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I miss them so fucking much
I miss my slut.
Me too.
I like the characters, but the story was meh to bad. Too many plotlines, only to be resolve last minute with no true buildup.
Super Sentai peaked here
in the inevitable 10YA follow-up I hope Momotaro's dad becomes a Donbrother, because man he suffered a lot for no good reason at all
Becoming a Donbrother kinda sucks, he just needs his son back.
sounds like innoue. makes me look forward to watching this
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171 KB JPG
I miss this retard.
>tfw Donbrothers and LuPat are the only sentai I've really been able to get into
I just want fun shows
Stop spamming.
You first, spammer.
Why do you have so many pictures of my wife?
You got a problem with that?
>Inoue comes back for one show and then fucks off
Where is he now?

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