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>One year later
>No update
Announcement at Anime Expo.
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Something set between SDF-1 and Plus, please god. I need to see the VF-4 in action.
if there's nothing at AE, then we'll probably get a trailer attached to that Zegapain movie when it hits theaters in august?
It would be nice a project exploring what happened with Megaroad. After all it was teased already in the Delta movie.
Then the next project could be anything after Delta with Max finally finding the Megaroad. It would be a good closure to the story of the original cast.
>anything with the original cast
HG confirmed for satan.
They can use the FB2012 versions but they'd be redesigned for anything new regardless.
Who's gonna voice them? I don't think they'll ever touch on that ever again honestly. Besides, they'll likely aim for a "new audience".
There were already gays in 7, Frontier, and Delta.
The disrespect to DYRL
No other moment in the franchise have come close to the final battle against the Zentradi in both the show and movie.
I don't give a shit what anyone says I like II.
DYRL is the best entry in Macross, it's a perfect distillation of all its ideals into a concise plot filled with fairy tale-like wonder, it's far more than just beautiful cels
In anime animation is like 80% of what it's worth.
that alone puts DYRL in the top tier.
Why would anyone want Sunrise to touch Macross with the latest trash they put out? Mercury? Roze of Recapture? It's clear they have an agenda. I'm 90% sure they're going to have a female protaganist and sprinkle in some yuribait
One Macross per decade, I get to watch 5 more in this life.
There was two Macross projects in the 2000s though.
OAV don't count
They do since Plus and Zero are considered mainline entries

Sunrise always put his big series in fall or in spring and I think is already too late for this fall.
I don't love it, but I'd have it rather than 7, Frontier or Delta.
Went the way of the Sunrise Akira adaptation.
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And Orbital Era. It's been five years since both projects were announced and there hasn't been a beep since from Sunrise. I do have faith that at least OE is going to come out though, since it took Steamboy (from the 2000s Sunrise-Otomo project) 10 years to make.

Also it's pretty much a requirement for animated projects based on Otomo's works to always be well-animated with lots of details so I can see this becoming Steamboy 2.0. Hopefully a much better one at that.
Steamboy was by Sunrise?
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I'm reading some of the Sunrise animators are complaining about the new White Base studio.
Are they complaining there's not enough exit doors in case someone burn the building down?
They are complaining the female workers don't cosplay with the pink Feddie uniform.
They are going to copy Bocchi this time. Idols are less popular and girls bands are in. You are right about the yuribait though.
>girls bands are in
How new?
Love Live is apparently ending so
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what's up with all this disrespect for the Milky Dolls?
II is better than a lot of people give it credit for, it's only not to the level of the heavy hitters
I dashed my wishful thinking long ago, even if the licensing purgatory is vanquished, getting even a fraction of the cast together would take a miracle, it'd probably be all new people with some sloppy retelling and lukewarm plot for resolution
Your only option for that is Robotech
what's with all the deleted replies?
I don't expect all the cast to be there. Only Hikaru, Misa, Minmay and Max. After all the first 3 are the only ones that went into the Megaroad. Hikaru's VA should be replaced for obvious reasons, but the other 3 (including Max') are alive.
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Understandable, a lack of miniskirts in the workplace is a unacceptable
Someone hating on DRYL
Mari would never do a Minmay again, specially not for nostalgia bucks.
>but the other 3 (including Max') are alive
and how many of them can be convinced to come back to play their role
If you've kept up with anyone, you'd know Mari has spent several years separating herself from her past role as Minmay like the other anon said kek
Bro, Mari sounds terrible now, I wouldn't want here back.
Yeah this. I listened to her new songs out of curiosity and I wasn't really feeling it.

Also I prefer the Macross tradition of just letting old shows and characters rest in peace after their story has been told. Obviously there are some characters who don't abide by that like Max, but I don't want a story about Hikaru, Hayase or Minmay.
>I don't want a story about Hikaru, Hayase or Minmay
I wouldn't want a story either, but I think people are just asking for at least some form of closure rather than them being lost out in space for ever with the rest of humanity being convinced otherwise as a giant plot hole. Especially after what happened in delta
Well to be fair, that's Delta's fault (though, I don't really want to get into why I hate Delta in this thread, not really the point). But I think I would prefer they just moved on from it, or at the very least solved the problem off-screen. It's not like Macross really follows a consistent canon. I'm really just looking for something new out of the franchise and I'm less invested in the obsession over old characters.
calling it
VFX-2 adaptation
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Based, we need more zentran valks.
Macross II remake directed by Shoji Kawamori. I'm fucking around but I genuinely do want to see what he thinks about Macross II.
>Sunrise's Macross
I'm not good with predictions, but at this point, after that last series... I'm down for whatever. I'm at least a bit curious to see what they do with the franchise.
Yet she did it for Robotech a few years ago only. But if she doesn't want to you get someone else.

File deleted.
Digits checked. They could revisit the whole series by going the Megaroad road. It's also a perfect opportunity to tie it all together vid a debriefing-exposition dump from Lady Misa herself. They could fan service us o.g.'s while recapping everything for the new fans. Alas we could only hope we get it this good,
Three ChatGPT-generated posts above.
>AI shill
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Fan service meme no.2
Bring him back. Did Marline finally get her head out of her ass? What happened to Fire Bomber?
Basara got raped by Sivil and had ten daughters.
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Fren, some of us don't have time to line draw everything from scratch. Plus I was bored at work and it only took 15 min to fire those up. Those are the only thing that came close. If anything it's proof real ppl could never be replaced by A.I. because only two thumps had the title in them like they were supposed to. Wait let me pay 5k plus for a meme. Ms LS is also proof A.I. could never replace a musical savant.
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Same, I would be happy with they lived happily ever after; here's their kids or newbies who grew up under them.
If they don't want to make TV series with the old cast I get it.
But they could do 6 OVAs exactly as you say as a separate project. Then they can do the new TV series with the new cast, that is, whatever comes after Delta.
And after that happens they can do a movie tied with the new series where as a side plot Max finally reunites with them and they can give closure to that story.
I wish. Sivil wanted him so bad and she had to just up and leave. Dynamite and the manga talking about him wandering the galaxy to spread his song was good enough closure for him and Mylene I suppose.
Macross has a problem with introducing aliens in one show...and then barely using them again if at all. Hell, the mentranti got screwed over in the og sdf. Made it seem like they were going to be a big deal and all that happened was...Millia banged Max.
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There's still the Mikumo question. Delta didn't get into her enough ;how Lady M and MegaRoad found her ect. One important line/ speech to remember was Mesa's Speech to Minmay in ep.36 in SDF-1 was: "Who do you Sing For?"
This is said in Macross 7 as well,
In Delta Mikumo says the same thing to Freyja as if she already knows . ("Roundabout" starts playing)
What is Mikumo really? to be continued meme
She was a clone made from star singer cells.
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Yeah we know that but where did they get said cells to Clone? How did Nuns get their hand on it her and why does she act and Talk like Misa sometimes?
It's like everything in Macross. They stumbled on them while searching Protoculture ruins.
Where's my Sony movie?
Yeah desu even a voiceless cameo of them getting home is enough for me
>Fren, some of us don't have time to line draw everything from scratch.
Yeah. And we don't pretend like we're artists either as a result. Fuck off.
fuck off robotech
Hopefully nowhere.
why the fuck is this still up
if people calling out to meidos via posts like that, it usually means nothing gets done in the first place kek. I just wait until one of them wake up randomly at 3AM my time and nuke the thread
frogposter telling someone to touch grass, what a world
Fuck off faggot
thank you anon, for making sure the trash gets taken out
fuck you you fucking bitch I saw what you posted fuck you right in the ass
I hope it's a movie or a trilogy. Macross tends to be much stronger when they're on the big screen compared to their TV counterparts for some reason. Shit, I loved Delta's Absolute Live.
I respect that they didnt chicken out with Freya and pull a "the power of music means she will live" type of deal.
This was a movie-only ending, no? I remember Freyja was aging by the end of the show but alive. I expected her to be put in some kind of medical stasis chamber like Sheryl did in Frontier II but nah, she dies in Hayate's arms. Probably the only time I shed a (single) tear for Delta.
Yeah it was movie only. But it's basically how it was always gonna end.
Didn't she do Uta and Shooting Insight?
Macross in general works better as short term content than multi cour shows from experience
Yeah, in the show it's clear it's taken its toll but she didn't have to sing herself to death.
That fucked me up man, that poor gremlin. I'll cope with the TV ending. Fortunately I also preferred other parts of how the show told the story so I can pretend it's not pure cope.
>I remember Freyja was aging by the end of the show but alive.
Pretty sure Zettai Live is a sequel to the TV as well and that Freyja dying is just Satelight continuing where the ending left off with her aging. I could be wrong though, since I didn't watch the first compilation movie and just jumped to Zettai Live after finishing the show.

But if I'm right, does that mean Delta takes place in Frontier II's continuity?
The movie is a sequel to the film's version of events, which means it doesn't super neatly line up with the TV show. The cope is alive.
There's no need for coping anyway, Macross had a "pick your own continuity" kind of attitude ever since Frontier came out. Though it is blatantly obvious that Kawamori has a bias for the Frontier movies with the fact that he made a short for it ten years after Wings of Goodbye's release while shoving Durandal into Zettai Live.
I honestly don't get the love for Frontier, in either form. Nothing wrong with it but I just don't see what the people frothing it do.
Though I suppose that's not just about the movies.
So how long's a good grieving process. I don't think Frey Frey would want Hayate to sulk alone forever.
I agree. Depends on how much the daughter takes after her in the aging process. If she ages like her mother, ten years maybe?
If not, I think about 20 of sulking will do.
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Comparatively if Mirage is anything like her gram she's gonna be a hotty forever
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It's like SEED; it's an entry point to Macross for a lot of people when it came out.
It was the first big Macross we've had in a while. The series really isn't as active as Gundam. It's been running since the 80s and we've only really had the four major TV shows and a handful of OVAs and movie adaptations. A new Macross announcement is always more of a to do.
which release of super dimension fortress macross do I download off nyaa
>Just finished the first four episodes of SDF and liking Minmay a lot so far
>Check the archive to see general opinions
>Everyone fucking hates her
Wow okay, guess I'm interested in seeing what happens later on to cause that
It’s just years of Robotech fans projecting themselves into the lead.
And are these Robotech fans in the room with you right now?
>you can get turned away at Kawamori's AX signing if you bring Robotech goods
My sides have Folded and left the solar system.
Huh? For real? Did it happen today?
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Kawamori at AX means they are teasing the new Macross tomorrow right?
This has been the case for every con that Kawamori goes to. The staff usually enforce this more strictly so that any Robotech merch doesn't even reach him, but I guess AX's was slacking.
Yeah, during autograph line someone brought him Robotech stuff to sign and he refused.
Don't worry, you'll get it soon.
I will say this. I rewatched Macross and Minmay in the first episodes is a great character. Everyone forgets that.
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Absolutely fucking based.
>Asked about the Macross Project with Sunrise: "we currently working it. We want to emphasize something new. I get bored easily. Unfortunately its very difficult to come up with totally original storylines for Macross
From his q&a panel: https://x.com/XOF_FGC/status/1809036914592526719?t=luxo1ADY5t_yiSHGnhe2WQ&s=19
it's over, he totally wants to move on from macross
is that why the new aquarion isn't out yet
He also has a new movie coming out. Can't be Aquarion though; that one was announced to be a TV show.
If he doesn't like to do stories that aren't original then what's the point of 7, Frontier and Delta?
Plus and Zero at least could stand on their own without being a carbon copy of the original series.
Imao based
Robetectfags are not real macross fans. I'm sorry.
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I still like her character even if most of /m/ hates her
guess its brain damage
I wonder how many of you faggots where even alive at the time? Macross fans always seem to be fighting a war with someone that doesn't exist.
Imao, lol, robotechfans don't exist?
Not really. Not outside some 40 something occasionally going "Hey yeah I remember that."
7 and Delta are very different from SDF. Frontier is a special case, being a 25th year anniversary project, but even that had something new and original in it.
he's right, legit Robotech fans are an endangered species, they're either geriatrics who dont have good internet at their carehome or gen X latinos. Homeboy at AX was probably some joker who thought he was being funny teasing the guy whose been locked in one of the more famous cases of IP fuckery or someone who's been living under a rock for the past 40 years.
Wasn't there also that youtuber that did some interview with one staff member from shit gold? Don't remember his name.
idk, dont care for anitubers at all, but wouldnt surprise me.
I didn't want to mention a anituber but apparently there's one that posts on this board defending harmony gold. Or has done so a few times in the past.
he's literally been saying shit like this since DYRL. Par for the course, he'll keep on making Macross
Does he have a choice? He's made other works too like aquirion but nothing is as successful as macross.
If he truly needed Macross to get by I don't think he'd be taking near decade long breaks between entries
>Does he have a choice?
He'd probably not have any problem getting something else greenlit if he decided he wanted to make fucking I dunno, Arjuna 2 or whatever shit.
You're not even old enough to understand that meme.
I wish you were right, I'm as old as the DYRL movie
Speaking of Robotech, Harmony Gold's perfunctory panel at Anime Expo is currently happening. I imagine they'll roll-out the usual Power Point presentation and let everyone down with their updates on lackluster, new merchandise.
With the same 4 people in the audience every time?
Apparently, since I'm not seeing any online coverage of the panel. The only updates from Harmony Gold are on Facebook, comprising a pre-panel post about some dumb flight helmet, then afterwards a post on Max and Milia VFs from ThreeZero.
another day hoping they sink under
Another day seething at shadows.
Yes, the shit company behind all of this fuckery has become nothing more than a shadow people wish to dispel, screw these handrubbers
>Yes, the shit company behind all of this fuckery
Oh, this bogeyman again.
lord help me if i ever get to be a contrarian cunt enough to defend harmony gold in current year 2024
go watch 7 then
Fuck that, bring back the VF-1

One thing that has always bugged my autism about Macross is how often the Spacy/NUNS burns through and develops new planes. Hell, Macross and Flash Back are only 3 years apart, but in between that time you have
And then in Plus and 7 (which are only like 30-ish years away) you have a completely new set of planes. Considering the fact that the service life of a plane can last as long as 50+ years with revisions, I would love to see some older stuff with retrofits.
Go watch votoms or something you fucking retard.
Who's defending anything? There's nothing to defend because there's nothing happening. Your underage retard ass wants to act like there's some massive fandom war going on but nobody gives a shit. HG has NEVER been an obstacle. Plus and 2 have been translated and brought over in the past. There have been TWO attempts to bring over SDF. I don't know what it's going to take to get it through your skull that Macross is both too expensive musically and too niche otherwise. And if you were old enough to have actually been around when ANY of this mattered you'd see that the issue isn't just one shady company fucking you poor victimized (late generation) fans.
>too expensive musically
holy shit retards are still trying to peddle this lmao
You say that like the jet era of combat aviation irl didn't churn out a shitzillion airframes in its own right.
It’s incredible. You have the Japanese side saying they have no idea where this rumor came from and Toonami brats peddling it without realizing it came from a dead man from ANN.
Is Macross really that much more expensive to license out than any other idol/music-focused anime? And they announced international blurays for everything besides SDFM and Zero anyway, even if there's been radio silence on 7, Frontier and Delta.
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There is the VF1EX in Delta, does that count?
It will be done by love live staff and have even more idols than the last one!
Yeah it does. Though it's only used as a trainer plane which mirrors the F-5/T-38.
>fact that the service life of a plane can last as long as 50+ years with revisions
That's a real plane and not a sci fi future plane out exploring the cosmos with alien technology spear heading the development.
Except there's already an analog of this in Macross itself, which is all of the Zentradi walkers and suits. It's only the UN that keeps wasting money and resources on new frames.

Obviously I'm being coy, I already know the real answer (every new series needs a new flagship plane), but I don't see anything wrong with having like an VF-11EX show up once in a while in the fleet along with the newer planes.
>Obviously I'm being coy
No, you're being pedantic.
No, the former is a better descriptor, because I know the real answer yet I'm still entertaining the question regardless. If you see that as being pedantic then you're an actual social autismo, and I can't help you.
>Fuck that, bring back the VF-1
lol nah no more of that slop please
you have to go back
you're on /m/eddit
Frontier and Delta are hitting streaming next month.
never get between a Gen X anime fan and the truth, the leaded gasoline did a number on their brain development
And why correct a zoomie when he can repeat shitposts from things that happened before his dad was born.
>le zoomies!
You're trying too fucking hard to fit in.
Zero is getting a UK release and it will be based on the new upscale from the Japanese release back in February. So we can expect an American release too:

Said the guy still seething about HG when nobody brought them up to start with.
People who still care about Harmony Gold are faggots who don't know how to use a torrent
>when nobody brought them up to start with
Why would you lie so blatantly like that.
Worse, they're dubfags
Because read the thread.
rich coming from the dipshit still repeating the le too expensive to license meme
>dude why do you care about the company that actively cripples the macross franchise?
>Everyone is a shill
>Why does shit that doesn't happen.
You just keep fighting your sad little war so long as it distracts you from the reality that macross isn't an international priority.
Stop being a boot licker and acting like it being on fucking Disney+ is a good thing.
>isn't an international priority
lol whatever that means. I've gotten to watch Macross Plus and Frontier in American theaters, got to watch Walkure in American theaters, I've got the english release of Macross II preordered, I can walk into my local comic book shop and buy Macross model kits, 16 Macross entries will be streaming state side by the end of the year. cope
>an international priority
what the fuck is this retard even talking about, do we seriously have HG interns in here? how fucking low has this site fallen
stop being a bootlicker and pretending like some real estate company squatting on an IP and preventing the actual people who made the show from profiting off of it is no big deal
no, this guy has been doing it pro bono for years
very sad, many such cases!
Revisiting this post now that I'm over 20 episodes in and I guess I get it now, but I'm still surprised about the opinions. Minmay's pretty ditzy and isn't really committing to whether she's going out with Hikaru or not but I also feel like this is partially Hikaru's fault? He's not actively trying to advance the relationship and is just hoping she'll reciprocate out of thin air, not to mention he starts develop a bit of an inferiority complex once Minmay starts getting popular and starts backing off himself, in fact a lot of the interactions they have at this point of the story is Minmay coming to him. Also surprised people tend to like Misa so much because so far she's been generally incompetent and fucks up constantly while also being pretty melodramatic (trying to commit suicide like that on Mars? Really?)
So far I've been wondering if a lot of the Minmay hate is just her getting overflow from Kaifun, if Misa love is just in retaliation to Minmay and if DYRL just changes enough to make the opinions make more sense. Either way, another 15 episodes to go so things can still change.
Yeah characters in a drama are dramatic, who knew.
The minmay hate is a bit overblown and a meme, don't take it too seriously.
It's a lot of mixed signals and unintentional cockblockery between two people who end up mis-timing their chemistry to the point neither of them are able to escape each other's friend zone.
It's funny and tragic in equal measure.

It's even funnier juxtaposed with Max and his inability to be anything less than perfect at just about everything up to and including falling in love with and winning over the girl of his dreams within a single episode.
The problem with Minmay at the stage where you're at is that she's too self-centered. I don't think she can be faulted for not loving Hikaru the way he loves her, for her he's a very close friend. But she's fretting over meaningless stuff such as Hikaru hanging up the phone once, while in Hikaru's life people are dying around him.
That being said, it's not as if she didn't have some redeeming qualities, even at that stage of the story. When Global, overcome by grief because he couldn't get asylum for the civilians can't find anything else to say, she steps in and aids him. Even Kaifun, in a weird gesture, encourages him. And it doesn't matter how famous she gets, she's always saving Hikaru a spot when she's in a new movie for the premiere.
It's Delta all the way down.
I have to agree. Ichijo is kind of a fuck up and should have at least asked Minmei out. I feel like Max was there just as contrast to show what happens when you have the balls to make your personal life not a disaster.
That’s not what he said at all. Even the creators knew it was dumb to not let them go on a date so it’s one of the first things they do in DYRL.
DYRL is really just the objectively superior version of SDF
>finally got a deal that would allow macross to be watched legally oversees, now that HG is dealt with
>now they just sit on the IP and do nothing with it, not even trying to dispute the past series.
as expected, all they want from the IP is to make money off the merch, hence way they still are doing jack shit with it despite getting a deal with the actual owners of the IP.
honestly suprise HG has any defenders left, even robotechfags hate them because they are as bad as games worshop, Disney and Nintendo when it comes to sending copyright claims to other people, thus basically shutting down fan projects, actually they are worse then those companies because they didn't even actually own the IP in the first place.
I feel like there's a fundamental lack of reading comprehension going on when the point was never defending HG but pointing out that if someone ever REALLY wanted to work something out they can and would. But hey why actually comprehend what is said when we can blindly rage. And I fully expect to be called a defender even though I literally state nothing positive about them.
Well HG is a convent strawman even though all they did and could do was block the IP from coming to the west, and nowadays they no longer do that after a deal with Big West (which also shows us that HG would of still starve robotechfags of content and are happy to live off it like a parasite even though they still can just stay in restate) so anything going wrong with macross is on Big West themselves from now on.
Did anyone else see Mari dressed like a 90s mexican thug.
I guess if you just ignore everything they're doing it would seem like they do nothing.
Only if Keiki Kobayashi is doing the music.
>Reddit Combat
>pointing out that if someone ever REALLY wanted to work something out they can and would.

Yes all that had to happen was HG getting their trademarks challenged in several European markets, losing a legal battle with Hasbro, losing another legal battle with the Battletech people (that really fucked them over), and Frank Agrama being practically on his deathbed. They seem like such accommodating people.
Nice to see macross be free of HG... in time for modern localizers to fuck it up more then HG or 4kidsTV ever could and be praised for it.
The translators are the same guys as it has been for almost a decade now.
Is it? I don't disagree as it's my favorite entry.
It's a matter of opinion. If generally see them as complimentary.
I am just concerned that the deal with something as large as Disney might of condemned the franchise in the long run even if it is just an agreement to have the shows on Disney's platform.
>Film project a year or two ago that ties together threads from a bunch of shows, and a teaser for further developments from a prior one
>Announcement of new show in development with a new studio partner
>New High Grade model line also with said partner making the kits more accessible to the plamo crowd
>First game to ever receive international distribution
>Massive streaming deal
>New physical distribution on modern formats for certain entries internationally
Look man it's not everything I'd want but they haven't exactly been sitting idle. Macross is overall probably in the best shape it's ever been, particularly as an international fan.
I'm pretty sure if Kawamori ever got tired of Macross he'd just hand it off to Hidetaka Tenjin and the rest of the crew at Satelight/BW, its not a George Lucas situation where the sole owner of the IP gets tired of dealing with the whole shebang and sells it off to a bunch of retarded MBAs to ruin.
I find Macross really interesting in terms of still being a creator-driven IP. Not that he's the only person that's ever been behind it of course, but it feels like he crawls out from under a rock every 10 years with the most immaculate robot ever designed and a new type of pop music he has a boner for, makes a show, then hibernates drawing robots for another decade until he's got another 11/10 VF for us.
To be fair, the NUNS commission a lot of stuff but their actual fighter-of-the-line doesn't change anywhere near as often as their R&D churn would suggest. It reminds me of how ever since the G-11 got canned, the US Army would run rifle competitions every few years. Not so much with an eye to actually buying an immediate replacement, but seeing if there's anything big enough to justify a new service rifle and helping bankroll continued development.
Macross is both creatively driven by a small handful of people who've been dedicated to the franchise for nearly the entirety of its existence (Kawamori, Hidetaka Tenjin, Dr. Chiba, Kazutaka Miyatake, etc) and owned by a singular media entity (BigWest) that is as far as I can see, its only breadwinner. That's probably the most important part of why I think Macross is a lot more resilient to Disney's greaseball mitts than a lot of other franchises (also being screwed in IP law by Tatsunoko and H*rmony Gold probably gave them a hard lesson in keeping firm control of rights)
Adding onto this, Kawamori isnt just doing Macross, he's a very prolific guy. In the past couple years he's done design work for DmC, Call of Duty Mobile, Armored Core 6, some stuff for a watch company, helps organize STEM fairs, etc. Basically he has a lot of avenues to do non-Macross work, which has to help in staving off creative boredom.
>its not a George Lucas situation where the sole owner of the IP gets tired of dealing with the whole shebang and sells it off to a bunch of retarded MBAs to ruin.
I was speaking more of really shady shit happening that massive conglomerates like Disney tend to do, and the fact that another legal situation happens again except this time with a company with a lot of power (and with ties with a company with even more power)
It'll be shot and focus too much on idols and music. Also a Hololive member will voice in it
Is Misa's dad from the show or DYRL?
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Still feels bizarre to me seeing Macross 7 getting an official overseas release. Its great.
>Macross Flontiel
still smarting, eh
take your meds
>Also a Hololive member will voice in it

Korone in Macross would be incredible. She'd sing nothing but old robot anime songs.
I hope she dies in her first sortie.
they should make it so its envtubers vs jptubers
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More giant women in combats roles if we're lucky.
I still hate how Zentradi get the short end of stick because of GTS fetish
I look forward to how they'll demonstrate just how wrong "well at least it can't be worse than triangle" can be.
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How so?
original tv series > plus > frontier > 7 > delta

anything else is worthless
When was the last time a non-micronized Zentradi was relevant? The Meltrandi are the ones that get that focus
That rebellion with one of Kamjin's clones in Frontier.
macross 7 is good!
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I'm fine with both, but obviously I have a preference for one group.
No, it's the best.

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