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Started watching this with a friend. Honestly I was really enjoying the show until the Royal Knights pop up. Where it just becomes our team of jobbers (who are now mostly useless because only Takuya and Koji can do anything) constantly losing against these two for what is almost 10 episodes of absolute nothing happening filler that drops all plotlines until the episode BEFORE they beat them. It's a good enough show that took a massive nose dive during this "arc" which is a shame.
Thread closed.
That's what they are during all this. Jobbers.
Rinse, repeat for 8x episodes of no character dynamics, no stand out moments, just "oh let's go here OH NO!". There were two episodes where Tomoki and Koji got a spotlight but otherwise it was messy exposition dumps, taking care of babies, and cleaning trains.
Anon you can't use harmless buzzwords in /m/. Some people here are hypersensitive to them. This is the only board on this website with this hidden rule
I watched Frontier only once as a kid and still remember this awful arc.
Now that I think about it, Ghost Game pretty much recycled the "muh holy digimon" Frontier did kind of nothing with.
Fuck off tourist.
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No need to tell me fuck off spammer. Enjoy continuing your quest of stalking every threads in this board
Good morning sirs.
Not /m/
I wonder if it's just a handful of guys. They're protecting the integrity of the board by shitting and bemoaning potential discussion and trying to kill it fast
You can stop samefagging now.
Kill yourself ritualposter. Do you scan every single thread that gets made for your trigger words?
Once again people not appreciating that protags gain more ground in each fight.
That's the general consensus where they got their new forms and becomes jobbers and then devolve further into team rocket.
I rewatched Frontier about a year ago and the thing that made me laugh is that, while this is an accurate summary of what people think of the Royal Knight arc, it's actually a terrible summary of the Royal Knight arc. Because the Royal Knights are only in about half of the arc. After their first appearance it takes about four episodes for them to show back up as villains again, and in the first episode they're back for the main characters can't really fight for almost the entire episode because Tomoki has his spirits back and got separated, and the episode following that is the one where they're in the Village of Beginnings-ish place and all ten spirits come back together and manage to hold off the Knights for a while.

It's only after that where you really get into the "only Takuya and Kouji fight" part and by that point there's only really five episodes left of it, and most of those episodes are them trying to do stuff that will hinder the Royal Knights with them getting into a fight as a last resort.
That part where all the human spirits come together and have one last combination attack while the ending theme plays is actually really great in my opinion.
Frontiers is really is better than people give it credit for.
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I enjoyed the first half, yeah. It recaptured Adventure's vibe. They also tried to remake the best episode in the entire franchise, and it didn't TOTALLY crash and burn, so there is some merit there. Unfortunately it also turned me into a furry.
Frontier had the great idea of making the protagonists henshin heroes. It solved the problem of the Tamers being mostly to completely useless, the problem of having too big a cast to give everyone time, and the problem of having to wade through 40 episodes before the humons start showing up. I loved it.
The Royal Knights arc suffers from no single problem, but the kids jobbing isn't one of them. The idea is that the Apocalypse is taking place and even they are too powerless in the face of it. All they can do is run until there is nowhere left to run.
bot post
Beep boop tamers are useless characters who do nothing but clutch their fists and yell.
>But muh upgrade cards
Big effin dee. I'll take the dual-wielding lightsaber wolfman over a non-combat tamer any day.
bot post
Anyone watched the new 02 movie? It was certainly a digimon movie of all time.

Although it's a different continuity, I was happy to see Hikari learned something from Tri. Her reaction to Ukkomon plan was "ok we need to kill him"
The whole show nosedives the second they beat Cherubimon.
>uh uh actually here's Ice devimon and he's totally stronger than Cerubimon we swear.
>Watch him get bodied by the b-team, see they aren't just useless cheerleaders (they proceed to be useless cheerleaders for the rest of the show)
I really disliked how Takuya and Koji's final forms required them to take everyone else's Spirits, included Kouichi who JUST joined, and was made promptly unimportant in battle a few episodes later.

If you were gonna do a repeat of Wargreymon and Weregarurumon, at least don't render the rest of the team useless, they started losing importance as soon as it turned out they didn't have fusion forms
my friend likes Frontier but really REALLY likes Tomoki.
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I don't know her name, but I lover already.
bot posts
>You will never be a goatwolf kid with spectacular physical abilities and flame powers, torn between embracing your new beasthood and lamenting the human life you lost.
But the whole fucking fucking appeal of Digimon is kids having monster friends. You are solving a problem that is only really a problem for people who were never going care about digimon and made one big enough that killed the franchise the first time. It's just shitty Kamen Rider. Americans won't watch it because Power Rangers is gay and Japanese won't bother because Kamen Rider is available so why watch the bootleg version?
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>getting mad at a scenario you made up in your head
It felt more like a tie-in movie to a non-existent season instead of a real movie.
Yo this was cool.
If the Royal Knights fights were even the slightest, remotest bit fair, or the arc were significantly shorter, it'd be a lot better as an arc. The problem is that for all the really interesting character shit going on it still ultimately fails because the arc can't compensate for the fact that it's a large number of episodes where every single thing the protagonists do have to be completely pointless because the villains have to succeed.

So it's the exact same problem as Tamers' last arc except Tamers' was worse because it was longer and didn't have one of the funniest fights in the franchise at the end of it.
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So they're shutting down the app? I honestly thought the vital bracelet was one of the coolest current digivice types
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>gets trashed by Imperial Dramon fighter mode's basic attack
>they don't even need a new form to take him down
>chosen children lose their digimon when they mature enough
>02 the beginning
>no more chosen children period
Where these movies actually Bandai telling everyone to let Digimon die already?
Not shocking, the device hadn't gotten anything new in many months.

>>gets trashed by Imperial Dramon fighter mode's basic attack

Since when is Gigadeath a basic attack? They only used it once in 02 proper and that was to kill the final boss.
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Well it's been a while since I saw the final 02 episodes. The point being they didn't need a new form or attack to take it down
I thought that episode was rather well done. It even had some prior buildup with Kouji telling Takuya he didnt realize the gravity of the situation, treating their time in the digital world like a game, so having him come back to the real world and the past and giving him a chance to put everything into perspective served as good character growth.
Only reason its not as good as the one in Adventure is that it lacks incest.
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Can't wait to learn about the exploits of this undoubtedly wonderful man
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Also posting this because it's a factually true statement
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This show actually having some sakuga is quite the treat
Who's the one on the right?
I've been fiddling with ideas on a hypothetical Frontier remake for probably over a decade at this point and when it comes specifically to the Royal Knights arc are two;

1) they should only get into a direct fight with them twice, once at the beginning of the arc to establish how strong the Royal Knights are, and then again at the very end after they've caught up with them in power

2) since they'd only be directly fighting the Royal Knights twice, to fill the role those other fights had in the original show, we'd be giving them more in the way of underlings for them to fight
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>more adventurewank on the way
Bandai gonna Bandai I suppose
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The Adventure episode didn't really advance the plot, either. It was just a reality check for Tai, and generally immaculate vibes (and got us Our War Game, which got us Summer Wars and Hosoda as a whole). Kairi's introduction was more emotionally-engaging than Koichi's, but not nearly as consequential for the story.
The "stuck in Digimon form in the human world" bit was compelling and I'd watch an entire season of it. Like the front and back halves of Tamers mashed together.
Is this a thing? Why isn't this a thing?
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Did the anon who was upscaling Savers from a few months ever finish that project?
Are we ever gonna get that Chinese mobile game? Seems like its getting more love and Care in it than the MMO ever did.
I know there's been talk of Bandai's China division wanting at least something exclusive and they're also working on Source Code right now as well. I could maybe see New Century going global once Source Code comes out.
Source Code?


Old footage from ChinaJoy 2023 but eh; its the one I have in my favorites.
>digimon interconnected multiverse
Great. Can I have Mirei and Rina in an anime now?
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This scene needs no comment. Even with that said, it is so fantastic and amazing to experience it.
The wilder look Geo Grey has and the more refined/high tech look both Rize and Shine have are both pretty cool design elements. The extra spikes on Geo and Shine I'm still iffy on even after coming to appreciate the designs more.
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Not enough wasps.
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Is this better?
Just watched the Savers movie. Much like the sakuga moments in the show, it was a fun little treat. The director and/or animators must have loved Lalamon
Hi this is a Frontier thread.
Shine is a big downgrade from rise. I know, real hot take, but its still true.
>we'd be giving them more in the way of underlings for them to fight

You're reminding me that throughout their entire arc, they had absolutely no one working for them until the exact episode that Gottsumon showed back up so that he could evolve into Insekimon, kill the mooks, and then get immediately beaten up by a Royal Knight.
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I've always had a soft spot for Craniummon's design, and Savers is making me like it even more.
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Savers was a great, wild ride. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to when I rewatch it in the future and get to experience it all over again. Thank you, Matsuno Taiki, for giving voice to Masaru's sworn brother; may you live forever through the characters your voice gave life to. Rest in peace.
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I wonder how long that image will stay up.
This is a pleasant surprise. I never would've imagined my favorites coming in at 1st and 2nd.
Did Arrester get 1st due to the scaly factor that also likely got XV 2nd?
more series need to end with the protagonist punching god to death with their bare hands
XV-mon and Greymon got as high as they did because nothing will ever make those two unpopular, even if XV is slightly less popular than V-dramon. Arresterdramon was probably more "smaller polls are easier to get a thumb on the scale for" though, as that happens a lot with Digimon polls.
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I don't really get the reasoning for these combinations, but the one in the bottom looks kinda cool.
Fair enough, I know you can't really beat Adventure nostalgia. I just dislike XV even by itself, let alone compared to other V-mon related designs.

You and most everyone that plays the card game, evidently.
the royal knights shit is the worst thing to happen to the meta series as a whole. Digimon is fun because it's so off the wall and unorganized, sans the anime-canon evolution lines that are streamlined for plot convenience. That's part of the charm, that your scrimblo blob with fangs can become a lizard, then a fridge with a minigun, and then become some sort of demonic cherub. I get that some share design iconography but, man, between royal knights and antibody-x forms, it just isn't it. Shit, I'd take alternate modes over that shit any day.
No-one asked
While we're posting opinions no one asked for:
Rapidmon Armor and MirageGaogamon should've been Royal Knights.
What with all the deleted posts?
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Does he though?
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Yeah the endgame becomes jobbing ft kaisergreymon and Magnagarurumon.

it'd be /vg/ actually.
Reminder this got rigged by the same coffee beaner that made minervamon x win its poll.
He does look fairly intense.
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24 years since this movie was released.
I forgot to take a screenshot, but that guy was in the new movie. He did get his Lopmon back.
Wallace and his two partners had a cameo in the previous movie, Kizuna, as well.
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Shit... 8 years since his passing.
>get that some share design iconography but, man, between royal knights and antibody-x forms, it just isn't it

We got 2 or 3 x antibodies of regular digimon in the last 5 or 6 years nigger what are you fucking complaining about
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Yeah, the Royal Knights arc deserves the shit it gets, but Frontier as a whole is underrated.
Still wish they did some things different like their treatment of everyone not named Takuya Koji in the 2nd Half
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New voting session.
I feel they did Izumi dirty the most. Jobbing to Woodmon, what? Sure she beat Ranamon, but it's obviously just out of pity.
New Liberator chapter.
She did get shafted during her debut, but I think getting a big moment to defend the group when the rest were powerless somewhat made up for it, even if it amounted to a cat fight.
It's the only time she actually got to, what ever it was called to purify a digimon or reset it's data.

I feel Koichi gets it almost as bad, if only because he just joined the team only to be made useless a few episodes later, doesn't even have a Beast Evolution sequence,
Was Tomoki the only one who never beat one of the Evil Spirit Warriors?

Takuya got Gigasmon, Mercurymon and Sephirotmon
Kouichi got Petaldramon, Duskmon and Velgrmon
Izumi got Ranamon and Calamarimon
Junpei got Grottemon
Duskmon got Arbormon
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So anyway, is his whole timeline completed or does he have a chance in leading another game?
Did he even show up in those recent Tamers audio/stage dramas?
The only good thing about Frontier is Lucemon. Everything else is boring from start to finish.
Hm, I wonder who could be behind this post?
25th color evolution.
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Now that you mention it, I'm surprised he hasn't had any game cameos like Mameo has.
Mameo is from one of the most important and beloved games in this franchise's history, while Ryo's from a couple of games no-one really cares about. His greatest claims to fame are his appearances in 02 and Tamers, which don't do much for him. I guess that time he was Turkish was funny though
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