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How well do you know your mecha by OP?


When you can't name anymore, click "Give up" under the timer and post a screencap of your results sheet.
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>and post a screencap of your results sheet.
Pic related as an example.
Piss off!
Cry more idiot.
Can't be bothered to screenshot, it's 49.
Would be 50, but I forgot how to spell Jeeg's title
63%. A few were right on my tongue.
nice screenshot, the bottom is cut off

>not knowing macross dynamite
Never even saw 7.
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I do this one every couple years whenever it pops on my YT recs. Half the time is me fighting with the system because of spelling, but whatever, not too shabby i guess.
shame it's still the only mecha themed opening quiz
Fuck off with the stealth bumping.
Spelling worked pretty well for me
prove it
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Here's mine, got 88 lol
how can you not know build fighters?
Dude stop bumping this shit.
I don't like the premise so i haven't watched it
>nooo delete this
Answer statistics.
Some of these are a little surprising. Even without watching Big O you should know what it looks like. (Pretty sure it was in the sample)
>dougram only 40%
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Can't say i'm hugely proud of the results. brainfarted a few times so stuff i should've gotten like Giant Robo slipped me by. i also forgot that Jeeg's sequel remake thing is KotetsuSHIN Jeeg so i lost a point there too. Still, i think i did average
64% just to clarify, dunno why i didn't include that in the picture
When will new mecha quiz be made? This one is like 5 years old.
wtf is wrong with both of you?
Don't know what you're rambling about, I just posted the statistics.
meant to quote >>22721919, sorry anon-kun
2/2 and then I couldn't figure out how to pass on the 3rd so I quit
>2/2 and then I couldn't figure out how to pass on the 3rd so I quit
if you don't know you don't answer, tard
49. I'm really no good with older super robot.
Why don't you watch more?
>another ghost bump
just let this pathetic shit die
Cry more idiot.
just accept nobody wants to do your shitty quiz and let this thread die
Cry more idiot.
Why are there game OPs?
Why not?
it should be anime only for consistency
>not knowing any SRW

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