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The only human character in the Cosmic Era.
and humans are terrible awful creatures, just like her.
and yet she managed to get over herself unlike you
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I greatly despised her initially, then felt increasingly sorry for her with lessening hatred. She's a good and complex character, and I wish things worked out better for her.
>I'll protect you. My true feelings will protect you.
No she just managed to manipulate a boy with sex to protect her.
Is this official art because those tits are fucking massive
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Lacusfags forever mad she will never be Kira's first
Literally Kira wearing a wig.
they were cute together. It honestly would have been best if they could have met up again and made up. You could still have her die in the end but I think it would have worked better if they reinforced that they had a chance to be together. By the end of the season Kira is still thinking about her, but is already pretty much with Lacus at that point, shoulda kept it more ambiguous
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I find Lacus to be extremely aggravating, her persona dragged Kira, who was a decent character for most of early Seed to the shitty Jesus Yamato attack dog in late Seed and Destiny, at least Flay forced him to grow, even to the point of being unlikable in universe, i sometimes wonder what would've happened with Destiny had Lacus stayed Athrun's GF and had Kira managed to save Flay and i think it would've resulted with a better series overall
But enough about Lacus and Ahtrun and Cagalli and
Yes, this was by Hirai.
Yeah, the friction between Kira and Flay made him a far more interesting character. You can really tell how flat he becomes once he is tied to Lacus who barely challenges him as a person like Flay did.
Yup and also best female Gundam character alongside Kira who is the best male Gundam character.
Both stars of the two best Gundam shows.
Flay stops existing after episode 19 or so, sadly.
Care to explain?
You tell me what Flay does after the episode where Sai falls on his ass trying to pilot the Strike.
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She is pretty stacked.
That's objectively sneedation.
Imao. Meds. She's literally the most feminine and attractive looking character in seed.
I like this scenario a lot more than what we actually got. Personally I find lacus as boring as a plank of wood.
flayfags still exist?
Lacusfags still exist? Granted, she's still the same non character perfect waifus as she always was.
Flay is canonically stacked yes. All natural genes at work there just like with Murrue.
Her ass is lacking in this angle.
only the tits were being asked about
I've seen the image before but never noticed how much smaller her rear looked there. Flay definitely has a nice butt.
perspectives, etc
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retcon stacking
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Now, that's more like it, not half bad....damn. I have to go to bed. Good night.
>make story ostensibly about how your genes aren't all that define you as a person
>90% of heroic characters are genetically enhanced super humans who constantly mog an shit on naturals
>kill off all the natural love interests of protagonists in both Flay and Stella, so that the coordinator boys can get with coordinator girls
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Where is the webm?
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Kira is embarrassed to take his nudist wife out.
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Right doesn't even make sense unless you assume her tits grew bigger mid scene.
She got a worse trajectory than Meer but not Stella in terms of tragic heroines
Shut up Rau
Isn't Flay like 14? Always was a bit weirded out due to that, her being 18 would have worked better with her character arc
Like, it's weird how her character is treated when she's a year older than Quess, who meanwhile is treated as a child (as she should)
It was nice. Back when Seed was airing and I was in an international school in Japan there was these cookies with cards out in Japan. I got a bunch of them but the Flay one was nice. She was in a kneeling pose and gave a nice panty shot. That card became the most demanded and went for a pretty high price.
>Isn't Flay like 14? Always was a bit weirded out due to that, her being 18 would have worked better with her character arc
Back to twitter
Did you ever keep them?
>Isn't Flay like 14? Always was a bit weirded out due to that, her being 18 would have worked better with her character arc
Fucking how? And why?
always thought Flay was one of the most well realized characters not just in Seed but in the whole Gundam franchise, unironically complex and "deep". it comes across as narrow-minded when people dismiss her because "she's unlikable and evil!". appreciated thread

it's just the trademark anatomy the character designer draws, who has supervised and likely redraw most of the opening
cool, can you do a deep dive for a shallow guy like me, like what's the intricacies
Because you are right. Most seedfags miss the forest for the tress. Maybe because seed as a show gives mixed signals about its themes.
glad you're self-aware.
She was intensely unpleasant at the start, but I didn't expect her to have any depth or conflict, nor did I expect to have sympathy or boners for her
>tee hee I will use my pussy to control the MC for my racism agenda
Left wing shit
I loved her character because she was one of the more realistic characters in the show. I kinda wish she would have survived Seed just to see how much if any conflict would have happened between her, Kira, and Lacus in Destiny. I think Destiny might have been infinitely more interesting with her around.
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I was spoiled that she would die at some point, but it still sucked ass, and I was hoping that she'd die in Seed Destiny instead of like, how it turned out
I miss her lads
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