates actual /m/ threads

not gonna give you anymore attention
bark alone like the dog you are
>the daily G-Witch/Ple/Haman spam
Somehow better threads than anything you've ever made, Xfag. At least an extremely pathetic schizo autist who keeps spamming the same 10 pics isn't behind them.

>you are cumbrain troon who hates actual /m/ threads
I only hate your autistic nothing threads (because a pathetic faggot is behind them), and I don't even frequent let alone post in the "coomer" threads, but keep telling yourself that.

>not gonna give you anymore attention
bark alone like the dog you are
You've said this shit already, it's obvious your pathetic ass is too sad and autistic to actually ignore anything.
It's ironic that you accuse other people of being Zetarager when you're the one who deliberately played down and ignored the nuance of Zeta's narrative just to prop up the mediocre show that is X.
>The show explained it many times that Usso's strength despite being too young is because he's Newtype
He's also the only UC protagonist that's been trained since childhood. Uso also didn't win the war by himself and he also fought against a bunch of other Newtypes too, some of which proved to have stronger psychic abilities that they relied on more than he did.

>Newtype ghosts were all around the whole show too
Yes, and? Newtype ghosts don't invalidate the argument that Newtypes are far from perfect, and that they can be easily manipulated or downright evil.
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>daily G-Witch/Ple/Haman spam
If anything your threads pop up way more often than those.
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Fuck that's cool, I'm too poverty to get Metal Robot Spirits
yeah, it's stupidly expensive
Would have loved an MG, could set him up next to my vanilla Double X
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This DX in the Blu-Ray artbook has a different chest emblem, blue torso instead of black, and its panels are different.

misdrawn or early design?
It's just a different take, neither a misdraw or earl design. A high detail piece of art that isn't concerned about matching the anime appearance.
good morning ser
Holy fucking autism.
Funny how you wrote an NTR essay when Kira got cucked by Orphee for the entire movie until the last 5 minutes.
He even cried like a bitch about it that Athrun had to punch the fuck out of him
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The NUNE uniform and pilot suits are fantastic.
I like Garrod's pilot suit the most
I'm watching X for the first time right now.
Not sure how to feel about the main suit being an artillery one. On one hand, I love big guns, but on other, it feels like something that doesn't belong on a protagonist mech for some reason.
Which is weird, because I had no such problem with ZZ's High Mega Cannon.
Might be the form factor, along with the fact that it's being treated as a general purpose MS, despite the heavy weaponry.
It is a very high performance general purpose MS though.
X was made to shoot down colonies.
It's supposed to be accompanied by G-Bits for all-purpose combat but that would make it extremely OP
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Aren't the G-Bits the same? They also have satellite cannons as well? It's just more heavy guns rather than a balanced loadout.
Call me crazy, but honestly? I prefer the look of X to the Double X. There's just something about the asymmetry that rubs me the right way. I feel the same way about the Nu Gundam with its one wing of funnels looking better than with two wings or the Hi-Nu with its full set. Not sure why though. The best answer I can come up with is that the asymmetry makes it feel less like having the satellite cannon was planned and more like they threw it on at the last minute because "holy shit we need the extra firepower or we're all going to die," which is my mind sounds/feels more interesting.
They carry beam sabers, and beam cannons that don't require charging.
now imagine a Gundam X charging satellite cannon while its Bits army are fighting you to stall time (just 4 seconds to charge SC)
I like the green colored parts on its chest reminds me of the more fancy non UC Gundams I grew up on
Honestly this is more of a general Gundam X thing but I'm a big fan of their beam sabers.
Me too, wish more shows had beam sabers like them
I used to think the same but as X drug on the Double X really grew on me. Honestly X is just filled with a ton of good designs
>Honestly X is just filled with a ton of good designs
For me it's Daughtress High Mobility
Man we need HG model kits of the Gundam x grunts
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Coolest grunt unit in your path
>3 eyes
no wonder why they were more competent than the cannon fodders in early UC and Wing
HG Daughtress is pee-bandai.
It's never been more over.
I love Jenices
we need a kit of the Vertigo/Bertigo, it'll be Pee-bandai though and I will kill myself
How come people love Kamehameha but hate Satellite Cannon when they are both a charging beam attacks?
>having to carry a fuck huge cannon everywhere that can only be used when Moon is around
That kinda sucks.
Saiyans need the moon around to unlock their strongest form (unless they lose their tails)
I love how bulky the blades are and the emission at the base of the beam seems more volatile looking. They're nice and thick.
It's not really that cumbersome of a weapon.
They're beam swords
>Has like 6 gorillion guns
>Closes to point blank anyway
At least he didn't ditch the guns and pull the knife this time but why was Trowa retarded.
As a fag who has been accused of both, he's probably just a retarded faggot. IMHO Duel might unironically be dead as far as anyone can tell, and it's actually debatable on if Zetarager was ever actually real and not people conflating like a half-dozen fags.

With that said, if Duel isn't dead, this does seem kinda Duel-y.
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I prefer the original X. It has a more visually interesting design.
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You can't go wrong with either.
X follows G/Wing aesthetics.
DX follows early UC aesthetics.
and somehow they fit perfectly together.
>Heavyarms actually hitting anything
>Heavyarms doing anything but magdumping in the general direction of the enemy
That's how you know EW isn't canon.
skill issue
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the cannon houses the beam saber as well. maybe the same energy or something, so yeah X had to carry it around for a reason.
>DX follows early UC aesthetics.
Lol. No. Stop making shit up, dude. A green chest gem thingy is a G Gundam/Wing thing. UC suits dont look like that. Especially Early UC. I can give you F91 because thats where it DX cribs many design elements, but not Early UC
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Oh, lemme fix that for you, pal
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Top have very robotic movements and they aren't flashy nor do super-hero attacks. They try to stick to realism as much as possible.

Burning Gundam moves like a shounen character, and Wing Zero moves like a feather. Both also defies physics and robotics logic.
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What would a Triple X (TX) Gundam look like?
Was expecting Build Fighters to take a risk and make it
And they're all made to be toys.
Quad cannons. Two over the shoulders, two under the arms/on the hips.
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That's just the Freedom. Or the F91 double VSBR I guess.
It has to have a chest cannon. I think it's the only way it wouldn't look awkward.
I would army build the shit out of an HGAW Jenice.
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Real shit, please give it to me bandai
I was thinking more DX with Buster Gundam style hip cannons, but quad VSBR F91 sounds a lot more interesting as a concept for a TX.
>non toyetic
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Even Banrise knows that Freedom is a successor to DX
Chest vulcans are so nice.
honestly HGAW Anything-not-the-Gundams would be nice. Correl never ever.

OG Heavyarms looks so good. EW Heavyarms is ugly as fuck
EW everything looks ugly as fuck.
Heavyarms Custom is one of the less offensive designs at least.
Third cannon that flips down between the legs and also you know those doggystyle double cockpits Darling in the Franxx had? That except Tiffa is just straight up naked and Garrod plows her from behind to fire the cannons.
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Is it normal for Gundams to have big vaginas like this?
Double X is attractive
Gundam X is what!?
both are made for seX
nope they haven't breached this subject because kids also watch this show
Barzam is the most influential mobile suit design for a reason, anon.
I kinda like EW versions of suits from the first half of Wing.
They're okay but like half of them are just copies of the TV designs.
They're better when they use the new stuff like Deathscythe having the wings or Sandrock with the full body armour.
It's the logical endgame of a Guncannon type unit.
It's more of a ZZ descendant.
Leopard is the Guncannon of X.
I like it's Beam Sabers. They are actually Sabres.
They aren't actually a curved blade, had it a fuller it would be straight so not really but they do look cool as fuck.
Leopard is Heavyarms but not useless.
They both follow Guncannon role of being heavy armed medium range suits.
/v/ tier
Cry fag, like Kira does every night while Orphee fucks Lacus
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>unironic X fans
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The twin vsbr?
you’re the one crying Xfag
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Too busy, IMO.
I mostly like it, minus the knees.
Triple X when?
Maybe in the upcoming X anniversary event.
They said, G, Wing and X are getting something special in the future
I always wanted a G-Falcon.
Tiffa and Garrod are trying to get freaky in an abandoned warehouse when they fall into the cockpit of the Triple X.
The 1/100th one isn't that difficult to track down and is compatible with the MG.
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it's a weird-looking shield (in a good way)
does it resemble anything?
Don’t really think so. It’s just distinctive.
It looks both bulky and lean at the same time, pretty sweet
>both bulky and lean at the same time
Honestly it should be more appreciated for this alone. Fantastic concept for a mech
Just give me an HG Bertigo pls John Bandai
Being wrist-mounted as it is, the logical real-world equivalent would be a buckler or heater shield. Except the shape and its alignment along the length of the arm does not correspond to that. Those make it function more like a gladiatoral armored arm.

It's definitely meant more to absorb incidental glancing hits and be used as a parrying shield, than to be used as full frontal defense against incoming fire, like an actual mobile suit shield might be.
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>Tomino didn't deconstruct newtypes until Turn A Gundam
Which is interesting considering how Turn A continued from X by using a destroyed wasteland world, Moon being a major plot tool, and a Gundam using a taboo weapon that makes people remember the scary past, and villains that are just deranged warmongers.

>He deconstructed them in Zeta.
Not really. The Newtype stuff went harder in ZZ and CCA.
Newtype conscious pushing Axis from Earth was retarded.
Still better than Beltrochika's Children's ending where Amuro's unborn son using his Newtype power to push Axis.
Man, it was so disappointing when they switched to the Japanese version and it wasn't as good.
On a similar topic, I'm in love with the full version of the first opening.
Why are you surprised at people liking a good show
You don't know what "deconstruction" means.
Unicorn didn't do anything nuanced with Newtypes. It just recycled the same shit Zeta, ZZ and CCA did and amped up the spectacle.
>fires a warning shot to threaten the SRA
>"it's fine he can't rapid fi-"
>almost immediately fires another shot and close shaves the laser to really scare them
>SRA cucks and releases Tiffa
>parting shot directly up the nose that shreds the laser as a final "fuck you"
That whole sequence cemnted Garrod as one of my favorite Gundam protags
X's songs are all great. Even those unused songs in the albums are great.

Too bad it worked well with normies

Legit one of best episodes in the franchise
Garrod is a loser lol like the DX.
>Not really. The Newtype stuff went harder in ZZ and CCA
All of those entries show the bad side of Newtypism as well how it can't really solve every issue.
>Too bad it worked well with normies
The normies I know hated Unicorn.
The axis shock is Newtype asspull
Judau is a Newtype asspull machine. Combing ZZ parts and bringing ghosts including Lalah even though he never saw her to fight Haman
You're focusing too much on surface level details.

>The axis shock is Newtype asspull
One that ended up killing Amuro and ultimately didn't change the world for the better. Char's status as a Newtype is partly the reason why the Axis Drop happens in the first place too.

>Judau is a Newtype asspull machine
Yeah, one that couldn't save the Purus and couldn't redeem Haman despite having a Newtype connection with her.
>One that ended up killing Amuro and ultimately didn't change the world for the better.
It used everyone's conscience to push Axis. That's nothing but magic asspull.
Also CCA was supposed to bring peace between Earth and Federation before Unicorn happened and ruined Tomino original vision.

Also tragedies are part of Tomino. Neither Amuro nor Kamille could save most of the girls they were interested in.
Judau did lots of Newtype shenanigans, he made Haman scared to death
>Also CCA was supposed to bring peace between Earth and Federation before Unicorn happened and ruined Tomino original vision.
Are you retarded? Tomino made shit like Hathaway's Flash, F91 and Victory long before Unicorn was even a thing.

Also once again you're missing the point, while conveniently ignoring the multiple times where Tiffa helped Garrod out with her Newtype abilities. I won't waste my time talking to a retard anymore.
>Hathaway's Flash, F91 and Victory
None of these are about Zeon.

Dome told Tiffa that her visions were debunked by Garrod many times because he had the will to change the future for Tiffa, not relying on superstitious powers like her, ultimately proving that Newtypes are gifted mutants, not Super people who can control the future. .
Learn how to watch an anime
The Double X is mostly just okay. Aside from the twin Satellite Cannons (which Garrod uses a grand total of three times the whole time he has it), it doesn't particularly do anything special or standout.
t. F-Type
There is its armor here.
I love the Rasveht.
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>reworks the X into a more practical all-rounder machine
>Divider provides a ton of utility by combining a powerful shield and thruster unit with a self-contained beam weapon with a wide range and surprising power
>double barrel beam rifle that's essentially a medium range shotgun
X Divider is better than Double X and you can't change my mind.
>it doesn't particularly do anything special or standout
That's because around the same time Double X was revealed, the staff got told to end the show with 10 episodes less so everything was rushed and the focus went into the story than selling the Gundam to the viewers.
It's a miracle that DX didn't become an obscure Gundam considering less than 1% watched the 2nd half of X in Japan
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Love them chest vulcans
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I was so happy when they included DX in a Compati Hero game
>sticking it up the pooper for the finishing shot
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I actually just finished Gundam X and really enjoyed it aside from the Frost brothers getting more and more obnoxious as the series went on. You start really wanting to know what their deal is and end with wanting them just dealt with already.
>grunt suit is almost matched with a main Gundam
does this happen in other shows?
it's always seeing cannon-fodders with skill and not just blowing up

I think people agree that Frosties are the weakest thing in X but they aren't that bad, just took long time to reveal their intentions
I guess it just got annoying that their schtick was basically the same every single time they showed up, especially in the Earth parts of the show.
>show up in Virsago and Ashtaron
>don't do anything of real significance beyond being a hinderance/nuisance for a few minutes
>they eventually do that thing where Ashtaron grabs an opponent's arms and Virsago tries to attack from the front
>someone interrupts this
>"All according to plan. Withdraw for now, Olba."
>"Yes, nii-san."

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