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E.G.G.M.A.N. thread
Could Eggman beat Dr. Hell? Or would they recognize each other's genius and team up?
Dr Hell would call eggman a genius and simultaneously an absolute moron
If he's an egg, why does he like red so much?
I get the feeling Hell would let Ivo have it for constantly losing to a blue rodent it just hit me that mike polock voiced Hell at one point
But Diablon isn't an Eggman mech...
Eggman and Hell would not like each other at all, I think
As for whether Eggman could defeat him, I'd say he's got more resources, but I think Hell has the edge in technology
Eggman would lambast Dr. Hell for not being nearly enough of a showman and for kowtowing to hellspawn niggas and Dr. Hell would lambast Eggman for being a showboat whose autistic fixations let Sonic beat him every time. Working together, they would create absolutely sickass Eggkikaiju and furiously hatefuck.
I'm sure Eggman's kill all furrys doctrine would interfere with Dr. Hell's minions a bit though.
Why hasn't Eggman made himself a robot
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For me, it's the Egg Emperor

Egotism. Eggman already thinks he's perfect.
Pretty sure he did in the Archie comics. Though, it was an alternate universe.
Eggotism, if you will.
Who wins?
I'm fond of the SA1 Egg Mobile.
It was hilariously complicated in Archie
tl;dr He was from an alternate universe where Robotnik (not Eggman, it's complicated) was backed into a corner and Roboticized himself. He initially lost until Robotnik Prime showed up (again, long story) and gave him the confidence boost to win his war. Then, when he learned Robotnik Prime had died, he decided to replace him. His original body is destroyed and he downloads himself into the Eggman body.
If it's the Sonic Chaos walker specifically, then Robbit. Upgrade it to the SA2 Eggwalker and it's a bit more debatable.
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Post your favorite badniks
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love this weak stupid little nigga
I became a mecha fan thanks to really liking the Sonic franchise as a kid 20 years ago. Not just Eggman's mechas but also the Metarex from Sonic X season 3.
That whole season was a mecha anime in all but name.

I'm still nostalgic about it from time to time
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Why did they repeat Nega Wisp Armor fight as the final boss in three different games?
Discount Gamma from SA2 was pretty cool. Also technically not a badnik but Artificial Chaos.

Budget and/or time constraints
Apparently we're getting a Transformer x Sonic crossover soon
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e 100 chads rise up
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Sonic X definitely had some mecha leanings, between stuff like the X Tornado and season 3 in general.
Could be fun. Makes me wonder how Dr. R will interact with the decepticons cause I doubt he'd stand for free-willed robots that aren't loyal to him.
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In general, I'd probably say Motobug. It's iconic and probably not a unique choice but can't go wrong with it. Also Metal, though I highly respect Mecha as well.
Also an honorable mention to Sasori from Sonic CD.
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Where the FUCK is Egg Emperor?
My nigga
He did in the comics and it didn't go super well for him. Also he generally doesn't have the need too, so why waste time on that when he could be building more shit to murder the blue furry?
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Egg Shogun Z from the IDW comics was a pretty neat super robot homage. It even does the Obari Sword Pose.
Is there art of his Wukong mecha from Sonic Chaos for the Gamegear?
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For me, it's the E101 Mk 2.
I know it’s overused as fuck nowadays, probably Ivor’s most used machine beyond the Death Egg Robot and the ole wrecking ball, but fuck you, I love the Egg Dragoon, giant fuck off dragon robot with flamethrower feet, multiple cockpits, a multi-purpose gatling laser, completely unnecessary holographic wings, and a Getter 2 style drill missile just speaks to my soul.
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Goddamnit, I forgot my image, kill me now.
I think he also had a Mazinger Z robot in Sonic X.
Not Eggman made, but the bosses in Frontiers were top tier.
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Ancient robots are cool and all but I kind of wish there were more traditional badniks in Frontiers, outside cyberspace levels. It feels unrealistic to me that Eggman had so many field labs but nothing maintaining them. At least scatter some broken shells to give clues as to what happened to them.
Hot rod interacting with sonic could be interesting since both of their designs and personalities were based on 80s American counter culture. They'd either be cool or hate another, no exceptions
Frontier had a top tier song as well.
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If you meant Sonic Blast, then no. None of the boss machines in that game got artwork.
It's a damn shame how they ran it into the ground.
Too much of a good thing I suppose. At least each interpretation of its fight has been fundamentally different, being a Werehog fight in Unleashed, a regular Sonic fight in Generations, and a two-parter with the wrecking ball done as Classic Sonic in Forces.
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It's named after God Mars.
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He was talking about this one.
(In the same episode Shadow get a Lalah moment with a girl)

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