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>her childhood friend is dead
>her husband is dead
>her adoptive son is dead
Is there anyone have suffered more than Fraw?
Anyone that has to put up with your weekly cuck threads.
The fuck off spammer for sure. He's even in this thread
Pretty much every early UC protag or protag adjacent character gets a really fucked up life when you think about it
These two's good ending was just "PTSD riddled and all friends/family executed and hone destroyed but not paralyzed anymore" or "doesn't have to helplessly watch significant other be paralyzed anymore"
But yeah Fraw takes the cake. Runner up has to be Bright or Mirai. Maybe sayla.
honestly I thought it was kind of retarded that they made kamille not paralyzed anymore. it's the same retarded zz asspull as when they killed leina but then she was magically alive at the end.
He was never paralyzed, dumb speedwatcher.
that hospital bed was just really comfy
Hard disagree tbqh. ZZ showed through the whole thing that his mind was still there, he fought hard enough to deserve his happy(ish) end.
Everyone else who suffered loss in the war.
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>is pregnant
>don't draw her pregnant
>Youngest protagonist, simultaneously highest kill count
>Almost everyone he knew died right in front of him
>Carried his mother's decapitated head for hours
>Had to fight his first love to the (presumed) death after she turned traitor and ended up being at least partially responsible for all of the preceeding
>Most of the adults are dead so he's stuck trying to raise children despite being a child himself
All in a world that's choked with such severe pollution that it makes Beijing look like a nature preserve.
>All in a world that's choked with such severe pollution that it makes Beijing look like a nature preserve.
It's been a long time since I watched Victory but I don't recall pollution being that much of a big deal. Unless I vaguely remember something about a Gunblastor wearing a large animals skull on it's head though I don't quite remember if that was due to pollution of just regular remains? I've seen people bring up the Earth being neigh uninhabitable in UC but it never looks like Fist of the North Star levels of desolate.
I don't recall any visible pollution in the show, but I do remember that there were basically three mentions about it:

>the episode with the shoreline filled with whale skeletons and carcasses stinking up the place, implying Earth's ecosystem is getting worse over time
>Chronicle wearing a head sock during his time on earth and some of the spacenoids remarking that Earth's air seems to stink, they are probably used to the recycled, sterile, filtered air on ships and colonies
>mostly everyone trying to avoid hitting the reactor and causing massive explosions for the sake of the environment
Coma and vegetable states isn't paralysis.
God I love pregnant women.
The ZZ crew get relatively happy endings, but that's because most of them never show up again in the UC, and Judau and Roux just fuck off to Jupiter and nothing seems to happen there until Crossbone.
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Here's your yearly reminder about Kiki being raped to the point of suicide in the 08th MS Team novelization.
>Kiki being raped to the point of suicide in the 08th MS Team novelization.
>Feddies claim another victory!
He still lost both Purus though, which wasn't easy on him. But yeah he got out alright.
Scirocco lost everyone who mattered to him. The Messala, the Bolinoak, the Palace Athene, The-O, the Jupitris. How can a few lives mean anything when cool one of a kind robots are destroyed?
Because the japs see Zeon as themselves and The Feds as the US. They are still pissed about ww2 and losing a war they started.
More like amerilarps see themselves as the UN "good" guys in any piece of media they consume.
>zeon gets all the wank and secret backstory
>feds get....
Tight ginger pussy
>Americans see themselves in a corrupt and somewhat stagnant, though marginally effective, federation of nations
>Japan sees themselves in corrupt dictatorial somewhat isolated power who engaged in the worst crimes against humanity and environmental devastation
No one wins in any if this.
Novels have never been canon.

0079, 08th MS Team, Zeta, ZZ, Seed, Turn A Gubdam, CCA, etc.

All of them are not canon. They are alt universe.
Scirocco only saw other people as tools, not anybody who actually mattered to him as a person. He got what he deserved.
>Japan sees themselves
That's where you are wrong.
So what's this about Fraw still loving Amuro in Z Gundam?

If it's about some kind of interview or novelization or whatever, I'm unaware of it.

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