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>we make these mechs out of real humans!
>piloting this mech will slowly kill you!
can we please break away from these retarded tropes in 2024? i swear, mecha anime writers still haven't gotten over how japan used to seal people in planes and literal torpedoes to send them on one way missions.
Based poster
that's not what i mean though. i think it's time we move away from mechs needing human sacrifices to be piloted when some AI can already do more in real life. it just feels like an outdated idea.
God I love Sophie. WfM peaked with her - and immediately fell off after her death.
Mobile Dolls suck. Get over yourself Tubarov.
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>japan used to seal people in planes and literal torpedoes
They need to do this way more often. Suicide weapons are the coolest shit.
Watch something other than gundam, for like, once in your retarded life.
>some AI
Ah you are just a zoomer.
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>>mecha anime writers still haven't gotten over how japan used to seal people in planes and literal torpedoes to send them on one way missions

You do realise mecha anime writers *are* Japanese, right?

Depends if it's more
>This is lightly tested tech using power sources we don't fully understand and we didn't realize it was killing pilots with various forms of radiation until it was too late
>Using this thing is literally draining your life force/soul/humanity every time you use it
The former is a reasonably probable occurrence that reflects actual scenarios in real life when people are messing with stuff they don't fully understand.
The latter is just chuuni bullshit.
Well G-Witch is that first one.
>expecting japs to stop obsessing over kamikazes
Might as well complain about honorable loner samurai archetype or secret wunderwaffen that can singlehandedly turn the tides of war. Shit's just inherent part of popular culture now.
>chuuni bullshit
Yeah, just like climbing into a giant robot so you can hold an even bigger gun/sword is.
The latter sounds like IBO
>The latter is just chuuni bullshit.
So it's good and cool
>>>/k/ and stay out
>so yeah we adults created a bunch of genetically engineered teenage child supersoldiers to pilot the robots and save humanity
MJP and Fafner were actually surprisingly reasonable about it
The problem with the Gundams in G-witch is more of the fact that they were basically overloading the pilots' brains with the feedback from the gundam.
Higher permet scores increases the amount of feedback, allowing the pilot to do some really crazy shit because they essentially hook their brains directly up to the gundam, but the high load from the gundams fries their brains while they do so.
>I met this girl and we instantly fell in love btw she's a cyber-newtype
No the permet data storm is like a dust storm of permet particles. We see this plainly when a high enough permet score causes a data storm so dense that the "ghosts" are able to manifest in the permet as semi-tangible beings. The pilots are getting poisoning from having minerals or heavy metals flying around in their bodies, that's why they light up when they turn up the permet score, and it's why El4n is a cyborg with a body designed to handle the side effects.
Is Sophie a Not!cyber-newtype?
>pilots are getting poisoning from having minerals or heavy metals flying around in their bodies
interesting take, but a data storm is a storm made of information, not some heavy metal particles. the idea is higher permet scores fry people's brains like what >>22687687 said. it also explains how data storms can control basically all electronics within the affected area. transcending ourselves and being able to communicate fully with other individuals is a core theme of the gundam franchise.
the dumb part is there was absolutely no reason for ericht to have basically melted into aerial and the show just glosses over that aspect altogether. what, they couldn't just copy paste her data?
meant to reply to >>22687488 and >>22687496
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That reminds me of the Barjack arc in Alita, where a lot of Den's wounded soldiers opted to bolt their brains to missiles to at least sacrifice themselves for the cause. Or those other borgs that were screwed into interchangeable bodies as disposable henchmen. Or Gally's later Imaginos Body being basically a moving Berserker Cell colony of nanobots in the rough shape of a human.
>one of the most successful series in the franchises recent history
>i'm sooo sick of this writing trope, can't we all just get over it?

the grapes doth be sour as fuck
>>one of the most successful series in the franchises recent history
Nigga IBO was like 10 years ago.
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>>we make these mechs out of real humans!
shit trope
>>piloting this mech will slowly kill you!
great trope, not just in mecha. One of the better aspects of IBO. power should have a price
>but a data storm is a storm made of information
No it's not. It's literally just massive amounts of permet. In the first place the data can only travel through permet. The way the data is shared is through physical permet medium, that's why it's put into everything, including humans, so they can exchange data with the machines that also have permet in them. The dangerous element isn't something intangible like information, it's a literal storm of excess permet that's flooding the body in order to sustain the data transmission between man and machine. When Elan gets his check up it's specifically stated that in order to achieve the Aerial's performance and responsiveness it would cause an influx of permet (not information) large enough to kill a normal human. That's also why Prospera says that once they get to permet score 8 the data storm will be able to give Eritch a physical body again, because it's literally a body made of permet.

>An element found in minerals distributed ubiquitously throughout the solar system. Individual Permets have the property of sharing information with each other, and various technologies can be developed by mixing and controlling Permet with materials and propellants. Body function enhancement technology that infuses Permet into the human body is considered the basis for advancing into space.

>the idea is higher permet scores fry people's brains like what >>22687687 said
No it's not. El4n isn't stated to have a cybernetic brain, he's stated to have an augmented body, which we see is cybernetic down to his limbs during his checkup.
>it also explains how data storms can control basically all electronics within the affected area
They outright explain that it's dangerous because virtually all electronics, even consumer appliances like microwaves, contain permet. It's a universally used material in electronics because it can transfer data very quickly. Even normal MS use it for their basic control systems, which is why pilots can use MS so easily. When they suggest using the non-permet based controls in the Demi Barding's backpack to control the MS they say it would be nearly impossible.

If it were just an information storm, their plan to use the Demi Barding without the permet based controls wouldn't have worked because Quiet Zero would be able to hijack the controls of the Demi Barding regardless of what system it used. But Quiet Zero is only able to control permet based electronics because its data storm is just controlling permet particles. When the SAL fleet of notJegans get disabled, they said the permet links were disconnected.

Everything in WFM is permet based, and the data storms are just dense storms of actual permet particles.
why do you zoomers wildly overestimate AI?
no program in real life can come remotely close to a human operator, and likely won't for a long time
AI is like magic to zoomies.
please read this again in 3 years
No, data storms and permet poisoning are two separate things
first one sounds like Pacific Rim
have you missed these?
why do you think zoomers rate ai highly? they actually dont care much.
Bitch from Mercury
Second trope is cool af. Needs more power crazed ladies though.
The writers are literally Japanese.
is this supposed to be impressive?
>AI can do a highly specific routine in a controlled environment
wow holy shit humans are obsolete
that's my line
lack of enthusiasm has no bearing on being wrong
Zoomers think computers in general are magic, they don't know how any of it works. Touch the magic rectangle and get addicted is all they know
>God I love Sophie. WfM peaked with her - and immediately fell off after her death.
Discount Nena Trinity sucked up so much screentime and should have died at the end of S1 and the Guel on Earth ep was the only exceptional episode in the entirety of S2
>She spouts off her tragic backstory seconds before she dies and the next episode scrambles to make her posthumously likeable by saying the kids liked her
Okouchi "writing"
good job not clicking the second video
dumb ass retrograde.
Technology sucking away our souls is an idea that surpasses mecha, it's one that is ingrained in our culture's relation to technology. Even the steam locomotive was viewed that way.
>>we make these mechs out of real humans!
What is this, Nikke anime adaptation?
AI image painters are already better than 90% of commercial graphics artists who make images for roleplaying rulebooks or concept art for videogames.
>random percentage taken out of his ass
>>one of the most successful series in the franchises recent history
no it's not lol
Go back to r/Gundam or TVTropes, might as well be the same site.
>>we make these mechs out of real humans!
>>piloting this mech will slowly kill you!
Both of these are cool when done right. The fact that the Allah-Vagina system was slowly killing the murder hobo in IBO was one of the only interesting aspects to the show. Tekkaman Blade is another great example of the second done very right, maybe if you watched more than just Gundamshit you'd realise that you're talking out of your ass.
Are these concepts actually bad, or is it that G-Witch is just terrible?
>i swear, mecha anime writers still haven't gotten over how japan used to seal people in planes and literal torpedoes to send them on one way missions.
Not only is this a strange way to look at these concepts but it makes me think you're an ironic weeb sort of faggot. Now I definitely think you need to go back.
watched both videos, zoomie
comes nowhere near the usefulness of a human pilot
if this isn't obvious you're either uninformed or just dumb. i'll charitably assume the former as most don't know anything about how jets fight
producing images is a bit less complex than interpreting (non-simulated!) 3d space and deciding how to react, which AI is just barely learning to do in highly controlled situations (as you can see in the links a few posts up my other reply)
I'm 35 and have couple thousand hours in dcs and bms.
you're delusional.
it's amazing how delusional some people are. do they really think they can compete with AI in aerial combat? it's bordering insanity.
so it's just dumb, then. what a shame
you sound like a boomer that CANT believe technology is advancing.
especially in military technology, which is the driving force behind most impactful innovation.
They used orphans and clones, not real humans.
>posts military aviation pilot
These guys (.mil pilots) are why " flying these things kill you" is a trope

Aerospace design is a ballet of compromises between flight characteristics. When militaries started buying planes, the basket of traits that keeps pilots alive (low speed, low altitude handling for take-offs & landing) has been getting short shrift in favor of traits that are thought to produce more air victories. "XXX crashes per 1000 non-combat sorties" isn't as dramatic as "you'll live 10 years less everytime you launch" but it amounts to the same.
AI doing some whacky shit has been a scifi trope for longer than the zoomers have been around you absolute retard.
>"XXX crashes per 1000 non-combat sorties" isn't as dramatic as "you'll live 10 years less everytime you launch" but it amounts to the same

Possibility of death isn't the same as compounded damage to health.
>complaining about outdated ideas
>on a mecha board
It's fine to like "real mecha" but stop trying to force it. Any real focus on AI would show that an advanced enough machine will outperform any human in it's designated areas.
There would be no giant robots but little drones that execute the target and return to base.

Even in the 80s people with any amount of imagination could already see a world where human progress becomes intertwined with AI advancement and the moral degradation that could follow in a society where everything is automated.
The only good ways to "realistically" work AI into a setting is just leaving it as a tool of the extremely rich and privileged or there being enforced bans on AI. Either way those can lead well into a mecha setting since the ruling class will have romanticized ideals or a fear of progress, leading to inefficient but aesthetically pleasing war machines modeled in the shape of humanity.
AI was just a possible alternative and there's nothing stopping them from not being implemented in more whimsical shows.
Do they really need a cheap gimmick? Why can't they just do what UC already did best and leave them as pseudo realistic military combat vehicles.
>inb4 muh psycho frame
I know, I mean in the context of very early UC.
Some AUs do, some don't. Just depends on what they're going for.
Retarded zoomer threads like these are funny because they're the fodder garbage that dies in the background of mecha fights.
The Gundam Century book touched on the "flying coffin" thing, as has almost every other Gundam show. There was no need to make it the focus in G-Witch, especially with a super lazy cyberpunk "muh loss of humanity" commentary slathered over it. God, I hate cyberpunk -- it's such an edgy genre mainly enjoyed by stoners and teenagers who think first year philosophy concepts are deep.
Never understood why so many giant robot media had to make their DNI tech hazardous to the user. Where did that baggage originate from, even?
Main assumption is in the OP, dramatization of the experience of Japanese pilots in WW2. For various reasons death was a near inevitability for them. That or Josef Pöhs.
It's also just easy drama. Every shonen protag has some kind of "super mode but it drains their lifeforce!" because it works.
>stop trying to force "real mecha"
point taken, but i feel like "real mecha" doesn't need to be as boring as you think it has to be even with AI. imagine a world where people sort of just enjoy riding around in mechas because it looks cool as fuck.
not just fighter pilots. they literally sealed people in torpedoes so that they can guide the torpedoes to their targets better. these torpedoes were of course leaky and the battery was neither reliable nor long lasting, so many of these people drowned after missing their target.
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>Robots are basically just people until the plot is briefly forced to acknowledge that they're machines.
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Decent chance that's the real reason it shows up or just how derivative shows are.

>imagine a world where people sort of just enjoy riding around in mechas because it looks cool as fuck.
Best parts of Delta were the times where it was just goofing around in mecha.

Fighters weren't the only aircraft used, planes, especially fighters, seem like the are most analogous to a lot of /m/ content. Beyond that, there wasn't a shortage of causes for fatalism outside of aircraft for Japanese in WW2, manned torpedoes/midget subs, lunge mines, being left on an island with little food + no chance of relief if attacked, bombing campaigns or being stuck in a long war in China. Even further fatalism may not require a high chance of death and a favorable proportionality isn't comforting to those who end up in the minority.
If everything worked perfectly their would be no tension and be unrealistic.

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