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I've been waiting for 3 years already!
How did they make three seasons of Demon Slayer in the time it takes to make two hours of CGI robots and Jollibee paintovers.
Why did you make this thread again?
I am not a /m/ regular, I just felt the need to watch some mecha, remembered the series existed and checked that part 2 is still not out, then proceeded to sperg out.
I'm going to rewatch Hathaway Part 1, but damn do I wish Part 2 was out already.
Hathaway is the best UC gundam protag bar none, both in skill and in writing.
>in skill
In the skill of simping and team killing maybe, although the later probably goes to Yazan

I mean yeah, why do you think Bandai keep making Gundam anime with all new Mobile Suits?
It's not to say the anime isn't enjoyable, but they make the real money from the kits.
It's coming out some day. I'm sure.
>Leave the million dollar company alone!
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Do they fuck in the novel? I've only skimmed it so I'm not sure.
Dude he's literally just Katz but his luck ran out slower.
>inb4 covid
Hathaway could've just decided not to become a terrorist.
There's something respectable in how unapologetic she is about it.
Sluts are best after all.
Being a terrorist is based though.
I really hope they just shit out movie 2 and rush this to it's conclusion without sticking to the trilogy idea. Nobody cares about this story, it has almost no action, the MS designs are all among the worst in UC design bloat.
Eco-terrorist though...eh.....
Name a better OST then this movie.
Literally any other gundam ost
Yeah Hathaway and Katz are basically the same character and tired of people acting like they aren't
Seconding this umironically. HF had probably the worst soundtrack of any anime, maybe even /m/ related media, I ever forced myself through.
I disagree but still love yourself
Die zoomer
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>story so bland Tomino forgot what happened in it
>story so convoluted and reliant on prior knowledge that netflix had to pay youtubers and make a whole short doc explaining the setup for new viewers
>Too much of a pussy to give out a specific answer.
My god you people are predictable.
Another filtered by the flying base castle
What a retarded statement to make
you didn't

you are not able to discern different posters, you are not an anime character
Go back.
Samefagging is generally looked down upon anon
Wonder who fucked up and what the delay was. Covid?
It was covid they said they couldnt go location scouting. I think Australia was one of the more travel restricted places during covid
No, she cucks him for Kenneth instead.
It was Covid, but more than that it is a management issue. I don't know what's going so particularly wrong with this movie but it was 3 years between first tease of Hathaway 1 and release, and that's with several Covid delays. Australia opened it's borders February of '22. So for a period of time rapidly approaching the entire production of Hathaway 1, Hathaway 2 has been on the to-do list with no external obstacles and they haven't even put out promo images.
Hathaway wasn't announced until 2018. Production started in 2016, and we barely got anything for almost a year after that fact they teased it with NT, so what's your point with waiting? It's not a huge stretch, there is no management issue. This isn't a typical anime production by any means, so work is going to take a lot more effort on it.
How do you tell someone who said they only liked Hathaway because of the tone, that it’s the same tone that was established in 0079?
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Grab them by the balls and jerk them off slowly.
Why Kenneth is the superior choice?
>suffering from a distinct lack of physical correction from his father
>fucked in the head
>eco terrorist (lol)
>loses his grand philosophical argument to a cab driver in the span of like 3 minutes
>constantly butt hurt about his life being hard in the UC setting of all places
>succesful military career
>sent to Davao specifically to unfuck it and bring some competency and beat the complacency out of them
>confident in his abilities
>doesn't whine when the going gets tough
>isn't constantly having a mental break down over events that happened a decade ago
>again in the UC setting
>crazy political radical manipulator girl gets guy to fall for her and join her rebel group/political beliefs then ditches him when she's done manipulating him
Can this trope just die already? Being a simping faggot has never been an interesting motivation for me and i don't know anyone who thinks it is.
I think it's annoying as well, but that's not what happens. Gigi isn't that smart. She really is as simple as a dumb child trying to play at politics and espionage because it seems neato to her.
the animation isn't anything special though it's Unicorn 2.0 not Akira
>>most advanced Gundam
>>main weapon is WW2 bottle rockets that shoot out of its backwards elbows

that was strange
To be fair, no one in Hathaway is very smart.
>Using Akira as a standard frame of reference
Go back, newfag.
only if the crazy bad boys actually has power to back it up.
Yeah the Xi is a hideous piece of shit.
look I just want to see gigi's pussy is that too much to ask?
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sex with filthy slut
Depends, are you willing to pay upfront?
Nah man. Judau was. He was the only UC protag smart enough to say "Wow the Earth Sphere is full of fucking RETARDS" and left.
He was a total Chad but he was also predictable as shit because of it. Definitely not in the running.
I wouldn't be surprised if they went back to zero and rewrote everything again because of the Amuro VA drama. God, I hope that's the case because it would be hilarious to see the amount of butthurt that it would ensue.
Go back vedditor.
Amuro is like, one of Furuya's three biggest roles. I'm sure the big tittied fangirl with the haunted pussy derailed some plans Bandai had. But, I doubt he would have more than a two second cameo again.
I wish that was me.
That wasn't hard
Amuro wouldn't do more than a cameo in Hathaway anyway, he's dead
Remember that Unicorn 2 is next up on the docket after Hathaway is done. If that really is the case and they haven't scrapped that idea then the only period of time getting any attention for the next decade is post CCA UC
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Gundam chief Naohiro Ogata just said today "A little more patience" about Hathaway 2
They teased multiple UC work in the future so who knows
Smalluru toryu company. Preasuru undastandaru
>Unicorn 2
Isn't that just Narrative
Nah, Narrative is just a side chapter, and only has a few part related to the actual Unicorn story
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Gundam Hathaway? more like Goondam Fapaway, amirite
>haunted pussy
>it has almost no action

eat shit
I think the whole purpose of narrative (besides selling kits) was to evidence that unicorn and banagher are still kicking so that it doesn't feel like an ass pull when they announce UC2: psycho frame boogaloo
No, it was just a tie-in to the Unicorn statue. That's the sole reason for the project.
so are they going to make Gigi said it like in the novel?
'i bet Kenneth asked you for not just oral, but also anal, didn't he?'

they are going to do it right?
Who fucking cares?
oh hell yeah
Hathaway was Mafty before he even met Gigi. What the fuck are you talking about?
Amuro is dead in Hathaway. What are you talking about?
something i like gundam is the characters feel very real
she seems like someone you would meet irl
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>Gigi lewd scenes
I am ready
yeah, no. No need to drool all me
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Personally I'm waiting for more Thunderbolt
need to find me a girl like this irl
cute psycommu (schizophrenic) bimbo wife
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>glorious space Taliban vs Gustav Karl animated
Can't wait
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Movie confirmed for later this year for those wondering. Comics site confirms it
That doesn't make sense, it's only 6 months left
>trailer confirmed end of the year
much believable
Giant Freaking Robot reported that, so apparently they know something we don't.
maybe they are just giant freaking retards.
I can see a October-December release if they start advertising in August or September.
Go back to twitter.
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>like this irl
They're not hard to find, if you have that special something that they seek.
>someone like Gigi
hope you like herpes
Google news told me, not Twitter
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After I watched UC/NT and Hathaway, I feel like there's a severe tech regression that happened in-between. I dunno if this is because of the lack of space scenes but Hathaway aesthetics feels like it happened during 20XX, while Unicorn aesthetics made it looked like it really belonged in the UC timeline.
How advanced do you expect it to be? It's just a city on Earth. Of course it's going to look less advanced compared to a giant spinning cylinder in space with an artificial living environment.
>Movie about murdering politicians in cold blood to force change
>Real life Japanese prime Minister is assassinated in cold blood while giving a speech
>Movie is "mysteriously delayed"

Really makes you wonder
Tomino was right.
sorry Bandai needs to drop another couple tens of millions into stupid VRshit, no money left over for some movies or new shows, so sorry, please understand
whores are really easy to find these days anon, are you retarded or something?
Abe being a God saving us from Hathaway slop
did Mafty actually get any of the seven Federation ministers in the hotel or was that entire operation for nothing
If you can't find a blonde slut somewhere around you then I'd be genuinely impressed.
Nah, it's actually pretty rare to find a 10/10-looking highly intelligent woman who enjoys witty philosophic debates and doesn't live on her smartphone.
Turns out the UC next 100 project was named that because it'd take 100 irl years for it to amount to anything.
Tomino is amazing at writing women.
Best kind of sluts. I fucking hate women that act all prim and proper when they're secretly massive whores. Sincere sluts are typically the closest thing to a woman that is able to be friends with a man you'll ever find.
>did Mafty actually get any of the seven Federation ministers in the hotel or was that entire operation for nothing

I think they got the wrong building
I only watched it the one time. But didn't Kenenth move them secretly? And it was a trap to lure Mafty out

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