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Interesting game concept with cool as fuck mecha. Check it out.
I already wishlisted it, what more do you want?
Sloppy shill.
So what's the mecha gameplay gonna look like?
youre braindamaged
you dont play as mecha the mecha are the enemies
Fucking retarded shill.
Not OP but the theme is mecha, this is a mecha board. Retard
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Western ArtStation-slop robots are not mecha. Go shill somewhere else.
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>Yet another Western mecha media set in a post-apocalyptic "grimdark" world with Battletech-adjacent designs
This could have been so much more. How disappointing.
look pretty cool, but I gotta see more gameplay before I'm convinced
>artstation slop
Are you blind or retarded? This looks more unique than all of the goyslop super robots Japan made in the last 20 years
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>words words words words
If only saying it would make it so. Alas, nah.
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they went full Lancer with these designs...you never wanna go full Lancer. Also this game is about as /m/ as Generation Zero aka its shit so we shouldn’t talk about it.
>you dont play as mecha the mecha are the enemies
Okay so come back when you can, otherwise there's no point.
It's outrageous to see this. People who post anything other than Gundam should be banned permanently.
>they went full Lancer
that was my first thought as well. it definitely has style.
Grimderp western ""realistic"" looter shooter where you don't and never will pilot the robots
No thank you
>same filename
>essentially the same post
Jannies, get to work already.
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Initially I felt nothing for this game but I had a strange feeling about it from the moment I learned about it. One day however, while browsing Youtube schwarbage, something clicked. Before I had ever learned about this game, Youtube had been trying to sell it to me in the form of some video essayists' gushing about it. This twenty minute video with nearly two million views, slickly produced, all of it gushing, is for a game that isn't even out yet. Maybe the game will be great but I already have a bad taste in my mouth, and to be very frank this site is no stranger to shill campaigns.
I made the same post in both boards because i found the game cool, are you fucking retarded? you should be executed on the spot you dumb cunt
Global rule 11
>1 (one) single video of a guy who was invited to playtest this
>this is a shill campaign
i hate this fucking place so much its unreal
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you're a little bitch
Whatever you say, you fucking niggershill. Nevermind the fact that you already made same thread on /v/ with the exact same text. Sincerely, fuck off.

And enough with the samefagging.
dude just dont fucking post if you dont like it, its so simple. you're wasting precious minutes of your life to bitch and moan on a North Korean gay sex forum. Sad
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lol this is just pathetic dude. is this who is paying your shill op?
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Anon, I am inclined to think that anything meant to sell a product is shilling. There is very much an effort to get a hype train rolling around this game. Your game might be great for all I know, but I can't play as the robots and I don't like shilling.
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guess liking shit is shilling now. dumb ass nigga
aight fair enough but im honestly not shilling i just like cool mechs ffs
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This thread was already made twice on /v/
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you're liking shit that doesn't even exist yet and made a thread with the intent of promoting it. you ARE a fucking shill.
Looks good graphics wise, I like the grimdark design. Gameplay looked janky tho, but it's still not done so whatever.
I've already wishlisted this now leave me alone until it releases.
I personally don't think it's shilling desu. Hell, I think that basically nobody outside very niche games (like maybe things like Pseudoregalia) spend time promoting games on this site. I think it's possible that it's just somebody who wants to talk about it at all cost. Why spending time shilling your game there? Spending two cents more and promote it elsewhere
Oh man I can't imagine anything worse than a shill campaign that's trying to bait in spec ops subversive games as art "this game....... broke me...." youtuber rantsona bullshit. That's how you fastrack getting the most insufferable fanbase possible.
why do you retards call everything that isnt a thread about a 50 year old japanese super robot anime franchise that noone gives a fuck about a shill. jesus christ
There was once an anon on /v/ who explained that there are legitimate shill or damage control campaigns for media on 4chan from time to time. It's market data no matter what. MEGA links to media get taken down by soulless goons when posted openly. Stuff gets DMCA'd by those people. Governments astroturf shit, some creators take to 4chan personally and have either been caught or openly bragged about talking about their shit on 4chan. On some boards professionals get together to talk openly about the absolute state of their industries or other similar matters.

Shilling isn't even something you need to be a corporation or government to do. Dedicated autists can and do pull this off regularly on their lonesome and never get banned because they don't bother wearing trips or such. If you have the money you can hire SEAmonkeys or other third worlders looking for quick cash online to post shit for you. You can dismiss the shit around this game as not being shilling if you want but this site is absolutely visited by shills.

This exact thread has been made three times.
what if... op tried to talk about it multiple times... because the thread didnt get enough traction initially... schizophrenic idea i know
What’s a wargasm?
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I'd wonder why OP didn't bother looking for the other thread about this very game in the catalog
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kek i thought they were gonna do something else when they played rock paper scissors.
Every post about this game looks like an ad and reads like an ad. It's most likely an ad anyway because of how inorganic the OP's posts are. Maybe you should stop shilling because nobody is fucking interested in your shitty vanity project? Schizophrenic idea, I know.
idc if he's shilling at the end of the day because i found a new game i didnt know about that interests me. you know you can hide threads in this website, right?
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Good for you. Still a shill thread though.
not the same guy dumbass
Don't play retard. Everyone can see through you.
pills, now
looks like lancer
its okay OP you can still re-shill your game for the third time on /v/
>posts ma.k, implying it's battletech adjacent
I'm going to brain you with a brick
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My fault I didn't make it more clear if you inferred I would imply such a thing. Ma.K and Acid Rain World are the best examples of post-apocalyptic mecha properties that knows how to have fun with their designs. This one though, this is just a Warhammer-Battletech ripoff.
Goo goo gaga, your game will flop dumb shill.
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Holy kek
getting a flashback of Lancer shilling here
this looks like one of those fake games that will either never come out, or will come out so broken and chopped down it won't resemble the early vision at all
I hope it will play better than how it looks in the trailer because it looks sloppy. Otherwise it's alright.
It's really obvious when they try to shill western shit, idk why they even bother.
>grey brown gritty grim slop from a bygone era
>extraction looter shooter
>"hellow fellow mecha enjoyers what do you think of this game where you crouch and hide from mechas that kill you?"
>mechs in question are "realistic" greeblefests
>"not a shill just wanna discuss by making multiple threads across multiple boards"
Way to leave a bad impression on a product that isn't available yet, think I saw a thread on /k/ the other day that never took off because nobody gave a shit. For a supposedly organic human these posters sure don't talk like one.
You disingenuous little fucking faggot noone said that. Shut the fuck up, hide the thread if you don't want to see it, and move on. Bunch of whinny bitches. The game looks fucking garbage but you're even more retarded.
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>you dont play as mecha the mecha are the enemies
DROPPED, what was even the point???????
NTA but it's somewhat reasonable to infer the attitude since OP made this thread three(!) times and has responded super harshly to shill accusations.
That's quite literally what OP has been saying in this and the other thread.
it's not just the developers, weston have no souls
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Because Western game developers hate mecha.
I'm always baffled at this textbox everytime someone posts it. Respawn thinks they are reinventing the mecha wheel with Titans but it's so clear the only mecha that most of the devs working there know is Battletech.
>Bigger, heavily armored, fast and agile, and can dodge
Uhhh, so like, fucking mobile suits and Macross's VF's? The two kinds of mechs that always pops out in people's minds whenever they think of the word "mecha"? Damn, westerners are fucking stupid.
>"My giant robot is not like the other robots!"
Maybe if it has a day one playable mecha mod.
As much as I hate anything made in the west, Respawn was made by industry veterans of the highest pedigree so I think that was just some pr intern talking stupid shit or they really, really messed up because how could they shoot themselves in the foot like that for no reason?
I will make the best french mecha game to destroy this
I believe the original context was a bit different and it got misunderstood, no?
President of Respawn
Studio Artist since the studio's days as a CoD4 developer, now Art Director
I'll admit I was overexaggerating when I said "most of the devs" (because I don't own the artbook in question so I'm not sure if the "mecha is dumb" sentiment is something they shared across the studio) but Emslie and Zampella were in lead positions on Titanfall's development.

>I believe the original context was a bit different and it got misunderstood, no?
If someone can explain the original context of the whole textbox, that'd be nice. Otherwise, I'm taking what I'm seeing here at face value.
>Tfw no cute exosuit pilot gf
Why even live
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>If someone can explain the original context of the whole textbox, that'd be nice. Otherwise, I'm taking what I'm seeing here at face value.
here you go
I like the artstyle a lot but given this is coming from a literal who studio, I'm worried this is going to end up like Grey Zone Warfare: not terrible by any means but nothing particularly special within its genre. Or worst case scenario, it just ends up like The Day Before. But that game is a particularly retarded case. I need to see a lot more unscripted gameplay, or a good long demo before I'd ever consider spending money on this.
Also the way this thread is going, I'm glad I didn't decide to make a thread about it here on a whim.
I'm a simple man, I see cool mech designs, I like it. This looks good.
>don't get to use mechs
gay and lame
Hi OP.
Look but don't touch
>Disgusting sheboon designed by ESG commitee pops up on the screen
Stay clear of it, what's the chance sweet baby or an equivalent is involved?
Aren't they a "black studio" or something?
i think the ceo is a black and the rest are asians and white men. could work
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Are niggers really so politically inept in 2024 they can do is portray their own race as ugly even in the media they own? how is it that Japs respect them more than they do themselves
I doubt it, the trailer already looks like grade A slop with no real gameplay.
I'm not exactly convinced by the trailer, the Mecha design is fine but as much as i've learnt by checking around it's just a shitty looter shooter where you play as some faggot shooting at said Robots instead of piloting them, just as /m/ as some rando retro RPG where some bosses are mechanical in nature
It's destiny all over again lmao, this is so obviously a shill campaign.
>The Forever Winter is a four player, sci-fi, tactical, survivor, horror shooter
Goyslop checklist
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this dude made 2 videos on this game, some gameplay included
Do they pay you hourly or per post?
>Heavy metal setting with mechs and crazy tech
>Here scavenge and use and AK-47
Wow it's fucking nothing.
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>you don't get to do cool shit and that's a good thing
I skimmed through the video, the idea of the game is interesting and the Mecha design is nice, but again, the execution sucks, you play as a random faggot who doesn't really matter, i'd much rather be able to play as one of the other factions and progress a la Planetside 2 or DCS Enigma, being able to raise in class to unlock more and more powerful Mecha and having the enemies spawn as equivalents
This, seems like a bunch of wasted effort in this game, could've been a very unique take on battlefield.
You get to watch. It doesn't even seem like there is any incentive to shoot anything, like MGS4 without the cinematics.
>american mecha game
>you are just a cuck collecting scraps
You can't make this shit up.
Tons of Niggers too, mutt's law back in vogue?
You really are obsessed
Am I wrong?
This was earnestly one of my first thoughts when I heard you couldn't play anything cool. Americans really are allergic to fucking mecha. My country hurts me.

You could try telling him where he's wrong instead of kvetching that people notice particular American habits.
she's cute :) maybe she can step on me with her mech
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Doubtless you will have your wish granted anon, but forgive me for wanting to play as a mecha pilot on the mecha board.
Nta but you'll have to forgive me for not being bothered at all by not being able to pilot one of the mechs. From the way they describe the game, it sounds like what Left Alice was supposed to be. And that's something I've always thought was an interesting perspective, as a little guy who doesn't matter, trying to survive a war between metal monsters you can't hope to beat in a fair fight. Hell you're even less important than the faceless grunts in this game. There's a million and one games that treat you like the specialiest boy in the world and suck your dick at every turn. But sometimes I want to play as a nobody.

All that said though I have no conifdence this game will even be good. A new studio with no other games under their belt and no publisher to tell them when to put shit out. And saying the team has a lot of industry veterans doesn't make me anymore confident in it either given the state of the industry. At least it's not yet another fucking Kickstarter scam game.
*Left Alive
I wish I could type. Honestly one of the things I'm worried about with this game is that it releases in a playable state but doesn't see much support afterwards for bug fixes or new content.
>sometimes I want to play as a nobody
You do that every day without playing.
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>"Hey /v/ check out this new videogame I like
I hate this place
Just stop shilling.
This idea might work as a movie or something, but as a video game that requires audience engagement and interaction with the environment, the atmosphere is pretty unattractive. People watch godzilla movies and play godzilla games and might care about the humans in it if they are presented well, but a video game where you play as a random Japanese civilian trying to live through the aftermath of godzilla attacks just doesn't have a good ring to it.
Nigger the fag in question has been remaking the same thread, same exact text for 3 days in a row, pardon me if i'm starting to think there's some shilling going on since it organically couldn't produce enough interest

Sold better than Godzilla VS
good, take the hint and leave, tell your manager to change their strategies because they are barking up the wrong tree.
>what is Disaster Report
You're so retarded youre making me defend games i dont even like, this looks unironically like garbage. Your bitching and moaning is even worse tho
That game looked pretty fun, but it was a singleplayer experience, not a gamified GAAS looter scooter turd.
>i'm one of you guys and I think we should do better
they arent making this game to be GAAS tho. I saw in a video that they're going to release a single complete version and you will be able to play solo offline too
If this was a thread meant for /v/ it should've stayed there with its clones.
i never wanted to kill a man through my computer screen before
im the one who posted it and its I just mixed up the boards its a typo.
>its a typo
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yeah right, you can't get an honest job and you think you could kill another man?
Wake me up when you can pilot a robot, until that happens I am not buying.
The setting is cool. The gameplay looks like shit
>Here's a game with cool mechs
>you can't pilot the mechs
Do western game devs just hate mecha or what?
a man can only dream...
bro just clocked in for the shill shift, I see.
I don't even browse that board, but I wanted to see if the multi-board marketing really is bad as it seems.
>post the same picture in 2 threads both about the same topic
I saw the game, saw the cutie and posted here and on the /v/ thread. You are a schizophrenic nigger and I KNOW youre the guy bitching about this in the other thread too. gay little bitch.
>This shill thread is still here
Mecha games where you don't play as the mecha should be a bannable offense.
Looks like that mission in MGS4 where you avoided the battle, but an entire game and youre some hobo scavenger. lame
>Underpaid employee goes big mad when no one falls for his shilling
Maybe try not talking shit about your future customers when you're trying to get them to buy your game? 'Cause that would be a pretty counter-intuitive thing to do.
the irony is that this should be extremely obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, yet to this day retards post the text box and seethe about it when they are in fact the ones being dumb

it's like an AI browsed ArtStation for a week
>you dont play as mecha the mecha are the enemies
>he said posting on a board that wants to play as the giant robot
Lol retarded shill
>your thread for this shit died on /v/ because nobody cared
>trying to push it twice on a slower board hoping to pull some suckers in
>cool mechs
>can't pilot them tho
Not nice
Lmfao what happened in this thread
Anon learns making the exact same thread between boards is a bad idea, also trying to sell a game on a robot board when you can't pilot any robots is really lame.
just saw a video about this game and now I see it here. woah

The devs all come from AAA game studios and just wanted to make one game that ticked off their own personal boxes. Other studios have made those mecha games you talk about, buy them instead.
You can fight some of the mechs in boss battles though, stupid frog poster.
If you can't play as a mech pilot in your game, shill it somewhere else.
I like the idea of it but I doubt I'll actually play it.
Whats the point of being a scavenger in a world where everything is a 10 foot robot that can destroy you? Can you at least kill these mechs by shooting their weakpoints or something? That'd be better than just running around like a rat.
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You can play a bajillion games where robots are solely enemies already. That's not a big deal and those games already get threads from time to time. If you make the robots a selling point to a board revolving around robots, you are naturally going to run into fiction from people who actually want to play the robots.
>you can sex the tomboy mech pilots
extra nice
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Not /OP/, not pre-ordering, just like the visuals and world-building. Not buying until I see some in-depth reviews and not just from a guy who play-tested an alpha version.
There has not been a single video essay in the history of youtube that has had a positive impact on media
>Singleplayer tarkov except instead of hiding from other players with overpowered equipment it's NPCs
seems like the sort of game where reading a scan of an artbook and watching someone else play it is more important than actually playing it
perhaps that would actually mean something if the combat was something like Mellowlink where you have to fight like a guerilla using traps and improvised weapons and setting up ambushes, but that's clearly making the player "too cool" for what the devs vision is and the combat appears to be an exceedingly bland "hold left mouse until enemy is dead" affair instead of any neat interactivity.

On an unrelated note those giantess corpse recovery robots just seem goofy and out of place and are probably a concept artist's fetish (based)
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>expecting the "you aren't that guy!" game to actually let you be the one having sex
It's literally a cuck game.
From what I've seen it looks like you can take down a mech but it's a lot of work and never really worth it. It's like the leviathans in Subnautica.
>hello fellow 4channers who are shallow and pathetic and want to feel good and big
>pls take a look at this thread I bumped with positive engagement!
>yeah yeah you can't pilot the mecha or whatever, but you can le seggs the mech pilot! *citation needed*
I hope you are not implying or romanticizing the idea of the player fucking enemy pilots after extracting them like a piece of loot, because like many other aspects of this grimderp artbook of a game, it's NOT as appealing as they think it is. It's fucking tone-deaf like the rest of this thread. Even in anime mecha games where the girls actually look attractive, the consensus is "it'd be hot to sex them" instead of "you can pull them out of their robot and sex them."
NTA, not buying this game, but speak for yourself faggot. I absolutely want to pull Noa Izumi, my dear wife, out of her robot and sex her.
Is there anyone else showing this game other than that soft bitchboy video essayist? The game seems interesting but I can't fucking stand his pretentious faggy voice
the robots look cool, i shall pirate this for 0 dollars when it releases in 2027
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>Skim through that faggy video essay
>Fag says the dev literally designed the game around their self expressed concept of "Combat voyeurism" and that's the term they're advertising the game with
This can't be real ahahahaha
>looks like you can take down a mech
fuck yes
>but it's a lot of work and never really worth it
idc im still doing it
Kys OP.
Nah, just kill yourself shill.
>shill your WARB IS LE HELL setting
>soiboi essay implies horrible bio mechanical recycling abominations
>"exo life cycle" ad doesnt feature any of that, just "le nice garbage men save her at the last minute"
Cant even commit to your own shit damn
you first faggot pull the trigger, one less bitching nigger to worry about when browsing 4channnel.org
Damn OP you still going huh?
underrated post
nta but calling anyone who discusses something that is not gundam or your favorite niche 80's robot show a shill is fag behavior. Call it shit, ignore post, move on.
A game that isn't even out yet, getting advertised by low quality video essays with the exact same thread being made simultaneously on /m/ and /v/ can rather generously be accused of being shilled
fuck this faggot ass game retard i hope it flops. i just dont want to see every thread about something different being spammed with this garbage
or maybe someone wanted to show a mecha video game to both the mecha and video game boards at the same time. anyway i dont know and i dont care, who would even spend their precious fucking seconds of life on earth to shill on /m/ of all places? thats just sad
>it's a good thread because it's not gundam
Just leave dude, you never cared about the board in the first place.
>or maybe someone wanted to show a mecha video game to both the mecha and video game boards
Yeah, the developer lol
Damn you mad as hell, shillmonkey.
Yeah yeah no need to samefag just to ride my dick, shillmonkey.
You gotta try harder. Bait used to be believable.
>Bait used to be believable.
and schizophrenics used to be institutionalised or, better yet, shot. but here you are retard. kys dog
Once twitter finds out what you have been posting, your game is done for.
And I will always live on in your head, reminding you that you're a pathetic nigger monkey who failed to shill his game on a japanese robot toy forum.
>hello fellow mecha enjoyers
>not a shill
>stop hating ur lil bitch just hide this thread instead of hating
>fuck /v/ y'all don't even like cool video games
>I mean fuck /m/ y'all just hating cuz it ain't gundam
>not a shill btw
How the fuck is this thread still up lol this is just pathetic. Unloved and underpaid mf taking 4chan threads way too personally and delving into a rant instead of taking his own advice and ignore the dumpster fire, like he's got a goal to achieve here, but totally not because it's a shill.
Your game sucks, its only value is to be watched on stream for an hour and for someone to make low effort analysis videos about it.
It looks like the thalidomide rape spawn of death stranding and escape from tarkov with stealth systems as advanced as minecraft's and priding itself on enemy infighting and aggression mechanics barely more impressive than STALKER. Then again, all those games bar Tarkov at least let the player feel like they're making a change in the game world instead of celebrating ineffectuality.
You clearly agree with me since you can't actually bring up a single interesting conversation point about this game besides it's bland mechanical designs. Perhaps this is what happens when you let concept artists think they can make an entire game by themselves without anyone there to tell them "no"
Wasted potential, the infantry anti-mech guerilla warfare concept is great but it means nothing without some actual robot fighting gameplay. It would be so cool if you had to work your way up from being on foot to capturing an enemy mech to fighting other mechs.
yea, shit looks cool
seems like bunch of experienced people got finally some fresh air and managed to just have some fun with designs and shit
Keep shilling it OP.
Keep shilling it.
I've always hated Mechwarrior. I hate Chicken Walkers that are somehow slower and less agile than most modern day 50 ton main battle tanks. I don't care what the source books say about the top speeds of mechs in the lore when the reality of the game is everything moving at a snail's pace. It sure as hell doesn't feel like the top speed of 64.8 km/h. Heavy Gear 2 and GunGriffon got mechs like these right. Mechwarrior is bad. A Puma from WW2 has most Mechwarrior robots beat when it comes to speed lol.
Why would anyone so transparently seethe impotently at someone else's genuinely articulated point without addressing them?
did you reply to right post?
Wow you working late hours man.
oh, just (You) fishing since you have nothing better to do with your life
I think /v/ suits you better as a board
Ah so they pay you per (You)? Sorry can't be giving them away for free then.
you're all making sure to use sage as you engage with the human SEO machine, right?
i dont know what the fuck is happening in the replies but does is this game always online or can i play by myself offline? I dont have friends and even if i had they wouldnt wanna play this artsy shit.
but is **, im an esl monkey
Hi OP.
it's amusing that attention whoring retards screaming bloody murder about shills bump this thread more than anyone they can blame on being a shill.
No not really.

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