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Ultraman Rising is without a doubt one of the worst animated films I've ever seen I can't even list all the issues here because I hit the character limit.

Ultraman constantly bitches and moans about how the Kaiju Defence Force takes things too far with Kaiju by killing them but the movie never takes any amount of time to show the "better way" he deals with Kaiju.

Ultraman never defeats a single kaiju in the movie. The KDF does and Ultraman spends all of his time causing collateral damage, putting civilians in danger, and fighting the KDF for no good reason. Let that sink in.

Even the supposedly good Kaiju is just a baby the adults of that species are complete bastards until the plot needs them to be nice. The first Gigantron we see makes a preemptive strike on a KDF base before moving on to Odaiba it took out the local defence force before moving on to innocent civilians.

I can't get over the balls this movie has with Ultraman's legacy of fighting and killing Kaiju to start going on about Kaiju rights.

We see Neronga three separate times in this movie attacking Japan with violent and murderous intent, the first thing we see in the movie is Bemular attacking a random power plant in the middle of nowhere. If it was so innocent and just like a regular animal then it would just keep to the forests but no it chose to go over there and laser a bunch of innocent people.

And I was under the impression that "Kaiju Island" was impossible to find right? Then where the hell did they find that Kaiju egg? Either they went to Kaiju Island and got the egg because the movie implies that Kaiju are only found on Kaiju Island in which case how is it that Kaiju that can neither fly nor swim find their way to Tokyo? But also if Kaiju are found elsewhere on Earth then there's no point in attacking Kaiju Island because there's still Kaiju everywhere!
Yeah. They didn't really bother with adapting the original concept to Ultraman and the fact many of the themes on the original are entirely compatible with Ultraman(if not even outright done by a few shows) makes it even more retarded.

>I can't get over the balls this movie has with Ultraman's legacy of fighting and killing Kaiju to start going on about Kaiju rights.
That's just Cosmos to be fair, Ultraman does have that angle. Rising just sucks at portraying it.
I thought Ken's dad was just a regular human that made Ultraman somehow they never say where he comes from we're just supposed to guess that he comes from m78 like the ultras even though he shares next to nothing in common with them
90 percent of Ultraman episodes end in a kaiju fatality it's insane that this film wants to say that Ultraman places kaiju above humans
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Well, what the fuck did you expect?
Yeah but Ken is hot and that's all that matters to western audiences. Ultraman? Who gives a fuck?
No matter where I go all I say is praise for this piece of shit calling it on par with Shin Ultraman which considering that's one of my favourite movies of all time I consider that a personal insult.
>90 percent of Ultraman episodes end in a kaiju fatality
Fair enough, but caring for kaiju as living being is something the franchise has done and it can work(Taro and Z aren't Cosmos and had episodes where they regret the killing), it just didn't here.
>it's insane that this film wants to say that Ultraman places kaiju above humans
Rising was shit but I don't think it was trying to say kaiju>humans.

>hot lead so you get women
>le spider-verse aesthetics so you get the easy to please animation community
>Ultraman branding so you get ultraman fans
It almost feels entirely japanese with how efficient it was.
That's just how discourses go nowadays. If you want more objective or even negative reviews you gotta wait until the fad is over
Luckily fads end pretty fast nowadays. Give it a month and the tumblr crowd will be gone.
It's literally not an ultraman movie. The writer and director said the story had nothing to do with Ultraman other than being loosely inspired by it, and that the story was based on his experience growing up and as a father. It's just some retard's fictional auto-biographical sperg film that they slapped the Ultraman branding on.
It was obvious from the trailer that it wasn't going to be an "Ultraman" movie. This much is to be expected when an overseas franchise is adapted for a different audience, just look at what Japan did to Spider-man.
I thought it was just an ok kids movie, cool action scenes at least.
It's inoffensive and not that great, so of course, the contrarians on /m/ are gonna hate it.
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> It's not an Ultraman movie because...It didn't start out as one! Ultraman only inspired it!
>The director just used Ultraman to...tell a story!
>OH MAN, Rising is gonna make Ultraman not kill monsters anymore!
Ya know, it's OK to not like Rising and not come up with some downright retarded reasons?
It also has references to past Ultra shows which automatically makes anything good.


The issue is that this movie is expected to be a bridge to the brand for westerners unfamiliar with it, so it has to be representative of the brand and the movie fails at that. You don't get to make an ending about a father-son specium beam(which is a neat idea if you're familiar with it) without it building it up at least during the movie. If we were to apply your logic sentai fans should be sucking power ranger's dick 24/7.

>I thought it was just an ok kids movie, cool action scenes at least.
The few action scenes were fine but the writing was terrible even for kids movies.
desu that's my first problem with it, it doesn't seem like something they've ever shown to a kid before release.
But you see, references are good! That's why Ready Player One the book is the best Ultraman book ever because it brought in newfags!
Tbh, I would put your taste into doubt if you liked Shin Ultraman that much.
>best Ultraman book
>best Godzilla book
>best Gundam book
Tired from working in that cherry field, cherry picker?
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I Didn't mind it, i felt it could of used One or Two more fight scenes with actual Kaiju given its two hour runtime though.
Fuck off tourist.
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>You don't get to make an ending about a father-son specium beam(which is a neat idea if you're familiar with it) without it building it up at least during the movie.

It's not like they had characters doing the pose throughout the movie. It's not like it's Ultraman's most famous pose either or Shin Ultraman images showing it being fired. Could they have had Kenji fire one off before? Maybe, but I don't think it would have added that much to the scene.
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I thought it was fine for the most part.

Except I don't understand what happened during the gap in time. Initially I assumed it was a legacy host thing and the father literally passed the Ultraman on to his son, but both Ultras at the same time. And the estranged relationship between the dad and the son implies there was no passing of the torch of any sort. So when did the Dad decide to stop being Ultraman? It's strongly implied that the Dad stopped being Ultraman long enough ago that people (like the reporter's mom) weren't able to tell there was a switch (The dad ultraman literally looks different due to age in the present). But we directly hear that the main character didn't step up to the bat till recently. Doesn't that imply there was like years and years of no Ultraman?
Didn't the mom and the dad literally split up to keep the son away from Ultraman business? If the Dad was choosing not to transform for what must have been a decade, why did they bother splitting up the family?
>It's not like they had characters doing the pose throughout the movie.
Without explaining what it is.

>It's not like it's Ultraman's most famous pose either
That requires knowing about Ultraman

> or Shin Ultraman images showing it being fired
That requires already having watched an Ultraman movie

>Could they have had Kenji fire one off before? Maybe, but I don't think it would have added that much to the scene.
Its the bare minimum needed to make the scene work in the context it was utilized. Its not a "maybe".

That's what we're criticizing pretty much. The movie doesn't even show its own version of the workings of the Ultraman title. It doesn't work as a new thing, nor as an introduction to the old thing to a new audience. The Ultraman aspect is entirely secondary.

But it has the Ultraman brand so ultrafags love it.
Christ, it's gamerafag. Abandon thread.
>uses the same argument they used when minus one and godzilla x kong and dc x godzilla happened
>it has godzilla in it so godzillafags love it
Sorry Rebirth isn't as successful as Rising.
There seemed to be strong implication that Gigantron was literally targeting the familiar of KDF members. It deliberately attacked the homes of both the protagonist and antagonist in one night. This gives a good reason for the mom taking the son somewhere safe while the dad stays in Japan to keep an eye on the KDF business. Kaiju were in fact legitimately malicious and dangerous and leaving your family in Japan, where they are active, is a huge risk.
Except as the movie goes you learn Gigantron is apparently just an innocent creature that just had some bad days and the sequential attacks on family homes must have been a coincidence.
From what I've heard from early versions of the story, before it was made into an Ultraman project, Gigantron's role would have been that of a typical supervillain, and it would be less about showing that kaiju are innocent creatures and more just showing that a kid isn't evil just cause their parent was a supervillain. All this makes a lot more sense in that context. Now the attack splitting up the family makes sense as it wasn't a freak thing. Now it makes sense that the father stopped being Ultraman for a while, he was literally in hiding.
At least I use an argument.
Gee, maybe he's trying to recover his clearly fucking broken leg, anon? Mabe THAT'S why he's hesistant to be Ultraman still?
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>Without explaining what it is.
Not a problem.

>That requires knowing about Ultraman
Not hard to find out.

>That requires already having watched an Ultraman movie.
Not hard seeing the Shin Ultraman trailers or images of him firing the beam.

>Its the bare minimum needed to make the scene work in the context it was utilized. Its not a "maybe".
No, it needed to work like that for you.
Kenji firing off his first Spacuim Beam with aid from his Dad still works because it caps off their arcs.
Hell, it still should work for you because it makes you think Kenji is firing it by himself at first, only to show that his Dad is helping him.
>Not a problem.
Yes, its a problem. You don't understand what is it paying off.

>Not hard to find out.
The movies is supposed to be the "find out".

>Not hard seeing the Shin Ultraman trailers or images of him firing the beam.
Again, requires prior knowledge.

>No, it needed to work like that for you.
No anon. That's basic writing. The climax of the story is supposed to close off the story.

>it still should work for you
I've literally watched every show, so I'm kind of familiar with spacium beam. Which also why I said its a neat concept.
But I'm also not the audience for the movie, which is what you have to take into account. If you watch Ultraman without being a japanese kid you should understand this already.

You're just a brand loyalist.
What? Read the post I'm replying to. If no one noticed the aging from one Ultra to the next, it would have been several years, possibly nearing a decade since the father transformed.
Do you know how broken legs work?
Permanant nerve damage, or you know, like it did in the final battle, got absolutely fucking shattered? Yeah those take more then a few months to heal, you retard.
Seemed kinda off color and unessisary to have the robo nanny die in this silly cartoon mascot movie with prominent vomit and poop jokes. Specially because she was very much treated as a human (one of the like three main characters for a good chunk of the movie no less) and they could have easily wrote he as being okay by saying she has a backup or something.
What about YEARS nearing a DECADE are you confused about?
Then you lose the impact of her "death".
It's almost like you genuinely didn't watch the movie. The dad had been Ultraman between the time of the flashback Gigantron attack and the son coming back to Japan. It clearly wasn't permanent.
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>You don't understand what is it paying off.
It's paying off Kenji's and his Dad's arc.

>The movies is supposed to be the "find out".
Kenji fires it at the end of the movie, yeah? Non issue then.

>Again, requires prior knowledge.
To use Google or YouTube? I guess.

>No anon. That's basic writing. The climax of the story is supposed to close off the story.
And Kenji and his Dad closed it by firing the beam. Keep up.

>But I'm also not the audience for the movie, which is what you have to take into account. If you watch Ultraman without being a Japanese kid you should understand this already.

I watched Ultraman Great US VHSs, and along with that a ton of bootleg VHS of Showa. Soon, there was that one volume of the original was released in the US. I saw him fire the beam, to no fanfare or explanation, to kill Bemular. Ya know what I thought as a kid? "That's cool!"
That's all you need. I didn't even know it was called the Spacium Beam till I found out about it on a Geocities site or an Ultra Fan magazine.
I fully understand that Kids don't need to know, they just need to see it.

And you're a child, kid.
>doesn't understand basic writing
>calls anyone else child
sanest risingfag
>Basic writing!
Ah, going for stock reponses, huh?

"brand loyalist" is all you got, huh?
Just another rager.
>stock reponses
There really is not much else to say, you're outright unable to accept that maybe the movie with Ultraman in the name isn't good and you just pull nonsense.
The story it told was retarded. And Ultraman really should kill the kaiju in this movie because the kaiju make a lot of extra effort to find themselves near humans.
I'm sorry, but Spacuim Beam usage does not make a convincing argument in making or breaking a whole movie. You might need to watch more YouTube film critics' essays :^)
What arc his dad learns nothing and stays exactly the same and he destroys humanity's best defence for itself.
>I'm sorry, but Spacuim Beam usage does not make a convincing argument in making or breaking a whole movie.
Never said it did. It was just an example among the multiple issues the movie had. Seriously learn to read.

>You might need to watch more YouTube film critics' essays :^)
Youtubers are the first ones that'd fall for slop just because its part of a large brand. Same as you do.
>There's...other stuff
I'm sure it is about as effective as the Spacuim Beam usage.

>You Brand!
That's really all you got, huh?
And now I await your "no u".
>I'm sure it is about as effective as the Spacuim Beam usage.
A lot, yeah. You can see it in the other posts in this thread discussing the flaws of the movie without a proper refutal.
A lot of Spacuim Beam usage tier stuff, yup.
>how dare you criticize my favorite brand!
I quite liked it desu not one of my favourite movies ever but I thought it was good
don't be such a spineless faggot anon, defend your argument like a man
I did though, you just dissed them and you already proved you don't actually read.
And its not worth arguing much with someone so braindead who thinks movies shouldn't close its themes because google exists. There's no point in engaging in actual discussion.
The worst part is that this tripe is what Westerners will think of whenever they hear "Ultraman" now
Better than the netflix anime.
I don't think anyone will remember this movie other than Ultraman fans, and not in a fond way.
It will end up the same way as that Ultraman Marvel crossover
Why not talk about it in the thread? If you want attention, make a podcast and talk about it there. Learn some applicable and desirable skills while you’re at it, like public speaking and sound engineering.
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