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Post zams
appreciate zams
We already have an aoz thread, and other Barzams are relevant enough to discuss there too
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AOZ is Barzam but not all Barzams are AOZ
Yes, but they're close enough they're still talked about there sometimes. I should know, posted this very pic there before
Mystery Zam
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Donut Zam
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Big Zam
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Shill me on barzams. What makes it a preferable mobile suit over others released around the same year? No, don't just say it's just cool looking.
Has a beam rifle that turns into a beam saber.
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Man, I dig a lot of these. God Barzam and BarZZam in particular.
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>What makes it a preferable mobile suit over others released around the same year?
The Barzam is a versatile mobile weapon that exceeds in all requirements of a successful grunt suit: Its parts compatibility makes it inexpensive to produce, its luna titanium armor can shrug off anything short of a beam cannon, and it possesses agility worthy of its Gundam origins. In addition to standard armaments, the Barzam boasts universal weapons compatibility with all Titans mobile suits and its frame can be easily modified to fulfill a variety of combat roles. In short, the Barzam was a superior mass-production machine that represented the culmination of Titans MS development.
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How does it set itself apart from say an MK-II or Nemo or Quel?
Any of you guys still got a copy of the Barzam song somewhere?

Suki nan da~ suki nan da~~
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Unsuited for mass production and obsolete by later stages of the Gryps conflict. The Barzam retained many of its predecessor's positives but with a substantially smaller price tag, superior armor, and ease of maintenance. As stated above, it can use equipment from the Mk II including later additions like the G-Defenser.
They have a lot of similarities like durability, operational ease and strong hardware compatibility, but the Barzam maintains a slight performance edge with the added benefit of being produced in-house by Titans engineers instead of a contractor like Anaheim.
While they were still fielded by Titans forces, the Quel was a highly outdated mobile suit in the Gryps conflict, falling behind the GM II and Hi-Zack-- both units the Barzam was intended to replace.
Counterpoint: Too Zeekshit
GM reigns supreme
I fail to see what's Zeek about it.
The proportions remind me of the Turn X weirdly enough.
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Curiously, so does this blue Late UC chap.
CONSENT is cool sometimes.
Barzam is a true Gundam. Nemo is a Zaku in GM's clothing.
quel probably still does better than the GM II
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It doesn't. Titans even made their own version of GM II.
In the end, they basically used them as prototypes for Hizack variations though.
in sheer performance, absolutely, but not in productivity which is far more important for a grunt suit
same reason Hizack was chosen for main Titans MS over Pale Rider DII even though that is on paper a better suit
Does it actually transform?
GM II has a stronger reactor but otherwise most of its specs like thrust and weight are very close to the Quel, within a margin of plus or minus 5% either way. The way I thought of it was that the Quel represented the best of the OYW lineage, being descended from the GM Custom that closely followed the Alex NT-1. The GM II represents next generation tech where standard off-the-shelf parts are good enough to rival last generation's expensive high end prototype.

There might be some other minor differences, but since the GM II offered similar performance without needing expensive parts, it's easy to see why the Quel got phased out.

That said, I don't think we ever actually got to see the Quel in battle with more up-to-date Gryps war units. The GM II has a poor reputation since it almost always ate shit in battle against newer enemies, I can't see the GM Quel doing amazingly better since it's almost always depicted with a machine gun and wasn't like it had some hidden tricks or something.
I always interpreted the difference between the two being that the Quel probably controlled much better than the GMII which had the higher specs, thus the GMII had a poor reputation compared to the GM Quel or even GM Custom. We see the Quel being used in the background in the Zeta movies as well as the GM Custom by AEUG, so obviously they were good enough to still be used in some capacity. I think the reason why the GMII may be worse, and this is borderline head canon, is the fact that a lot were refurbished OYW basic GMs. That's like tossing a super powerful engine into a beater old car that can't handle all the horsepower
>so obviously they were good enough to still be used in some capacity.
I mean, it would be pretty embarrassing for Titans to see Quel being less used than Act Zaku for example.
>That's like tossing a super powerful engine into a beater old car that can't handle all the horsepower
Worked for GM Sniper Custom. Surely, things gotten better and cheaper since then.
>Act Zaku
technically the Act Zaku is a really impressive upgrade of the Zaku. There is a reason the federation kept its development going and used some of them. If MS of its class and level of performance were being used even as secondary line MS and were liked, then I think that's more damning to the GMII which should be a better performer but was still not liked
>GM Sniper II
while a good MS, the Sniper II was advanced upon even further by the likes of the GM Custom and Quel. It was also a purpose built machine compared to just stock GMs getting a new power plant tossed inside, not all upgrade programs are made equal. We see this in real life all the time, it's very likely the GMII was using newer parts yes, but of low quality so the machine just handled and performed like trash
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Nothing suggests either that Act Zaku was liked more than GM II or that GM II was worse than other GM upgrades. The point was about Feds using older machines where they could.
In reality, GM II was just too old by the time of Gryps war and Quel wouldn't do any better.
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Full Armor Barzam when?
we know it's not simply a case of an MS' specs being to low because the GM spartan was used in the gryps conflict and was said to have performed well despite being a OYW "vintage" MS by that point. Granted I will say that ground combat in Gundam is very different than space combat, but I still think it means that things are not as simple as autists would like it to be
That's not a surprise at all. Late OYW vintage does well enough in general, like Dwadge and Gelgoog.
I think the easiest explanation for why GM II is badly regarded would be a considiration of who got to pilot it and what would they like to pilot instead, rather than a particular problem with the suit itself.
If it is so cheap to operate and its perfomance is way beyond its peers, then why didn't the EFF/Titans adopt it as their main grunt suit? God this is why I hate AoZ and other Gundam side stories, they keep shitting out that many MS varieties in a very small timeframe until they just completely powercrept the ones that was shown in the main shows.
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Man, I love Bar-GMs.
why did the Barzam become a meme it's not even the weirdest looking Zeta suit
They did adopt it but the titans were wiped out so the EF Gave up on it for political reasons until side stories decided they adopt and turn it into the Bar-Gm >>22683686 which than somehow resulted in barzam having a hand in lots new/late uc general purpose ms.
Barzam is from the TV series though? It was the main Titans grunt during the end stage of Gryps War.
EFF couldn't directly adopt it because they tried to move away from Titans at the time. But well, Jegan is a Barzam descendant of sorts, so there's that.
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A combination of political, economic, and logistical factors. Like the above anon said >>22683758 Barzam was affiliated with the Titans which was bad optics for a post-Gryps Federation. Additionally, while the Barzam was easy to mass produce, it required specialized production lines which EFF had neither the intent nor resources/funds to expand. That isn't to say they didn't try, and Barzam variants >>22683686 remained in service well into the UC 120s
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>those legs
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Well, that's fucking lame
The extra parts can be reassembled into an independent SDS though. A regular grunt suit getting what amounts to s big backpack and being able to transform into an atmospheric flight form would be just silly at that point in time.
*SFS, subflight system
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Is the Barzan the legendary Zam of legend from which all Big Zams come from?
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Riderized Barzam
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The even easier explaination is that the GM II isn't a good suit. You don't ever need to read kit manuals, specs, entertainment bible or anything. All you have to do is watch the first episode of Zeta.
Just watch the show.
No shit it won't do well when it's a garrison force against aces in cutting edge machines
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>The even easier explaination is that the GM II isn't a good suit.
I think the point was that they want to know WHAT makes it a bad suit if the specs are already superior to the vintage OYW models that aren't doing that badly.

>All you have to do is watch the first episode of Zeta. Just watch the show.
A bunch of GM IIs fail to follow the Rick Dias team through a tricky aerial maneuver. Is that a failing of the GM II? Then why the fuck aren't the vintage OYW MS also fucking dying when trying to chase down Gryps era MS with superior mobility since they also lack the same thrusters and mobility to generally dominate in most combat situations? Is it pilot error due to poor training?
At the end of the day, it's just writer fiat.
Wait, a second, that's Bawoo
An easy mistake to make, but it says "Barzam" right there on its shoulder.
Gotta learn to look, rookie.
It also says AMX-107 on the chest and shield.
Which is Bawoo.
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Hideo Okamoto says that the variable version of Barzam that Okamoto drew became the prototype for Bawoo.
Yutaka Izubuchi says he worked on Bawoo from rough to cleanup.
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All roads lead to Barzam
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Barzam Custom?
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>>Nemo Virsago
Very cool.
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