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Is this the "Openings for big brains"? thread?
If so


> blu-ray opening
> looks no better than vhs just bigger resolution

A damn shame.

Its advertising material for the bluray is one of the worst bait and switches i can think of.

Gowcaizer is right up there with virus buster serge in the looks real good but the story is literal ass department.
Ranga, Yay!
I love the aesthetic of this show but I keep forgetting it even exists until something randomly reminds me. Maybe it's time to finally check it out and see if I can get it stuck in my memory.
>48 episodes
Holy shit, for some reason I had it in my head that it was like 13. This is gonna take some time.
They're not full length episodes, like 10-15 min IIRC.

I think G-Reco was only confusing because it had a really bad translation, I noticed people had an easier time with it once the movies came out because the translation was better. Serge meanwhile is complete nonsense no matter how it's translated.
>"Openings for big brains"
Didn't Neil Gaiman make Sandman?
is it true VSB sex scene was removed for America?
The show itself was pretty eh. I wonder if Obari forgot he was doing a 12 episode show or something because the plot feels like its cutting a lot of stuff and the plot twists feel random. There's no downtime but also the episodes feel aimless and unimportant. Its a strange show, even more so considering its apparently based on a video game. Definetly not Obari's best work.
Also, while the OP just reuses clips from the show, it really has a killer song. Dragon Ash is a cool group

For the best, nobody wants to see old man raven playing gaytar hero with twink serge.
I don't know much about the game since it's Japan-only and one of those games that nobody has even attempted to translate, but from what I've seen it looks like a text-heavy point and click adventure similar to Snatcher and the like. Just based off my previous experience with stuff like visual novel adaptations, where a 30+ hour story is clumsily condensed into a mere 12 episode anime that feels impossible to understand for the people who haven't read the original, it wouldn't surprise me if the same thing happened here.

> Also, while the OP just reuses clips from the show, it really has a killer song.

Hol up, I had to double check this and the dub apparently did that.

I actually watched this dubbed back when it aired in SciFi back in 2007 (it was so old they were still calling it SciFi and not Syfy) and this is the only OP I remember. So they must have fixed it by the time they aired it on TV because I don't remember seeing a clip show version.

The one here>>22711492 is taken straight from the first episode of the laserdisc.
The titlecard in this one is different.
What one is this take from?
>What one is this take from?
Been years since I've seen the show, but I think that one is from later episodes. Probably after episode 3, once they finish introducing the team and Serge is a part of it proper.

The whole thing is uploaded here and the opening for the later episodes is the same as the one i posted before.

I suspect the titlecard was edited to a still frame for the YouTube video in an attempt to avoid the video getting taken down, which seems to have worked because it's been up for 16 years. That was a popular technique back then. All versions I've seen, English and Japanese, have the animated title card like >>22712773.
Also what is going on in this thread, that's twice now I've come back to it to add new information and suddenly a dozen completely innocuous posts disappear. Does /m/ have so many chronic shitposters that are always getting all their posts wiped for shit they did in some other thread, or is there a rogue mod drunk with power just deleting random posts willy-nilly?
Gravion any good?
Well, it did get a sequel.
But... that's bullshit?
Obari as the new Kinnikuman opening's animation director.
30 years since Obari's Fatal Fury The Motion Picture was released
Oh, so that's why his avatar is Terry Bogard.
And Mai Shiranui is his waifu.

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