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long weekend edition
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Stared with this sketch on MS Paint.
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Now I'm up to here. I like it and I don't like it.
I put this sketch through Fooocus and got this.
I like the colors, nice shine.
That's awful.
I don't know, I like AI stuff, as an artist and ex animator to a 2 d drawing and its re created by a compute is right up my Star Trek alley.

This AI drawing was based on a cleaned up design years ago.
Here's the original.
This one looks a bit better, my problem is that it fills all the gaps and nuances that one would feel when looking at a real artwork with nonsense, so instead of getting a sense of wonder and awe you just get a prepacked emotion because of how the prompt system works.
Meh. I'm easy to please. Except in the story department. If the writers get lazy, I'm not buying it. If they put in things that shouldn't be there, I'm angry.
If they use retarded editing hand held shaky cam, I'm out.
Im sorry but
>>22703836 Soul
>>22703833 Soulless
The original has the charm of some PC-98 / High res VGA graphics. The slop one looks just like any other slop. Though I suppose the slop one is neat for adding lighting and backgrounds. Still though I'd pick the MS paint drawing. You should post more if you have any.
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I got thousands. When I cam back from working in Japan my friend had written a sci fi comedy, which was just a little too close to Tyler the Irresponsible Captain. Since I was aware of Tyler I wanted to take his screenplay and add my early work from the Joe Kubert school humor class sci fi comedy comic strips that I had done to his story then go nuts with the design.

So I started working on his script and making designs. I'm not a designer especially a character designer but I made the basis for what could start as a sci fi comedy. I made a bunch of Window Movie Maker teaser vids, as i was starting to get used to drawing with a mouse with MS paint, then trying to use Photoshop with that all. It was exciting. But my best friend wasn't interested in any of it, so I backed off and worked on it for just myself. He passed away in 2022 and he more then any other person I know deserved success. I thought if we worked together we could get his concepts on film, good, bad or indifferent.
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Leiji Matsumoto had this fan illustration contest that I accidentally found while I was searching Japanese websites so I submitted this image and low and behold it was put on the final poster. I described who I was and how I worked for Phoenix Entertainment and Sunrise and met him at a Galaxy Express 999 event in 1999.
Got any hot chicks?
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LOL na, Ill leave that to the "special" artists.
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I'm digging the AI stuff. We can do things that Hollywood would never do, or never do correctly. So good by to Hollywood and now the people can make their own stories. To entertain.
i love how funky the torso looks while still keeping the whole design very humanoid
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Very Mobius. Very nice.
Love the bottom ship, the front reminds me of an antique lighter
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lol, Smoke if you got em.
Small progress
Thank you!
This is beautiful
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it's been a slow building this
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Bump. Please don't let it die.
sadly considering some generated shit posted here, I'll avoid thread now instead of posting my stuff.
If you surrender to AI, you let AI won.
>past tense
Anon what do you know ?
Hello saar.
Surrendering means using.
I just don't want to share stuff in this thread.
that's about it.
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I painted this in oil I was copying a painting i found online i think the original was by Yoshiyuki Takani but i am not sure
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my next painting I totally fucked up the proportions on the downed zaku but i will fix it when i paint it
This looks like Edvard Munch's rendition of Votoms. Reeks of mental illness.
I will take that as a compliment
you tend to make the hips and legs a little smaller than they should be but i think that'll go away with practice. the composition on your zaku painting looks awesome too
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You should try making grey by mixing complimentary colours like red and green. If you change the proportions to something like 2 parts red to 3 parts green you’ll get a nice dull green, which is a great way to add some hierarchy to your painting, the scopedogs in the background are a bit too bright. I imagine you tried to to get the same effect by adding black over the right leg, but the trick is to work lighter and desaturate than go dark and vibrant

Also maybe look into making your own canvas with some board and gesso so you don’t get those glossy bumps

Thanks for the advice man I am a totally amateur this is only my 5th oil painting I have no idea what I am doing :) their is still so much to learn.
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Make a video presentation of it.
Don't worry, anon. Your works are not protected as long as you post it on the internet.
errr i would but this is one is really making me realize what a noob I really am it was easier with the votoms one since i was copying a existing painting so i knew what colors to aim for. Right now i am making it up as i go and it looks like a real mess I can probably save it but I don't really feel confident enough to like constantly post updates as the painting gets worse and worse
I post them online for decade.
I just decided to not post them in this thread so they'll be in same place together with generated garbage
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Oh knock it off we all start somewhere and we are all gonna get shit for what we do no matter how refined out technique is. Do it and have doing the painting who knows you might inspire someone to start painting mecha. DEWIT!
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I meant to say "and have a good time doing it."
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New NEW Nue God Phoenix.
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the elf ears are a really cute choice
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still getting used to proportions but overall, I am happy with the result
Looks more like a goblin.
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this is looking nice, good work! i really like the color choice in particular
There’s no way, this is too good. Is this for anything ?
You know i originally wanted to be friendly toward you since i want to support human artist over ai prompting garbage, but god, people like you are such fucking faggots. No one is gonna care if one or two artist decided to not posting.
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I'm gonna put this through AI and see what happens.
Well my Fooocus AI program doesn't seem to work something about not enough Cuda? What the hell that is.
you getting aggressive over simple explanation is amusing however
Finally my Fooocus is back on line. But here's what it belched out. Almost all the images were terrible. Its just a tool don't be afraid. If companies and banks are forcing me to have a cell phone, then artists should be able to use the AI programs. Its how you use it and in what way.
there is zero use for an artist that relies on an algorithm to generate imagery for them
Yea. Too bad my parents weren't Hollywood jews. I'd be such a better artist then.
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Quit posting AI bullshit. A Russian Tank post turret-toss has more artistic integrity than what you're posting.
you're literally sucking any kind of soul out of those drawings with this shit
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i know it's suck i will turn it around. I will paint the Faulds and pauldrons a different colors to break up the green and i need to make the gun less blue.
but I am sure i can turn this around.
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steampunk Gyan sketch
this would be a great theme for a future AU
good job
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thats the idea, its like a Jules Verne themed 0079
it does feel like you're getting some details of the FZ wrong, it's typically a tad bit thicker than what you've got here...
>beam weapons
Why not a black powder-propelled bunker buster?
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Thank you.

Thanks, it's a cutscene for a game I'm working on.
I think beam weapons have a Flash Gordon raygun kinda charm to them.
But the shield bombs are actually supposed to be 17th century style, black powder & wick grenades
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amazing work as always!
i like how you did the battle damage here, do you have anything that you use as a reference for those?
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Just referenced effects of bullets on armour plating, keeping shading values in mind.
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A shuttle. Just got over a 2 day and 11 hour ban from all boards. 4 Chan is worse then youtube.
Here's a Fooocus AI rendering. I'm not convinced that AI is totally worthless.
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Okay did this rather quickly. Coming up the Ai version.

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Bonus artwork for the customer.

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