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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22682468
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
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Recolored the rg rx178.

I had some of the shitty testors acryllics from that beginners set from hobby lobby. It's terrible compared to the tamiyas I've used previously Handpainting this was hard and I think I'll stick to painting MGs in the future rather than RGs. The first layer of topcoat came out frosty, but it sorted itself out with another layer. Not sure if I'll add more decals to this or not.

I also made the mistake of not removing the green clear bits from the chest before topcoating that as well. Had to really fuck around with exposure and white balance to get any details to be visible in a photo, so that was fun.
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spent the whole afternoon applying water slides
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Any bongs ever used Delta H Ltd? They have some P. Bandai stuff I want but I have never heard of them before.
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This one shows the color separation a bit more.

For some reason when I'm putting on the decals, the setter seems to rub off a bit of the top coat/paint. When I'm putting the decal on and adjusting it with a qtip, some of the paint bleeds onto the qtip. Is this a problem with the type of top coat interacting with a specific paint? Or is it just not enough top coat? Used testors acryllic and mr super clear semi gloss.
At this rate, which is more likely? MG Gundam Mk-II Ver.KA, MG GP01 Ver.KA or MG G-Self Ver.Ka.
rgex ball ver ka
katoki wouldn't touch the lump of shit that is g-self with a 60 metre pole
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trying to pose a kit from the early 90s in a way that looks somewhat dynamic is tough
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at least for static poses it looks ok
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last pic but i think the dahgi iris at least looks pretty dramatic from some angles
>MG Gundam Mk-II Ver.KA

how does one paint super small details such as 3mm long lines that are supposed to be metallic silver? I was trying to imitate a sticker with paints and it didn't work out too well
I hate that there are so many goddamn Base Jabber variants that this has to be a thing. I know it's because of how sprawled out UC is, but god fucking damn. To say nothing of how it also needs to be a thing for the 1/100 scale line as well.
do people really build base jabbers
>EWAC Zaku bundled with shit nobody cares about
They know exactly what they're doing. Somebody actually needs to start stalking bandai executives with a ball peen hammer.
Zack not Zaku. I can't read.
>shit nobody cares about
>gaza c
Obviously you don't just build it to display by itself, but if for example you want to do a Black Star Jesta display, you could buy three of these to go with three HGUC Jestas, make an ocean base and get a nifty diorama going.
Those kits in unicorn ver and colours don't exist outside of that set. Sure they're basically recolours with different wrist parts for the gaza c and ewac zack but I unironically wanted this.
Nobody gives a shit about the unicorn version, otherwise they wouldn't have bundled it with the EWAC Zack.
Those bundles are pretty nice though. Usually they come with waterslides too, right?
i would buy it, i think it looks nice
I respect that. These kits are what PBandai should be all about. The shitty part is that if you only want one, you have to get all of them, hence the "They know exactly what they're doing".

I'd hope so. You're paying 55 burgers + tip for the privilege of getting a Geara Doga that doesn't even look like it's been covered in piss.
Any point to keeping boxes?
Art pretty. Also you can fill them with bricks for an even more formidable box fort.
>Having to ask if you should keep boxes or not
I'm genuinely concerned about some of you.
I only keep boxes of hard to find kits or memes like MG The O or Turn X for shitposting. Non rare P-bandai monochrome boxes I toss immediately and I only keep the covers of normal kits until I finish painting.
how do you have room for them when your mom kicked you out, luxemneet anon?
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>keeping boxes
>not cutting out the label and putting it in a bag along with the extra parts
do people really have stacks of boxes lying around
i keep some spare ones just for holding parts for what i'm working on or misc supplies, i have one i dump all my nubs into bc i like seeing all of them together accumulating, etc but how would you even have a place to put them all
I'm not him, I actually haven't built my turn x and the o yet and they're sitting in my backlog wall in my parents basement. Yeah I live with my parents but I will unironically never own a home because I live in the shithole known as Canada.
Oh dang that's brutal. That's nice that you have both the turn x and the o though. How much did you pay for them?
I flip the box tops around and use them with the bottoms as Christmas present boxes. Some box tops I keep for the art, usually MGs and up.
Runners I make into budget action bases or failing that, I melt into putty with acetone which is useful as a filler.
I keep a few of the plastic baggies to store the kits/spare parts in.
Turn X was 14.5k yen and The O was around 29k, including shipping and customs.
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Not that bad of rape prices. Do you think either of these will ever get a reprint in the next couple years?
Leo Ver. Ka
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forgot pic related
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now that the limiters have been removed, will he be able to go super Saiyan?
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woah, Moderoid Pyramid Head!
He is free from Bandai's shenanigans
reverse wash enamels or thin enamels and use like panel line fluid
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>painting and wiring fully finished
>test everything individually, everything works fine
>wire comes off at the base of one of the side skirts
>light stops working on other front skirt
>use chisel to dig the 4 leds out of the back of both and replace them
>connection comes undone between the knee joint and thigh
>wire falls through so I'd have to open the seam-removed part to thread it through
>give up on that
>test upper body again
>two leds on the front shoulders + the one on the head suddenly not working despite not being touched
>separate all the wires and test each individual LED, shits broke
>entire lines seem completely intact (they run through the chest but the chest isn't sealed)
Is it a skill issue? Did they get shorted or something somehow? I was repeatedly testing them all the way up to this point so I could catch anything wrong ASAP so I'm a bit miffed. I'll replace the non-functioning ones but I'm probably going to put off on it for now since I was planning on taking a break after this one
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They were aliexpress LEDs that were supposedly 3v and the powersource is also 3v.
I'm thinking about it now and these wires were pretty delicate and broke easily so maybe they could have broken somewhere within the shielding when i twisted them together before connecting
Looks good from I can see, but your picture is in a pretty low resolution so I can't make out the details like if your waterslides look good or if you missed nub marks etc, the pics too small and blurry. Basically any phone camera in the last 10+ years should go leaps and bounds above that so maybe borrow one from a family member instead of taking pics on your current device.
I used to throw away boxes for most things(expensive hardware, action figures, consoles/handheld systems, dvd & video games(kept the discs in a binder) to save on space until I grew a bit older and realized that not only do I lose the memories of opening these products, but also the resale value. Now there is a difference with built gundam kits having little to no resale value, but I personally like picking up built kits boxes and looking at the art on the front as well as the action poses it could do that are advertised on the side. It reminds me of the memories I had picking it out at the store, and if I wanted to store it, I wouldn't have to put it in some crappy ziplock bag(I have a ton of action figures without boxes just sitting in plastic bags getting scuffed up that I absolutely regret throwing the boxes out for).

If your under 60 kits, keep the boxes.
If your over 60 kits, I could see the need to toss those boxes, but I still think its a waste.
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watching 08th MS team while applying water slides

>pure kino
>If your over 60 kits, I could see the need to toss those boxes, but I still think its a waste.

You can always cut them or just press into flat and throw the bottom, unprinted part. That's how I do and have to do since I already ran out of space.
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the power of panel lines and decals
Best metallic green for handpainting? Want to paint the cameras instead of using stickers
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I've been using ammo mig metallics. Pretty good in my case.
Vallejo have metallic medium for that.
I keep the boxes and wrap it in a plastic covering with bubble wrap. This is just so in case I would need to move and I like displaying the box art. They are gorgeous.
Jesus christ it's gorgeous.
I didn't even know a Dahgi kit existed. Nice one Anon, how'd you find the build?
it was on ebay, i bought it and just "sketched" out the colours in gimp with the lineart. the sword is from gouf custom, and it also has a rifle modified from the zaku 1 sniper which i'll try taking pics with at some point
Fair enough, you did a good job with it Anon I gotta say. Looking forward to seeing more pics.

I'm hoping to find a denan zon kit at some point
it helps to just check ebay every now and then, sometimes you get lucky and can find a reasonably priced kit before it gets sold
True, unfortunately ebay isn't really great for gunpla in bongland. I've been checking surugaya for any old kits lately, lotta old G Gundam kits but not so much for F91.
>reverse search
Is this from Muv luv?
Does any Hyaku Shiki kit suffer from the gold plastic problem? I really want to get one but I'm worried about the plastic.
I've only got the MG 2.0 myself but it's been pretty good for me. Haven't had any real issues during or after the build.
The shiny gold shiki doesn't have that problem because they use that electric tech to get the shiny gold to stick. I also haven't heard about issues with the piss gold shiki either.
Sarg from Argento Soma
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Thanks. What a strange and interesting designs.
>Been paralysed by fear of fucking up my group build entry for nearly a month
>Just go "fuck it we ball" and managed to get 2 of my scratch built elements almost done tonight (and the beginnings of the custom backpack)
Why does this happen every time /gpg/? At least I might still have time to finish it this time around.
Panic is a great motivator. Still good job anon.
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When's my boy Zero Shiki getting HG kit?
maybe when Define ends
Anyone here 3d print? Where can I find gunpla stuff on telegram?
not gunpla or plamo
take it to the RD thread
MG Calibarn Ver Ka. You know it, I know it and everyone knows it unless they derail themselves and ride on the Freedom movie by making a Mighty Strike Freedom Ver Ka.
Thanks, I will look into this.
Fuck me, it's a figure and I thought it was a plamo.
you can tell it's not a plamo because it actually looks good
>Whole load of (mostly) nothing

I want to pull a Kiyoani on the office where the people who make these decisions work
At this point, 3D printing guys that make conversion kits will churn the Zero Shiki out before Bandai does.
or you can just make it with nemo and rick dias parts on hyaku
you can tell it's not a plamo because the details are soft and mudded up with vinyl paint
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It finally arrived. What to expect on this?
I thought that's where rightoid extremists go to plan their marching band rehearsals and bake sales?
it's where pedos go to jack off to indonesians torturing macaques
Oh hey, I have the same dspiae knife. But plastic that holds the blade in place started crumbling at some point
Reposting from the previous thread, would there be any negative effects if I used gundam marker to add small details to a lacquer painted part and then use a lacquer topcoat (Mr. Super Clear) to seal the part?
Gundam markers suck and dry up after a few hours. I'd rather do details with a fine tip brush and enamel paint so I can clean up any mistakes like a reverse wash.
yeah, you might cause a chemical reaction and explode your kit. Happened to me once, lost my right eye
Convince me not to get into this shit
do you really want to be associated with people like us?
if you're just gonna snapshit them it's no better than collecting funko pops. don't bother, go buy another counter strike gun skin instead. we have enough snapshitting redditors as it is.
on the other hand if you're gonna actually put work into them and paint them it's a fun, relaxing, and fulfilling hobby and i would rather encourage you to get into it than convince you not to
i'm gonna snapshit some PGs just for you <3
Need to ask anyone who's bought those old 1/48 Full Metal Panic kits, how are they? Im working on customizing the 1/60 scale ones and need some that scale with Military models. I found some on mercari.
please get into it and post your 0 effort nubby snapshits in the thread daily to piss off the chuds
You'll consume a SD gundam worth of plastic in a week if you do get into it
>Funko pop
>Counter strike
Do you just sit here and make up imaginary enemies and get angry over nothing?
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you will get plastic in your dick
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>nubby snapshits
I don't know what that means, but I'm looking at this guy, and I feel tempted
So I snap built my first model and want to do a lot more for my second one, have a few questions:

Is there a significant difference between buying the specialized paints and just going to my local Home Depot or whatever and getting a few spray cans? A lot of the cans there have primer/paint as one can, does that mean I can skip the primer layer and just directly spray that type of paint?

I want to make some custom decals (unique symbols and the like). Is there a good shop for this you guys recommend? How would it work, would I just send them a pdf of my designs or something?
Car spray paint can be fine for model stuff, specialized model paint on a primed surface will still be easier to get a good result with though.
(I'm a snapchad and have never painted a gunpla)
those paints will be way too thick for use on model kits, which often have small details that will get drowned out with the thick layers of spray paint not designed with that in mind

So why arent you making your own gunpla out of the frames from the series?
Do me a favor and install the plugin which allows you to view youtube shorts as regular videos so you can start sharing the regular URLs.
Which one?
Which "old" ones? Bandai or Kotobukyia?
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Finished the decals and topcoat for the Turn Red, went matt for the white/grey/black parts and gloss for the red parts.
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There is better youtube shorts. Oh and also if you use tampermonkey etc there is a script that redirects them as regular videos.
>kept putting off GTM kit for ages
>finally decide to get started on it
>it's started yellowing
It's very faint but still noticeable, is there any way I can undo it?
Something like paint could help
The color change in the material and loss of transparency is still going to be noticeable. You aren't supposed paint the clear parts with solid colors.
Try dying it.
>clear parts
Aye, fair, sorry
>still have the one from Koto unbuilt
Goddammit. Looking at the Shin Getter chances are the Moderoid is going to be better than Koto's too.
You may be screwed.
this is what gunpla builders look like, do you want to be associated with these people?
Yes, they look like happy kind awkward people who just want to enjoy their hobby in peace.
Expensive as fuck, you want every single model to have a kit. You will eventually want to customize and then it becomes even more expensive. This is an endless well, no matter how much shit you fill it up with, there's no end.
from left to right
you just know the third worlders are speaking when they say this hobby is expensive, this hobby is cheap af, imagine being into fucking cars as a man, you are more or less perpetually broke
Who gives a fuck money is going out with this hobby. At least with a car you can sell it for a depreciated amount, with gunpla there is rarely anyone that wants to buy what you have already built.
Recast or original, also kept in a cool dry area away from sun? Because that's really fast for yellowing
>Expensive as fuck
gunpla is cheap as fuck
and there is always daban or other chink brands now
I look like a fusion of the two masked guys
have you had an actual adult hobby before?
like working on a vehicle, home renovation or backpacking?
gunpla is incredibly cheap.
Why would I go with knock offs?
Yeah it is cheap compared to those hobbies.
Man I could be buying more guns but I keep buying this plastic crack instead, luckily I'm almost done getting everything I want for the time being I think. My backlog is fucking massive.
guns, musical instruments, cooking, fishing, travel, rape, and general aviation make gunpla look like lunch money
you don't need a plugin just change /shorts/ in the url to /watch/
Ha ha very funny anon, everybody knows cooking is for women.
I would never entrust something as important as cooking to a woman
there are one hundred male chefs for every six female chefs with Michelin stars.
women are bad cooks.
>statistics tell me everything
seeing as there are ~150 active restaurants with three Michelin stars, and only one of them has a female head chef, it's demonstrably established that women lack the ability to reach the pinnacle of cuisine.
It's common sense that men are superior to women in anything except for handling children and applying makeup.
>the opinions and selections of the most highly revered body of culinary inspectors have no merit
>Culinary expert
>From a literal tire manufacturing company.
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>have a few successful games with some suit in GBO2
>now want a kit of it
God fucking damn it, not again.
2x3 times cheaper and good enough
But you have to pay rape shipping most of the time so it almost evens out
The whole michelin star thing started from a travel magazine they used to run
You know they just hire the experts with this thing called money right? Being run by a tire company has pretty much nothing to do with the expertise of the people they hire to inspect restaurants
it feels good to remind myself I am a smarter, better person than most people on this site
>pay rape shipping
>mg virtue for 47 with shipping
looks good to me
sure, but you're shorter, less attractive and have a lower 1rm
Hey! That's a low blow!
I've been Jegan pilled after buying all the cheap P-bandai Jegan kits off Suru-gay
Just keep one big box to put all leftovers in

I use tamiya enamels thinned 1:1 for that purpose, and also some other small spots but bigger than panel lines hence just 1:1 and not more. Cleans up easily
Was just a recast though that I bought for practice so it's not the end of the world
Redpill me on the Exia/00/Quant line, there's so many and I just want one of each.
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Vanilla HG-Self is backordered on HLJ, and out of stock everywhere else.
I can't hit below the belt unless I crouch down
Quant is the only MS in in the Exia/00/Quant without a PG. All three have MGs and HGs.
Why didn't you buy the Perfect Pack when it was in stock for 6 minutes?
I think I went to school with the bearded white guy. Where was this taken?
Is there any official structure to how the Federation or Zeon deploy their mobile suit teams? I want to get autistic and make a full platoon or company but I cant find anything other then them normally having 3 suits to a squad.

Do they even use normal military platoon/company designations or is there some in-universe specific lore I am missing?
who the fuck buys perfect grades

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forgot pic
I've only really noticed that the Federation tends to deploy their MS in four to a team.
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08th MS Team is all about 3-MS teams. Zeon doesn't really entirely follow that and there's lot of situations with odd numbers of MS on the field, but Topp's team was 3 MS too. 0080 shows us a 4 MS special ops team, and the Gray Phantom deploys its entire MS compliment.

The whole franchise certainly doesn't follow these rules though. Feddies strap as many Jims and Balls as they can to their Salamis and deploy them all at once. Musais are limited in carrying capacity so they couldn't field all that much. We also only really see how things are deployed in major battles for the most part. I'm pretty sure any attempt at making rules for it is going to have holes poked by some animation or another, so really just interpret it all however you think is coolest.
oh shit, it's LEG
I had like 20 MG boxes by the time I left my parents place. When I moved out I asked them to break them all down asap and recycle them because I didn't want to keep hoarding them.
maybe ottawa i dont remember
Why is the Reborns the only other Gundam type MS with a full crown instead of a V-fin?
wait, its that same asian nerd, is he related to animextreme?
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>no Final Battle parts
Why get this over the Kotobukiya kit then?
>cleaning up my box fort
>check my HG Zaki II Origin Ver.
>also have RG Zaku II
>wild idea of using the RG Zaku II to mod my HG for more details
Guess I have my plan for the next month now.
why wouldn't you do that yourself
So you don't have silly shit like the torso-to-arms polycaps that are just plopped in and secured by friction.
Is the Sinanju really that bad?
Which one?
The RG is terrible because of how fragile the frame and flimsy everything is. The glossy finish looks good tho. The MG lacks the details of the RG such as movable parts and it doesnt have a glossy finish, the frame is sturdy. Havent tried the HG yet but they say its good.
All of them, apparently
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I built the MG 3 times, and the only problem it really has is the shield, it hold its weirdly because the shield is comically too large and the Sinanju spikes on the lower shoulder is bumping to it. the mechanism to attach it to the shoulder doesn't work because the shield is too heavy, so it kinda holds it in the signature Katoki pose when standing

also, you have to paint the gold trim

The SInanju Stein fixes the issue by not having the spikes in the shoulder
Fuckin gogegeous kit. I’ll get another one to paint.
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>not many parts to snap I'll do that before slee-
Middle guy is cosplaying as chrischan, I bet he's the most unhinged of these three.
He's got the red gouf so he's based.
Believe in RG 2.0

The MG is fine though.
I like his energy.
What Ver. Ka.s are worth the money?
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Working on Falcom for my Dad.
To be fair musical instruments can be super expensive or even cheaper than gunpla, my taishogoto hobby costs me a couple of hundred a year in strings along and instruments run from a few hundred to a couple of grand (but I don't buy new instruments since finding the ones that suit me), meanwhile my tin whistle hobby has cost me about fifty bucks in fifteen years (c whistle, d whistle, teach yourself book and negligible cleaning supplies).
all of them if you like how they look
How are the Zeta and ZZ?
Those are the ones catched my eye.
Anything I should know beforehand?
None of them if you don't like how they look.
is he hot
>Anything I should know beforehand?
If you buy FAZZ ver ka you can't build Enhanced ZZ
No, he's old and grumpy.
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Post backlogs NOW.
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Moderoid OG Black Ox
>only 2 doms
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I finally got my hands on this. I should have bought two, now its out of stock.
Sounds pretty dumb.
Great example of how bandai engineers are simultaneously amateur hour.
>design a complex toy that when moving parts attempts to even recreate mechanical movements of pistons etc
>Then get lazy at the end and just say fuck it not giving a shit that these two parts don't fit together well
Not the first and not the last kit of bandai's amateur hour.
It's amazing how it took less than a sentence to reveal you're shitposting
I've had the piece that holds the shield to the arm of the HG Sinanju snap off thanks to those shoulder spikes.
>I am butthurt at the truth therefore your post is a shitpost
It's amazing how every post you have made is a shitpost.
You sound like you are a fake with no kits to build, I bet you buy everything prebuilt.
im going to kill that faggot dressed as my wife
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>Buy an HG kit to practice air brushing.
>It has now snowballed into buying every HG kit I can find.

This fuckin hobby.
Where did "Gunpla is freedom" originally comes from? Because I think it's bullshit, and every community outside /gpg/ always hide behind that phrase to justify their horrid actions, and I hate how some people treat their gunplas. Fuck, why do I get heated over this
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A little update on the hands me down Freedom from my friend. He permanently glued all these parts shut, is there a way to dissolve a hardened CA glue? Searched some information and someone said acetone might work, but idk if soaking this in acetone would harm the plastic?
It comes from doing whatever the fuck you want with your property. As long as the person isn't trolling I don't give a shit what they do with their toys.
it's been repeated over and fucking over again by Bandai for over a decade and tards like you are why we keep doing it
Do I need to paint pieces if I like the color or can I just topcoat it and have it look the same?
there will be a difference but it's pretty damn insignificant
provided nubs and so on are properly cleaned that is
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Desk is a mess, guess I can clean it up today while waiting for my buddy to hit the gym with me
The kit will look a little softer because the colored plastic will still have a degree of translucency.
What about like the white pieces? Like if I were to change the color of some blue pieces to red and paint those pieces, but just topcoat all the white pieces so I don’t have to paint them the same white color. Would that look ok or would it look weird?
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provided the colors themselves are a good match, it should be fine
There will be a pretty slight difference, I have some kits where I'm too lazy to paint the inner frames, but since it was the inner frames, you couldn't really tell, can't say much about outer armor
ah, saving on condoms I see
I would never buy condoms due to being a bottom

it should look fine, the biggest difficulty is going to be going from red to blue, since one is warm and the other is cool. if you use a primer to cover the red first, it should help a lot. just use thin coats and the pieces won't be visually noticeably thicker really
Show the other room corner
Thighs anon?
Why are you gay?
Why aren't you?
It'll look a little different but should be fine
I have strong feelings for you.
just kidding im not that person
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Is this a good model kit? It only got 100 points on dalong which is a bit alarming for a ver ka which seem to always get around ~120. Is the RG better?
You're the worst. I hope you stay here forever
do you like how it looks?
For your own sake I stopped reading after the first sentence.
The RG blows it out of the water sad to say. But it's still a very great kit.
I like the shape of the gundam but I think it would be cooler with differnent colors.
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Ignore Dalong's stupid scores. He gives minus points for water slides for example.
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>1/144 Xi conversion
Is anyone familiar with this thing? Trying to understand why it gained almost 1/100 Height.
just usual """"""better"""""" proportions with extended legs
Mostly via legs
More like 1/120, but it's because the chinese don't care about scale or consistency. They're literally all over the place, even within the same brand, for no reason. Like the Amazing Cast resin kits with the inner skeleton are randomly 1/100 and 1/90
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I wish Bandai would be as autistic about releasing random shit nobody has heard of as the gatchashit devs are, so many interesting suits stuck in that dogshit game
Just modify HG EWAC jegan
If it's not a photo it doesn't count. I could type out a random list of every kit too doesn't mean it's true.
MG XI Gundam Ver.KA when?
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Just these and a boxfull of built HGs for groupbuild/custom fodder.
Planning on armoring up the Copy X since Eastern Model no longer makes MMZ kits.
What a waste of licensing.
No I want bandai to spoon feed me with P. Bandai overpriced grunts.
>Soaking PS in acetone
Gee anon, I don't know, would dunking a plastic part into one of the solvents used for plastic cement damage the part?
Soaking it is definitely a no go, chances are you'll melt the part, fuse them together even more or end up damaging them while separating them. I'm afraid those things are stuck together for good. Not sure what you're doing here, but if it's painting I think masking the parts is your best option, best of luck.
i'll post the snapped shit too if you're not satisfied
hopefully never. The Penelope and Xi are terrible designs.
Some of you need beatings.
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>one of the solvents used for plastic cement
Whew, I didn't know that, thanks.
Yea I think (at the moment) masking is a no go too, because I also need to paint the inner armor of the vents and masking it would be a bitch (even with liquid masking gel) but I'll try, if that fails then buying an aftermarket body unit would be my go to. Lucky because the people from my local gunpla group on Facebook usually sell junk parts and everything, hopefully there's one for this kit.
>White Glint
Get on it anon. NOW
Not him but white glint is my next painting project
I will club you with both of those kits so that you realise how terrible they are.
I swear a lot of people are getting gatekeep'd by the stupid naming scheme of many gunpla kits.
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Someone explain the appeal of these things to me
It's like the self harm of plamo
Fancy art piece in mecha form. Some people genuinely like the exotic look
Nice, don't let us down anon, godspeed
MH vs GTM is like actual art vs modern "art"
>explain the appeal
Thats retarded. Do you really think there's a combination or words/phrases that would make you go "oh wow I never thought of it that way I guess I like Gothicmade now?"
GTMs are symmetrical and have a cohesive design. They also have an immediately easily identifiable and memorable silhouette, which is extremely important in character design. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad.
Yes it does
>it's unique so it's good
>He hasn't read watership down
How is this a difficult concept? Are you one of those people who cannot envision an apple in their head?

Explain the appeal. It has nothing to do with trying to convince someone.

I like grunt suits because they are often chunky and have a more simple 'non-flashy' military-like design that lends itself well to a 'dirty and damaged' paint jobs. Easy.
>Are you one of those people who cannot envision an apple in their head?
Nope I can change the apple into different shapes and colors and even draw/paint/sculpt them. I just don't think there's anything you can say to make someone like something that they hate. It's a waste of time.
it's more about wanting to hear from someone who DOES like it, what they do like about it
like imagine some hot jock guy comes up to and says to explain the appeal of ur gay little fagbots
it may not be something he's into, but you could explain to him that you like building them because it's meditative and a nice creative outlet
Isn't that a resin kit? I could see myself trying the plastics but statues in a single static pose are lame.
I will, some day. Right now I'm planning to tackle more of the non-scale TSFs that I've wanted to do for a while
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I tried out the Jumpwind pearl magenta for the body of my qubeley. I think it’s a little too dark. Should I just strip the paint and redo it with a candy coat of clear purple?
OH fuck off Gatekeepedddddddddddddddddddd
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Anyone ever use detail up parts like this on your builds?
Oof, yea that's too dark. Of you're aiming for candy purple, yes clear purple is the best.
This is a reference for pearl paint on multiple different base colour and coat: https://pm-paint.com/paint-comparison/creos/mr-crystal-color/xc04-amethyst-purple-surfacer/
I can't believe a picture of me at animenorth would ever find itself on /m/..
>browsing for paints and tools
>"Ah I better have this color for that one kit in the future"
>ended up with 14 new paints
>no plans to buy said kit
It's an endless rabbit hole
details are literally the antichrist
Thanks bro. I wish I had found out about this guy sooner. These tests are gonna save me a lot of time. Are there any other good websites like this?
I want kits to have less detail not more
The thing I don't understand about GTMs is why they need to have lightspeed movement and inhuman levels of articulation if they're just going to stand there and spam ranged attacks at each other every fucking fight
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hit the gym
No I'm to busy inhaling plastic dust
they look cool
me in the middle
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What a downgrade...
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I'm cleaning out a closet space to put these in.
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>USAgs got this in
I missed the first order, how is this kit?
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>dry fit together some pieces to see how the inner frame is looking roughly with the armour pieces in a similar colour to what they will be
>actually looks pretty sick
oh man im getting excited, the other paint needs to get here already reeeee
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New snapGOD kino just dropped
Holy fuck I hate those stiff "poses". AT LEAST PART THE LEGS A BIT GOD FUCKING DAMN IT AAAAA
There's so many paints, where do I fucking start.
Local hobby store stock
>Rated tv-14: Fear
Wtf does that mean?
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Jesus that makes me feel a lot better about my "posing"
people love wing shit and yet there's no bootlegs for the p-bandai MGs and HGs, curious
and don't say wing is only western fans, there's a bunch of bootleg and third party shit Zero and original stuff supernova
Every single one of these looks like they just shit their pants.
so much soul
I wanna plap you so bad
Stick them in the freezer. If that doesn't work, use acetone applied with a brush into the cracks very conservatively.
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That is one sassy Z'Gock
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Hope I won't get the same result with crystal color sapphire blue. It looks really nice in test videos
which one are you
The Chris-chan
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>conducting surveillance on Luna
Well ? What's happening on Luna ?
not much
gravity anomaly so strong it split the suit's head straight down the middle
first gunpla build
any future tips/recc for next kit ?
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learning how to pose the kit could help
picking a simple kit can help, because you don't need to worry about all the spikes and accessories of something like your pic

no bully
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Does this guy have a good gunpla display?
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Look into proper nub removal, there's several options, I think sandpaper/sanding sticks/etc is best, but there's also glass files and just removing nubs with your hobby knife. After that start checking out panel lining and water decals. Then if you want more you can get into painting. And as the other anon said, learn to pose even if just a simple standing pose. Posing is one of the most fun things to do with a completed kit
I'd destroy your anus
>Buy one of those Megalomaria kits
>Jack-O pose right there on the box
Okay I guess I'll buy them all.
>new Moderoid announcements soon
What are your hopes?
More Getter and a Grendizer would be nice. And I know it's a never-ever but I pray for more mecha from Godannar and also an OVA Texas Mack.
It's a bit pretentious but they're literally mecha counterculture. Guy who had a massive influence on mecha design got bored of both his own work, and other people's work becoming too similar to his, decides to make new designs that go against absolutely every trend of the time.
Bismark, Acrobunch and Le Deus
>destiny gun
i judge your posing negatively and no i didn't even look at them
Aside from MK-V and TR-5 Gaplant, are there any other suits that have this kind of long pointy face?
What's the most retarded decision that Bandai-san ever did?
kyoukai senki probably
Rent free.
It wouldn't even make it into Bandai's top 10 dumbest decisions.
How does one pose the Kshatriya without having a wing deciding to fall off?
HG deathscythe hell pbandai
>Bought him back in March or April
>Have been working on him off and on throughout this time
Idk why I'm taking so long. I just need to do his waist and legs now.
Is it an alien mecha?
>Getting tired of all the Gundam shit
>Want to build new mecha
>Like SRW
>Barely any models for it and they always get sold out
it takes alot of time to make brand new tooling and its very expensive, bandai went ahead and made a bunch of kits that basically no one wants and are being sold at ultra discount.
They straight up burned money with this franchise. its clear you are defending it because you liked it and have insanely shit taste
Rent. Free.
ok, name bandais top ten dumbest things
What the problem with them? I like the designs. I certainly prefer them over 30mm
Don't bother. /m/ hates anything new by default. Even when they're blatantly full of shit. Yeah bro they lost so much money they made more kits for the post-series ONAs to lose more money.
the kits themselves are actually quite good, its just that shows influence the sales of their merchandise and the show flopped hard
That may be true. But people seem to like Victory kits even though that show flopped too.
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Anyone else prefer the GM Sniper Custom over the GM Sniper II? I think the old MSV designs look like they fit better with the OWY overall. I hate how this kit is unobtainable though.
P Bandai
Dropping satellite on MG line. However, I do really like that SDMG stuff, but when Sazabi/Nu?
Killing re/100
That was a based decision though
Man, I do really like that white paint on this model.
I just built the MG NT-1, what should my next UC MG be? I'm thinking about getting the Sniper II next.
Unpopular designs in an unpopular scale with none of the actual upsides of a quality MG
1/100 is only good for OYW 2.0 MGs, everything else was trash, so good riddance
the kits were pretty good but going all in on AGE like they did was pretty silly
wish it had done just well enough for them to put out those AGE 3 and FX MGs
Yes. I hope reprint soon. It's not even that old.
same, it's much cooler than II and I don't think the MG has ever been reprinted
still pissed about the HG too
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God, I wish GSC would post textless versions of their boxarts.
You're not alone, I always found the Sniper II too tacticool. Simple is best.
Who would do Metroid?
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I mean, Custom is the OG tactical MS with all the different loadouts, beam pistols, the visor and all.
For me the problem with Sniper II are the colors, looks much nicer in Titans scheme etc.
Still not as cool as Sniper Custom tho. Or Sniper. Or Sniper III.
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Gundnote is out in Japan
fuck it looks so good why isn't it retail AAAAAAAH
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The Sniper Custom is just simpler and more charming, and I like how all of its additions look just stuck onto a basic GM.
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It looks really good. And it dreads me how i will have to spend 50 dollars for these. Sometimes i wonder why Bandai has to cuck themselves by enriching the scalpers instead of their own.
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Does any kit come with multiples of that shield connection piece? I need a bunch of them and it's kinda tough to make by yourself since it's a latch of sorts for the shield rather than a peg.
Is that a fucking safety flag on Kampfer's horn?
the gelgoog's is much more egregious looking imo
they look fine?
>maybe ottawa
not that anon, but i'm guessing it is in toronto. animextreme being a toronto store, as well as this anon >>22689369 claiming it is animenorth.
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>Kaiser Fire
Well, it's about time.
This just got announced. Not a gunpla though
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>transformable Getter kit
i would say PBandai is a smart move from them because they can test the waters with kits.
fuck kind of testing the waters is it when first a few kits of a line release in retail and later everything is p-bandai
this is gonna have so much partswapping lmao
They already know how well it sells in retail and with P-bandai they can keep on releasing old shit. Imagine regularly releasing shit that doesn't sell.
>release fresh new HG of a series as P Bandai
>old ass 80s kit reprints from it get regular release
great water testing
Now if you excuse me, I have to jizz over that Xardion plamo announcement that I can get from every fucking weeb online store.
>New series
>Model kits still aren't tested how well they would do in the market.
>Release as P-bandai to see how much demand it would generate.

How hard is it to understand?
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All the announcements.
>new series
Be straight with me /m/, is Moderoid RX-78-2 possible?
I have no opinion on this series because I haven't seen it but I've received one kit from it for free from an online kit order before
thankfully not
Nub and Seamline removals are your thing to learn after that panel lining would 100% improve the look of your gunpla with little to no effort.
This is NOT what I meant when I asked for more Getter. Looks like shit.
Any chance for old Ex-S MG getting reprinted and does it have any glaring, fundamental flaws as a kit? I like the look of it more than the new release
Panel lines are a plague
Why the fuck would you want that?
what is blue skin supposed to signify in this system?
Go with Musume or chinese knockoffs.
So many I don't know where to begin. Maybe the kit of that one chick that nobody remembers and nobody even liked in the first place? Or releasing shit like MG Barbatos and then proceeding to not capitalize on making a bunch of variants. Or the F90 project.
Dunno what others think about these, but they to me, they are bland and not really interesting.
>getting reprinted
There is always a chance but you should be able to find it on ebay or other places. I actually ordered this by mistake and cancelled the order before getting the 1.5.
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Saw this one recently in one of the shops, but didn't had money or space to buy it.
Eiffel 65
Fuck, I always forget about those little shits.
I come from the universe in which that's part of the horn's design (specifically for that kit).
neat, mospeda
I had one close to its original release and it was fine
It was basically a paperweight with limited posability, but you know that going into it. I mean look at it. It's a brick.

Transformed it two or three times, but basically you just find a neutral pose and learn to live with it that way.
Not interested in most of these but the delphine is kinda hot
Chamber, Mospeada, Danguard Ace, Sarg and Board Bisar for me
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there is only one shield connector piece you'll ever need
Surprised that they doesn't make Ver Ka
It only gets worse down the rabbit hole. Look at the Xabungle old kit reissues. THEY'RE PREMIUM BANDAI, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! SAME AS THE NEW OVERPRICED HG! Good thing the Moderoid has it on retail and it had options! Options to make Jiron's broken-wing variant.
It looks so good. The Gundam 00 design was one of the best things to happen to Gundam.
It kind of looks like it has a tard helmet.
Yeah, I can't remember what it resembles exactly but I feel like I've seen this type of head piece somewhere.
AND it's in-scale with the R3 Gallia on top of that.
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kit when, cmon hoyo im sure theres a bunch of chink companies willing to collab to make a SAM+Firefly musume kit
speaking of musume where the FUCK is that puru kit preorder bandai
how long do you have to let primer sit before painting on top of it
normally i prime at night and paint in the morning but i ended up priming this morning and am getting antsy waiting to paint
if it's lacquer you're good after like 10-30 minutes depending on ambient temperature/humidity/airflow.
with waterbased paint i'd wait a good 4 hours to be safe (even more if it's very humid where you are, or in winter) but in summer when it's hot and you have the fans or ac on you probably don't need that long.
never worked with alcohol acrylics
oh ok that sounds good then, it is lacquer based. ty
>you bought a recast of a kit 20 years out of print from a dead company? you are literally worse than hitler
i am tempted to start using twitter just to make 'em seethe about bootlegs
Japs are notorious corpo slaves
finally, the OG Getter 1, like goddamn why is it so hard for companies to make a kit of it? I know Bandai had the old ass kit of the TV anime Getter 1 but that hasn't been reprinted in probably a decade or more.
>finally, the OG Getter 1
I think you mean some horrible bastardization of it.
yeah I just noticed now as I looked into it and saw the gimmick. God fucking damn it, I guess I'm gonna go look for that old ass Getter 1 kit instead
Is that fucking Volkein?! Finally
East Asians think that all law is created equal and jaywalkers and bootleggers are more or less about the same scum level as murderers and rapists.
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where's the FUCKING PURU 2 FRS PREORDER? everything showed off during that recent event already is up for preorders except this loli bitch. I need her ASAP to hotglue and to display next to my red Qubeley
>what is psycho Mk-II
>what is Hizack custom
isn't it snapfit why would you need to glue it?
Holy shit its gorg
meh, mostly don't care. another gun x sowrd kit, getter, new mazinger, and gunbuster are cool tho.
>never worked with alcohol acrylics
Dries very fast, give it an hour before painting another color over it if you wanna be sure.
I'd imagine they'd want to atleast come out with the design in game first
P Bandai makes sense for limited run stuff but they seem to just throw whatever up there
bandai has no idea what they're doing. pbandai is essentially a get out of jail free card for them to release just about whatever the hell they want and they refuse to.
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there are so many matched releases where they inexplicably released the less popular design as retail while the more popular one is p-bandai
I can only assume p-bandai is therefore more profitable to them due to cutting out middlemen and any other explanations about availability and production costs are just excuses.
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All the parts for the Turn Red are finished and the frame is done. I just need to assemble the weapons and armor, then it's all done.
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I want to see the big swords
turn a > turn red
i just built the turn a hg kit and goddamn if it isn't shitty. the pauldrons seriously hamper the range of movement of the arms and make posing difficult, made worse by the face that the hands barely want to hold the rifle. i love the design of the turn a, probably my favourite gundam design, but the hg just does not do it justice. i really hope the mg is better.
My Burglarydog is gonna be here in a couple days, I'm very excited. Triple sunglasses emoji.
turn delta >
who the hell designed HG Xeku Eins hands, the inner palm piece is bizarre
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Ebikawa is indeed the best thing to happen to Gundam.
Its leg is rather disappointing. The ball joint is very loose and floppy. If you want to customize or repaint it, I suggest you to paint the joints while at it.
After getting changhands and a raser glass file it takes me like an hour to snapshit a hg
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Depends on the kit's complexity. It took me 5 hours to snapbuild HG Freedom with all tools. Meanwhile G-Witch kits took me like, 30 minutes.
Is it any different than the regular HG? I've built and painted 5 of those and haven't had any issues even without painted joints, do you mean where the thigh attaches onto the waist?
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what was Kat thinking??? B16 in the hand is only loosely held in B6, not to mention the movable finger is cute but provides precisely zero benefits while being very delicate. Weapons from other kits would need to be modified anyway because it's so fucking fat.
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No the waist part is fine. However, the entire thigh + shin + foot part is bad. They are so floppy. I will modify this once my ordered paint arrived.
Also, the scope keeps falling off, so repaint that, too.
He doesn't design the modelkit's engineering, anon. That's Bandai's responsibility.
you two duke it out
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I don't understand, why can't they fully commit to a RE/100 or an MG.
You mean FM?
It is cheaper to make action figures. Unlike modelkits where you waste time and resources into making subpar action figures, with all of that complex engineering. From a business perspective, toys is the safer route.
action figures are more expensive though
Yeah that, wasn't FM Aeriel really popular?
literally other way around, model kits are the cheap option
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Action figures are more labor to produce
Literally paying for more labor or machining for someone at the factory or more machines to put the parts together and maybe paint too.
Except MG, RG, etc are expensive with alot of resources put in. Meanwhile with toys, you don't have to bother with engineering and shit. Just print solid plastic block, slap some joints on it. Done.
Has anyone here built the chief continent zaroff? if yes then how was the build and where is it available from?
oh okay you're stupid
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if action figures are cheaper to make why do they cost more to buy
d-did you mean to post that anon?
I am disgusted.
God fucking damn it, anon.
uh wrong pic just forget it
I am conflicted. On one hand, I ship them. On the other hand fat fetish is the only thing worse than feet fetish and Inside Out was kinda ass.
Majority of modern toys manufacturers use automated production now. Human are there only for the quality control and probably painting. The expensive part comes from the pre painted part + you don't have to assemble it.
what the fuck is this
Fucking XARDION? Absolutely based. All you zoomer bucks in this thread are now obvious to me, because no one else remembers a small time 1992 SNES platforms with RPG elements here, clearly.
What’s more likely is a FM Lfrith or a FM Calibarn if you’re lucky.
I wanna try a FSS kit, any recommendations for a first pick? Any I should avoid?
ourtreasure junone
It's going to be Calibarn for sure.
what's the MSRP for that?
ok nevermind not interested anymore
Toys are not masterpieces, anon. Majority of them were made by machines nowadays.
when magnet too weak can add more magnet to magnet stronger and magneter??
That's like 50 dollars, anon. Pretty affordable for an action figure.
ot junone is fixed pose
i can buy 4 HGs for that
Oh i thought you were asking about Metal Robot Lfrith UR. But again, it is not an expensive price for a modelkit ( unless you are a child with no income then yeah, it is rather pricey ).
Or 1 RG. Don't tell me you don't have a spare 50 dollars.
not in this economy and this country
id take the fss kit over 4 boring SlopGrade guntard kits any day
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New Xardion kit for Morikifags out there.
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>We have the Xi at home
Same designer
>Contemplating about getting an Exia Avalanche and Xan Raiser vs all of the HG's in the Mercury line.

Damn it all.
No get megneter magnet make big
many small magnt easy fit, big magnutum hard fit
unlike your mother
Moriki, he designed the original version for the novel. Nakatani and Katoki designed the movie version.
Too bad the Xi always looked like shit and this looked kino.
Don't do this, OT Junone has fitment issues out the ass, you will have to level up your putty skills to make that thing look good.
>fitment issues out the ass,
same as any other plastic fss kit then
Can't wait for the MA expansion pack.
gundam base exclusive
The hip section of my Junone is like 30% putty.
somehow, retail
fucking hell, why would anyone buy that crap? just buy a competently made kit of a good design, like Aerial
stockholm syndrome and contrarianism
enjoyment of the hobby and good taste
Should I be thinning mr finishing surfacer 1500 with regular mr color thinner or leveling thinner?
also red and white but wrong continent sadly
Probably Indonesian
polish ;_;
Dystopia Poland memes are accurate, it seems.
you poor motherfucker
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what are some good, easy to clean paints i can use to hand brush over bigger areas like the armpits on the byarlant?
>more Bravern stuff
Hella based
>easy to clean
Waterbased acrylics
Any ideas on some 1/144 scale military vehicles that would not look out of place with gundams?
I think Revel made some 144 planes and boats
Yeah but most of them look weird with the rest of the gundam vehicles and MS so I was wondering if anyone knew some real world vehicles that fit the aesthetic.
I don't think there's a lot of options for scifi shit unless you wanna go dig up some wargaming minis and not care about the scale
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Yeah thats what I found as well, I'm going to try out old matchbox sci-fi stuff but I think it will be too big
Well, stuff like this should be fine for a port diorama or something.
You can also take their shuttle with booster and recreate the arctic base scene from 0080 or that one scene in Zeta
That does look pretty cool, and I really like the Shuttle idea thanks anon,
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would you snap the player avatar from a random snes platformer?
mr hobby aqueous
What's next, Gaia Gear?
no jesus christ dont you have any respect
god i hate snapshitters
lacquer topcoat can cause gundam markers to bleed if you do a wet coat right from the beginning, so start with some lighter coats first and build it up
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have they announced an actual bravern kit yet? the most i can find is one coming to the us in an entire year from now

the ass thruster always reminds me of those inhaler masks things lol
learn how to do home recasts and recast the clear parts yourself
god i love glossy paintjobs
which of these general links has nipper recommends?
Tamiya double blade. God hand single blade. Dispiae single blade. Everything else is meh to trash.
thanks brev
There's another brand I'm forgetting, if I remember I'll post it for you. Some other chink brand larping as American that sells a single blade nipper that should be fine. Also FYI that Tamiya I mentioned is not very good for cleaning nubs.
Has anyone found a connector for the RG FA Unicorn shields that can create this?
Guess the next MGEX, anon.
I'm really surprised they haven't done any of the Unicorn variants yet.
gundam aerial
Rx-78-2 based on the RG 2.0. Just like how the 3.0 and the RG 1.0 were based off the life sized statue
MGEX Banshee when?
HiRm Astray but you build the inner frame now too.
>Where did "Gunpla is freedom" originally comes from
it came from iori's hot mom's husband
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I wish
Too bad the novels have been out-of-print since the 1990s.
Try HGUC Barzam hands as a replacement.
kys gaikotsu stop being a weird agp freak and forcing everyone to take part in your exhibitionist crossdressing fetish
Was Gaikotsu drag too? I saw their manicure hand and fishnet jacket. At least Kakalot keeps his beard and Earthling uniform in UC(ivory gakuran).
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going all in
yeah some of his videos show him wearing the cheapest fucking shein clothing ever, it's fucking revolting
More like MechaOkama (okama stands for "drag" in Japanese slang) then.
Who owns Gaia Gear? Tomino?
>Gaia Gear is a series of novels created and written by Yoshiyuki Tomino
literally two seconds of googling
it would've taken you less time to look it up than to type that post
What would they improve?
Is this common with gunpla yters? I'm new to all this and I swear every video I try to watch about this hobby ends up starring some flaming homosexual with painted nails or something equally faggy.
But Kakalot wears Earthling uniform in UC and has beard, so nope.
Extreme articulation. It will essentially be the HiRM but with an inner frame that they can make in-house.
Tomino would Moderoid it just to spite Bandai.
Tbh, I just want SDMG Nu or Sazabi instead.
I want MG 2.0 Nu and Sazabi personally, with modern engineering but anime accurate styling.
All of the actually good looking kits are rare and expensive collector's pieces from the 90s, don't bother.
To be fair, he's Belgium
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