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Previous thread: >>22638846

The full story, with none of the original eight

Previous and current news:
>Brave Universe Sworgrader manga ongoing
>Baan Gaan web novel in production
>J-Decker HD Blu-ray/DVD slated for July
>Hakaiou manga ongoing (Conqueror's Thralls arc), King J-Der side story by Tsunashima Shirou also ongoing
>SMP J-Decker slated for July
>Upcoming Koto kits: Great Fighbird, Da-Garn & GX Parts (6/24), Pegasus Saber, Land Bison, Seven Changer, Great Baan Gaan (8/24), Mach Sperion & Weapon Set
>Cross Frame Girl Goldy Marg & Stealth Gao II, Star GaoGaiGar Set out now, GaoFighGar slated for December
>Hobby Japan AMAKUNITECH Genesic GaoGaiGar out now, Sworgrader announced; AMAKUNI Genesic Head Display Model with new Guy voices slated for Sep-Oct 2024, SUPER KIZIN Genesic GaoGaiGar also revealed
>THE GATTAI Might Gaine, Might Kaiser and Good Smile Shop exclusive Might Gunner out now, Seven Changer for September, Fighbird for March 2024, Granbird, PEGASUS SABER and Land Bison in development
>Pose+ Limited Repli-Gaigar slated for Q2 2024, ChoRyuJin in prototype stage
>Soul of Chogokin ChoRyuJin slated for August and Tamashii Web Repli-Gaigar for October, Dimension Pliers, Gekiryujin, Big Volfogg and Chogokin Evoluder Guy in development, King Exkaiser and Dragon Kaiser are given a brush-up (redone from scratch)
>Amakuni developing all Great Braves, Hakaiou Genesic up for pre-order, King J-Der Accessory Set out now
>Evolution Toy Fighbird (delayed TWICE from July and September) and Granbird (delayed THREE TIMES from September, December AND February) out now, can form Great Fighbird
>Action Toys J-Decker revealed at WonFes 2024, currently at prototype stage
>New Takara Tomy umbrella line T-SPARK revealed, Spark the Third: Toyrise unveils King Exkaiser and Genesic GaoGaiGar
>A final farewell to Naoki Makishima, who died last year (September 29, 2023). He's a legend among the franchise, voicing multiple side Braves.
Awaken your Brave soul!
Rough translations of the novel's 1st chapter.
"The scent of the tide on the southerly breeze tickled my nostrils. The trees were beginning to shed their leaves, giving off a hint of winter, but there was a lingering scent of summer in the breeze.
The ocean from the observation platform of the seaside dome was endlessly blue, reflecting the sun's rays and sparkling as if it were a jewel box turned upside down.
Somewhere, a seagull was crying.
Torn clouds drifted across the blue sky, just like the sea.
Shunpei Serizawa had just turned twelve and loved the view of this city.
Created as a result of the expansion of the National Space Development Agency, Kaihin City is an emerging metropolis, a rarity in twenty-first century Japan.
It was originally several small, desolate fishing villages that were merged into an ultra-modern city.
The city, built in a way that preserves the mudflats as much as possible, is a paradise for birds, and the scenery where the sky and sea meet is a vivid addition to the daily life of the city.
The VARS elementary school division finals will begin shortly. Please gather in the third field.
I heard the announcer's clear voice.
Shunpei slapped his knee, picked up the toolbox under his feet, and braced himself.
It was time to fight."
Whoops, forgot the catbox link of the previous post for the specific lines of text.
"VAriable Robot System "VARS" is an innovative robotic toy developed by Shunpei's older sister, Manami Serizawa.
Equipped with the latest super AI that reads both brain waves and verbal input from the registered user, VARS is capable of inputting information in a far more flexible manner than previous interfaces, and has exploded in popularity as a new generation of e-sports.
For example.
To give a robot the order to "punch and knock down the opponent's robot," it was necessary to use a controller to give commands such as "use sensors to measure the distance to the opponent and move to the relevant position," and "use the right manipulator to execute a straight punch. Needless to say, this is still a simplified model.
VARS adds the element of "brain waves" to this model, so that the user is able to give commands such as, "Go! Punch it! VARS is able to accurately grasp and execute even fuzzy commands such as "Go!
The fact that VARS, which can read "unspoken intentions" with high precision not only through quantum brainwave observation but also through deep learning by AI, has been released not in the military field but in the consumer, toy field, has surprised people around the world.
It had already surpassed the realm of "children's toys" and was becoming a new device that would replace cell phones (smartphones).
However, the important thing for Shunpei was that the VARS robot toy was a lot of fun.
Not only because his sister made it.
It was because the humanoid robot, about 15 centimeters tall, that he had assembled with such care and attention, fought within the regulations! The depth of the project is that it is a "mechatronics" project.
There was also the hardware aspect of assembling the mechanics, and the software aspect of customizing the AI to suit my own needs. Of course, the VARS battles also used controllers, so there was a computer game aspect to the game as well."
"Therefore, as soon as it was released, Shunpei was hooked on it, even while he slept.
He made many mistakes, shed many tears, and accumulated failures and defeats, each time strengthening his VARS and improving his piloting skills.
In this way, he has managed to make it all the way to the Japanese competition in the elementary school division.
At first, there were some who suggested that he had connections with his older sister, but Shunpei's brilliant fighting style quickly dispelled such rumors.
In fact, the corporate e-sports works team and adults at the technical college (for Shunpei) had watched his battles up to the semi-finals, and some of them even invited him to come here after he graduated from junior high school.
Such an experience was a big medal for Shunpei, who was in the sixth grade of elementary school.
(I'm going to win!)
I felt like I was looking at the blue VARS in my hand.
Of course, they were only two ultra-compact sensor units in a row, but it seemed to me that the human-shaped robot might have a heart like a human being.
The VARS elementary school division will now begin the finals. Both players, to the VARS deck.'
I stood in front of the player's seat called the VARS deck.
I could see my classmate Nanako Aiba, who had unusually come to cheer me on, yelling something in the audience, but I couldn't hear her.
He was not ignoring her, but rather concentrating on his own performance.
The person in front of Shunpei's gaze is, coincidentally, Hiro Sakashita, who is in the same class as him.
He is a boy with somewhat melancholy eyes and an expression as delicate as glasswork.
It is a strange fate that the two of them, who stand at the top of the countless VARS players who have gathered from all over the country, come from the same elementary school."
The two fighters have shown that they are capable of doing it.
No one doubts their abilities, because they have shown that much fighting spirit.
(Don't hold back, Shunpei.)
That was what Hiro's eyes told him.
(I won't lose, Hiro.)
Shunpei met that gaze head-on.
Both players took out their VARS and placed them on the starting deck.
Shunpei's VARS is a blue machine, the color of the sky.
Hiro's VARS is a red machine the color of the sun.
The two VARS, which contrasted well with each other, were so well sculpted that several of the spectators let out sighs of admiration.
For this day...
The two VARS had been tuned and trained for this day.
To the adults, they may be mere toys, but to the two boys, Shunpei and Hiro, they are the embodiments of their souls.
Hiromi Shiina, a high school girl acting as MC, signals the start of the event in front of an electronic bulletin board.
Hiromi's hand is lowered.
The blue and red machines fly away!
The two VARS collide head-on, as if they are one and the same.
The battle between the two VARS was not a violent one, in which the machines were destroyed. In fact, such fighting is strictly forbidden by the rules. The rules of this year's national competition are point-grabbing battles without the use of VARS-specific weapons.
By falling on the opponent's machine or hitting the sensors placed here and there on the aircraft, one can take away points from the opponent. If you do not take an aggressive offensive action for a certain period of time, your points will be deducted.
Could you translate chapter 0 as well or is there nothing important in it?
"The winner is then awarded if he or she has reduced the opponent's points to zero within the time limit, or if he or she is ahead in points at the end of the time.
Think of it as an amateur boxing or wrestling match with elements of old-school robotics.
The key to success is precise control, anticipation, and aircraft settings.
If the actuators are set to be more power-oriented, agility will be lost. If speed is emphasized, the stability of the aircraft is reduced, making it more susceptible to being knocked down. It is difficult to balance the battle of blows for points and the battle of falls for a one-shot reversal.
Even adult players have not been able to find a solution to this balance. It is such a new sport that the theories are rewritten every time a tournament is held.
Needless to say, both Shunpei and Hiro's VARS are balanced at a high level.
Shunpei's blue VARS is a "grappler" with parameters set for speed and stability in tackling at close range.
On the other hand, Hiro's red VARS are "strikers," meaning that their parameters are based on the accuracy of their punches and kicks from a distance and the subtlety of their footwork."
Rough translations on the prologue.
"When the universe was created, there was nothing there.
Because there was no time, there was no past or future.
The tens of thousands and billions of cosmic eggs were anything and everything.

A ripple was created there.

The ripples became the primordial consciousness.
The ripples of the origin collided with each other, naturally leading to opposing polarities.
On the other hand, Great Will Astal.
Konata, Absolute Evil Grandark.
They are the consciousness of light and the consciousness of darkness that the universe itself has.
Both sides fought endlessly to define the state of the dimensions, which was still nothing but chaos.
It was a matter of whether light or darkness would become chaotic and form the universe.
Eventually, Astal gathered the ``Sacred Braves'', ``conscious bodies of light'', and sealed away the ``conscious body of darkness'', Grandark.
And then, the universe was enveloped by limitless will power and filled with countless lives.
More than ten billion years have passed.
The ever-expanding universe shines in its own way, and numerous civilizations have flourished there.
In a corner of the small island universe, its prosperity is about to come to an end.
This may have been the result of the universe's desire for the opposing polarities of light and darkness."
"The fight between the two is similar to a mixed martial arts match.
The most logical thing to do when robots that imitate human bodies fight each other is to use the human fighting style.
In fact, Shunpei watches martial arts fights many times on video websites and incorporates their movements into his AI.
(The technology that allows a human to control a human body is amazing!)
This was Shunpei's realization.
The more he moved VARS, the more he was impressed by the potential of the humanoid form.
The two VARS, one blue and one red, intertwined and tangled in the center of the field as if they were dancing.
Both VARS should already be exhausted by the time they reach the finals.
Yet, there was not the slightest disturbance in the movements of both sides.
Rather, their movements are sharper and more precise than in previous battles.
This is a testament to the learning accuracy of the super-AI installed in the VARS, and it shows that the pilot's mental focus has been raised to the utmost limit."
"Joints pulled to their very limits spark up and the creaking of the frame can be heard.
The red VARS' palm strikes, delivered from ultra-low altitude, are a learned form of Chinese kenpo jinatsu, in which positional energy is converted into kinetic energy to increase impact force. The blue VARS deflects it smoothly, as a jiu-jitsu master would do, and tries to move into joint techniques in a flowing manner. The red VARS evaded this move with a somersault.
Without any hesitation or hesitation, the two machines continue to move in response to the boys' trust.
The two machines continue to move in response to the boys' trust, "Wow, are you really in elementary school?"
"Wasn't that move better than the U-18 champs' VARS?"
"I didn't know they could move like that with genuine parts."
Such exclamations of admiration could be heard from all over the venue.
(It's amazing! Western VARS is really amazing!)
The same admiration was shared by Shunpei.
Half of the predictions of what they would do and what they would return like this were correct. But the other half of the time, they would go above and beyond.
That is what makes it so much fun.
Of course, Shunpei also tries to go above the rest of the ocean.
Fists of steel clash, sensors and AI intersect to capture each other's intentions.
In terms of instantaneous power of control, Yo, who is also a member of the basketball team, has the upper hand.
However, the higher level of education of the AI is slightly surpassed by Shunpei, who spends every day with VARS.
Overall, there is no decisive difference in their strengths.
Natural Fortune--
"These are the things that decide the outcome of the game.
Hot sweat trickles down his forehead.
With every ounce of concentration, every ounce of energy, Shunpei's words and controller give instructions to the VARS.
The two machines collide with each other in a torrent of blue and red, creating a small but gigantic whirlwind.
(I wish it could go on forever.)
That was Shunpei's honest and untruthful feeling.
In the midst of the battle, we see the VARS AI grow even more. Learning from the way Yo fought, the machine became even stronger.
It is the same for Yo's red VARS.
The two boys and their two VARS are improving and shining on each other, and the whole venue is abuzz with excitement.
Their points gradually decreased.
No matter how small a mistake they make, they don't miss it.
But even the mistakes are quickly recovered, so they are never decisive.
This is the kind of battle.
The blue and red machines clashing with each other are the very flames of the boys' passion.
The flames that became a vortex engulfed the Seaside Dome itself, turning it into a melting pot of excitement."
Not sure how much this will affect future Brave blu-ray remasters.
Hakaioh's translator is not translating the Baan Gaan novel, but he's completing the manga's Mic arc.
"At the same time.
In a jet-black space far above the Earth--
"Is that ...... the blue star ...... Earth......?"
A single shining blue meteor appeared in Earth's lunar orbit. As if it recognized the earth, the meteor took a course as if it was pondering and observing the earth.
A moment later.
! A red meteor suddenly appeared and attacked the blue meteor, bouncing off it, cutting through the darkness and taking a course toward the earth.
The two meteors spiraled and were sucked into the earth. It was an energy body without spiritual mass that mankind has yet to comprehend, and it aimed straight for a point on the earth.
The meteor, with its disastrous crimson radiance, and the blue meteor, with its sacred radiance, were the antagonists of the two meteors.
They were lights that heralded the long battle that was about to begin."
"And then it happened.
Two lights exploded at the center of the two clashing VARS.
Shunpei's body was blown away, followed by a powerful shock to the rest of his body.
(What? What ...... am I going to die ......?)
I didn't know what had happened.
But I could hear several screams in the distance and understood that something terrible was happening.
My whole body ached terribly, and I felt a tremendous heaviness even to move a finger.
How much easier it would be if I could just close my eyes.
How much better it would be if I could just let myself rest and lose consciousness.
That is what my cells were telling me.
Pain became a chain of gravity, binding Shunpei's body.
But still.
Shunpei tried to open his young eyes.
He had his sister, Hiro, and his friend Nanako at this venue.
He could not close his eyes without knowing what had happened to these precious people.
Therefore, Shunpei gathered up his courage and tried to open his eyes.
No matter how painful the reality might be, he could not remain ignorant of it.
He raised his eyelids, heavy as iron, and moved his limbs, heavy as water-soaked cotton.
And then...
Shunpei saw.
(Light ......!)
In the midst of the blazing flames, a blue radiance was indeed protecting Shunpei and the others.
That radiance looked like a blue dragon.
That was the encounter between Shunpei and "Baan Gaan".
It was the beginning of a new story of a "boy" and a "brave."
For the 21st Children......"
First chapter's rough translations all posted.
Anon I permit you to post one (1) picture, but it must be one of your favourite Brave pictures.
Episode 25 and 40 are up there in terms of best J-Decker episodes.
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>Ep 25: (Deckard dies in the line of duty)
>Ep 40: (Brave Police disbanded!)
These were absolutely heart-wrenching episodes, I'm not sure how I forgot about them. I mean, I guess the former's definitely one of the most impactful and well-made, but difficult to list as an enjoyed favourite for certain obvious reasons.
Looking forward to Photogrizer's proper debut in a chapter or two.
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Can I post webms too as a reply?
Preferring the more bluish tones in this design.
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Because I love you, you may.
Form Up.

new scans of a couple Atsuko Ishida books released in the late 2000s, both books contain settei for Might Gaine and J-Decker
/ourheroes/, especially Tokuda.
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Toyrise Exkaiser images.
Farewell, Naoki Makishima. You had a great, unique voice.
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Cute Yuta https://x.com/momiji_fuwa/status/1807802122634998218?s=19
Dat Deckard expression.
Ooh, trailer has a bit more going on. Proportions are nice, too. What's the price?
Based on the twitter link of the Toyrise image, it says reservations will start soon.
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Say 'Da Garn!'
Mitsuaki Madono's (Soldat J) own comments.
Mitsuaki Madono's comments on Matsuno's passing.
"I was surprised by the news of Taiki Matsuno's death.
It seems like so many, too many people around my age have passed away. I pray for Taiki's soul to rest in peace."
Da Garn!
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