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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22696593
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me your WIPs!
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Pretty manly to carry your bro across Sunsa.
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SPOONS! It looks better irl I swear. The blue is very nice, but the reds aren't what I want. I primed the first batch of the MGEX SF, tomorrow I will melt more in my cuck shed with that heat, then I will have gaudy gold and copper parts
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how do you plan out scribing lines so that their shapes look good and don't go overboard? Just crib off more detailed versions of the kit till you can feel it out?
and on that topic, can you carve a seam line into a panel line with just a usual scriber?
Be honest anons, how many projects are you working on at the same time?
...and how many have you began but not touched in a long time?
i have about 10 kits in various stages of completion (3-4 are like 95% done). most haven't been touched in about a year. i usually only actively work on 1-2 kits at a time
Like 5. And 4 of those I haven't substantially touched in a while. The rest are relegated to snapshit existence until I'm done with these.
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Which is your favorite Armored Core kit? Do you look forward to 30mm AC?
Just one at a time, I can't stand having several at once
I'm pretty good at working on one at a time but I feel like it causes a bit of burnout since I'm usually more excited to be working on the next thing than what I currently am by the end
>hobby store gets a new shipment
>it's entirely seed shit
what the fugg
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I would rather wait for koto acs. I prefer acs in 1/72
>Still no Steel Haze Ortus
>Still no Balteus
>Still no Cel 240
>Still no Hal 826

I know there won't be more kits coming, but damn I want those so bad at least in HG.
Some random Chinese company might make a bootleg you never know
>I would rather wait for koto acs. I prefer acs in 1/72
The Koto AC6 kits aren't 1/72.
what scale are they?
Officially non-scale but the Steel Haze was roughly the same size as their Supplice figure which is about 30cm tall.
Non scale, last I checked Steel haze was bigger than sazabi (nearly 30cm tall). Likely near 1/48 or bigger
what the fuck
where was the g-line light armor announced? any release date confirmed?
I wish I could find one at a good price
It was at one of those hobby shows a few days ago but it was just a prototype with no release date or price
HLJ have one in stock

Ah shit, thanks for reminding me I preordered the MG Sinanju, now it's backordered.
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eg ν gundam was breddy fun to put together, surprisingly great lack of stickers for such a cheap kit
why don't they do high grades like this, if it's possible at such a low price point? or are they selling it at a loss, hoping it'll pull in new gunpla ppl to buy other, profitable, kits?
EGs are a textbook example of high investment for cheap product, they're very well engineered for their relatively low intricacy which makes them cheap to produce in large amounts which is exactly what they're for.
That being said, so far they're also based on fairly simple designs which makes things easier too.
And for what it's worth modern HGs often reach a similar point, like a lot of Witch kits.
>And for what it's worth modern HGs often reach a similar point, like a lot of Witch kits.
It's more accurate to say that most modern HGs are glorified EGs, complete with simplistic c-clip joints and lots of cheap looking hollow parts
not really, no
vaguely reminds me of the beyond global rx78-2, where it's a relatively cheap kit with interesting engineering. wonder what the next EG is going to be
Please stop posting your scarred up legs
sry i'll try harder
Here's hoping for Mk-II. It might not be the most impressive but it's still popular and I want an easy way to get parts from it.
Probably gonna be Exia tho
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Here's where I'm at with the XFS Psycho-Blade. I just realized I forgot to paint the leg vents white, so I'll do that while I wait for the weapon to dry. I honestly like how it turned out so much I'm considering buying a resin printed crest for it. Also outside pictures today because my poor inside lighting doesn't do the black any good.
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I'm new to gunpla, what the hell does Ver. Ka mean
Gotta say the bootleg mold of the Psycho Blade looks pretty solid, and your execution is even better.
version katoki, as in hajime katoki
he is a mobile suit designer, and sometimes he will reimagine a kit to fit more with his personal style, and the resulting kit is a version of that kit that has been redisgned by katoki, hence Version Katoki, or Ver. Ka for short
Thank you anon, I can't say if it was just my copy or not but this mold is significantly better than the Woundwort and Hazel-II. The plastic is noticeably harder, even on the frame. It's much better quality and requires much less sanding to do overall.
The HG00 line is nearly 20 years old at this point. Would not be surprised if we get some HGAD kits in a few years.
That's very good to know, I have their Woundy and legit Hazel II so I am tempted to get them a friend.
Probably, yeah. A lot of them hold up quite well but there's also many that are getting up there in age, Exia itself included. And if the potential new 00 project planned for circa 2027 really does happen at least this decade, that would be a good time to do a HGAD line.
Didn't they scale them up for display? I recall white glint and gaea being the same size alongside steel haze
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>turn A nearly 30 years old
>only ONE high grade and two old ass master grades
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Turn A is not very popular and only ever got 8 kits back when it was airing. I don't think Bandai really cares nor did they ever expect to really sell models with it, it was never the point of the show.
but the designs are so cool aaaa why can't the japanese like it more so bandai would start making kits for it
>two old ass mg
I remembered when turn a was announced thou-
Welp. Guess im not long for this world.
>I recall white glint and gaea being the same size alongside steel haze
Those models had disclaimers that they were display-only models not intended for production, Steel Haze didn't
Plus the producer for the AC model line already said this would be the actual size
I wonder what kind of retard they have working there to think "hmmm yes we shall make our new AC line not in scale with the others this is brilliant." Lost my sale Koto, buying Bandai's which are actually scaled with my Koto ACs instead because of this clown shit.
that's awesome then. i wonder what they'll price them at
>I wonder what kind of retard they have working there to think "hmmm yes we shall make our new AC line not in scale with the others this is brilliant
Because 1. they wanted to do better details and more gimmicks, 2. they want to release more decoction model figures and the AC6 model kits are compatible with them, and 3. making their kits the same scale as before would put them in almost direct competition with Bandai
The old AC kits have enormous detail and reproduce most of the gimmicks. They could reproduce more at that scale if they wanted, too. They aren't exactly small, even the AC5 kits. To be 1.5x the size is completely fucked for something that doesn't truly look any better than the old ones.
I get that EG is targeting for normies but why they haven't make Char's Zaku considering his popularity? Also, hoping they also do EG MK II considering it's shared similarity with RX 78 design
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>do EG of a unit famous for it's strange one "wing" design for it's funnels
>don't include the one thing that made it famous
I don’t know anon, why don’t you ask them? Ffs these questions are retarded. Use your head anon, how are we supposed to know what banrise thinks?
the thing about Bandai decisions is that they make absolutely zero sense
/thread over forever. No more discussion about anything, ever.
Umm maybe you could pyw faggot like these threads are for instead of jerking yourself off about how much smarter you are than banrise execs who make more money than you.
>most modern HGs are glorified EGs, complete with simplistic c-clip joints and lots of cheap looking hollow parts
You obviously doesn't know what you are talking about at all.
You are the one who is making a display of aggressive ignorance. Once you bandaibabbies dip your feet into real model kits from other manufacturers, you will gain some perspective about the soft gummy details you’ve become accustomed to.
>Thread about gunpla and plamo
>it's illegal to discuss the companies that produce the gunpla and plamo
It sounds like you would be happier on another website where you can police the discourse.
It sounds like you can’t cope with criticism without attacking a straw man.
what kind of guys do you like?
Being similar designs doesn't really mean anything, an EG MK-II would not share anything with the EG RX-78.
>Once you bandaibabbies dip your feet into real model kits from other manufacturers
Yeah, like Maschinen Krieger.
>how are we supposed to know what banrise thinks?
Take a load of meth, smash your head into a wall, and then take advice from a chimpanzee fed a steady diet of cocaine and with a shock collar fitted to it's balls to hit it with maximum power at random intervals.

That will accurately simulate the situation that is doddering CEO's with brain rot being advised by shit for brains investor's screaming that number must go up and also this is what the kids want so do it.
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>Modern HG looks so gummy and cheap bro! The old HG looked much sharper, edgier and better bro
>Old HG:
Uncircumcised. I like watching the skin slide back and forth.
You just outed yourself as a bitchboy, larping as someone who gives criticism. When you intentionally hate something, it is nolonger criticism. It is just bitching for the sake of bitching.
What kit is that? I want one.
Any recommendations for a decent cheap beater airbrush I can spray 2k clear through and not feel bad if I miss some during cleanup and brick it?
It's the grunt suit from Gundam 00, I forgot the name since it's in the early episodes.
not relevant to the thread but guys older than me, dominant, white, taller than me, etc.

tieren ground type
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HG Tieren. And yes that pic is not even a meme or joke, it actually only has green and grey runners. It supposed to have 2 bronze colored breast pieces but those are stickers.
Old HG is like those tank kits that boomers usually gushing on, just one giant blob of single color with very little efforts put into them from the publisher.
The irony :)
>n-no you!!1!
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The cheap and ugly modern HG with cheap hollow parts, c clip, dull edges vs the soulful old HG with superb color separation, fullfilling parts, top notch polycaps technology and rough, hard edges. Bandai Babbies should return to the roots and by old gen HG because that's what real chad enjoy.
Skill issue. Older kits are fine retard, you just have to put more work into them.
in what scenario would you be kitbashing ACs from different gens anyways
Then what's your excuses of putting less work into newer kits, then? If you came here to bitch about Bandai bad and shit like that, then no one cares about your opinion.
the zowort head looks like a flabbergasted frog wtf
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Not the first frog mobile suit.
Based, make them do the Chad vs Virgin meme
>cold starts disappearing
>decide to buy topcoat and try it for the first time
>nothing but rain or 70%+ humidity days for 2 months
I think I angered the snapgods
>guys older than me, dominant, white, taller than me, etc.
How fucking typical
Was this guy a legit pedophile or did he just have pedo vibes, I forget
Turn on your air conditioner. It kills off every moistures in the room, even from your own skin. I successfully topcoated my kit using it, and humidity in my place is like 90%
The Plight of An European (feat. me)
Well in the show, this dude is the pedophile one.
Can you send me your mg the o, Luxembourg anon?
The road to snapshitting is full of suffering.
is it wrong to like muscular men with deep voices and handsome hairy chests and nice muscles? sorry im not into fat brown manlets

he can't look like that and not be a pedo
Do you use different colours for panel lining or do you just go all in on black?
Black only, I even panel line my black kits with black
Did the kit come with stickers?
If you want to panel line properly, you'd need what is essentially 2 or 3 shades darker of every color you use on a kit. Because panel lines are supposed to represent where the shade and debries/dust/etc collects between the armor plating of a mecha.

That said, most surfaces you can use black. Gold you should use brown.
White should be some sort of grey. Never black. If you panel line black on white, you are doing it completely wrong and you disgust me.
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Should I pull the trigger?
>White should be some sort of grey. Never black. If you panel line black on white, you are doing it completely wrong and you disgust me.
What if the panel lines are really thin and you're aiming for an illustration-like style?
Why not wait for the superior HG line reprint?
>not into fat brown manlets
Based if a real woman
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Just snapshit HG Shive A and i'm surprised by how well engineered it is. Solid and sturdy with none of its main joints being C-Clip. The design also grew on me.
What's the most you've ever spent on a single model kit?
What's the most you could ever see yourself spending on one?
If you're aiming for that then you're probably painting the whole thing as cel shaded, because's usually how illustration work such as lineart is done.

Unless you're doing it manga style, in which case, yeah, sure, paint the whole mecha white and then line every single edge to look like it's drawn.
I think you got too many microplastics in your brain from not wetsanding, bro. No one cares about your obsession.
>What's the most you've ever spent on a single model kit?
~130 (including shipping) usd for the solomon physalis, and i think it was worth it
>What's the most you could ever see yourself spending on one?
probably 300 dollars MAYBE 350 if it was something i was absolutely in love with
It came with the color correcting and foil stickers, it also came with waterslides for the Woundwort. The Re-Zeon waterslides on this are G-Rework
>Superior HG
This nigga gets it
Yes, the MG is the better version.
Both mgs are peak though
why is it superior?
This guy’s great
please don't, you make me hard
good luck finding the turn x for less than 200 dollars, let alone anywhere near it's normal price
im just hoping the mg turn a i preordered actually gets shipped reasonably on time so i can get it without worrying it got lost in transit or something
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Since it shares like 90% of the same mold anyway, how likely do you think it would be for the Nightseeker II to have all the parts to make the Nightseeker I? I'm thinking of ordering two for that purpose but I don't know if I should go for it.
I got mg turn x for like 40 dollars lol
Take the politics talk back to >>>/pol/, this is not the place for it.
Everything is as they have foreseen.
It would be in character at this point if scamdai cut all the unused pieces off the runners in premium kits, the only thing stopping them is the extra effort it would take
Astray or Unicorn PG?
Not satisfied with the 92% import tax of goods items valued at more than $50, Brazil has now passed a new law taxing goods UNDER $50 as well (around 45%).
Fuck this shit.
Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
I hate this monkey country so much.

This might be the last time I buy gunpla and paints for the next couple of years because of this shitty law (I'm not poor, but I refuse to pay almost twice the price for goods that are already overpriced to fuck).

I'm probably gonna buy a $1000 worth of gunpla and paints until end of July when this law becomes effective.
Leave Brazil nigga damn
No way.
Other than not being able to get my plastic crack easily, Brazil becoming an even worse shithole works well for me since I work for an American company and get paid in USD, which means that as Brazil gets worse my purchasing power actually increases. Once I tackle my backlog (which feels endless with over 20 kits), I plan to travel to the US or Japan to get more. My bigger concern, though, is paints. I'm running low on MR. Color and Gaia Notes bottles.
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25k yen for the muv-luv nonscale 00c takemikazuchi kit. They announced the 1.5 kit a month later.
After that the next up would be white glint + V.O.B. for about 15k yen total if you count the individual purchases
Didn't really care for these or anything else in seed freedom but I'm tempted to grab one to paint in Tokai Teio's colors since her race uniform was supposedly the inspiration for them.
Was it even worth importing things under $50 before in the first place? Shipping is so expensive now.
$250 for PG Unleashed RX-78-2
Probably around $750
Unicorn is more fun.
>Was it even worth importing things under $50
From Japan? No.
But from chinese resellers, absolutely.
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If you have a bit of change to spare, Volks will be opening up applications for a reprint of their 1/8 Scopedog kit.
It can be yours for only 220,000 yen!
$251 for PG Perfect Strike
Anon that got the bootleg Woundwort from Aliexpress. Are you around?
Would you mind sharing the link?
I remember your came with decals at like 9USD and I'm interested
Mobile suit for this feeling?
It is a good kit. Grab one if you feel like it, also it checks every boxes of what makes a good kit.
I got it for $9cad, they gave me a discount for my first order lol. I'm the same anon with the Psycho-Blade in the thread, same company makes that one too.
So we're just never getting MGs of the non-Hazel suits are we?
Nice. Thanks.
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Meanwhile in chinkland
I wish they gave the full Code Geass line another chance. There are some stuff from the movie and Roze that I want kits of. The recent CG HGs seems to be only reserved for nostalgia stuff, and only the Lancelot was even retail.
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Has anyone ever build anything from JMS because there's a GM Spartan that was made by two chink brands, JMS and XFS. I already build the XFS one
XFS and JMS Spartan kit pictures look identical. Are you sure it's not the same kit but different brand names?
The only thing I know that each have different box. I don't know what's the difference between them quality wise. Also JMS now make Zeta III >>22701023
I see. Might just be shops using the wrong images. I supposedly have an XMS Spartan on the way.
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Found this unlabelled bottle of colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid among my Gunpla supplies. Must've been sitting there for over a year now. How the fuck can I tell what this is? I'm 70% sure it's thinner, but not sure if it's Tamiya, Mr. Color, leveling thinner, etc. Pretty sure it's not hardware store thinner because it would've melted the bottle by now. What choices do I have besides taking this bottle to a chemist? Don't want to throw it away on the chance it's some good leveling thinner.
Just compare the smell to other things in your hobby supplies?
Smells like nothing else I have.
Smells a little sweet I guess but mostly odorless. Touched a bit of the liquid with my fingertips. Stings a little.
Opened the bottle and gave another big whiff. Jesus Christ, I almost fainted. This shit seems odorless, but it's somehow strong. I don't feel so good. Could this be expired thinner? Does thinner even expire? Going to bed.
If it gives you a headache but doesn't have a smell it's probably plastic cement or maybe acetone. Put some in a separate container with a piece of junk plastic and see what happens to it.
I have this kit but idk if my current skills are up to the task. Gotta practice on more gundamslop first.
Can he also gift me fazz ver. ka?
weird, got this spam in two threads im following that are completely unrelated
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P-Bandai B-Packs soon
>Going to bed
Of course.
I swear to god if it comes with a second core fighter...
Oh not that Gundam again.
Fuck yes. Hope the pack is seperate.
>really want this
>not american or asian
Chat am I cooked???
it's baffling Bandai talks about expanding on global scale at literally every opportunity but has done diddly shit even for america, let alone any other part of the world
>for america
we have a p-bandai store and it works great? Shame about every other country in the world that isn't in Asia though.
You have a p-bandai store, sure but that's about it.
There's been like, what, 3 officially translated manga in recent years? It's hardly devoting resources and effort towards expanding the brand in the west despite what Bandai insists is their current goal.
Should've been the A-Packs.
>Old HG is like those tank kits that boomers usually gushing on, just one giant blob of single color with very little efforts put into them from the publisher.

Probably because you don't see tanks painted 4 fruity ass colors at once. And boomer modelers are actually capable of using glue and paints to assemble and paint/weather models. Your run of the mill armor modeler would wipe the floor with any snapshitted car paint gunpla builder.
that's really more of a general manga industry problem. Putting Gundam in theatres and making a Netflix production is expanding the brand in the West. Most manga just don't get translated. There's a lot of it and it's expensive to publish books. We'll need digital manga sales to become more normalized with the only barrier to sale overseas being translation for it to change.
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Just snapped up the gouyo, it’s a surprisingly nice kit, refreshing after a ton of gundams
Trying to figure out how ai want to equip it, I think the origin zaku anti-ship rifle works pretty well
Would Bandai build a manufacturing factory of their model kits in outside of Japan a good idea?
>Literally have the full thing designed
>release it as a nearly 200 dollar metal build
bandai are collectively schizos. simple.
Those are some sad colors
Yes I do this to promote better capillary action.
You mean cut deeper? We might get lucky and you bleed out.
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Why does Bandai sell bikini part for action figure while censoring bikinis in anime and games, such as Wokuen Idolmaster having ugly burka as "swimsuits" instead of bikinis in predecendants, due to Sweet baby inc? Why is Bandai so double standarded?
not here too ffs
oh hey bikini schizo
>due to Sweet baby inc
what does this mean?
absolutely nothing
>Sweet baby inc
As far as I know SBI only ruin videogames. But there might be similar group of extortionists that would affect model kits with DEI nonsense.
wrong AND wrong, woah
Because Gakuen IM@S has burka for every girl in swimsuit event instead of Bikinis in predecendants. It broke the narrative "only Japanese gacha can have bikinis"... I think some consultants must have been involved in Gakuen IM@S to See this falling into Wokem@s, Burk@mas...
can i have some of what you're smoking
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Is 30MS(Waifu bionicle by bandai) bikini part considered safehorny then?
Okay. So they ruin more that just videogames then.
Just 0.5L of zero coke.
just go away schizo
Unless she's your waifu, stop calling her that newfag.
Yeah. GKmas's swimsuit must been censored by wokism. Next love live would be diverse with trans raibu and black raibu.
Can't you fucks have a single thread without replying to every single bait?
Is 30MP bionicle ripoff?
BoxGODS take another win against snapKEKS and paintCHUDS
MGsisters, it's over...
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I just finished my first 30MM kit, its pretty neat I turned its backpack into a tiny tank.
Is this bionicle ripoff? 30MF obvious looks like bionicle.
Anon, please, give your Kampfer some colour correction. At least use the markers.
What do you expect of a 30 minute mouthbreather?>>22701400
It's actually just megablocks
One day I will remember to buy some paint or markers instead of more kits then I will do it.
I'll keep reminding you every single time you post your stuff
i mean, Tamiya has been manufacturing model kits in the Philippines for 30 years now, so yeah. i'm actually surprised Bandai isn't doing the same for their plamo.
looks nice, anon
SD EX-standard and Three kingdoms stuff are made in China. (which is why they don't use the SDCS frames, their molds are in JP)
Kits from Toy/Gashapon/Candy departments like Ganso SD and Minipla have always been made in China.
Is that a For The Barrel Turn A?
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She's so hot
That's got the soul of a child in it anon...
A-Packs when
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An ugly one to boot.
>I already build the XFS one
How is the XFS one? I wanted to buy a few for army building but the suspiciously low price makes me wary for the quality.
from what I hear the JMS one is higher quality
apparently if Bandai is 10, JMS is 9 and XFS is like 7/8
not a huge difference when you get to it, but they're evidently different companies so it's kinda funny they did this at the same time
>She is just an 18 meters tall robot, you monster!
The way you subhuman faggots bitch about 30MM will never not being funny to me.

>Anon, please, give your Kampfer some colour correction. At least use the markers.
NTA but Kampfer is a giant blue blob. Even the MG looks like that.
Gundam is a bionicle ripoff. Imagine snapfitting your modelkit when you are supposed to glue the parts together like the old days.
I wish I could block IPs here
Canada Day sales are about to wreck my bank account...
you fucking snowflakes named a day after yourselves?
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Kampfer 2.0 pls
Don't lump me in with the Bionicle autist, I'm just a humble snapshitter.
It always makes me smile remembering the MG Mk-V was slated to be a retail release but got moved to P-Bandai at the last second just to BTFO poorfags.
I want it to happen
Cry harder 30 minute nigger. Go play with your megablocks little gay boy.
NTA but it seems you are the one crying. He’s not changing the kampfer and there’s nothing you can do about it. Cope seethe etc
I don't give a fuck about the Kampfer lol I just think you're a 30mm fag
Get better bait
>Even the MG looks like that.
are you retarded? with just a glance at the mg vs your snapshitted hg it's obvious that the crotch and chest thrusters are color separated on the mg but unpainted and blue on your hg
Okay, but what about Full Armor ZZ
I don’t care if it’s more lineart accurate, something about the proportions look off compared to the HG. still pretty good looking though
Its just less cool than the FAZZ, but honestly I dont particularly like any version of the ZZ
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>implying it's bait
Bruh I literally just got this reborn 100 hummer hummer for like a hundred euro bucks that's just gonna sit in my box fort. I am literally NEETmaxxed af and buying rare and expensive kits all the time, I don't see how there are so many poorfags who can't buy actually competitively priced kits on P-Bandai. I guess I'm just spoiled being from the richest country in the world where everyone is just casually driving luxury cars and wearing perfectly tailored designer clothes.
Very cool anon, let us know when you get good at painting
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new thread guy thought my WIP was good enough to be the op image. and everyone actually posted in it. I finally got my own thread. And then I had ANOTHER painted build that new thread guy made the op image too. how many of your builds has new thread guy picked to be the thread image?
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>made the op image
fucking kek, you're absolutely retarded
you didn't answer my question.

i'm already a better painter than 99% of this general. people told me this before i revealed i was luxemchad.
>h- he made me the OP image, t-that means it's good, right anons? Right?
So tired of newfags
Okay mompuncher, whatever helps you sleep at night.
anon he just picks the last one in the thread
idk 6 or 7 ish maybe
That's really funny coming from you who had to buy a shitty Chinese bootleg of The O because you can't afford a Bandai one
I wish they sold V-thor's odachi as an MSG part..
Just buy one from Amazon, recast the sword parts with resin and return the package for a refund. EZ
oh wow, you save a measly 10~15% off of...plamo paint? no local stores here are willing to do massive discount sales unless it's kyoukai senki shit
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You do play with your toys right anons?
What's the best (US) site to buy Mr. Hobby stuff if the only hobby shop near me is a Hobby Lobby? I want top coat. Preferably with fast shipping, soon it'll be too humid to do anything.
aztoyhobby or Burbank's House of Hobbies. They always have stuff in stock and at competitive prices. Galactictoys is good too but shipping is more expensive.
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>I just think you're a 30mm fag
The chad 30MM vs the chud Gunpla.
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Zaku 2.5 and Guncannon 3.
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Kek. Greeblefags btfo
>perfect gundam if it was fucking awful
>gp02 if it sucked ass
god I hate thunderbolt
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Does Katoki even use panel line that much? I think it is more like a Yanase's thing.
Bull G is not a Gundam. Lore-wise, it is Guncannon 3 but the head was decorated to inflate the retail price.
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I don't care that Ohtagaki has no creative ideas, it's clearly meant to evoke the style of "bulky post-OYW Gundam"
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Its body is literally just a Guncannon-type MS.
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doesn't look like it, it's literally just a big jumble of squares with a v-fin on top ike any Thunderbolt gundam
besides, if it's called a gundam it's a gundam and "Bull-G" is halfway there already
like 4 or 5
its not hard when only 1 build gets posted per thread for the past 2 years and he just picks the 1 build from the last thread
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The story literally stated that it is a Guncannon. The manufacturer just decorated its face into more Gundam-like in order to inflate its price.
you're not even reading my replies are you
Given that MG Narrative-C just released literally last month, announcing a P-Bandai add-on to it so quickly is already quite remarkable. The B-Packs is a lot smaller and easier to plan and get into manufacturing.

Unfortunately, add-ons of this size for 1/100 scale simply don't happen (for example we still don't have MG Meteor Unit or MG GN Arms after literal decades), so I wouldn't get my hopes up unless some Chinese company does it or someone makes a 3D print.

She's in her 20's by the time the main story happens.
>what if I stole the joke from Crossbone and made it worse?
god I fucking hate Thunderbolt
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Place your bets
All on nothing.
it's all p-bandai
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What are some kits I should look into if I love the silhouette of a bunch of thrusters sprouting out from behind?
The Deep Striker would be nice but it's way too pricey.
Psycho Zaku is right up your alley.
Showcase of HG Dragon and the prototype of HG Bolt. Maybe a teaser for either HG Rising or RG Master Shut up. It'll happen one day
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Full Armor Unicorn
Shuffle Alliance+Gundam Spiegel
Maybe something new from the novel
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Finished up XFS Psycho-Blade.

looks cool!
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That's clean
I need this chonk so much.
It is just a meta joke about the franchise's popularity, anon.
it's literally just smough
And Bandai doesn't reprint it sadly.
p-bandai RG Master Gundam
retail HG Devil Gundam
p-bandai Grand Master Gundam
Figurise Standard DG cell'd Rain
Retail MGEX God, HG Tequila, HG Nether
P-Bandai HG Spiegel, HG Bolt, HG Dragon
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HG α Azieru?!
is power armor 1/24ths okay here?
Anything plamo is okay
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Bought it just because the box looks pretty.
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We better not get a hg of that ugly piece of shit before big zam or the weird crab thing from 08th team.
The Neo Zeong is that small??
Scale in the animation has always been more of a suggestion
How is that small? It towers even Psycho Gundam.
Thank you anons
now post your feet
Very pretty! Does the kit come with the ReZeon decals?
Pay me
Thank you, no those are from the G-Rework set
Swear it was MUCH bigger. Apsaras III over there is huge.
RE gp04 or RG hi-nu?
I will choose the RE gp04 anytime of the day, mainly because it will never be reprinted again while RG Hi-Nu will be reprinted until the end of time and you can buy it no problems at all.
great advice and good point, thanks
newtype has a restock on the gp04 fwiw
That's kick ass. I'd love to have the fuckhuge box sitting around forever.
Finaly, I broke down and overpaided for an RG Crossbone. Hope it's really a good kit
it's fantastic but why overpay for it?
The red is brighter and flashier now, exactly what I wanted, applied some clear red over it. I'll keep the blue as it is. I tried to get a red/purple on the second spoon but it looks the same as the regular red
Really had an itch to build it this weekend so I ordered from Amazon. free next day shopping got me
whats the best vallejo paint match for the kind of off white on the dagger L?(Would post pic but my files always come out corrupted for some reason)
don't worry, you'll enjoy it. just don't hamhand it bc some of the pieces are on the small side
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I'm still working on a base for this thing. It holds the swords alright for a few photos but over time him arms will droop. I'm trying to use clear acrylic to connect the swords by their mounting points but keep it as hidden as possible. It the meantime the swords prop it up well in a standing pose.
goddamn it, I dont think nightstalkers vthor is gonna get reprinted and Im thinkin of just dropping my shit and getting at 130usd one at amazon as punishment for being a poorfag when it was in print.
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I also gave all my balls a once-over, just need to spray some varnish on their armor.
Very nice. Why not use the base included with the kit for one sword ?
It only reaches as high as the head and for the pose I want to use it's not tall enough. I'll be giving the stand to my F91 which will free up its bigger action base 5 for a kit that needs a bigger base and will also match the bases I've been using for my F90 kits.
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MG Haze'n-thley when?
That's hot.
Sorry, we live in a world where it can get a high-end expensive metal build and a cheapish (but limited) hg but not a mg
Worst name for a mobile suit ever
Post a worse one
take your pick from SEED and IBO
Haze'n-thley at least sticks to a theme and means something
Haze'n-thley II-Rah
>not sticking to a theme
how is sticking "lupus" and "rex" to a demon's name keeping the theme? and then there's all the shit outside of gundams and valkyries that are just randomly generated
Gusion Rebake Full City
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Is there any reason I should go out of my way to use surfacer to prime? I have some being shipped, but I just want to get to painting with what I already have. If I do a decent job sanding, just using a gloss black should be fine, right?
uhhh gunpla shortage again?
>Kshatriya shortage

Should I grab 2 more before this goes out of stock?
>you see, it's absolutely critical we make as many kits as possible p-bandai, there's no way the distributors and stores would want more stuff on their shelves in this situation!
if you're using lacquers and are talking about ps/abs and not something like resin or pom then yes you can safely skip priming. i often use normal ass gloss black mr color gx as "primer" for metallics (it's the same price per ml as surfacer 1500 anyway) over plastic pieces that don't need any surface work and have never had issues with stuff like adhesion and chipping (some people say this is a problem when not priming even when using lacquers, but that is not my experience) because the lacquer thinner keys into ps and abs.
on resin you absolutely need primer and surface prep.
water based acrylics absolutely need primer.
Thank you, anonymous, very informative.
I'm not working with resin yet. Unfortunately, the resin kits I'm interested in are incredibly difficult to find, even if I did find them, I certainly wouldn't paint them until I don't have to ask questions like this.
I took my pick from IBO and it was Gundam Flauros which was not worse. You should have provided a worse name like I asked.
>Another retard forgot that watership down is required reading
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i love Ghost so much
Those flame effects are cool, and is that metallic plating? Might have to buy this...
>metallic plating
Imagine the nub marks
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it's undergated
unknown technology, I know
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It's P-Bandai and retailed for like 7k yen, so you're probably out of luck unless you wanna pay scalped prices. Pretty cool for an HG though
I kinda hate Crossbone is mostly focused on HGs while all other late UC stuff is F90 MGs and a few RE/100s. I'd kill for a MG Phantom and Ghost. Even better if we get Anchor and variants down the line, could reuse the mold for F89 and it has a few variants too.
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why is the polycap cracking like that what the fuck fuck
These four will be retail.
you know what? fuck it, do it
it will shut up people that insist p-bandai releases make sense and are logical
it's funny because you get shitty ass cheapo chink kits and cheapo old jp kits from the 00s that have undergating, yet bandai still can't manage it as standard .
or, well, deliberately chooses not to, because they absolutely can and it clearly doesn't add as much to engineering costs as bandai shills would have you believe since chinks and 2000s manufacturers managed it just fine for their cheapo kits
evidently whatever engineering costs and troubles it leads to are worth more than what they'd gain from having that as standard
or rather, that's what Bandai thinks and they have repeatedly proven to not be a logical actor
Was Furuya Chad too?
I know what it's from jackass, doesn't make it a good name for a mobile suit
Just watch the movie
free your mind
they can be called whatever you want
yes, he's an old fuck but still getting hot pussy
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Wish chink do Crossbone
>Actually makes a Justice inside a Z’Gokk

Step your game up Bandai.
Mg burning finger ver ka
They need to make little plugs for all the fucking holes
They already did you big lipped dark skinned son of a bitch
>Create a problem
>Sell the solution
I will NOT buy bugfixing DLC.
Painting the lightning bolts was actually fun
Is that the MG VerKa??
I feel rude deleting the post now so I’ll just post a fixed orientation photo
CCA Re-GZ is up for preorder now in case anyone wants it.
build it
It's a "Buy 1, Get 2 Free, Pay the Highest Price" kind of deal. In other words, the exact opposite. They have a surplus of unsold kits, so they're finding a way to get them off their hands by packing two random unsold kits with a more popular kit.
your balls make me want to buy my own balls. I really like the paint
Jesus Christ is it really that bad? I've heard of a 2 for 1 but never a 3 for 1
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>tfw gave my ghosto to a coworker.

Is it hard to get?
You can get one for like $80 on eBay right now, which is basically the same price as it was on the US P-Bandai store
I really do need to book a flight to Japan.
Gunpla shelfwarms hard these days. As much as people love to complain about P-Bandai, moving these kits is not easy for retailers, and they're especially unhappy if the kit is taking up a ton of space in the meantime (hence no retail MGs)
Bandai should like...start sending those excess kits to overseas stores or something! that would solve their issue with old shelfwarming kits hogging up space. I remember not that long ago, some places complained that they would order like 5-10 copies of a kit and bandai would not fulfill that order completely and send them maybe like 3. people were also posting pics of aisles full of reprinted kits in Japanese stores all while non jap posters were complaining about being unable to find those said kits in their local store restocks. Bandai should probably give HLJ and other online retail stores that ship globally more gunpla stock if shit's fucking shelfwarming in Japanese stores. I've had a ton of backordered kits sitting for 2 years now and none of them were fulfilled because either HLJ never got enough to fulfill 2+ years worth of customer backorders or HLJ just never received reprints of those kits cause all of it went to "Japan only" places.
Are you sure the problem isn't just the Japanese economy shitting the bed?
Lmfao get fucked retard
>US hikes up the interest rates because of the incessant printing of the USD
>The Yen is getting absolutely fucked by it.

It's not that the Jap economy is to blame but it's more on that the USD is fucking over everyone else. It's gonna get worse too now that the EU is kicking into overdrive with their sanctions to Russia.
>tfw a girl.

She's one of the people that I share the hobby with.
Oh are you the luxemrager that got cucked by a luxembourg sugar mommy?
They stole my idea.
Has the Sazabi Ver. Ka always been such a floppy mess or am I remembering poorly?
That picture is clearly canada
Her boyfriend moved to Luxembourg. Because Luxembourg is just better.
You don’t even need a p-Bandai store when you live in the richest country in the world. I just buy everything on Surugaya, who cares if it’s 5-10 euro dollars more.
Hey it's my first time on this general so I don't know if it's okay to ask, but does anyone know the compatibility of the original RX 78 - 2 MG model and stands. I have action base 5 but the u type holders don't seem to work.
Lurk moar before posting newfag
>Fucking of all the international countries supported, Bangladesh is included.

How is this shit possible?
no dipshit, it's literally saying only one kit per customer and that no, buying for """friends and family""" doesn't work
retards will believe any shitpost because they're too lazy to use all these free translation tools one click away
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>NG 1/144 Sword Strike
>HGSEED 1/144 Perfect Strike
>1/144 Option Set 02
>RG 1/144 Skygrasper
I feel like people are still operating on the premise that machine translations are only correct once in a blue moon which haven't been the case for a good few years now. Sure, they're absolutely not perfect but at this stage they're entirely serviceable for basic shit like this.
Japan has a shortage of kits taht they have slowly been recovering from due toand scalpers are quickly figuring out which items can be flipped or will shelf warm in their storage.There are scores hg sazabi, hg nu gundam, eg nu gundam, RG epyon,wing MGs, HG chaos, hguc guntank, hguc zeong, and PG kits shelfwarming all over japan currently. Like only the Zeta Ver ka and Narrative and now the sinanju stein nt ver ka are plentiful because Bandai specifically over produced those to combat scalpers. There is literally more variety of kits in random us or hong komg store compared to Gundam Base now.
Anyone compared how tall the sword joint arm for the NG is compared to the Option Parts Set? Remember, the old backpack can use an optional piece from the EX Model Gundam SEED Mecha Set to let the sword sit flush on top of the Skygrasper.
>Finally find a Fazz Ver Ka.
>It's the titanium finish one.

Oh god fucking damn it.
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and Launcher Striker
no idea
>still continuing this post chain that is based off of a complete lie
What the fuck are you doing anon
No, who the fuck is that.
Oh boy it's the season where my twitter TL gets spammed with new wonfes kits I'll never be able to buy
What joy
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What did they mean by this?
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Everyone here really wanted this, right? I hate the MS so it's a no-go for me, but I've seen so many people pissed that it's a P-Bandai kit when it should be retail.
I would rather have an MG dagger or windam.
With how many people got mad at how we got the Strike Dagger as P-Bandai for HG, they should make that for MG as retail, with the Ace Dagger (again, I refuse to call it the 105 Dagger) and Dagger L with Doppelhorn Striker as P-Bandai variants.
>With how many people got mad at how we got the Strike Dagger as P-Bandai for HG
Have they? I feel like it's been just me
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Infinite Justice 2's sticker sheet
But we sure as hell need million more SNEED kits.
Bandai are fags.
I heard that quite recently, Bandai have been running into economic trouble recently, and many of their product is getting cut(like digimon and plamo, which the variety product seem to be shrinking) , and they have been doubling down on bad decision alot.
How true are these rumors?
Thanks to Witch and Freedom it's been their most profitable year so far and by quite a margin iirc.
amazing how they just keep getting uglier
got only infinite justice, but is currently in backlog.
How does /gpg/ feel about immortal justice? I not very interest as it's gimmick isn't as interesting as the infinites, but I am interested in type 2
For me, i love Immortal Justice, especially its angular and sharp design compares to the other in the production line.
>Bandai makes stuff i personally hate, that means this company is doomed.
ugly as fuck like all the new movie designs
But enough about your appearance.
It still looks kinda wack
X-wing on Infinite Justice.
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Gentlemen, Kira sat on the hand of Midas, I'm afraid he has died.
He's died before and it didn't kill him
We need more grunts HG kits
You guys need to think more like bandai. Like a full mechanics Nobel with a lazy p-bandai berserk recolor or p-bandai RG Hyper Mode God.
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You and me anon, we're powerless before the silence of heavens... No one to hear our prayers
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>STILL no GM Light Armor or Trainer
I like the main body the most out of the Justices and I really like the beam boomerangs, but the backpack is terrible. Too blocky, and the cannons aren't even visible work outside of the terrible flight mode.
Night Seeker II just got announced, Light Armor is coming down the line
MSD version sadly but that's our lot
>They will soon get the kits... But in P-Bandai exclusive, faggot!
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Anyone have experience with Motor Nuclear kits? I'm liking some of the 2024 lineup they are teasing but dunno if they are cheap chink shit or what.
Do you have any red paint?
Only worked on one, was good. Couple fitting issues here and there, nothing bad. The metal frame is a really cool feature
Are you dumb? They're also overstocked here. Every gunpla retailer in NA constantly has sales for 15-25% off. There were multiple sites offering 20% off on instock items this past week
Normal justice is still the best for me due to the backpack alone.
Shouldn't have bought so many us bonds
The arms are a little small looking
worth it
Ok even more reason not to ship more kits overseas then
Gundiver when?
How are moderoid kits now? I saw that a lot of cool kits were announced a week ago but I only ever hear about the kits from 3 years ago.
Yes I want it, but I have the Custom one already and I just spent 1000 on a >fucking gun
Mogged by Bandai
best way to organize the part holder things?
a pile
The best comparison aren't standard "something something Grade" Bandai kits but their SMP ones to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they come from the same factories in China.
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Spread them out on your bed (alphabetically)
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>5 years since the first 30MM kit
It does not feel that long... where did the time go anons?
nah that seems about right, they feel like they've been around forever but also recent
the covid years just went by in an instant
part holder... things?
I need to thin my paints for brushpainting. How much thinner should I mix with paint to properly do It? Is there a "thinner to paint ratio" or something?
I use Italeri acrylic paints and thinner
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Just use Vallejo mecha color its thin enough to do thin coats pretty much unthinned (or just with a drop or two of water from a pipet).
sheeeeesh my guy lookin mad fresh on the rizz no skibidi bro
the things that hold the parts and you use the cutty things to detach them
just stack them vertically in alphabetical order in the kit's box
Original Justice is peak soul. I dolike the legs on the immortal justice.
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I found a Zeta Plus Gundam C1 for like $86. What should I expect?
A beautiful mobile suit. I think someone here built one recently.
a good kit if you like how it looks, but fucking hell I would never pay that much for a nromal sized retail MG
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Now that I'm done psycho-blade I'm back to working on the GP01 I started before doing another TR-6. I'll probably get the rest of the detail painting done tomorrow but the scheme looks pretty nice so far I think.
This GP01fb's not just for show!
This reminds me of the Linkin Park GP01.
I normally wouldn't pay that much too but I like the aesthetic
Yeah there's something about Zeta mobile suits that looks really beautiful.
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is this a good price? I wanna get the Aqua Hambrabi cause it looks nice
The only person that can decide if its worth the money is you, if you want it enough then its worth the money.
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I figured I'd paint my MSD Full Armor Gundam in the (traditional) RX-78-1 color scheme, but I wanted to get a beam javelin for it. Is pic related the most realistic option to get a 1/144 javelin? There's also a EM'S O.D Beam Javelin kit I saw but it was a limited edition product so most have +120% Gunpla tax in them now, though I did find some cheap prices. The later is made in a clear pink-purple injection.
Did they make a mistake with making the HG line for the G-witch kits really good? I just finished the Calibarn, and the build really is RG level.
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The thunderbolt ground gundam had a beam javelin if thats any better.
it's not
>$87 CAD for a HG kit
That's probably twice what it should cost, even for P-Bandai. Unless it's a kit that you regularly see in your wet dreams, not something I'd spend that amount on.
That is helpful info, if it comes with the more classic sphere javelin end I might go for that one.
I could probably sell you at one half the price
It is.
G-Witch HGs are so overrated.
>30 minute mouthbreather absolutely baffled by regular HG
>smoothbrain retard so mindbroken he cant appreciate a really good kit.
10/10 I love him, my only hope is that the calrea was clearly based off the Crossbone Vanguard suits so at least okawara remembers
Are you that same snapfaggot who bitched about 30MM's C Clips and peg holes a few threads ago? The attitude seems similar.
I feel like people give RG too much credits. They were a novelty back when HG was still primitive and ugly. Nowadays, people starting to realize that a strong, sturdy modelkit is better than a floppy mess with a pretty face-Exactly what an RG is.
You're the smooth one if you can't see that it is nothing at all like any single RG kit in existence. Surface detail, frame detail, parts size, parts count, all nothing alike. I'm not saying it is a bad kit or that I dislike it, it is just not at all like an RG. So either you haven't actually built the Calibarn, or you haven't actually built an RG. Faggot.
No, I don't give a fuck about C clips or pegholes. I just think they're the ultimate snapfag "kit" and are more akin to Megablocks than models, even moreso than the average HG.
NTA, alot of RGs visually similar to its HG counterpart, but with better color separation and stuff. Nowadays, HG have come a long way with better looking plastic, articulation, color separation but with inflated price and bigger box as a result.
>they're the ultimate snapfag "kit"
Sorry to break it for you anon but RG and MG are the actual snapfag type of kit. You don't have work with it much in order to make it look good, unlike 30mm and HG, they look quite ugly OOB and requires alot of efforts to make them presentable.
>Surface detail, frame detail, parts size, parts count
Not same anon but RG are just HG with topcoat. Only snapfags feel intimidated by the large quantity of runners and parts. I have built stuff much bigger.
>seething smoothbrain can't accept that HG is catching up in quality for how much cheap and accessible it is.

Plastic quality alone pretty much mogs most of the RG line.
I remember bunch of snapfags bitched about RG Zeta and Sinanju. Aside from better color separation, quality wise they are bootleg chinese kit level. I dare to say alot of modern HGs have better quality.
Saying G Witch HG line is on the same quality as RG is an insult to HG line itself.

notahobbyshop in markham apparently has a bunch of those as dead stock and are selling them at a very good price if you want it
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MG and PG are actual leap in details and parts compares to HG. RG is just whatever, they are more or less renewal releases of overly outdated HG.
>a strong, sturdy modelkit is better than a floppy mess with a pretty face
But that's wrong?
Modern RGs are the sturdiest kits ever what the fuck? Whwnever RGs get brought up there’s so much cope for some reason.
I just dont like the scale compared to the amount of detail, it looks too busy and awkward
RGs are likely the grade most likely to filter people who are used to only doing HG. Likely because of how many more parts get shoved into the same space and how poorly people actually clean up cuts. Just look at something like the RG Zeta. It's no where near as bad as most people make it out to be with the amount of bitching it gets if everything was cleaned properly so it fits correctly.
Your average western gunpla builder is a hamhanded retard, look at how many people break the RG Unicorn's shoulders because they can't follow the instructions.
The Unicorn's shoulders? I thought people were breaking the RG Sazabi's shoulders.
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A lot of people twist the wrong the part of the upper arm
Wow. Did not know that.
I'm not an RG builder (HG/FG/NG detailer) but that is literally how most of the 2000s HGs twist their upper arm. Have these fuckers never built a kit before?
What would Brian Boitano do if he were here right now.
Should I just go for Raser Plus for general use? Or I should consider the Origin for some niche issues I might encounter.
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RG's are usually associated with this 4-letter meme acronym, that's why it has that notoriety for being finicky compared to the other simpler lines like HG
seriously though, the way the armor is designed there should be enough hint that you're not supposed to twist near the elbow.
That’s dumb, though. It’s like saying HGs suck because of the HG RX-78-2 that came out in 1990 or that MGs suck because of the MG Unicorn and the V2 Gundam Ver Ka. Braindead behavior.
Except majority of RG Unicorn were rather new. Sinanju was 2016 and Unicorn was 2017 i believe. RG is just a downgrade in term of engineering.
Both Unicorn and Sinanju fall apart like autumn leaves after sometimes. Just like how Zaku Aurelius shown, these kits are snapfaggot tier because they look good OOB, but have no merits of their own.
RGs are overdetailed for any scale, everything up to PGs should have HG levels of detail only
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bargain bins in japan are fucking unfair I'm seething so much
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the 1:1 statues should have the same level of detail as the 80's toys for it to be acceptable.
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details jumpscare
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something about this is really fucking funny
God I hate sleeves gimmick
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About to get get picrel? How bad is it compared to the hg?
pretty rough, can't even hold up the shield
looks good though and that's all that matters
also the old CG boxarts will never not be funny
This guy has one of the like ~5 actually good chinese bootlegs that you should probably look into if you want a better version but 90s/early 2000s mgs are interesting to work on in their own right so just have fun
"Couldn't include cuffs and lance with the first release, small mom & pop company prease understand."
The original design never even had them so of course not.
I don't like the look of the solomon physalis and I find all the gimmicks to be wildly excessive and tasteless
it's literally just GP02 you fucking child
too much raised detail that weakens the suit's silhouette
Just sand it down and fill unwanted panel lines with putty
Given the nature of some of the posters here and the blind obsession with mid 2000s HGs, someone saying dumb shit like "excessive gimmicks" probably just means "too advanced for me to handle".

Like that, put in the fucking effort if you don't like the detailing or learn what silhouette actually means.
why wouldn't I just buy the original in that case
so quit bitching and buy it
Saw there was someone printing zeon sleeves on esty, I wonder how bandai feels about that.
just like bajillions of other things people print and/or sell files for, they don't seem to give a shit
just like bootlegs and unlicensed resin kits they're a drop in the bucket for them
New thread

NOOOOOOOOOO you have to buy the hecking bootleg because I said so! You have to sand off half of the mass of the kit! Otherwise you're a fake modeler!
Any Brazilians around? I need some help.
What are our alternatives to Gaia Notes or Mr. Color lacquer paints now that a 10ml bottle costs a ludicrous $15?
Car paint maybe?
I don't know of any Brazilian lacquer paint brands.
Do Brazilians just not use lacquer paints?
What the fuck do artists use around here??
You faggots keep contradicting yourself. You don't want to work with early HG or 30mm because they don't look good oob and requires too much work, but then you praise RG and MG as true builder kit, despite how they were obviously designed for snapshit. The point of modeling is to improve an ugly barebones kit, not making ugly fanfiction shit that no one cares.

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