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Why the fuck every normalf/a/g recommends 8th MS Team as an entry point for UC Gundam, when they should be recommending Stardust Memory?
people oddly don't really like Stardust Memory. My running theory is that everyone doesn't like to admit it, but they self insert as the MC and then feel cucked at the end of the series. Also autists have a hard time enjoying stories which involve people being idiots in them, which. Stardust Memory absolutely does have. I enjoy it because people are flawed, but people can't get around it. I recommend it all the time though along with Thunderbolt
Stardust Memory relies slightly more on knowing the context of rest of the series.
8th MS Team is recommended because good animation and action with some decent characters plus its short and easily digestible. It’s still a bad recommendation for people unfamiliar with Gundam as a whole due to it relying on the original show as context.

Stardust Memory is certainly good enough but like ZZ and Victory, Gundam fan discourse colors the perspective of newcomers and thus you have people repeating opinions without actually watching the shows in question for themselves. It’s similar to RedLetterMedia astroturfing the discourse on the Star Wars Prequels.
they should recommend 0079, that's the only "entry point" for gundam
Westerners have bad taste and for some reason worship the worst of the 3 90s UC OVAs. 0083 is very popular with Japanese Gunota though.
low quality ESL thread
Kou and Nina are insufferable protagonists and I wouldn't want them to be a first impression of Gundam protagonists even if the rest of the cast is great.
>the rest of the cast is great
they range from mediocre to plain bad
Rajeesh i'm drunk, don't call me out.
None of the OVAs should be used as entry points for UC. You start with production order, MSG at 1x speed, every episode.
This. If you’re new to Gundam as a whole, watch 00 or G and decide if the franchise is worth your time.
G is probably the worst choice you could make if you were trying to find something representative of the franchise as a whole.
9/11, unironically. Made SM's Top Gun-style premise less attractive than 8th MS' in-the-muck semi-realism. American audiences didn't want heroics (even - especially - ones where the "good" guys lose), they wanted something to help them process the fact that we were in wartime. You have to think about what was going on when these were airing in the US, and how that's influenced attitudes going forward.
0080 has beautiful animations but I was never sold on the story. Without context you won't understand why Gato has such a huge stick up his ass.

It depends on the person where they should start. Not everyone can stomach (pre)80s cartoons without being pretty interested in the overall content of it.
I loved watching G1 Transformers because it was dumb and goofy and for some reason I like animation errors. And I watched it without really caring about the Transformers universe. Like I keep being told Beast Wars is amazing but I can't stand the awful 3d graphics enough to finish an episode.
Barely anyone I know can sit through G1 though, interest or not.
Stardust has the extra baggage of being a midquel/prequel to Gundam and Zeta.
Nina is also the worst.

I don't agree with 8th MS as a entry point either, but it does give you a straight basic Gundam story, with not as much background knowledge to get.
if you got into anime in north america in the 00's there was a good chance the first popular things you were ever exposed to were either Toonami or Adult Swim. So your idea of "normal" tv anime was: DBZ, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Sailor Moon, Outlaw Star, Tenchi, and Cowboy Bebop. It skewed western viewing standards so badly that when CN finally got around to airing the original gundam series it was largely shit on for looking old and lots of people just tuned out. Out of what got aired most people jived the hardest with Wing, G, and the OVA's like 08th, 0080, and 0083. Although 08th seemed to jive the hardest with american audiences, likely due to the more approachable vietnam aesthetic.
I’ve gotten shonen fags to watch Gundam thanks to G. Downside is that G is where they start and stop…
But wouldn't that make them accurate first impressions of the franchise?
Get them to do Wing next since it's basically sentai.
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There were other factors, of course.
Wing is hard to recommend due to how normies have a greater incidence of Dunning-Kruger in regards to media literacy. They’ve either figured out it’s bad from reviewers and won’t watch it or will watch it and not be willing to leave the Joss Whedon trope lampshading at the door.
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Gundam wing was the first gundam to air on american tv, and since it was first it set the yardstick people measured the other shows and ovas with.
The dub(which is what you first encountered seeing it here) was significantly better than the dubbing of the original gundam show despite being done by the same people. It was more chucked together feeling than wings.
The "dated" animation of the original gundam to people that never had exposure to giant robot anime before wing was the final nail in its coffin.
A lot of shonenfags love IBO
This made sense in your head, I suppose.
That has always been 0079
That’s hard to believe. Nothing in IBO would appeal to shonenfags. It’s one of the most grim dark and morally ambiguous shows in the entire Gundam franchise with an incredibly divisive ending.
I disliked kou, nina and gato way before the reveal. It's just a bad show.
Get with the times. The new c/a/sual recommendation is watching The Origin because it's a "prequel". Nevermind the fact that it's not even in the same canon timeline. The average newf/a/g "intro to UC package" is to just suggest The Origin anime, the Movie versions of MSG and Zeta, skip ZZ, and watch CCA. Then continue with Unicorn.
i watched this as my first real entry into gundam (i watched the first half of the very first series and lost interest when amuro crashed on an island or whatever) just last week and i thought it was OK at best. I really only watched it because I had heard MIO's songs from it
Kou was alright, i wanted nina dead by the end of the first episode, gato was respectable, i don't remember anything from it except the scene where the crew give nina a chance to leave the ship before they go into battle and possibly get blown up and leyzner dying after saying he didnt put an escape system in his mech
overall pretty disappointed if this is some of the best gundam has to offer but im willing to watch other OVAs if anons have any reqs
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Even the Japanese know Nina-hate is a thing.

Fuck off mongoloid, do you really need someone to hold your hand to watch cartoons?
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Unfortunately, Paula slaps her in time. The blast only causes her eardrum to fucking explode like the backseat gunner in a primaris storm speeder.
for a franchise this expansive i dont think its a big ask for one or two recommendations on what i might like based on what i liked and what i didnt from my post
Because they enjoy simple plots done hundreds of times (Romeo x Juliet, muh Vietnam war shenanigans wink wink, over-the-top MC who fights mobile suits with a bazooka etc.).
I recommend you watch 0079.
Don't reply to bait threads.
Are you a teen? I hope you're not recommending Code Geass or NGE to anybody, because they have the very same problem of insufferable cast.
MSG just looked dated by that time no matter what your measuring stick was. Both the art and animation just look off, but I honestly think the former is the bigger culprit here, because it's not like Wing didn't have a disgusting amount of stills and stock footage itself. MSG would've been more appropriate during the 80s when Voltron and Robotech were at their peak.

I'm saying all this as one of the few Americans who got into Gundam via the MSG movies rather than G or Wing, FTR. I love the original series but as far as capturing viewers, first impressions are everything. They probably should've picked a more modern-looking series like Gundam X after they were done running G and Wing. Hell, you could probably air literally any of the series other than the original series because they all look modern enough. Hindsight is 20/20 though.

But honestly what really killed Gundam in the 90s/00s was the gross mishandling of how they brought SEED over. The timeslot was constantly being shifted around, and people are not going to bother keeping up with that shit even if they like the show.
You could have followed up with Build Fighters if they enjoyed the tournament aspect. Just be sure to have them stop before they hit Try.

The first gundam i saw was 0083 in about 95, and i still remember taking note of how detailed and high quality its animation was. I wasnt watching it thinking about it being "gundam" or part of a series of shows but more like it was just another high quality anime ova that was around at the time.
I agree if MSG was shown here back when Voltron or even Robotech was making the rounds on tv it likely wouldve found more love from people.
If I'm looking to get someone into the franchise, I want an entry that is:
>relatively short (so OVA or movie)
>at least mostly representative of the general feel of the franchise
>doesn't rely too much on prior knowledge
There's never going to be an "ideal" introductory show, but 08th MS is the one that makes the most sense to me by process of elimination. 0083 isn't a bad choice, but it's certainly more reliant on continuity than 08th MS Team.
The real crime are the smoothbrains that recommend War in the Pocket for someone's first entry. It's a good show sure, but it is not remotely representative of what the franchise is like.
The first episode of 0079 is also relatively short, and is the ideal jumping point into the franchise where people can watch other Gundam works like the rest of 0079.
It's honestly been ages since I've rewatched 0083, but I don't remember disliking Kou very much so it always confuses me why people shit on the guy. He's got his flaws for sure but I always felt like he handled his situation way better than the majority of Gundam protagonists. For me the image that always sticks out for me is when Kou has to inject himself with stims just to keep going at one point towards the end of the show. The guy gives it his all, and I think people forget that he's also only like 19.
Build Fighters has too many references and gags to older shows for me to recommend to newer fans. It’s a fan service show not a jumping on point. If you’re following up from G Gundam I might agree but there’s so much you miss if you don’t know the franchise as well.
If someone is okay with the outdated art/animation I don't have any issue with recommending the original series, but we all know most people are shallow. If someone was an aficionado of older anime they probably already watched MSG.
If someone can handle 70’s vintage Disney or older Loony Toons, they can handle 0079.
For a guy who’s 19, he sure as shit isn’t coded to be young. Maybe it’s the post One Year War era aging people past their years or the art style doesn’t lend much youth to the designs.
Art style is really different of course, but Bright's 19 in MSG and he feels older than Kou. Though I'm sure a lot of that is in the voices too.
>but it is not remotely representative of what the franchise is like.
Eh? It's a pure Tomino show.
This lingo doesn't belong here.
He never struck me as some hardened long-timer, so I don't know what you're about. He is a newbie as a pilot and it shows. He even has a runaway teen mini-arc.
Honestly, I meant to say he looked older, not sure why I went with coded. Kou always seemed way older than most Gundam protagonists to me. I think it’s because of the Top Gun parallels that 0083 tends to get that I keep likening him to Maverick.
WitP is significantly better than either 0083 or 08th MS Team.
The whole point of NGE's cast is to be utterly dysfunctional though
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Perhaps he looks 'older' to you, because you watch too much modern CGDCT. Characters didn't have a tendency to look like toddlers in the past.
Bet it's a great selling point for the people you're recommending it to.
Why even bother when you could just recommend the kino Gundam 00 series? Action packed and the animation is really top tier. The mech designs are timeless too
I don't think any gundam cast is quite om the same scale of dysfunction as NGE
Now compare that to shinji, asuka, or gendo
Two of the previous three wanted to end the earth because of relationship problems. One of which succeeded. Twice. The other was unable to ever have a normal relationship with anyone ever without hating them for shit she makes up in her head. Even Katejina wasn't that psychotic.
>That's only half of her problems
If you're going to on about her generic sad backstory it really doesn't make her less dysfunctional. Or psychotic.

Gendo initiated a plan to mentally torture his kid to bring about the apocalypse because he couldn't stop being sad his wife died and shinji flat out killed the human population in a heat of the moment rage. No one in gundam tops him.
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This was the exact moment when he was asked if he wanted to initiate third impact and he said yes because he was mad no one fucked him
>8th MS Team is recommended because good animation and action with some decent characters
All wrong
He was a self absorbed dysfunctional prick. As was everyone else in Eva. That was the point.
That's the weird thing, people loved Voltron and Robotech even into the early 2000s. MSG is just janky.
My understanding is that it was Sunrise/Bandai's fault (I don't remember if they'd been bought out yet). UC prints money in Japan, so as soon as Wing proved viable, they wanted us hooked up to the mainline. It didn't work because lost decade Japanese execs are essentially the least likely people to have a finger on the pulse of American tastes. Remember that GitS only happened because a Western producer was like, "We need to do another Akira, get the Patlabor dude and let's go to town."
>This lingo doesn't belong here.
Because despite stellar animation and presentation, the story and characters are atrocious and some elements that are in your face garbage like Nina's heel turn. I showed this to the most normal of normalfag friends and they all collectively hated Nina with a passion and thought her getting away with it scot free was horseshit.

8th MS team is far from perfect, but doesn't have a narrative whiplash as bad.

Except I hate Kou just as much as Nina. I only liked Burning in this shit.
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Yeah, and Bandai continued to handle Gundam poorly in the west until they just up around the anime industry crash in 2008. That initial wave was so nice though - we got nice MSIA and PS2 Games at the most accessible mainstream stores for a few years at least. Some of us got hooked. Personally I like that now Gunpla at least is getting big in North America. It shouldn't have taken this long though.
The Japanese unhealthy hatred for this character will never not be funny.
Yeah I think a lot of western fans don't understand how these OVAs are just a particular sheen obscuring the usual mecha story beats. Kou even has a romantic encounter with an enemy mobile armor pilot that he's later forced to fight. Good thing he was really, really ready.
I think it's pretty healthy to hate on betraying women.
Id say there is not enough hate on them actually
Sadly the "shonenfags" he's referring too are likely power svaler types, those kinds also enjoy destiny Kira not for his ideals and character but because he's "The strongest"
00 is asks abit much in the first season but season 2 onwards is pretty straight forward, 08th is pretty short and also very straight forward outside of one decent but suspension testing fight the ending is pretty meh, I'd also say give the first 0079 movie a try and if you like it watch th whole trilogy or go for the series both have their strengths.
>with a thick skin like an encyclopedia
That's a good simile.
In Japanese, being thick-skinned means you're pretty shameless.
What are you guys even talking about? You start UC Gundam with 0079.
It's been a day, dude, give it a rest.
00 isn't hard to follow, but it's also not so easily appreciated if you don't have the context of Gundam having been "different tech tree Earth" vs 00's "future tech tree Earth." That is, they have to push the timeline 500 years out in order to justify giant robots, and even then it's kind of hard to suspend your disbelief if you don't already have some experience in a slightly more fantastic "hard scifi" setting like MSG.

It's also a little bland, much as I love it (ESPECIALLY the first season).

I think the best course of action is to just show them a chart with pics of all the key art or protags and let them pick. Such things telegraph the tone pretty well. In the end, a lot of people are absolutely going to end up picking 08th MS anyway because it looks like what Gundam always gets billed as, which is "real robot"/giant robots used "realistically" in a realistic setting. Most people who don't muddle through themselves aren't trying to get into the franchise for the same autistic reasons that keep us here.
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Kou comes off as fresh out of boot, but closer to his early 20's visually. But that's kind of an issue with 0083's character art in general. Pic rel, the oldest characters in this image are 28.
Kou can’t even eat carrots. He’s fresh out of preschool.
What is that encyclopedia analogy supposed to mean
But only retarded faggots and pseuds too stupid to realize they're being insulted by hypocrites like War in the Pocket.
This might be due to Kawamoto’s art style evolving and perhaps due to the animators really trying to go for something crisp and simultaneously gritty that much of the cast end up looking older than they actually are. You can really tell by the color scheme when compared to 8th Ms Team where Kawamoto’s art starts to get closer to what we would see in Golden Boy and Bebop.
Wing is literally a janky fighting game plot. You know how all those fighting games stopped doing tournaments and like half of them had their plot turned into retard spaghetti to justify a story mode where everyone fights everyone? That's Wing except with animation errors and one of the worst casts in the franchise.
last time I tried to rewatch 00 it was so cringey I had to stop after like 6 episodes or so. It's really a show for teenagers
0083 on VHS was the first Gundam entry I watched and loved it. I was like 12 and thought it was awesome it actually made me want to see the original, Zeta, ZZ, etc
comments like these really make me think that the only people who can't stand the characters in 0083 legitimately are terminally autistic manchildren who were really scorned by the MC being green and also getting cucked. No other protagonist gets hated on this with level of unique vitriol in this way, not even Shinji or Kamille
No it’s just an awkward joke in an anime with too many weird bits that’d fit a Tomino show but don’t land here.
The way it successfully parodies itself at the beginning of the movie shows that there's some self-awareness there.
Loved the first two Gundam series and 08 and Orphans, but ZZ filtered me and i tried already to force myself to watch it.

What other stand alone series should i watch? i don't know which one to pic.
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>which one to pic
Good morning sirs I recommend G Gundam with the strongest Gundamn of all times.
I am not Indian, just phone posting with a single hand.
That order for UC viewing is irreproachable because newbies get shown the best quality shows while preserving chronological order.
If you are getting a woman into Gubdam, do Hathaway and Gbitch, no particular order
I like 0083 because it's tragic and a bit cynical.
"What if we had a Gundam story where the MC is not a newtype?"
You have this random enlistee who gets involved in the typical Gundam plot and he just fails. And not fail in the pyrrhic victory way like Zeta or Victory Gundam where the MC suffers but still manages to eek out a win. He outright just fails all his objectives. It's an oddly pessimistic Gundam series.
The girl he likes betrays him
He never beats the enemy ace
His Commander dies
He doesn't succeed in his mothership's overall mission

Even IBO despite all the pilots dying still had Tekkadan succeed in having its surviving members regroup and live good lives while bettering Mars.

In 0083 it ends with Kou getting out of prison early, Earth has been ravaged by yet another colony Drop. Nina, the person responsible for sabotaging the drop is free and the Gryps conflict is just a few years away.
seems like you love the idea of 0083

I do too. It's a good reminder that the Earth Federation stopped being the same EF from the One Year War.
>kou goes on to become a titan
>he gets put in a hizack
>he gets killed by Kamille
Nostalgia is why
Always figured Kou didn't get pulled into the Titans because he was on record as being a possible Zeon sympathizer due to his relationship with Kelly, Nina, and maybe even his rapport with Gato. If anything he probably fucking quit the seconds after he saw Nina's ugly mug again.
Yeah and the rest of Albion crew except for Synapse got inducted into the Titans because of their resolve to continue killing all Zeeks even after Bask ordered them to cooperate with the Cima fleet
What type of psued bullshit is this? That all happens in 0083, I like 0083, plus it has baller animation.
the idea and execution is fine, you are just scorned because Nina didn't stay with literally you(You self inserted as Kou)
I hate Nina and the whole love triangle subplot but even I think 0083 is better than 08th MS Team. It just seems people like the latter due to muh Nam aesthetics but that's just to hide the melodramatic love story.
Voltron and Robotech also came way earlier than MSG when people were willing to accep the jank.
It's interesting to see the pov of americans.
Here in France, UC is really not popular at all, but Wings have some fans, especially in their 30s, and SEED is actually pretty popular. This also includes Destiny.
00 used to have fans years ago but I don't think that much anymore.

Though small communities already had fansubs of most of the older shows even in the early 2000s, including TURN A.
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How pays you to destroy this site?
I guess we should add 0083rager to the list of ragers here, or maybe this is all just zetarager
That's not a thing, stop trying to make shitty fake drama.
ok zetarager my bad, let's get back to your drama
I just like the characters in 08th MS Team. They’re not particularly deep but they have the best chemistry out of any Gundam cast.
>best chemistry
Surely not that forced romance. Aina isn't even a character - she is a wallflower and the ulmitate prize for the MC.
>Aina isn't even a character
Sure she is. She's a sheltered, possibly mentally ill test subject, like so many female Gundam characters. She falls in love with Shiro because he represents freedom from the iron grip her brother has over her life. She may not be a good character, but it's not true to say she's just a prize for the MC.
>but it's not true to say she's just a prize for the MC.
She really is. She appears in the first episode, disappears for a long time, only to have one fanservice scenes in 'hot springs' and some dramatic dialogue in the last episode. You could have the entire story unchanged if you cut her presence to 5 minutes in the first episode and 5 minutes in the last one. No matter how badly Nina's character was screwed over and made into a nonsensical caricature in the last episode of 0083, her actions at least did impact the story and she had a distinct arc (even if it's something dumb, like flirting with one guy only to leave him for your ex).
The poorly dubbed movie trilogy of 0079 is the only correct point of entry and I will not debate this.
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>She appears in the first episode, disappears for a long time, only to have one fanservice scenes in 'hot springs' and some dramatic dialogue in the last episode
You've never actually watched 08th MS Team, have you? You've only read shitposts about it on /m/. I fell for some shitposters obvious bait. How embarrassing...
I too enjoy vaguely eastern european Sayla.
Then they all ended up getting wiped out by the colony laser lmao
stardust requires context from the original series that it doesn't give and nina is written like shit in the OVA, her motivations make less sense than reccoa's
I haven't watched 08th MS team but i feel like 0080:WitP is going to be the best entry point because it's only 6 episodes, on a smaller scale, and unlike literally every other UC series it doesn't struggle with pacing
I was going to accuse you of being Kakarot197 but he’s Belgian.
keep coping faggot
Samfag. At least come up with actual arguments.
08ms is the classic story, good fed lives and bad zeon dies, okay one cool zeon and one bad feddie but they all dies like they should. Happy ever after and peaceful life.
Shit goes south with any zeon wanks like 80 and 83. Are you satisfied with competent zeon finally dies with outdated war machine they are attached to like the toy fags they represent? Or are you satisfied with feddie pilots keep losing countless suits in the retardest way possible and just magicaly win the final one? Pander or empathize both side and yet let it helplessly escalate, "see, look what you made me do to you? Why did you the audience wish for war mecha goes to war?"

> Ninas motivation

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> Why the fuck every normalf/a/g recommends 8th MS Team

It has the best OP.
why are 0083fags so retarded?
Because 08th MS Team is easily a better show. Though, it's just the fifth best 90s Gundam series and I wouldn't recommend it to a newcomer either.
>If you are getting a woman into Gubdam, do Hathaway and Gbitch, no particular order
At this point just lure them into genre though LOGH.
>minute between the replies
Bruh, at least make it less obvious.
it is possible to dislike cuck shit without self inserting
i still like stardust memory in spite of it though
>It just seems people like the latter due to muh Nam aesthetics but that's just to hide the melodramatic love story.
Before I started watching Gundam, every normalfag that recommended 08th to me did so by saying it was a gritty war show about inconsequential grunts trying to survive on the battlefield. When I finally got around to watching it later, it just ended up being Romeo and Juliet but with mechs. It made me wonder how many people who recommended it to me have actually watched it or were they just repeating what they heard from other people.
Bask did nothing wrong.
Speaking of 0083, I wonder when we'll get a sequel to Rebellion, given how unconclusive it ended.
That guy is Belgian? Damn I never knew
>Katejina is more insane & delusional than anybody in NGE.
God that ending sorta pissed me off, I guess I'm glad she has to suffer at the end of the show but I wouldn't have allowed her to live if I was Uso
The only moral answer to Nina is a firing squad. She's in the top 3 most immoral and evil people in the entire UC timeline. That's quite the accomplishment.
it is I agree, the issue is that that's not what's happening here and you can tell by how vitriolic everyone is when they say it's le bad. It's so obviously because they self inserted and got burned. It's really funny
Cuck shit isn't the problem, the problem is the show being a badly written drama with close to zero likable characters.
Every single character got what they deserved by the end.
What about berning?
Should've picked up a trade and stayed with his wife, if he couldn't smack Uraki right. As a soldier there are worse ways to go.
slit your throat faggot
yeah, a bad show is bad with or without cuck shit in it.
0083 suffers from having barely any interesting characters aside from maybe Burning, Cima and the cameos from Zeta antagonists. Their deaths are also laughably bad.
Aside from OPs, soundtrack is forgettable.
Battles are boring with barely any interesting fight choreography and show in general looks flat compared to its predecessors.
Kou, who is trained Feddie pilot, commits treason by willingly helping a Zeon sympathizer make his mobile armor because he feels sad. Gato despite looking like a better character relative to him is still so one-note. I didn't care enough about Nina to have been bothered by her 'betrayal'. I would have preferred if the writers had just said 'fuck it', gone all the way and just made her kill Kou. We don't even get a resolution on their relationship.
I think, If you remove the lead trio the show becomes much better.

It's fine to like the show, nobody is stopping you. Just don't whine about cuckshit when others don't share the sentiment.
>Why the fuck every normalf/a/g recommends 8th MS Team as an entry point for UC Gundam, when they should be recommending Stardust Memory?
because normalfags are weighed down by gravity and can't into just watching gundam in production order. They can't cope with watching a franchise develop and improve upon itself, they NEED pretty images and short stories.
If I had to guess, he's using some outdated internet screenname he used all the way from his teen years or something.

Gotta give some credit for someone sticking to that and not giving a shit.
Actual tourist shit damn.
Keith and Moira certainly got the happiness they deserve
>romeo and juliet
Im sure they both died in the end.
We all die in the end, anon.
did I call the animation bad? I know it's good but the staging and general shot compositions on a scene by scene basis is not up to the level of Takamatsu or Tomino.

They had quite a few soundtrack albums, that sold well, for something with nothing good on it.
The "main" fights are iconic and well choreographed, the deaths however are debatable.
Stardust tries to ground/explain a bunch of shit that shows up later in Zeta
better for someone to watch the classics first rather than have a case of "realrobot" brain
It is remembered for characters being visibly constipated
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because /a/ is littered by virgin losers with no taste. Everyone and her mother loves Kou
>virgin losers
Weird to pretend that's a deragatory on the site and all boards made for autistic wizards to discuss their superior interests and hobbies away from normalfags.
>people oddly don't really like Stardust Memory.
The change in writers halfway through is very noticeable
People who like one half don't seem to like the other half
Japs have strange taste. Mindboggling how this guy wins out over the 08th MS mc
>only potentially popular pick is Athrun
>NGE made "dysfunctional characters" a selling point instead of gunpla.
No it didn't. Gundam already had that as a big part of its lasting appeal. The entire point of Gundam Wing, which predates Eva, was to compensate for shitty production with over-the-top character writing. Have you ever fucking watched a Gundam show?
Ignoring how stupid Kou being first is, why the fuck is Bright #2? Or Bernie #6? Girls would hate these picks.
Yeah, he states it pretty regularly on some videos. I know a fair bit of the Gundam YouTubers and most of them tend to be non-native English speakers.

My YouTube handle is also over 20 years old from my high school days. Zero fucks given.
You could've at least mentioned Ritsuko's mom strangling a kid to death for calling her hag, or Ritsuko herself for destroying all the spare Rei clones in front of Shinji entirely out of petty jealousy but you didn't. Shame on you, anon.
Anyways, I think Gundam and Eva characters are on a roughly equal level of dysfunctional freaks. I mean, there's cases like Katejina, previously mentioned here, Char wanting to cause the Axis Drop just to finish his rivalry with Amuro, or Amuro himself stealing the Gundam and hiding it in the desert, entirely because Bright (rightly) chewed him out over him ignoring orders and later talking to Sayla about replacing him. I mean, even Shinji didn't try to do something like that with EVA-01 in the two times he ran, even when he threatened NERV after the Dummy Plug incident with Bardiel.
Bright is fucking great, retard
No, the ultimate prize is Kergerenko.
Doing this right now. Gotta say, even though he's a crack pilot Amuro is a little bitch.
I recommend to people 0080: War In The Pocket. It is only six episodes, and hits the anti-war message from a unique point of view.
It's only unhealthy if you're a white knight. Some women deserve to be beaten and shot, Nina is one of them.
The charm of Amuro is his whole journey
>entitled bitch > depressed and jaded adult > No fucking around soldier
Bright won the bestest piece of ass in the Gundam universe and had to fend of a thirsty home wrecker.
Why do you hate Bernie?
Most of the time he was just barely good enough.
Like, his greatest accomplishment is abducting a bunch of kids on some backwater colony to destroy Neo Zeon.
Only happened because Sleggar motherfucking Law decided to die like a glorious bastard that will be forever remembered across the time with the likes of Jinn Gehenam.
I bet Mirai tells Bright every day that if Sleggar survived he'd raise their kids right and wouldn't have to order an execution for their son.
>cheats on his wife
>makes no effort to prevent Hathaway from becoming another Katz
>completely spineless towards Fed spookery
>cheats on his wife
Never happened.
>couldn't even cheat right
Disappointment all around.
I'm watching it for the first time too and I kinda like how much of a little shit he is. He whines for a little bit but he always gets back in that gundam. I also like how much sass he has for the rest of the crew sometimes, its funny
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>Also ritsuko is very underrated and underappreciated in that fandom just like in the show.
Man, I feel like that about more than a few of the characters in Eva, honestly. Kaji was fucking smooth, was behing some of the big stuff happening in the anime, such as being Asuka's guardian, bringing the Adam embryo to Gendo, and being there to give Shinji a pep talk when he sworn off piloting as Zeruel attacked. Yet I don't seem to hear people really mentioning him a lot, sadly.
Maybe if you watched eva for the first time in recent years.
Kaji kinda feels like he was originally supposed to be far more important to the story than what we ended up seeing. I think Anno ran out of time and killed him off just to get close enough to the final he planned originally and figured he could potentially just fill in the gaps with ambiguity.

I’d argue he’s way better written in the manga but then again, all the characters are.
I'm late here but to be absolutely blunt, Macross's animation also just mogs the fuck out of MSG by like an order of magnitude and Robotech inherited that in one of the only sagas anyone cares about. It's 100% aged better over all. Not saying it has zero problems but it definitely is overall just stronger and done in a way that most of its age and flaws comes off as more of it being stylistic as often as not to a modern viewer.
Opinion discarded.
It never happens though - he rejected her.
>WitP a bad choice
Definately going to set expectations too high for anyone who watches anything else Gundam
You mean low?
In an overall sense I probably agree, though I think shit like Max knife fighting Milia is more laughable than anything I can remember in MSG.
Honestly that one I feel like gets a bit of a pass in the same way that Lalah's entire situation being kind of ridiculous gets a pass in MSG, it lays out and kinda encapsulates a lot of the underlying themes and ends up being echoed a lot later for similar reasons.
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I'm wasn't talking about the situation itself, was talking just about the animation. Lalah's death scene is not amazingly animated or anything but I can take it for the weird abstract thing its going for. Max fighting Milia kills me every time because of the DBZ style dagger fighting, Milia looking like she crossbred with a fish for half the scene, and the director deciding a 5-second drum beat loop was the best way to set the tone for his riveting action scene.
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I remember there was a comic book series where they printed cel scenes of 0083 instead of an artist drawing the scenes. i loved it. It made me anticipate seeing the actual anime, and when i finally saw it i loved it.
>not remotely representative of what the franchise is like
the only way you could say this is if you only watched Zeta, as both the other TV series before (and victory) are partially (or explicitly in victory's case) about how war pointlessly strips the innocence of the young in service of the elderly elite

zeta is too busy tackling themes about the rise of fascism and how everyone has to do their part to fight against it which is equally based, Kamille is 17 so he's basically one year away from retirement when it comes to anime protagonist logic
>how war pointlessly strips the innocence of the young in service of the elderly elite
That's a huge part of Zeta though
Kamille is about two seconds away from decking Char again and telling Amuro they both suck ass. Judau is the only dumb fuck child smart enough for his tier of person to fuck off and tell everyone in UC they aren't worth shit. Especially not worth getting killed for.
It goes as far back as 0079. The dysfunctional rising to the occasion or failing and fucking up in spite of the efforts of those around them is intrinsic to Gundam.
that was outsourced to a korean studio iirc
I like Stardust Memory's animation, mobile suit design and music.

I hate most of its characters, drama and contrived ending.
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Kou is 19, which isn't far off the age you peg him as. Plus, back in the day, people generally aged faster than they do now.

I think the big problem is that everyone in SM has the same basic frame, which doesn't help to distinguish them age wise all that much.
Most people here hate Kou too fag. Nina is just a cunt. It's closer to misogyny than some self insert crap.
There's literally nothing wrong with Bernie.
See yourself out.
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Absolutely based
That explains his character better to me. I thought he was in his mid twenties when I first wathced it and was baffled at how immature he was.
Imagine my utter shock finding out Bright was 19 years old in 079 with that insane receding hairline
>insane receding hairline
holy shit zoomers have some body image issues
>recommending Stardust Memory?
Are you legit retarded?
I went into watching stardust memory with the knowledge that nina was completely fucked over by some behind-the-scenes beef so I basically just ignored any retarded shit that she did and ended up enjoying the show a lot
I can only imagine how fucking mad I would have been without knowing about that
You say that like Nina wasn't a total bitch BEFORE the director switch.
>Most people here hate Kou
Yeah, she wasn't. She was just a run-of-the-mill romcom heroine, very tame when you compare it to tsundere that used to plague school harems back in the day.
Because MS Team fags are sakuga minded retards who wouldn't know a good narrative if it slapped them across the face.
08th MS Team is thematically and narratively shallow, with even less to be said about its "characters". There is a reason people only post a few contextless clips and never actually discuss anything else beyond comparisons to other, far better anime like other Gundam works or Captain Tylor.

0083 is also bad, but at least it wants to be something.
>I guess I'm glad she has to suffer at the end of the show but I wouldn't have allowed her to live if I was Uso
It's funny how so many people will watch over 100 episodes of Gundam anime leading into Victory and not get the point of Victory's ending despite it being shouted at you for the final three episodes and the final scenes explicitly referencing Z Gundam's conclusion.
>watch 00 or G and decide if the franchise is worth your time
The former is complete shit that fails to really be about anything and the latter is a completely different type of anime in aesthetics, pacing, tone, narrative, and style.
I can't even remember 08th's OP. Meanwhile-
>Fly! Gundam
>Toki wo Koete
>Mizu no Hoshi
>The Winner
>Men of Destiny
>Don't Stop! Carry on!
>Just Communication
>Turn A Turn
It's no fucking contest, there are so many better songs.
>doesn't remember Arashi no Naka de Kagayaite
>no Rhythm Emotion
Shit ta...
>purposefully excludes ZZ, G and X OPs
Oh, you're one of those. Have a (You).
>purposefully excludes
I just forgot about them
>0083 is also bad, but at least it wants to be something.
That's the point, it would be better if it didn't.
If you just want sakuga clips of robots fighting each other with barely any thinking, go watch Transformers.
Sakuga clips of robots fighting each other is the only good thing that came out of Stardust Memory though.
If simply having a vision counts for something, you might as well go defend Gundam Age.
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unpopular protaganist
Why should I not want a mentally unstable woman who is actively a danger to society and complicit in the most horrific kinds of war crimes imaginable dead? The only reasonable answer is that she wanted to die at that point already so it'd be giving her what she wanted
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I could have saved her.
They gave us G Gundam after Wing. MSG didn't work because it doesn't appeal to American Kids. i remember when it aired. I couldn't follow the plot. Unlike Gundam Wing which I also didn't understand (except for the movie), there wasn't absolute crazy shit happening every episode. It's slower. The animation wasn't the biggest problem. on CN we used to get the old scooby doo andkids enjoyed that fine.
Dude, I believe in you. You could've saved a bunch of psycho bitches. Reccoa, Sarah, Rosamy, Haman, Chara, Quess, Katejina, Fuala, Lupe.
But Nina... Nina is too far gone.
Stardust was not bad, but I'd recommend the Igloo shorts as an entry point. 'Emphasis on the second run, on the cargo ship.
Zeke propaganda makes for an acceptable fast setting explanation and seeing the situation deteriorate inside their ranks is much more accesible than the usual plots.
>3DCG shit
Might as well go for G-Saviour at this point
...? Did someone open the Ark of the Covenant in front of her?
I can save Cima
Cima isn't particularly psycho and deserves saving
You need to watch it with ad breaks in for the authentic experience, and only watch one episode a weekday until you finish it.
It's happening all over /m/. Use the Feedback form:
It's preferable to the hand-drawn WTF moments.
Monsha, Gato and Nina are real stinkers and they are 70% of the show
I almost dropped it at this episode
not only is he a huge pussy but he also helps his enemy repair the mobile armor? he does turn it around in the end but damn
>use a show made during middle-aged 3D CG tech as your recommendation for a franchise known for decent animation and so-so plots
I admire this 4D chess move to prevent Gundam from getting any newfags by recommending something that will immediately disgust them.
War in the Pocket or just watching 0079 are better starting points for UC
Im just sitting here right now watching episode 11 and im just amazed at the quality of it.
I truely, truely pity those whomst first gundam experience is one of those later shows.

I forgot to note that imo the movie did some parts better than show, but the show did some better than the movie as well.
Stardust Memory's main draw is having the most of what makes Gundam be Gundam in the fewest number of episodes possible.
This is fine, and better than 8th MS Team's animation porn for people who value a good antartic treaty break, internal strife and zeek betrayal, shitty women, colony drops, legless humanoid mobile weapons, Monsha, hot zeek hags, mobile suit development, and everything else you should after watching the original run from 0079 to CCA. It's, like Wing, a love letter to everything Gundam made before (though not nearly as convoluted), while also giving a good backstory to how Titans got notoriety.
But those things are not nearly as important to non-Gundam fans, especially the ones who are icky with older animation, so people rec 8th MS team because it has somewhat of an "above criticism" status when it comes to it's animation.
Stardust still has great animation though:

I dont know where you people get the impression 08th has better animation than 0083.
It doesnt.
It's crazy. The ONLY time Gundam has ever looked better than 0083 was the night raid on Davao in Hathaway's Flash.
I don’t like Stardust Memory because older works already sealed its fate. It doesn’t matter how cool the GP02 or the GM Quel are, in the end it’s unnecessary.
I didn't say it was actually better, I said '8th MS team because it has somewhat of an "above criticism" status when it comes to it's animation.'
It's like classic rock.
honestly I think f91 has the best animation of the old stuff

F91 is comparable to 0083 animation wise but loses out imo because of dated character design.
If you watch just the characters the ova looks like its older than it is.
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>decent characters
I have tried to watch this twice and dropped it twice. It is borderline unwatchable precisely because every single character is so unlikeable, starting with the MC. The whole war feels cartoonish and stupid in a way no other Gundam entry does, and the stupidly motivated MC does not fit at all with any other entry of the UC I have seen besides, maybe Thunderbolt, where it's implied that the MCs are sort of crazy.
But no other entry in the UC I can think of has people just going through war with such a carefree attitude, which is why I like the UC and Gundam in the first place. This feels like bullshit with no stake.
>muh desert fights
Beautifully animated, still completely insufferable cast.

Stardust Memory on the other hand has better characters, a more interesting plot, overall better animation and way more soul - it's a quintessential mecha anime of the era and it has aged beautifully. Nina is the weakest point but Gato alone redeems it.
>but loses out imo because of dated character design.
F91 character design is fantastic and easily better than all the bland fucks from SM.
On that note, mobile suit design as well.
you have actually shit taste and need to kill yourself
>especially the ones who are icky with older animation
faggots? who cares what they think
Can you elaborate?
starting with anything else than "MSG -> Zeta -> ZZ -> CCA" is disrespectful and sad. non-Tomino fanfiction is not worth watching anyway bar 2 ones that are actually decent
NTA but War in the Pocket is in this really awkward as fuck position where it's supposedly saying "Stop idolizing war and thinking wart is cool" and makes a bunch of comparisons to that end...

While being a series that more than any other in the franchise until that point and for years after, existed specifically to sell model kits, as in that was literally why WitP was made, to sell new more "modern" looking designs of classic MS to people because the original MSG's designs were considered old and busted, it was only part of the way into production they changed their mind and decided to make them distinct models rather than full on replacements.

So you have a show that only exists specifically to sell model kits is taking a huge shit on you for thinking the model kits are cool and rubbing your face in it like a disobedient dog. The show that had a mobile suit assembled like a giant snapfit model kit in the field fight another mobile suit with a armor break gimmick to show off how hyped and cool they are is saying "FUCK YOU FOR THINKING THIS IS COOL" the entire time and taking a piss on your hands after taking your money from a narrative perspective.

Honestly, that would be one thing, it's fine to decide to poke your audience from time to time, maybe a dick move, but it's within the bounds of something that's not always unreasonable and can be a bit of fresh ground to shake things up. The real issue is that it's hamfisted to the extreme. The writing is dreck and constantly crippled by its entire reason for existing being completely incompatible with the message and themes it has chosen to make use of in a short format that does not have time to provide the context and nuance needed to bridge the gap and thus relies on pretty cool visuals to make you go "WOW SO COOL" and some shock value to fake some emotional depth with the whiplash before ending on a very blatant case of spelling things out in the hopes the viewer will just lap it up thoughtlessly.
Damn americans have really been affected by lead in their water.
It's always weird to see faggots try and write off objectively true statements like "The entry that was made specifically to sell toys gets made about people wanting to buy toys" as people being insane for some reason. I've seen similar phenomena but this specific thing is pretty unique to War in the Pocket fags. It's kinda interesting.
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Thank you for this write up. I do appreciate that as you didn't have to take the time to do what I asked. So, thank you with all due respect. I actually agree with your post on witP. I like the ova but I do find it to be pretty unnecessarily overrated for a lot of reasons. I still like it as an individual work but it is far from the best gundam work overall. Maybe top 3 in the ova for the franchise. Anyway, yeah the first scene is one of the most acclaimed animation mecha moments in the franchise as it was done by Mitsuo iso of the asuka angel battle in eoe and the gits movie tank fight fame. The scene impressed a lot of the staff that worked on Akira as well. Yea, War in the pocket wants to have it's cake and eat it too by giving fans some really impressive action iconography and animation but criticizing you for it as well. If war in in the pocket had less impressive Mecha fights maybe the point it had would feel more poignant.
Tbh if it had largely had them be out of focus and through the eyes of the civilians and only briefly the pilots involved [usually when shit's going wrong and they're struggling with the realities of the situation] I'd respect it a lot more and it'd at least somewhat paper over its crippling flaws in narrative better. It wouldn't be able to escape its origins maybe [again the only reason it exists is they wanted to modernize a bunch of old designs at first for the model kits to sell better] but it'd come out of things as more of a sincere effort.
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My frustration with witP is when some fans try to paint it as this special series that encapsulates the themes of Gundam into one 6 episode package and find that both a simplification and reductive view on Gundam as a whole but also witP. Still love the ova regardless.
It's a really cool OVA and from an animation perspective it's fantastic, just gorgeous, but it's really tiresome to see it sucked off for being the "gritty REAL gundam" entry.
Wait, I thought the 'gritty REAL gundam' entry was 08th MS Team. Or does the power of love and a giant floating wunderwaffen with a Zaku head disqualify it?
>it had largely had them be out of focus and through the eyes of the civilians and only briefly the pilots involved [usually when shit's going wrong and they're struggling with the realities of the situatio
Oh man. I deeply wished it had done that instead. It reminds me that F91 did a little of this in it's first major scene of the film. One of my favorite moments in the franchise.
I agree. I wish the "gritty REAL gundam" entry discourse would just die entirely honestly as it's pretty irrelevant and reductive anyway
>thought the 'gritty REAL gundam' entry was 08th MS Team
Are you seriously? That meme and died off and got disproved a long time ago. Sure there might be some newfags that still think that but it's not taken seriously anymore.
That and the protagonist dodging weapons fire that one time, apparently.

If you ask me it's just that after years of them shilling 08th as the real gritty "best" entry point as a self-contained story they got mad when normalfags and newfags in general actually listened to them and started hyping it as their favorite.
As a matter of fact all of the OVA'S get memes off as this in some form or another outside unicorn
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>It's an oddly pessimistic Gundam series.
It really is a story of frustration - mostly for Kou (because he's never quite strong enough), but also for everyone else, nobody gets what they want in the end. Well, except for the Titans. They establish it pretty early on with Kou cleaning out Allen's room
Keith gets an amazon GF and a GM Cannon II.
SEED Stargazer
I like Stargazer but it's unironically, as someone who likes Seed, too good and evenly paced and so on to be representative of Seed, let alone Gundam as a whole.
Despite everyone hating pretty much every character in stardust I really liked Keith I'm glad he got a happy ending.
Keith was a good bro a capable wingman and ended up with Best girl he's the luckiest man in UC and fucking deserved his win
>the backseat gunner in a primaris storm speeder.
Brother Tinnitus has a very important position that we can't leave to machine spirit auto-senses like with most space marine vehicle mounted weapons.
This is UC Gundam. The best girl is usually the dead girl, let's just say Keith got the second best girl.
Four was not best girl.
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It depends on the show.
Cima was cool and deserv3d better but I liked Mora more so I'd still say Keith got best girl in the end
Still trying to buy that Titans Cima doujin. Never seen it pop up anywhere online as a scan, hoping to grab a physical copy one day. I remember it having a Galbaldy in her Gelgoog Marine Commander colours on the cover.

Her death always bothers me because realistically she shouldve looked like someone from total recall when her glass broke.
Because stardust memory makes no fucking sense if you haven't watched the original, if anything War in the Pocket is a better entry, but 08th is undeniably better. And that's to someone who prefers both of those to 08th
It's my favorite ova aside from war in the pocket for this reason.
They edited what they originally wanted.
Her death always bothered me because it makes no sense. She can dodge auto-cannon rounds and beams, but she couldn't dodge that half-broken hunk of junk that is the dendrobium? Also her missing every single shot with her beam machine gun despite the dendrobium having a broken I-Field. It's a joke. Kou has plot armour, Kou even survives a similar explosion to the one that killed Burning. A lot of shit in 0083 happens "just because" instead of actually making sense.
Dunno, something about the 08th mecha being "realistic"
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How can she be the best girl when she has such a shit taste in mobile suit colors?
For me it's because it was massively homosexual. Constant gay tension between the male rivals. I don't mind gay shit but damn.
Shut up, it's really cool. Man, I really need that book.
A fitting punishment. Hope Kou was on that ship too.
What's wrong with Constructicon colors?
How about the part with Kelley and when Magic starts playing as they are fixing the mobile armour?
oh cmon bro constructicon/eva colours are badass
That was my favorite part in the entire anime lmao. I love bromance but not actually gay type of shit. Manly connection between men that women can’t understand.
You know what 0083 needed was a really manly Top Gun beach volleyball scene. Maybe during the part when Gato was infiltrating the base, he'd be roped into playing with Kou. Yeah, that would have been super manly. Yeah.
like the kelly kou mobile armor repair was cool because they were quiet and understanding with each other as men during the montage. I do think it’s dumb there’s no conseqeucnes for this in the anime (i am aware burning is killed because of this in the anime) but overall i felt the moment was very thoughtful and sincere
They're both some of the best Gundams but 08th is more concise and well rounded, I'd also say 08th has slightly better animation and aesthetic
Characterwise it has that too childish late 90s design
>They're both some of the best Gundams
no one actually says this
in the manga* regarding consequences oops
)8th team has tits in it, does stardust have titties? There's your answer.
You'd think Imanishi's writing would improve with hindsight and a pre-sketched scenario rather than degrade, but then this is still the guy who led Stardust Memory.

The only pseud and retarded faggot is you
>F91 is comparable to 0083 animation wise but loses out imo because of dated character design.


>If you watch just the characters the ova looks like its older than it is.

It doesn’t unless you’re a retard who has no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
>realistically she shouldve looked like someone from total recall when her glass broke.

Realistically that’s not what happens to a human body in a vacuum in real life

Thanks for calling me a retard multiple times while saying or doing nothing to disprove my previous claim.
+1 contribution
no it doesn't
>federation: main characters
>zeon: baddies
Most of the TV series are too retarded to watch if we're being honest here.
What? Pretty sure 90s anime character design is known for realism
This just seems like something you can apply in general to almost all of Gundam except the Gunpla-focused series and in a more general sense the eternal "you can't make an anti-war war movie" contradiction.

Plus I would really like to think most non-mouthbreathers would watch War in the Pocket and not take it as "throw away all your military themed toys you fucking loser" and more just the usual "toys are cool and all but remember actual war is still fucking shitty and ruins lives".
You’re welcome
Most of the other series don't both have it as their primary thesis and also don't exist for a hyperspecific documented reason of "these toys are no longer cool looking fix that". Sure, all gundam series exist to sell toys on some level, but it's the difference in intensity there so to speak that combined with a similar hyper specific message that is primarily targeted at those they're marketing to that comes off as both hypocritically dishonest and insultingly spiteful

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