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So what's confirmed for the future are Hathaway 2, UC2, the 00 sequel, the Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr Hunt movie and the live action movie, right? I know we have Requiem for Vengeance and Silver Phantom coming up as well, but I find them pretty uninteresting. I personally want a Gaia Gear anime or a story set in the U.C 200-300's, but what do you guys think? Did I miss anything?
There is no 00 sequel confirmed.
UC2 will be a direct prequel to F90, and show the formation of Oldsmobile/Mars Zeon
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God please I need my mars suits
>>Gaia Gear
Full fucking retard here
Might be cool.
Mars Gelgoog?
Gundam Sentinel anime series. Its the only thing that can save the UC now.
You kid but more Gryps would be really nice.
Last update we got on it was that it was delayed due to the pandemic and Seiji Mizushima's trying to get as much of the OG staff back as possible to work on it.
Fastest Formula is already that.
UC2 will be a direct sequel to HF, like UC is to CCA
AoZ Reboot Mars suits like Gelgoog III and Reben Wolf are cooler than RF series though.
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>AoZ Reboot Mars suits like Gelgoog III and Reben Wolf are cooler than RF series though.
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On a scale of never-ever to absolutely happening, where does Sentinel fall in? Are there some weird copyright sheganingans for the IP?
Neither of those are reputable news sources. His cafe comments are like Fukuda's and "off the record." There's a translated Great Mechanics article out there that has better facts that whatever that crap is from forever ago.
Agreed. Walpurgis should also get an anime. Thunderbolt getting one was honestly surprising.
Why though?
Cool MS designs to make into models and also more Haman

Both are excellent
>and also more Haman
That's not Haman though.
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If it walks and talks like Haman it's Haman
unless it's Serrana
When the FUCK is Crossbone/Steel 7 getting animated?
They can't use the plot or characters in any Gundam games. It's sad af that we will never get to see Sentinel animated
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They also appear in SD Gundam Generation Genesis.
...but why? Wouldn't it be money for them both? I will never understand these agreements, Japanese must hate money. Just split it 50/50, it would be profit for both.
I might get shit on for this, but I don't want a Crossbone anime.
These are not official though?
>On a scale of never-ever to absolutely happening, where does Sentinel fall in? Are there some weird copyright sheganingans for the IP?

Unless Bandai is willing to pay (they won't) the magazine that owns the rights to Gundam, then it's not happening. All it would take is Bandai willing to cut them a check and/or offer a percentage of the profits. But Bandai executives are insanely greedy. So nope.

Anytime Bandai works with another company in a partnership for a Gundam Project, and Bandai is the bigger company, it always ends badly.

Look what happened to the SDGO game. A partnership between a Korean game studio and Bandai. They split the profits. The game was still popular and adding servers around the world. Bandai gets jealous and greedy so Bandai abruptly out of nowhere shuts down every single server in the entire world. Then hires their own internal Japanese studio to make a lame copy called SDNE. But it's horribly done. Then whenever fans try to make their own private SDGO server Bandai shuts it down with legal threats.
>greebled up gouf
are you serious?
It's as likely as an anime adaptation of École du Ciel
Maybe they'll do something weird like a fantasy Gundam? We've already had aliens and isekai, so it's not that unlikely.
They should adapt Crossbone and Sequel
>Cooler Gouf
Yes I'm serious
Why can't they just go all in on the Advance of Zeta?
It barely got any plot?
I for once want a Gundam show that is not confined to only the Sol System and is set on a galactic scale.

Won't be the same without Kouji reprising his role as Seabook/Kincaid.
After G-Witch and Divers, I can totally see isekai Gundam
Build Fighters was a reverse isekai as is.
Look at 51:43 Hathaway 2 is the works.
That sounds fucking awesome. I hope it actually happens.
I would love for a full F91 TV series. Would Tomino even be interested in getting to do the TV series he wanted to do with it at this point?
Which is perfect because they could mould it into what they want.
Unlikely, he doesn't generally go back to redo older works unless he personally thinks there was an issue, and from what I've read while the production of F91 had some uncertainty, I don't recall him being bitter and adamant about wanting to do a series but being forced into a movie instead.

Also in later years, Tomino has gotten a bit softer so when he does redo things, it's with some kind of hope and optimism, not that it's a bad thing but I don't think people see them as superior to the original take. See his revised outcomes for certain characters in Zeta and CCA for example. While Kamille deserves a happy ending, Zeta:ANT overall felt kinda lackluster and I don't see anyone making the case that Gundam Evolve 5 was the redemption end that Quess needed to have, more like a weird 180 degree character flip.
I will take any Zeta Gundam side story. Literally any UC entry that doesn't take place in 0079. But we'll just get more One Year War shit and now western produced One Year War shit too.
Isekai Gundam in the vein of Dunbine might be fun.
Let me correct myself. It got plot, but you have to choose between a really dry Flag of Titans, very basic spin-offs that aren't that miss the appeal of AoZ and only notable for introduction of Vanargand and AoZ Reboot that got a very questionable plot.
Honestly, the only way I can see AoZ being adapted is something like Evolve or IGLOO. I.e., action showcase, rather than a story.
>Literally any UC entry that doesn't take place in 0079. But we'll just get more One Year War shit and now western produced One Year War shit too.
Ah, yes, you're right, we certainly didn't get enough Unicorn spin-offs set in UC 0096.
> we certainly didn't get enough Unicorn spin-offs set in UC 0096.
Hey now, that's not what I meant. Besides they aren't making those anymore. Seeing another Unicorn derivative is as tiresome as finding out about a new "prototype" variant of the RX-78 or ground type.
>Bandrise actually giving late UC fans the slop that they want
Nope, enjoy the 872837th retelling of the OYW with even more retarded suit redesigns and retcons.
>Bro, you have this never seen before RX-78 prototype. It has armor panels that don't make any sense and a beam rifle from a completely different time period. How about that, pretty cool huh?
>The EFSF actually had MS at the battle of Loum and still got smoked
>Zeon still loses because the Gundam is ridiculously OP and has a miniaturized hyper beam cannon now
>Why, cause fuck you.
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I want a side story of where people using MS for sporting like roller derby, boxing/MMA, gladiator or rugby/football type
I just want modern kits of Crossbone Vanguard suits. I'd do anything for that. There was a resin kit of the XM-02 but that's as rare as hen's teeth these days.
And are you working for Bandai, and suggested they end UC at Unicorn?
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That would be awsome.
Only if in the last arc, it essentially involves a Reach/Home Alone/War In The Pocket style last stand of the sports team having to try and repel actual Titans units with whatever leftover equipment they can muster, and guerrilla tactics

Even better if one of the raiding Titans was an ex-member of the team who accepted an offer of recruitment, the rest are being killed off because they refused the "voluntary offer"
Imagine if we got a new series set in the Cosmic Era because of SEED Freedom doing as well as it did commercially...

Would you want to watch the continued adventures of Kira Yamato, or would you rather a hypothetical post-Freedom series focus on a new character entirely?
I want SEED ZZ
That actually sounds amazing.
Not sure there are more adventures to be had. Seed, Destiny, and now Freedom have shown us that the world is pretty screwed in terms of development. Unless there's some attack of the space whales, what actual threat could there be?
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I want a Gundam series of where nothing terrible happened to Australia
>Australia doesn't the latest Gundam show. There's just a giant hole there and you never get an explanation for it.
I'd watch it for sure.
More Build Metaverse
I want to see a sequel about a natural whose genes are so good he's mistaken for a super coordinator or Accord. Basically a newtype with less magic. And others will show up on various sides as the earth's alliances fracture into a massive full blown world war that even COMPASS cant control becaue of how widespread and decentralized the conflict is. Kira may even be missing after running off with Lacus to live peacefully rather than fighting endless battles. The question dangling at the end should be whether naturals themselves are evolving into something beyond coordinators as a result of the mass death weeding out the weaker naturals and leaving what are essentially the superhuman mutants, and what the future will look like if humanity continues to practice mass eugenics through endless war.
>I want to see a sequel about a natural whose genes are so good he's mistaken for a super coordinator
So kinda like the Flagas on steroids?
Yea, but also not retarded or insane

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