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Post em. I'll start
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IBO had some great female designs.
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Best Grassley girl.
Never watched the show but Cecelia from G Witch
She didn't pilot any mechs tho.
You can't nut someone who's already dead.
Sadly she was not a pilot but she is nutworthy nonetheless.
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Left, right, or middle?
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I'd have joined the mob for her too
Still the best moment of fanservice in fanservice history.
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If you've never nut to your posted pilot with the helmet on, you need to leave /m/ until you do so.
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She’s only hot in season 2 though, I want her to choke me
Andrei, please.
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Saji definitely bottoms, do you think he asks her to choke him again?
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a CHARAanger appears
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>Fapping to sluts
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Chicks who can ride bikes are cool
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How about chicks with bike cockpits?
You're right. We should be fapping to dudes.
Are you implying that dudes cant be sluts?
Of course not.
Same here. Roux was 10/10...
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They're ridiculous for safety reasons but I like them
Hilda is best
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Katsuragi-san . . . .
Setsuna could have just stopped being a massive edgy autist for 2 seconds and could have saved her. So disappointing, as most things are in 00
>Wanting to save a BPD narcissist foid
You coomers have no shame
>You can't nut someone who's already dead.
You can
I want her to step on me
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>tfw following a girl on Instagram who posted a story where she's the spitting image of Lafter, hair and all
Dubs and I'll slide in her DMs telling her to cosplay Lafter

Wing will never stop being the worse series in the entire fucking franchise.
UNIVERSE slayer of puss
That's from Turn A Gundam.
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I immediately searched for Leila porn after watching Code Geass Akito, so I'm guessing her.
GBF sluts got great doujins as well, so they're also a good contender.
Post the belly dancing scene.
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i just like whores
who is she? she looks cute
Gun x Sword. She's a whore. like a literal prostitute.
Fasalina from Gun X Sword.
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She's literally me
which mecha slut should I cum trib
>picking just one and not doing multiple rounds
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She's got possibly the best cockpit control gimmick out there.
I've nutted to over half the pilots here
>stripper pole cockpit
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Bellri, dude. buddy, pal. Your sister, dude. Your sister is like crazy attractive. It's unreal. You have a hot sister dude. That's gotta be crazy right? Every guy around is just constantly thinking how much they want their kids to call you uncle. And it's not like you don't have eyes or a sense of aesthetics either. What's it like. Knowing your sister is that boneable.
the parody made me a little crazy

>More like Chara GOON
I would ascend to a high position in the Federation then make a deal to pardon Cima and let her back onto Feddie sides and Earth in exchange for pretending to be my mom for the rest of her life.
Also I would save her from Kou.
I'm sure he knew. He wanted to bone her too, didn't he?
Tell us how to cope with an embarassment, anon.
Do you agree with Athrun?
I’d fuck athrun before cagalli desu
cima is pure sex
Boy did he ever.
eh, she is slightly above mid. Idk anon it's really simpy behavior but may as well ask her, fuck it, why respect some random woman. She needs to work on her bangs
based. he's also the strongest pilot in the CE.
>fucks not suzaku
Enjoy the STDs
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I also choose the large woman.
>More like Chara COOM
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I’m more partial to cockpits with seats out of a race car personally. While that’s not as sexy, it generally feels way more practical than leaning forward for extended periods of time.
Completely wasted character for Season 2. Considering how she dies, i would’ve killed her off much sooner.
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Admit it, ya’ll were thinking the same thing…
That you're a faggot
link pls
yes the best girl can interchange tits and private parts like a mr potato head toy.
You mean not Kira?
who is she?
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Computer OS Boss in Golden Boy, Episode 1.
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How new?

Biker chick was hotter.
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Wrong answer
He was devastated when he found out she was his sister.
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Both wrong, fags
Honestly, the suggestive camera shots she was introduced with were to compensate for many episodes of shirtless male pilots. And for you to get nervous about her getting killed by the protags or not.

Major spoilers for Iron-Blooded Orphans
I'm glad that at least her actual death wasn't reduced to a fucking joke or meme. People are still angry or respectful about how she died, unlike with Orga and others.
Cagali isn't that stacked.

Well, he did punch the crybaby out of Kira.
faster to list the female characters who didn't want to be boned by him.
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realistically she doesn't count but hey
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For me, it's Naomi
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>Lame sniper
Why else are people into chicks like Haman, Quess, Katejina, and Nena?
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When /m/ be more /a/ than /a/
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I'll see your mecha pilots and raise you mecha pilots who're themselves mecha.
Best boy
She is relatively new but I would still include her.
No new, I'm asexual.

Wow did autocorrect mess up.
You're also illiterate
Not my post.
incel opinion fed to you by algorithms
I want to marry the King of Braves!
Long Hair > the rest
My poor, weary husband...
Please no, not like this (but it's probably good to rewatch)
They did that for the earlier Brave series J-Decker without pulling any of their punches, but yeah I don't think I've seen it happen for humans
Yeah, they backed out from seeing the child outcry and trauma because they were surprised children cared about their toy cartoon father figures, later editions even outright have the narrator promise he'll return
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Do cyborgs/androids count? She's technically piloting her own robot body, and literally makes me nut uncontrollably.
>Honey's a pilot in her own right as well, she's a pilot I'm allowed to nut to
Time for non-stop nut
It's not gay when he's a girl!
Mirage is so pretty
Faith in humanity, restored.
She's literally perfect!
>that jiggle
My heart
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Hasn't been posted yet surprisingly.
Why does that mecha have a voluptuous ass?
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Please don't call me Hathaway. Her voice is such SEX.
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Really, greatly, super need!
That's right.
You will. Somnium are superior to pretty boys like Guy.
No please, not this image again
Or this, I know the reference
so is the anon reading my post
Say that to my face and not online.
i look like this irl
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I don't want to fix them.
Okay, Gyunei.
You want them to break you?
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Oh absolutely.
Hashiba Ryu-san.
me on the right
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Are you just naming pilots, but also
>not Duo
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Why not both?
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>not Wufei
I can fix him I swear
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They knew what they were doing when they made this pilot suit.
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I nutted to the Russian chick more.
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Maya Disel from the Code Geass: Lost Stories
Literally the perfect balance of feminine charm, loyal waifu with good morals, and a crazy ass tenacious bitch in battle. It's criminal that she's limited to being a gacha MC.
True but that's not wing
i'm more of a jung freud man myself
You can’t fix Wufei. He’s so deep in the closet an air raid couldn’t get him out.
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I’m torn between her and Moonbay

But yeah, I really would’ve preferred Naomi in something better than the Gunsniper.
I guess Catherine won't be the only girl in Roze to simp over.
They're both fine choices really.
I would drink Char's spit.
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Kantoku has got taste
I'd say Lafter is the hottest IBO girl.
t. Ohgi
I saw Godannar when I was 15 and I've been ruined ever since.
my new wife
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Fafner (Exodus) marks one of the very few times i've done it to actual anime screenshots. i sadly don't have my own screenshots at hand but seeing ppl send scuffed fanart that should be ok ig.
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last TV episodes, EoE and when she's atop on Shinji both in manga and EoE (?) make good material.
She's genetically close to him (one half), an eldritch alien (the other half), and somewhat under 14.
Doubleplus eeew.
Doesn't stop people from fapping to her and Asuka.
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Godannar has no shortage of cute girls.
That's what makes it hot.
>Doubleplus eeew.
You talk like a fat forum bitch from 2002.
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Did any of the other Doronjos pilot anything?
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I’ve often fantasized about pounding Asuka from behind
That doesn't answer my question.
Wtf, Haman. Calm down.
i still can't believe they were allowed to get away with this
Doesn't she end up naked later on too?
Yeah, when she was the Devil Gundam's pilot.
Cultured post.
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downgrade from the manga
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Would you put your dick or your face?
Dicks are for pussies, asses are masks.
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My (giant) wife.
I want to sleep on top of her boobs. They look warm and soft.
that's not a racecar cockpit, fag
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Actual bike cockpits are relatively rare, only ones off the top of my head are Dancougar Nova and the Guren. The difference is where the knees are relative to the waist. If they're ahead of the waist like Aoi here >>22696244 then it's a bike cockpit. If it's perpendicular or behind the waist like Ange >>22696318 , it's just laying down. On that note, more units need to have their snipers take a natural sniping position instead of just sitting in a cockpit upright fiddling with a joystick.

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