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Sequel announcement soon? They announced alot of merch this month.
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I hope so
What's there to do next? SSSS Sigma? Would be cool if Tsuburaya did a new live action project though. A movie would do nicely.
I hope not. Fuck Grid shit.
I hope so. Love Grid shit.
I'd be happy just having a big final fight being live-action
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>already eating a donut
>feeding her a churro
They're not even hiding it anymore.
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I would like to see Hasegawa and Trigger tackle another IP like Woo, Mighty Jack or Mirrorman although another SSSS series would be fine too.
Are there even any Tsubuyara/Trigger related events soon?
Thikka ..
If no Mujina, don't even bother.
Feel that they killed her off for nothing.
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The pachinko passed inspection
Reminder that the first leak of Gridman Universe was some dude ripping the movie out of a United Airlines flight
No it wasn't.
Do Anime fans really addicted and go to play Pachinko because so many Anime and games franchise have their own Pachinko
>anime fans
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Every day I wait for the sequel announcement. No show has made me feel the way Gridman and Dynazenon did.
Universe was the final, it's ogre
I'm open to a completely brand new setting desu
Next time we see her, she'll be using two chairs
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No Mujina no life
I mean they have to get new settings if they want to continue making the show to follow the Tokusatsu root but I would be lying if I say I don't want to see Yuta and Rikka couple life after Universe
another one just drop
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now im even more sure something will be announced late this year or early next year. alot was announced last month and this month alone.
Do you guys have any grid/dyna merch?
I have Moderoid FP Gridman, Kaiser Gridknight, Kaiser Gridman (not yet arrived) and SMP Dynazenon.
i only bought the artbooks
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>something will be announced late this year
Pachinko announcement by famous Pachinko Youtuber Masayoshi Oishi
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this is all from last month and this month excl the figurines.
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i forgot but they still havent showed the boys ver of the bluetooth headset they announced a few months
Gridman/Dynazenon goods are so fucking boring. Its always some cheap waifubait trash instead the fucking robots
I mean they already got toys from a bunch of toy manufactures so there isn't much more they could do, I guess they could release a Dynazenon bikini edition.
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Getting the Anti one
Yes that's literally how they get people to play. People see that show tbey used to watch and play, before long they're knee deep in debt to feed their addiction
>List image of men I want to fuck
>list image of men
>not grid of men
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another one
It's justified a single release of articulated mecha and gattai is enough to last you forever, Imagine if they produce a ton of diorama statue instead you will be bored paying for them. Let the girls market and do their job.
Can her thighs get any bigger?
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Watching Arc make me love Yuya Hirose cute voice I hope he appears more on Tokusatsu show in the future just like Yume Miyamoto
it's got a ton of toys already, it's not like you can re-release the same robot over and over. however, you can do that with girl statues.
Does anyone know where to hear the Aviot voice line and the duet without buying whole new thing when it come out?
Is there actually any chance for them to announce a new entry? They wrapped up Grid/Dyna with the film so it’d have to be a completely brand new SSSS entry. They’ve got Dungeon Meshi s2 and PSG in the works so I dont know
They totally should have picked Mujina over Chise for these new swimsuits.
This Universe Chise version so she get to be on spotlight more than Mujina who's only get one second cameo in the movie
Yeah, but maybe if they had not disintegrated Mujina, we could have seen her rocking out a new bikini along with Yume, which would have been the better outcome.
I'm so into Rikka mom I wish they also put her on those monthly merch but they probably doesn't want to get mistaken to be FLCL merch
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man, i need an official mujina rikka thigh envy artwork
I need more adults women in Gridman franchise the always know how to make them hot(yes even in Denkou Choujin)
Yuta dick must be hurt by now
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I wish this was official for sale

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