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Bad Redesigns
inb4 someone posts gothicmades
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i love kobayashi but i feel like his ideon redesign misses part of the point of ideon. granted i never looked into the production of ideon so i'm not sure what tomino's actual intention was but i always felt like the cosmic horror aspect of the ideon was intended to come from how goofy and nonthreatening the robot itself looked despite being this ancient mega weapon, so making it look like a demonic lovecraftian alien monster ruins that
>how goofy and nonthreatening the robot itself looked
The ideon does NOT look goofy or nonthreatening, it has fucking axe feet and it's over a hundred meters tall.
>cosmic horror
You might be retarded.
The getter 3 is good at least
how exactly is an ancient machine of unfathomable power of (at least initially) unknown extent, referred to as a god, that's hard to control and sometimes spazzes out on its own and wrecks everything around it including cleaving planets in twain, NOT cosmic horror?
Fuck you Katoki
I wouldn't call the Ideon goofy but it is unassuming for what it truly is. At least they didn't go with the original design of it having a ring of thunderbolts on its back like a classic Asian god motif.
‘Lovecraftian/Cosmic horror’ is the new ‘Evangelion deconstructs the mecha Genre’
>the original design
Things go over many iterations during production.
I honestly wouldn't mind that Getter-3 if it had a thicker belly. #2's slenderness isn't as special when everyone has it.
Don't mind the others that much, though I would probably be less forgiving if I had to look at them for an entire manga or whatever.
Didn't watch much of Ideon but the redesign could probably work as a final form, with the "robot" violently losing or shedding it's shell/seal during the show's climax.
Lurk moar.
I like em, even if the manga is shit those designs are pretty good.
It's not
>but i feel like his ideon redesign misses part of the point of ideon
I don't think Kobayashi's design was supposed to be aiming for aesthetic coherency with the Ideon brand. It's intentionally aiming for an aesthetic that's far removed from Ideon's own aesthetic.
Pretty sure only that middle one is Katoki
>cosmic horror
It's your job to locate to a piece of promotional or production material of Ideon from the time that uses this terminology.
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I know they're designed by the same person, but I never really realized just how identical Katoki's RX-78-2 was to the RGM-79N.
Legendary’s MechaGodzilla
No way, the mass production unit resembles its high performance predecessor?
Not even close.
Still better than OP's.
I believe RG 2.0 is not his design.
That redesign look like dogshit. Atleast Devolution's Getter wasn't a redesign.
Both are redesigns. And the devolution ones are worse.
I don't see the problem.
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Another ragebaiter who hasn't read the manga
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>Devo designs get shit on for adding "unnecessary panels/lines everywhere"
>This gets a pass
Sick of the double standard. If you have a hateboner for Devo, you are a joyless person.
Devolution Getter is a powered up form. Unlike that movie concept art, which is a literall redesign.
And if you hate Infinitism then you are gay.
I love both, seeing slightly different takes on designs I already love has literally never made me anything but happy, it's just more cool stuff in the world to enjoy.
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NTA but i think Infinitism is a mixed bag. Mazinkaiser and Getter Dragon looked cool, but Mazinger, Mazinger Zero, Grendizer and Jeeg looked subpar at best. Yanase could have went ham with Infinitism but he always pick the safe, nostalgia wanking route.
>muh nostalgia
Opinion discarded.
>Infinitism Jeeg
>Sub par
Only if you don't like Jeeg to begin with, it's (to my eye) the closest to the original of the bunch.
What i don't like is how it looked too close to the original Jeeg. Made the redesign looks more like a sabotage rather than improvement. Atleast Mazinkaiser looks different enough compares to the anime.
Fair, personally I'd like to see a take on Jeeg with more flat surfaces and edges, but I am aware that's the highest sacrilege and most fans would be grabbing their magnetic pitchforks over such a thing.
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Reason why i hate Shin Kamen Rider design. They looked too close to the classic designs and feel like the designer wanted to spite the design with his own "improvements" instead of trying to make something entirely new. It is the same feeling i have toward The Force Awakens. Such a fucking lazy rehash of the classic and feels spiteful at the same time.
>feel like the designer wanted to spite the design with his own "improvements"
What the actual fuck.
My man, I can almost understand your feelings on this, but this is an amount of negative spin that would require me to be several more levels of depressed and/or misanthropic than I currently am, so I'm going to respectfully disagree and leave it at that.
Watch your favourite show again, it has the same storybeat, same pacing, same dialogues and music. But replace the actors with bunch of niggas, adjusting some small stuff for "modern audiences". There, how would you feel?
>but this is an amount of negative spin that would require me to be several more levels of depressed and/or misanthropic than I currently am
Good. I hope it gets worse and you will fucking hurt yourself.
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>Literally the same as OG Ultraman
>But without the chest gem
Anno taught me one thing that every redesign needs to look different instead of just dick riding the classic design but adding minimal changes and being smug about it.
Is the kit itself good for Kaiser? Z, Great, Grendizer are fine, Jeeg's okay, but Kaiser seems like it's even less-posable than the bulky Great it reuses parts with.
Majority of Dynamic Pros mech are not that practical for toys and modelkits. I believe it is impossble to pose properly with Shin Getter.
>some newfags still have a hate boner for anno
Majority of Anno's cocksuckers are newfags. They watch Evangelion once then think Anno is the depressed misunderstood genius.
Anon I understand that, the little panel needed for double-jointed elbows blend better with Infinitism whereas it looks out-of-place when on classic and smooth super robot designs... b-but that doesn't answer my question, unless you meant Kaiser.
>ankle tilts are never that great, and none of the arms can be lifted that high until Zero
>Jeeg is the most posable in every aspect except for fucking basic leg articulation, where it didn't do the "pull leg downwards for decent swinging" thing that literally every single other kit did
I'd like Shin or regular Getter 1 announced, but I wish it was decently posable without reusing Z parts
You can buy Moderoid Shin Getter 1 kit. The posability is pretty much what you expect with such design
Jeeg has almost humanoid silhouette meanwhile Mazinkaiser is rather armored. Limitation for posability is expected.
It looks like it has the same leg issue as Jeeg, except for Jeeg they at least gave him good shoulders like the HGUC Gyan, which Z/etc lack for the sake of screen-accuracy.
And the posability for Zero looked fine despite its bulk, improving on the engineering over time, so they have no excuse, especially not to announce more kits
I saw Shin Kamen Rider in theaters and the first 20 or so minutes was physically nauseating to watch in theaters to the point I almost left. Watching again at home on a smaller screen it was pretty much the only part worth re-watching.

Both movies had absolutely terrible pacing. Same for Shin Godzilla.
No it’s not. That Eva analysis was made by people that don’t watch and don’t care about mecha, it’s factually incorrect. Cosmic horror is a term you noticed and 4chan has wired your brain to associate pattern recognition with a knee jerk negative response.
I’d appreciate the small alterations because I already know how the old one goes, and I’d be curious to see how they could shake things up while, by your own admission, basically staying true to the story. But I can also play game remakes without shitting myself to death.
Guess I'm a flaming faggot then
Fuck panel lines
You're not wrong, but it grows on you in-hand
Like a tumor!
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Does this count?
Devolution's Getter is a straight up final form and 0 Gundam is a homage. Are we gonna complain about Grimoire Red Beret and compare it to Red Shoulder Scopedog now?
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Some parts of this kinda work for me, but it doesn't come together at all. And the face is just terrible.
>Redesign thread
>OP posts the powerup form of Getter Robo
>You post an entirely new design
Is this what 4chan has become? Just nonstop outrage without any critical thinking?
anon, 90% of lead gundams are trying to redesign the RX-78. Just because in-universe it's a different unit it doesn't mean it isn't one
Anno can make some good art, but bro is an insufferably smug asshole, he deserves the hate
Is this what newf/a/gs really think?
Go back to Instagram.
And they turned Zeon into space Woke instead of space samurais.
I hate this meme so much. Where did it even originate from?
> That Eva analysis was made by people that don’t watch and don’t care
So then it’s exactly like ‘Evangelion deconstructs the mecha genre’.
Everyone trying to slap on the label ‘lovecraftian/cosmic’ horror have never read an H.P. lovecraft story and have never even heard of Robert E Howard.
Also everyone calling Ideon ‘cosmic horror’ has never done the former, aswell as never watching the show. There might be a few people who watched Be Invoked after some youtuber already told them in was ‘cosmic horror’.
>There might be a few people who watched Be Invoked after some youtuber already told them in was ‘cosmic horror’.
I've met a few retards who've actually have done this and I personally called them out on it. It pisses me the fuck off.
Thank you for your service.
Not the accurate equivalence you seem to think
Rightfully so. He's a faggot.
>>some newfags still have a hate boner for anno
Yeah. Good. I think so too :)
>Just nonstop outrage without any critical thinking?
Yeah, pretty much. No one falls harder for the current propaganda psy ops outrage than this site at the current moment.
I don't particularly hate Anno, and the movie itself was alright, I just never liked the design of Shin Godzilla.

>What new /a/fags think of anno
You go back, ugly bloated overweight annotard.
retard woke up from his nap
Cope a little harder, you're the retard. Annococksucker.
Where's my medal? No, seriously more than half of them said the show looked too visually outdated and didn't want to sit through it just for the "cool movie". These people are disgusting.
that is horrible
That's good.
I actually really like the gunboy lol
Ya the mechs were a lot more interesting than the new character designs
It's a redesign.
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It's not bad per-say, but I wasn't a fan of most of the post Gothicmade redesigns compared to the originals

It's just Kobayashi having fun as a hobbyist isn't it? I honestly love the way it looks
feels like nu knight of gold was the only one that attempted to look vaguely like its predecessor
reddit fags who must slot every show into a category
Yeah, Infinitism is disgusting, it worsens all the designs, it's literally just taking the original and adding useless panels everywhere

I think it was this video
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Idk how he fucked up this bad after the nu ver ka itself was excellent
This is reasonably close to the High-Streamer and Hi Nu blended together. Arguably the Nu Ver Ka is the "bad" redesign with the exposed psycho frame throughout the machine instead of just the cockpit. I do prefer the skinnier blue Hi Nu that is the RG/Re100 as well, but the purple thick one is closer in spirit to the source material.
>They look worse than the originals.
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No they don't.
The exact opposite, the Nu Ver Ka was too much change to Izubuchi's original Nu, too many panel lines breaking up the design, the same with the Sazabi Ver Ka. The Hi-Nu was a much better redesign, and actually was a lot closer to the original 1988 Izubuchi design. The Hi-Nu 1.0 MG was a horrible redesign by Izubuchi, so bizzare considering Izubucho made the original Hi-Nu design, but Katoki made a better Hi-Nu with the Hi-Nu Ver Ka than Izubuchi did, because Katoki was much more faithful to the source material.
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Kobayashi's redesign of the Zeta is super cool, his version is a Zeon MS.
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Two separate things actually, he's just drawn them on the same canvas.
i feel like a lot of the first wave of build fighters designs was just taking iconic MSes and sanding down everything that made them unique.
That’s not the build fighters turn A
The Gundam EX isn't a redesign, it's a totally different unit.
hooooooly cope
You sound like that monkey on twitter who was trying to culture war WfM and said the M1 Astray was the HiV Gundam
That 3 is okay.
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They both fucking suck. Devolution is dogshit in design, story, characters, artstyle. Infinity and infinitism is just as bad. KYS devolution faggot.
This Getter 1 genuinely just looks like it's wearing an actual skirt.
I know skirt armor is common but it stands out as odd on a Getter and making it the only yellow on the design makes it seem like it's supposed to stand out to you.
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>you sound like that thing that never happened
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>They looked too close to the classic designs and feel like the designer wanted to spite the design with his own "improvements" instead of trying to make something entirely new.
Then you're a retarded EOP. They initially started with incredibly dynamic and distinctly different Rider 1 designs and over time it literally whittled its way back into just being a slightly more greebly version of the original because it turns out that design is just perfect as is.
It's not an attempt to cynically "improve" a design, it's just outright Kamen Rider carcinization. The ultimate Kamen Rider design is the original. It's even discussed in the Design Works book, if you weren't an EOP you'd kow this.
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It's literally just the Tohl Narita concept art, you gay retard.
It always kind of bugs me when someone tries to "fix" the Turn A by giving it a more traditional head and doing almost nothing else to it. It always clashes really hard with the overall more rounded curves and smooth panels the rest of the body has. The Turn A Shin is probably the best attempt because it at least tries to balance it with other new parts.
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