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With Earth's decline and the Feds collapsing, I'd ask if they're obsolete.
Zanscare had a Zabi Brigade of Side 3 volunteer pilots.
Stop using the subject line only. This isn't reddit. Use the body field for fuller sentences.
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I just want to live in a world where nobody has to pay any taxes.
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>3 Wars lost
>2 failed Insurgencies
>Ideology got corrupted by up and coming royal family before it could get a proper hold in politics
>Their prodigal son used and discarded them a condom just so he could go out in a blaze of glory against his rival

If anything it's surprising how it still had some steam left after the 1st Neo Zeon War, the fact that it kept going with Char's Neo Zeon and then the Sleeves is nothing short of a miracle.
Anaheim Electronics tried to nostalgia-bait with the Zaku 50 when they were in dire financial straits. It didn't work.
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What exactly is the end goal of Zeon?
I forgot, i just wanna drop colonies on countries i don't like.
I feel like there was a missed opportunity on Victory to have a single clapped out musai filled with utterly delusional zeon holdouts as the last remaining zeon remnants as a gag
You couldn't just drop the colony at California first?
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they all had different goals

gihren wanted to dominate the earthsphere and there were some ramblings about a partial culling of the human race
delaz just had a really elaborate suicide plan to sucker punch the federation one last time
haman's ultimate goal was unclear, but in the short term she wanted to get char back by her side and I guess conquer the earthsphere as well, but without gihren's mass killing
char's claimed intention was to force humanity off of earth and into space, but he definitely wanted one last duel with amuro just as much if not more
mars zeon basically just wanted revenge on the feds and was going to use a hyper railgun to attack earth from mars
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Get in line.
Recruiting as many newtype prostitutes as possible
I respect Char's version of ecoterrorism as flawed as it is.
The last time Zeon does anything notable is during F90/F91:0122. Mars Zeon makes one last attempt to attack Earth after rebuilding their forces, but is ultimately stopped by a determined Federation force. Afterwards, their sponsors are arrested, and the remnants hunted down. This leads to a period of peace up until Crossbone or Victory.
I fucking hope so. Could be interesting to see some doomer civilian Neo Zeon larpers tho
get everyone into space, let earth heal, new types are the next step of humanity
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Yeah CONSENT runs the show.
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>Hey remember that iconic Zaku? We're bringing it back for 50th anniversary of OYW and here's the design
>*sales plummeted*
or Man Hunter
or whatever the fuck the piracy answer being the no answer to the OP's question is
Delaz wanted to get out to Axis and rebuild for another future war. He wasn't suicidal, just an asshole.
Neo neo neo zeon when?
>Start a war
>Cry about needing to get revenge
>lose again

Is there something in the water that just turns spacenoids stupid?
Lack of oxygen in the colonies retards their critical thinking skills.
Zabi Zeon exist in late UC 160s, almost 100 years after the OYW
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Is Zeon remnant being big due to young Earthling renegades joining against Federation, such as Titans remnant?
The saviour series is peak but everything else was really shit wasnt it?
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Saviour series wasn't by Consent but by Illuminati, though they did had a lot of ex consent guys.
Consent MS are still pretty good, at least by the time of G-saviour. And they did made the Raven which is not only a pretty good MS but an huge technological advancement with it's AI.
The federation is effectively dying off, Zeon gets transformed into something much better in that live action movie where the Feds are effectively the bad guys trying to hold on to what they cannot control.
Did Zeon remnant got bigger thanks to Earthling renegades joining them such as Titans remnant?
>build an entire political movement out of "spacenoids rule, earthnoids drool"
>all leaders are petty, don't know what the fuck they're doing and spend money on useless shit
>massive success
It's kinda amazing Zeon took off at all

Zeon doesn't mean "enemy of the federation"
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Zeon is alien race. Zeon don't poo unlike Earthlings. En taro Deikun. Naku afal Munzo. Zeon de Harak en vaiash. Por Zalah de Zeon!!! (Translating Zeon dialect: For Deikun!! We shall retrieve Side 3!! Zeon is strong when together!! For the glory of Zeon!!!)
That's not the Federation that's the Comgress of Settlement Nations AKA CONSENT their enemy is the Illuminati who armored of an AEUG analogue than a Zeon one
Would you just do everyone a favor and kill yourself
It varies significantly

OG Principality:
Break away from Earth Federation initially but decide instead to eradicate it entirely. Most of the Newtype stuff is just propaganda at this point. The idea of moving the whole Earth population is scrapped in favor of just conquest and eventual genocide.

Delaz Fleet:
Attempt a terroist attack and propaganda campaign that can significantly weaken the Earth Federation enough to potentially cause a coup or uprising amongst the colonies. Very similar to HYDRA from Marvel Comics.

Actual Zeon ideology is very muted here. In an attempt to appeal to former Federation dissatisfied with Titans, most of the diehard principality supporters gravitate toward Char’s ideas.

First Neo-Zeon:
Haman is just a warlord at this point. She’s just taking advantage of the overall instability from Gryps to make play for domination. Even Glemy’s ideology isn’t that much different.

Second Neo-Zeon:
Char is attempting to actually put his accelerationist ideas into action. Cause most of humanity to leave Earth and create a single unified race of Newtypes, no matter the cost.

Third Neo-Zeon:
Full Frontal has a more pragmatic approach in that he wants to blackmail the Federation into collapse by unifying all anti-government movements on Earth and space into a long term trade blockade.

Mars Zeon:
At first it’s just survival but then it just turns into Haman 2.0. They eventually just become a distraction for Crossbone Vanguard to use against the Federation.
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En taro Deikun. En arudin Zabi. (In the name of Deikun. In memory of Zabi, in Zeon dialect)
Your obviously pretty obsessed with this made up dialect of yours, how about instead of using it for dumb headcanom you write your own original /m/ story,? I'll even read it if you do
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>All I fucking want is independent from Earth, spreading my schizoid theory of newtype!
No, what the fuck are you talking about?
Well I guess you're a retard.
i mean, he was right. I dont know why anyone calls newtypes a theory after 0079 when they are definatively proven to be a thing.
That's probably my main gripe with UC. The whole newtype denial shtick that drags on for longer than it had any right to. Especially when you have shit like Amuro under house arrest for being a newtype on the feds side after the OYW thanksto government paranoia of him being too strong to control. It's really something that should have been ironed out much sooner.
the Federation goverment is a barely functional shitshow by the time of Zeta, and after the Gryps conflict it never really recovers, so it does track that it wouldnt exactly be able to form any cohereant policy on a new race of psychics.
in his defense, the Origins version of him was having a long streak of sleep deprivation and ahnxiety building up until he broke up during the congress (or was poisoned/assasinated by the zabis or the feds).
if took in another different moment of his life, we would see him fairly similar to the original depiction of the character
Is it just safe to say Zeon Zum Deikun was flat-out wrong this whole time?

With or without war, Newtypes at their core were still human and ended up just wanting to kill each other over petty thing.
>With or without war, Newtypes at their core were still human and ended up just wanting to kill each other over petty thing.
I've always kinda thought that the newtypes are the first step of spacenoids of becoming their own separate "ethnic group" of sorts, hence the need for them to have their own country/government.
Probably, by the time of G-Reco there are next to no Newtypes and the only one we really see is Belleri. Most the spacenoids did mutate but not like Deikun intended.
Dude I already told you write your own story with your made up dialect and if you do ill read it
That's Protoss talk.
Quit humoring him.
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>In the bustling heart of a colony within the vastness of space, an uproar had erupted among the remnants of Zeon leadership. A meme had gone viral in the Earth Federation, mocking the various failed attempts at leading by Gihren Zabi, Aiguille Delaz, Haman Karn, and Char Aznable. This meme depicted them as bumbling fools, each iteration of Zeon leadership more disastrous than the last.

>Gihren Zabi stared at the screen, his face turning a deep shade of crimson. "How dare they mock the principles of Zeon!" he thundered, slamming his fist on the table. "My strategy was flawless, only misunderstood by inferior minds."

>Aiguille Delaz, his face a mask of indignation, stood beside Gihren. "This is an outrage! They will understand the honor and dignity of Zeon Remnants!" Delaz declared, his voice trembling with fury.

>Haman Karn, her pride wounded, sneered at the meme. "Those fools will regret underestimating Neo Zeon! I'll show them power and elegance they can't even comprehend," she said, her eyes glinting with malice.

>Char Aznable, the charismatic leader of Neo Neo Zeon, was equally incensed. "This meme is a blatant attempt to discredit my vision. I'll show them the true potential of Neo Neo Zeon," he stated, his tone icy.

>Determined to restore their tarnished images, each leader concocted a scheme, oblivious to how misguided and laughable their efforts would appear.

>Gihren decided to give a live broadcast from a meticulously designed studio, wearing an elaborate military uniform adorned with fake medals. He planned to lecture the Earth Federation citizens on the true meaning of Zeon. However, his speech quickly derailed into a rant about the greatness of his bloodline and the inferiority of anyone who disagreed. The broadcast ended with him accidentally knocking over a giant portrait of himself, revealing a hidden stash of embarrassing childhood drawings.
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>Delaz, on the other hand, staged a grand military parade to showcase the strength and discipline of his forces. Unfortunately, the parade was poorly organized, with outdated and malfunctioning mobile suits stumbling and falling over. Delaz himself tripped on the podium and fell into a fountain, live on air, while trying to give an impassioned speech about the nobility of their cause.

>Haman decided to host a lavish gala, inviting important Earth Federation officials to demonstrate Neo Zeon's sophistication and cultural superiority. The event, however, was plagued by a series of mishaps: the food was inedible, the entertainment bizarre and unsettling, and Haman's grand entrance on a floating platform ended with her getting stuck in mid-air due to a malfunction. She spent the rest of the evening yelling orders from her elevated position, much to the guests' amusement.

>Char decided to produce a documentary showcasing the advanced technology and humanitarian efforts of Neo Neo Zeon. He hired a top-tier director and scriptwriter. However, Char's micromanagement and insistence on adding numerous scenes of him dramatically removing his mask and delivering lengthy monologues resulted in a disjointed and pretentious film. Critics and audiences alike mocked it as "Char's Vanity Project," with the highlight being an awkward scene where he attempted to plant a tree, only for it to fall over repeatedly.
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>As these schemes backfired spectacularly, each leader faced ridicule.

>Then came the final blow. An ordinary day took a bizarre turn when a UFO descended, ready to spirit them away for a lifelong lesson on leadership. The public, and their followers, watched in stunned silence.

>Gihren, Delaz, Haman, and Char stood there, a mix of confusion and fear etched on their faces. "No! This can't be happening! I am Gihren Zabi, the supreme leader of Zeon! Let me go!" Gihren shouted, his voice cracking.

>"This is some kind of trick! I won't be taken! I won't!" Delaz yelled, but his defiance melted into a pitiful plea.

>"No, this can't be real. I have to get back. I have to...!" Haman's voice broke, tears welling in her eyes.

>Char, once composed, now looked around frantically. "What is this? What is happening to us? This is not how it ends!" he muttered, his confidence shattered.

>The once-proud leaders of Zeon, now reduced to pathetic figures, were lifted into the UFO. Their voices blended into a desperate chorus of cries and pleas.

>Their new home, a secluded monastery for failed politicians, became a place of endless lessons on leadership, humility, and the consequences of their actions.

>Gihren was forced to read and discuss the very philosophies he once dismissed, understanding the true meaning of leadership and the cost of tyranny. Delaz engaged in dialogues about justice and terrorism, facing the moral consequences of his actions. Haman spent her days in reflection and service, learning the values of empathy and genuine leadership. Char participated in endless debates and introspective exercises, grappling with his misguided ideals and their impact.

>Each day, they faced tough, humbling lessons, their egos continually dismantled and rebuilt with a new understanding of what true leadership means. Though they were far from the Milky Way and their former glories, they were given the chance to redeem themselves, one difficult lesson at a time.
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It sounds based if you leave out all the environmentalist crap forcing people off Earth.
>*dropped spacenoid colonies on earth but mostly to australia*
What did they mean by this?
Zeon are like cockroaches, they keep coming back even when they are not needed.
Zeon is alien like protoss. They came to Earth for purifying the filthy Earthlings and Earth.
Isn't Zeon like protoss?
He wasn't necessarily wrong, newtypes CAN understand eachother on a level not possible before. Unfortunately this means they can and do hurt eachother in ways not thought possible especially when they are turned into a fighting class for their abilities in war.
Zeon was a beautiful dream of freedom, stirred by bad actors towards self destruction. It was a flash in the pan, it was a righteous war but the colony drop was a mistake. Still I stand with Zeon until the day I die.
Sieg Zeon!
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En taro Deikun! Na adan Zeon!! En arudin Zabi! Var en Zeon!! Sha-a'zul du Zeon, aru nal'adan!! (In Zeon dialect: For Deikun!! We stand as Zeon!! In memory of Zabi!! Glory for Zeon!! In the name of Zeon!! We fight as one!!)
. . .Freedom?
For every man, a Puru and a monoeye suit.
I'm not ready to be a father...
Don't worry, she can't concieve yet.
I eas talki.g about raising h her not banging her, I ain't ready for that responsibility having to raise a whole ass Puru
Skill issue
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Zeon will survive on the red planet of newtypes
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Contolism is a failed ideoly that will only lead to the death of humanity.
Humans are not made to live in space. Their true only home is Earth
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Fuck out of here with your “Zeon” and “Federation” bullshit, this is CONSENT territory, bitches
*for Deikun
You never played Starcraft? What are you? 12?
>Actual Zeon ideology
WTF you smoking? AEUG just a moderate Federation movement
AEUG is a mixed bag,and it has former Zeon elements in it that thought deposing the Titans was just step one in knocking the entire Federation out of power
when the more pro-Federation AEUG elements were folded back into the EFF after Gryps, those pro-Zeon forces didnt necessarily go with them
It got a LOT of Char's followers. Especially after Dakar speech.
Hell, it even got at least one remnant faction post Gryps War that actively collaborated with Zeon remnants.
What's your favorite zeon suit? Mine is either the Z'gok or the Sazabi (I only own a Sazabi)
the F90FF manga even has a faction of former AEUG thrown in with Zeon, and that's almost forty fucking years later in the UC 0120s
>Neo Zeon
>Char's Neo Zeon/Sleeves
Jagd Doga
>Mars Zeon
Reben Wolf Custom
>Zabi Zeon
Sand Doc
>honorary mention
>the F90FF manga even has a faction of former AEUG thrown in with Zeon, and that's almost forty fucking years later in the UC 0120s
It was still in UC 0110s, but yeah, that's what I alluded to.
Principality: Xamel
Delaz Fleet: Gelgoog Marine
Axis: Hamma-Hamma
Char's Neo Zeon: Jagd Doga Gyunei colors or Geara Doga
Sleeves: Rozen Zulu
Mars/ReZeon: Barzam II
Honorable mention: Hildolfr
Principality: Kampfer
Delaz: Gerbera Tetra (technically a redesigned Gundam though)
Axis: Bawoo and Zaku 3
Reborn Neo-Zeon: All of them, Izubuchi is GOAT
Sleeves: Sinanju (also a redesigned Gundam)
Mars Zeon: Rochester’s Gelgoog RF
Honorary mentions: Galbaldy Alpha, Efreet, Hygogg, Ga-Zownm
AEUG is more like the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars in that it has some former CIS elements fighting with their former opponents against a bigger common threat.
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Dom, Gouf Custom, Kampfer, Hygogg
Gelgoog Marine
Dreissen, Capule, Todestritter, Psycho Doga
Barzam II
>Mars Zeon
Reben Wolf Custom, Gelgoog III
Zeon seems like protoss, spite Earthling MS use death ray while Zeon MS use primitive projectile, unlike starcraft where terrans use primitive projectile while protoss use death rays.
Three way tie between the Gouf, Dom and Kampfer.
>Neo Zeon
None of them, they're all fucking ugly.
>Char's Neo Zeon
see Neo Zeon
>Mars Zeon
Honestly it's unbelievable that there was anyone left alive from Side 3 after the OYW to keep launching these Zeon revivals. After the mass Colony gassings and drop, No "Zeon is exhausted" speech would have ever been necessary. The entire earth sphere would have DEMANDED total war. Calls for the complete extermination of every man, woman and child who had ever lived in Side 3 would have been almost universal. We're talking Bronze Age levels of bloodthirst. hunting down and killing holdouts in Axis or shitpiece rogue fleets like Delaz would have been considered matters of national survival. No level of "muh Anaheim playing both sides" would have been able to counteract the rage caused mass death Zeon gleefully caused in the opening week. If anything it would have been politically impossible to not purge Anaheim if they refused to get in line.
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Cannot forgive requiem of vengeance for turning zeon from space samurai group like Ral,Misha,Norris,Gato to woke progressive freaks. It would be silly for them to kamikaze and gyokusai with nose piercing, Karen hair like pic rel.
They would have accepted Earthling rebels, such as Titans remnant to get younger members.
Nah I'm saying it would have never gotten to that point. There would never have been a Titans in the first place because Titan ideology, at least in the "kill all Zeons" sense, would have been more or less universal from the beginning of the war. In actuality Side 3 would have wiped out by an invasion of angry, grieving, bloodthirsty Feds. I'm talking full blown crimes against humanity here. Rome salting the earth at Carthage kinda shit. Zeon simply killed so fucking many people on such a wide scale in one fell swoop there isn't anyone in the Earth Sphere who wouldn't have personally lost someone close to them. The writers simply made the casualties of the start of the war way too high for the actual in-universe outcome of the war to happen.
But Char marked Titans as "Anti Earthling movement" in his speech due to losing means to turn into traitor. Winning side is law.
You forget that the Fed government genuinely does not give a shit what it's population thought. The Federation military by the time of A Boa Qu was in a pretty dogshit position. The offensive that got the Zeon off earth spent them more than the Zeon, and Ghiren knew it. They had the mass for one big drive but if the Zeon held they're in trouble. That's why Ghiren was so smug. Even if he lost A Boa Qu, the Feds would still be tapped out from losses if it wasn't decisive. What he didn't account for was everyone scattering after he was assassinated. Zeon'd defeat was less of them getting crushed and more just scattering with no leadership. The Feds didn't have the gas to hunt them down then and there, hence why there were so many remnant factions.
What does G-Reco have to do with 0079 timeline? I don't think it was intended to be part of it like Turn A.
in a vacuum the Origin's Deikun makes the extreme ideology of Char's Neo Zeon make more sense, even if Char himself might be parroting it for his own selfish reasons. my only problem with that take is muddies how the Zabi family is portrayed.
It's set after the Universal Century.
I never really saw anything in the show to imply that. It felt like it was it's own unique universe/setting
The people behind that shit made one of the worst 40k fan films called Inquisitor. It's pure garbage featuring Donte DA HERETIC SLAYER

universal century is mentioned as early as episode 3 and appears in a couple of other episodes
Mobile Worker Late Type and Dra-C.
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also in case you're one of those that pays attention to visuals more than dialogue, they literally had UC MS statues in a museum hall and z'goks rusting in the ruins of jaburo
Sazabi it's absolutely the Sazabi I font lile Char but he had a bunch of cool MS
They literally talk about the "mistakes of the universal century " in the show and they do it ALOT
It's even in the first episode.
>You forget that the Fed government genuinely does not give a shit what it's population thought.
I know that but that's what I mean when I say how the war went in-universe is not how it would go irl. Everyone says this about undemocratic/oligarchic/authoritarian systems but it just isn't true past a certain point. There are levels of public discontent that even Totalitarian leaders have to be wary of less another powerful leader in the state uses that uproar to remove them and install themselves in power. Not to mention that the death count from the Zeon attacks was so high even the ruling class would have been affected. There's no case of "Only the poors died" here, The rich would themselves be equally pissed the fuck off and bloodthirsty, and also now see Zeon as an existential threat to their power. I guess what I'm saying is there would have never been an Antarctic Treaty, Side 3 would have been nuked in a glowing debris field the minute the colony fell, Hell they definitely would have done it when M'Quve used one. which also negates the factor of the Fed military being exhausted. Honestly SEED was right to technobabble away nukes because it rightly figured that no amount of Antarctic Treaties would stop the bloodlust of the backstory they wrote. In hindsight Tomino should have just said some bullshit about "Minovsky Particles turn off nukes" or something.
Actually now that I think about what's the status of Nukes in each setting barring the already mentioned UC and CE?
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the good 'ole Zaku II
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En taro Deikun(For deikun), Templari por Munzo!!(We shall retrieve Side 3)- Zeon dialect
Principality- Hildolfr
Delaz Fleet- Xamel
Axis- Xamel II
Neo Zeon- Geara Xamel
Sleeves- Rozen Xamel
Mars- Grand Xamel
CONSENT- Xamel-Rai
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Thankfully yes.
M'Quve would have loved this.

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