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For me it's the Kyojun fuck the Zenith
How does the future of the franchise look
Frankly I'm amased it's not completely dead. I guess those low effort "remakes" must be making some cash.
Speaking of FM3 mechs, Hoshun is my favorite. It's a shame I could find next to no good images of it other than this(and save for blurry in-game screenshots.
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There may be some hope if the PS2 games become playable on the PS5 at some point
Also anons has anyone read the incredibly depressing manga?
It feels like the issue isn't the effort, but rather the funding.
Like it's just 5 guys in a garage and one of them is dedicated solely to playing through FM2 on original PS1 hardware and documenting the entire game from there, and Square Enix doesn't even bother to check in because they've forgotten about the FM remake deals because they're too busy complaining that FF7 isn't printing enough money for them.
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That not a bad theory but then I wonder why the other Forever Entertainment output doesn't impress me. The Panzer Dragoon Remake is just as "unity asset flip" looking.
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It all rests on the shoulders of FM3 Remake.
If they fumble like they did with the 2nd, it could very well mean the end.
Oh I forgot these were a thing. You're saying the second one fumbled? What did it do wrong?
Glitchy as fuck still since release. Camera goes through objects in the battlefield, some briefings were fucked, translated names in the arena are fucked, gun sounds repeat, etc.
I'm waiting for the next update to pick it back up where I left off. Also still waiting on the merc multiplayer mode update for FM1st
Same issue, with Panzer you just replace Squeenix with Sega too preoccupied with exhausting its single collective braincell on trying to make a good Sonic game.

But in all seriousness there's a strong slavjank vibe going on with the FM reduxes, which is usually a sign of passion and talent undermined by an underfunded and overworked staff situation.
FM3 has a full english release, so I hope they don't have a lot of issues, as long as they don't rush it.
Fuck, the SaGa bros are so lucky with Kawazu being on-board for their remakes
FM5 made me fall in love with USN/UCS models. The Frost and Grapple are my beloved ones.
I just want to be able to play with the Hoshun Mk113 in HD, and beam snipe my way to victory again.
That's a problem with a lot of FM designs, most of them don't even get decent art let alone a kit so you can't really appreciate them fully outside of the one or two renders they get for their games
front mission isn't dead, it's Left Alive™
It barely survived with a lot of Scars Of The War
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i fucking love gun hazard
stoked for scramble vice
Wait you can customize the wanzers in Gun Hazard? It didn't have an english translation so I never bothered to even look at it, same with 2089
Dog Days sucks, sorry to say
The fantranslation has been around for quite a few years, actually. It's not so much customizing as swapping weapons and buying better Wanzer models as you progress.
Front Mission 3 is considered the best in the series by a lot of people but while the plot is interesting the actual characters are really dumb
Front mission 2 is a bad game.
I'll give it a play then, I had no idea. Side scrollers aren't really my thing and I'll probably miss the more traditional systems but something new is nice once in a while, I remember the F91 Gundam side scroller looking fun too
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I've beaten both Royd and Kevin's playthrough, is this a reference to anything?
For me it's the Shunyo.
Be honest, do you just like the Hoshun because it's broken?
So it's not worth picking up for the summer sale?
I always thought it was hilarious how Australia gets roped into the SEA faction, especially with how racist those kangaroo fuckers can be.
No, I actually used it well after it became obsolete(ingame). I just really like the design. It's the closest you can get to something that looks like a traditional gundam in any FM game, while still looking like it fits in the setting.
Not this summer sale, but maybe down the line sometime.
As a Switch early adopter, I'd just say buy in only if you're OK with treating it like it's in early access with barely a road map. The devs might as well be daydrinking for all I know.
Did it ever really go obsolete though? The HP fully upgraded was ridiculously high, and a full set could easily equip the beam gun, another hand weapon, two shoulder weapons, and an item backpack full of repairs or ammo restoring items.

If anything, the only thing really obsolete was the legs; and almost any 6-move melee legs could still make it zoom around the battlefield with little to no loss.
Damn the Enyo looks like THAT? The OCU sure knows how to make a wanzer
Does it? I haven't read it yet
fm5 mc
What I don't get is why the hell would the OCU let their Wanzer Manufacturers like Jade Metal-Lyman and Sakata Industries sell their stuff to the USN and vice versa? US arms manufacturers are forbidden from selling arms to China while the OCU and USN had two hot wars already.
I just want a goddamn artbook with art for every wanzer family in the franchise but that's never fucking happening.
Turns out FM2 is only fun for diehard FM fans and no one else.
It's considered the best because it's the only one most people ever played.
A tragedy but FM3 isn't bad, it's very middle of the pack though
Tips for FM2?
Struggling a bit at the beginning.
Upgrade computers
Front Mission was kind of a smaller passion project within a small amount of devs within Square-Enix. Once FM5 happened, I’m pretty sure that team was scattered to the winds like what happened with Team Silent at Konami.

Evolved was alright gameplay wise but a terrible entry in the franchise overall, Left Alive is a bizarre spin off that doesn’t know what it’s trying to be but it did predict the 2022 Invasion of Ukraine for what it’s worth.

I haven’t played the remakes and I’ve heard mixed things about them. I would check out Kriegfront Tactics though.
It's funny you say that because I was just staring at Evolved for $5 on Steam (which seems a bit high). Was thinking of getting it but the gameplay was honestly the thing that turned me off it
It’s basically Armored Core for babies. It’s not bad for what it is but I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea. Double Helix had the right idea at least. That said the on foot segments were a terrible idea and drag down the game’s quality immensely. Certain boss battles were also a slog to get through as well thanks to spongey health meters.

I at least laughed my ass off at the terrible story and characters along with the awful voice acting. The actual pre-rendered opening cutscenes to this game were properly done at least.

Spend the $5 if you’re willing to put up with an incredibly mid tier game that’s mildly entertaining at certain points. You could certainly do worse, anon
Read any of Thunderbolt? Ohtagaki was even more high on suffering porn and gratuitous violence when he did Dog's Life.
It's worth reading in small doses.
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Franchise is coasting on the biannual 4 pack model kit releases. The two remakes are hardly worth discussing.
Still fun digging through the old games.
Just found a South Park reference in the FMO files. Cute Easter Egg that would have flown past 99.99% of the player base. Especially on a CRT TV/Monitor.
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viewport capture of how it would have scrolled on an overhead monitor in the on foot HQ area.
I do think Front Mission 3 has enough of a following that a small amount of people will hype it up out of nostalgia, and that hype might go slightly more mainstream than the other two. It only takes one tweet with 10k likes or whatever for something to get good enough word of mouth to do marketing's job for them
Volume 1 of Front Mission 4 Elsa has been translated. Link below:

Nice, thanks
Uisk/Zelt is my favorite
>How does the future of the franchise look
Well there's this...
Am I alone in thinking Kazuki is 'better' on the Alisa path because he's not harping on about finding her for 90% of the route?
Also the rebels in DHZ were retards.
Is this what's left of the gacha game?
It's got a pretty memorable head design.
Yeah, but you got a old fart LARPing as Master Asia and beating up wanzers on foot.
Front Mission joins the horde of old JRPG properties that got turned into gacha shit.
Kazuki is better on the Emma path because, while he is kind of dumb, he's not a massive screaming retard with no off switch on his murderboner
If Squeenix were smart, they would've made a crossover game between Front Mission and Final Fantasy.
That would've been fun to see characters being pilots with specializations but also have jobs like in FFT.
And not only would a pilot specialization impact how a wanzers act on the battlefield, but also a pilot's job.
Not to mention stuff like wanzer-sized gunblades and magic that would go with the modern weapons. Let alone summons

Now that would be very fun to play.

I concur. Heck, he had to be the one to calm Emma down when she got impatient about them getting to Alisa.
Yes, but the thing is right now Squeenix is holding the corporate matrix of idiocy, where even fucking Konami looks like they're gradually course correcting.

If 14 wants to do that, that's on them, and I'd like to think a magitek riff on FM would be doable... but then again maybe KH is the better home, since from my understanding the precedent has been set that Squeenix will reference stuff outside of their Final Fantast stable for those games.
>Squeenix is holding the corporate matrix of idiocy
Aye. If they won't get rid of this then they will forever screw up.
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Damn, I guess I was right to ignore this after seeing it was outsourced to a Polish studio. To add to the thread, I really like the Silver Fang from Gun Hazard.
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I'll spoil every boss interaction right here:
>Professional Terrorist Boss: Helloo, Albert
>Albert: Why are you guys doing this? For what purpose?
>Purpose, Albert?

it is really campy and found it amusing when i was younger.
Well, I know I am buying anything related to the series as to feel like Im doing my part.
No, it does not. Go read it, its free anyway.
I feel like FM3 wont be released :/
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It's not like the original is unplayable in any manner.
What can a farmed out remake even offer? From the previous two remakes we can safely say that the mechanical design is being done by amateurs, the scripts are being machine translated, and the code monkeys are being paid in bananas. Low effort trash all around.
Freeing Front Mission Third from PS1 architecture limitations would be cool, sure. But I don't feel we really lose anything if SE decides that farming out low budget remakes to bottom tier studios has a poor ROI.
Front Mission Borderscape remains the bigger loss and it was going to be gacha trash from the start.
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Also, if you are a real FM fan, you better be buying all the Structure Arts releases.
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No, they killed my sweet curvaceous Bizant.
Fuck off they stabbed me in the back on Wander Arts.
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I want to hope it at least updates missile attacks to be more like FM2R instead of being treated as a sprite following terrain, and expands the number of usable Wanzer parts, including some of the niche Experimentals such as the Kodomari prototype at Taal Base (I like its bulbous torso) or the funny prototype Wanzer used by the defective Imaginary Number (the one with a dunce-cap head and a boxy body).

I'd also love for FM2089 to get remade one more time and added to PC also.
Probably just emulate it with some custom plugin. They've done it before with ports of other games so i don't see why they wouldn't do it for FM3.
Don't lose hope, /m/an.
How many fucking times do I need to restart FM2R just to get a proper surrender? Game fucking crashes every time an enemy does wave the white flag.

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