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It is time for the 6th Anniversary Pre-event for GBO2 as well as the last week for the 1st Anniversary for the steam version of GBO2.

Both will receive the same 4 start MS for this week it is the heavy equipment suit prepared for the final conflict for Laplace’s Box and against Riddhe Marcenas Banshee Norn: FA Unicorn Gundam, Banagher Links final time piloting Unicorn is here as a 700 general type.

Over On will arrive in August while Heavy Gundam (I0) is the next MS to arrive for GBO 2 steam ver.

Previous thread:

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GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

/m/ Discord for Console/PC players, GBO and other games (RFA):

/m/ Steam group
/m/ Steam group chat

Console Clans:
Clan Name: /m/egafagot
Clan Tag: [MFG]
Leader: Mangojoyride
>Status: Full

Clan Name: /m/irage
Clan Tag: [M_R]
Leader: RFAokigahara
>Status: Full

Clan Name: PureAndBlue
Clan Tag: [1PB]
Leader: Junhai_UC
>Status: 13 slots

PC Clans:

Current Clan Match Schedule:

>[PDT] 07/06/2024 (SAT) 05:00 – 06:59
>[CEST] 07/06/2024 (SAT) 14:00 – 15:59
>[EST] 07/06/2024 (SAT) 08:00 – 09:59
>Basic, 650, 6 vs 6, Tropical Desert

>[PDT] 07/13/2024 (SAT) 21:00 – 22:59
>[CEST] 07/14/2024 (SUN) 06:00 – 07:59
>[EST] 07/14/2024 (SUN) 12:00 – 01:59
>Simple Battle, 500, 4 vs 4, City Ruins

>Official Game Resources + Color Picker:

>Nipponese GBO players for reference


>If you are having trouble with recon crate drops and completing missions, enter custom rooms called A/B where team A wins and team B lose to farm crate drops and complete daily missions outside of rival mission
List of Premium Login Bonuses for July 2024 on Console:

>[PDT] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 13:00 – 07/10/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 22:00 –07/10/2024 (WED) 21:59
>[EST] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 4:00 – 07/10/2024 (WED) 3:59
>MS: Sinanju Stein (ZA) LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/10/2024 (WED) 13:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 22:00 –07/20/2024 (SAT) 21:59
>[EST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 4:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 3:59
>MS: Hazel Owsla LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/20/2024 (SAT)) 13:00 – 07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 22:00 –07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 4:00–07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>MS: Dolmel LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

List of Premium Login Bonuses for July 2024 on Steam:

>[PDT] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 13:00 – 07/10/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 22:00 –07/10/2024 (WED) 21:59
>[EST] 06/30/2024 (SUN) 4:00 – 07/10/2024 (WED) 3:59
>MS: Banshee LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/10/2024 (WED) 13:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 22:00 –07/20/2024 (SAT) 21:59
>[EST] 07/10/2024 (WED) 4:00 – 07/20/2024 (SAT) 3:59
>MS: ReZEL Type-C [Defenser b-Unit] LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token

>[PDT] 07/20/2024 (SAT)) 13:00 – 07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[CEST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 22:00 –07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>[EST] 07/20/2024 (SAT) 4:00–07/31/2024 (WED) 12:59
>MS: Gaza E LV1
>Other: Modification Kit, +1 Hangar Capacity, Token
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Video overview of FA Unicorn Gundam

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Why won't you die?!
thanks baker
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Mobile Suits of June
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so, did the second parfait nerf make a difference? will i be able to play 550 again in 2 months?
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This game still makes me unreasonably angry even after all these years. I wish there were some kind of mechanism that would forcibly shut down my console when my blood pressure hits a certain threshold. Or at the very least bring back friendly fire without punishment.

On the other hand, getting penalized gave me incentive to look through last hate mail that I've sent. The funniest I think is, "You play like a shitting dog." I must have been really mad.
What’s the deal with all this Shin Zaku content I’m getting on my feeds? Is there a new level? Is it good now?
Just play Kampfer. It hard counters Perfect faggots if you know what you're doing.
I uhhhh have never gotten hate mail. Or anyone I know. Is there a chance you actually play like a shitting dog?
overtune melee is now buyable
Oh no you misunderstand, I was so angry that I told another player that. Usually I just block fools, but this dude somehow earned my ire.
Oh so you’re the toxic asshole who rages when they do terrible and blames everyone else. Enjoy the ban
And that matters? It’s low cost trash. It can’t peak stats like Super can
Yes. And I will keep being toxic as long as people play like retards and the game lacks proper communication options.
well by the sounds of it you won’t be stopping any time soon, so I guess you’ll stay toxic
The only parts that interest me are heavy armor, spaced frame and composite frames.
Delta Plus or Jagd Doga GG for ranged 650 raid?

No Dijeh, I refuse
Depends on your playstyle. IIRC Delta is fairly straightforward with a fast-firing beam rifle and decent secondary beam gun. Transform to MA mode for a second set of weapon cooldowns.

Gyunei's Jagd Doga has funnels and the beam cannon shield as the main damage dealer, I think. Not too sure since I'm not familiar with it. I rarely ever fight against them, maybe their users were not really skilled, but I never had trouble dealing with them when I was using a Methuss Kai and trading shots with them from a distance..
May I interest you in a Varquil?
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God I hate zoomers and their hugbox attitude toward multiplayer gaming.
fuck off
Jagd. Delta is for flying around and a!bushing.
Go cry more you fucking baby. Shit talking is fun for anyone that isn't a preHRT cunt.
you're the one acting like the fucking retard you are here
>The baby turns to passive aggressive crying and help from others.
>Also ESL or so rustled he can't type correctly.
ah okay, my apologies
didn't realize I was dealing with a patient here, hope you get better!
>got shitty Proto Sazabi and Z3B
>didn't get Psycho Bawoo
life ain't fair
>Put up 200k with ZIVIP
I'm back baby!
>Only 4 kills
Lmao wut
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Kill pale riders, behead pale riders, roundhouse kick a pale rider, tackle pale riders into an asteroid, drive a heatsword into a pale riders chest
this is why I don't respect PRC, scared to melee, don't pick for the map, hang back behind actual Gens using their MG
Is that the space type that's now allowed in ground? I don't see the reason to use it, but I don't play lowshit anymore.
great beam rifle and gatling gun, overall a solid defensive-minded general
regular pale rider cavalry i think
i just dont like pale riders in general.
PRC players are always the worst person in the lobby, I swear.
>scared to melee
I mean yes definitely go for the downswing when there's an opening, but isn't the beam javelin kinda awkward to use as well as the suit not really being melee-oriented?
>two hygoggs, aguguys, zogok
is that some custom match? looks like ur bullying a d- player
Lemme guess, you cant counter for shit huh
>you can't engage properly with the most unreliable mechanic in the entire game
the enemy team had a gouf custom and gundam marine, forgot what their support was
does charging a beam turn off stealth/fake beacon?
stealth no fake bacon yes
>first 550 match: not a single Perfect
>second 550: 3 Perfects on enemy side
and here I thought I'd get to have fun playing a game tonight
boycott 550 until their metrics show nobody's playing their designated shitting cost. The spreadosheet is the only way they learn.
>hmm, data analysis and player count shows lower than expected interaction for 550 matches
>let's add more overpowered suits to 550 to entice the players to play

can't fix the problem when they're too retarded to understand the situation
This but with Red Rider
nah they're cool
three matches in a row where I had to carry the whole team and barely eek out a win
i think I'm done for today
>Instant reply
>That seething punctuation.
Me in my Desert GM and #5 were fighting a GM Striker, when all of a sudden they decided to go cap a waypoint, leaving me alone to die.
The Efreet only spawned in once I was already dead.
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Geara Doga TTT is almost as much of a nigger monkey suit as parfait is. Genuinely absurd that it's fast, tanky, has funnels, multiple easy insant stuns, and decent melee damage. Any support that isn't jeda cannon is honestly just fucked as soon as one looks at them at 550 and that's only because you can use the jump stun resist to hold them off for an extra 3 seconds in hopes that your team will help you. Parfait hasn't been nerfed enough yet and I really hope they smack the every loving fuck out of TTT with the nerf stick.
>Slave Wraith in shambles
Yes, basically. There is a reason it's viable even with parfait running around. I love the suit and think it's lots of fun but it absolutely need to be hit after parfait in properly tamed.
>Mk-IV in shambl- lmao nah
550 is just MAD situation at this point
PG gets gutted, doga test goes on to gun every one to death. Doga gets nerfed, jeda cannons destroy everything including PGs.
>Space is ez pz
>Flying in space is ez pz
>Flying/Hovering around ground maps is a nightmare and I always run out of boost before accomplishing anything
I keep get bitchslapped by Ankshas and the like left and right, how the fuck do I get good at these flying ground ms?
Jeda cannon is good but it's hardly cost dominating. It didn't run the cost before parfait and even if both parfait and doga ptt were completely gutted wouldn't run it now. All it is is a support that isn't completely crippled.
Wow you’re so cool and strong anon
Okay but what about GP02 MLRS
Thanks babe
Jeda was never half as oppressive as parsnip and garry's mod are. It can actually fight off raids because it has multiple tackles and the ability to resist instant stuns with its jumping but it didn't ruin 550 before and it wouldn't ruin it if the two most absurd suits in the game are nerfed appropriately
What about it? It's not good.
I just heavy stagger with RS-Jarja, missile+melee combo their legs and fuck off. They don't come after me anymore. That said it needs the funnels nerfed into the ground and shouldn't have guard.
I think it can keep guard, it just shouldn't have the one that buffs it when it blocks something. That's just silly when combined with the funnels/incoms and completely unnecessary.
I watched an RS Jarja get fucked in to the dirt earlier. It's not a response to TTT and I'm not remotely afraid of any support when playing it.
RS jarja folds to anyone the looks at it too hard
Funny ballistic damage.
I’m starting to understand
Is this the power of the u n g a?
Anyone competent is going to shit on any support with any semi descent raid. No support "is a response" to a Raid that's just retarded and was not what anyone was saying.
You must fight terrible RS-Jarjas.
Arc missiles requires maps with less overhead structures blocking.
>it's a worthless chink plays zaku sniper in underground base episode
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>watch an enemy Nu HWS melee down their own teammate despite none of my teammates are near them at all
>chinese name
>knocked down suit was a near dead raid Banshee
I'm not sure if they were retarded or if it was done out of spite.
seeing enemy team infighting like that is always an experience
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>Spend entire match as Support getting spawncamp gangbanged by 3 Raids
>Win the match by mere sliver, by surviving last 10 seconds on 200 hp
Y....you're welcome guys
bet all the generals on your team will pat themselves on the back for a job well done
Remember Japs actually think you should be able to 1v1 as Support Vs Raid.
I don't know why they think this it's so stupid. Is it possible to fight off a raid depending on like half a dozen different factors? Yea sure, but 9/10 times you're going to get chain stunned in a 100-0 cutscene.
The majority of japs don't play anything other than gens and raids. Regardless of what they say, their actions tell a different story.
They don't help their supports. That matches up with that ridiculous philosophy.
>The majority of japs don't play anything other than gens and raids.
And play them timidly
>that one retard who picks a stealth raid and goes apeshit on sneaking kills on a rated ace match
Every single time.
Not 1v1 but holy shit theres no reason raids should have immunity from stagger of primary charged weapons/cannons. With their speed there should be a penalty for actually getting caught by a support like that. After, they should at least has a chance to run away/ have more than 3 seconds for a gen/other raid to come help. Again, not saying they should deal increased damage or anything, but fuck dude theres no real justification for being able to kill a 100% hp support in a single melee combo. Support v raid is the most broken disadvantage in the game
>Enemy stealth Raids gets ACE
>Your gens don't go after them AT ALL
This is why I finally stopped playing ACE mode forever.
And yet the raid meta was still better than the general meta we have now.
Good supports can punish or even keep a Raid stunocked 1v1. I can keep a single raid away indefinitely with RS-Jarja and ZabiFF for example. But if another enemy stuns me it's over if no one backs me up.
Only by virtue of people rigidly sticking to the 1-3/4-1 comp honestly. 1 broke ass suit is a lot easier to deal with than 3 to 5.
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>Playing 700 Quick Match for Rival Daily
>Team consists of LV 2 Gustav Karl, Silver Bullet Suppressor, & Qubeley MK-II with a Zaku IV IP and me in a Sinanju as the only Native 700 Cost suits
>Start of the match enemy team's EZZ immediately DCs
>Match is still close though cause they've got a Nu, Freedom and 2 Norns
>Last few seconds of match start spamming "Fall back for now" to make sure none of these guys turn into dumbasses and rush into their base and screw us over since we're really close in points
>Zaku IV player immediately does this
>Stand back with the rest of the team and say "My God!" as I watch his HP melt
>Zaku IV player replies back with "Back Me Up!" "My God!" and dies but luckily he doesn't give them enough points to win the match.
Why are people like this?
>Playing 700 Quick Match
Yea you immediately fucked up and should have expected stupid shit to happen.
>tfw died at the end and lost the game
>don't give a fuck it was a fun match and us winning by one suit wouldn't feel fair or good anyway
>still got rival win and output most damage on my team
>queue right into the next match instant fill
>play the exact same way and have a crushing 10k victory and it felt satisfying enough to log off for the day
just stop thinking you're supposed to win every match
>Those teammates that do nothing but retreat all match.
Literally cannot win with these fucking losers. Stop being afraid to fight in a video game.
>Down by 2 kills after wipe
>Enemy team all half health
>We have a forward point
>2 teammates spawn at our base
I dont think its always intentional, especially if its a close rated match, people might get too excited and accidentally flick the selection to base spawn. controller stick is very sensitive dont be mean to me anon i didnt mean to im sorry
can confirm, I've done that before sometimes
Can people mod/cheat animations in the pc port?
Cause I'm pretty sure I just saw someone naruto running in the base camp.
400 is the best cost for melee-focused generals
Why the fuck did I get an obstruction penalty when I got two zook shots into the back and downswung by an ally trying to steal an enemy kill when I was right next to it?
hey, better than being stuck at full lobby with frozen making teams stage only for it to suddenly fail and somehow give you a penalty
Og Gundam is pretty good, it puts alot of ballsy raids in their place. just wish they gave it dual sabers or a fucking b.javelin, or even at least the option to do shit in the air.
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new 550 when
The foretold savior who will deliver 550 from darkness
ECOAS Jegan is already a sleeper pick because fake beacon can really fuck people up and the nades blow up Perfect GTB legs, this lad might unironically be something special
ECOAS Jegan should definitely get that stealth/fake beacon switch the mk IV and bolinoak have
i mean, for them it's a representation of focus on high-spec EWAC and electronic warfare equipment, fucking with sensors and all that. ECOAS seems to be just more conventional stealth combined with fudging sensor perceptions.
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add guards type for 600 and just make it a discount char-dijeh with the quad sturms
>no raid on team
>play raid
>immediately have enemies that constantly try to 3v1 me
thank god I at least had a team the capitalized on the 4v2, but god damn did I feel useless
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sleeves zssa needs a emergency evasion lv1
I would rather a proper instant stun. I think it's fine regardless, I am just greedy.
Took the Z+C1 out to 700C Rated and HOLY FUCK IS IT STILL GOOD
Space battle is so much more fun than ground that it's ridiculous. More maps when?
Everything is good in C rank space
A Rank (barely) actually.
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Anyone who spends money on this game is a fucking moron
>Anyone who spends money on this game is a fucking moron
I agree, but I also remembered that I bought Code Fairy Deluxe sold with a 30 token pack in a combo for $18.00. CF's a slog, and the main characters are pretty insufferable so I've been putting off finishing it and unlocking the MS.
Castrate all nemo players, they have no need for those balls.
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Cope, and Seeth _+
I read this as Nero and immediately thought, "who the hell pilots Nero's nowadays?"
Nero trainer is still a great pick.
Anon, having a zeon shotgun is more than enough
Stopped reading
I am assuming you mean general + cannon users. Nothing wrong with the support besides power creep.
That shit isn't gonna do crap if you aren't within 100m.
The Trainer ver, yeah. But the regular Nero is so incredibly basic that I never feel compelled to use it other than to admire my paint job.
>Get Zabi Proto off the fucking free roll
>Already had it.
>Enemy team all below half health
>I am less than 25% as Raid
>Rest of team is all 80%+
>They won't rush in. Eek out the win last minute
>Enemy support did well because I couldn't go in and had to just harass all match.
Hate this shit. I was first overall but feel like I couldn't do my job thanks to these coward generals. It was ducking city ruins, no reason these pussies couldn't advance.
for range the burst beam is more than enough
Love maxing ZIV melee armor and being a fat general immune turd.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who tries to max out melee armor for my raids.
That or leg.
I'm talking about the support in this case. But I max it for ZIVIP too even though with max melee resist an awakened Norn still rapes my health with its bullshit ice skating melee.
>Absolute.retard.locks.it n level 4 Striker.Custom
>He gets countered all match by level 4 Zock, even when we stun it for him.
>He still puts out 110k damage just spamming melee without thinking.
This is why I hate the results screen.
I took out the lvl4 Striker Custom for the hell of it and absolutely bodied. Just depends on the pilot and load out.
Oh I guess I'm the retard since I didn't read your post properly
sounds like a federation hooligan to me
Lv4 striker still fucks, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise
it just requires a bit more careful maneuvering and thought in how you approach things, or else you will get focused down and obliterated
If you were the one getting repeatedly countered by a Zock and generals all match yes you are indeed retarded and shit.
Zaku for life nigga.
>Chink Raid on enemy team went 0/7
Jesus I need to write his name down or something. Literally a guaranteed loss with that idiot on your team.
>4+ names in pre-lobby along the lines of Xuang/Shiang/Huang/Miguel/Pappito
Yeah that's a dodge.
Block them. It'll turn their name red so you know they're a retard from now on.
I have enough people blocked I see red almost every match. I need another level for especially shit players.
My block list makes me look super racist against the Japanese
>tfw never blocked anyone
it's just not worth it to get bent out of shape over a game like this
i don't do it as a seething method, it's just a little warning for me for the future that someone is a pain to have around due to playstyle, behavior and/or connection so I can know what's coming when I see a red name in the lobby next time.
Sometimes coming, it’s the new mobile suit of the week! What will it be this time? just getting another unicorn suit out of the way with the other REZEL defencer
Mass Production Zeta Gundam, 550/500 support
Delta Kai Ground Type
600 cost monoeye gen, please
this week is heavy gundam I0 for PC, right?
It helps me dodge disasters. If I get more than 1 red on my team it's going to be a lose. If the enemy team has 2 reds is almost always a steamroll. I'm not blocking messages, these cunts are mostly set to private anyway.
Kshat repair 700 Raid
presumably unless they decided to swap out the entire month
Tera S'ono 400 raid
It's gonna be at least 450, given the hazels/mkII
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>sitting in a lobby with 5/10 people
>watch like seven other guys join and immediately leave one after another
Slave Sword
fuck yeah time for 750
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Ball Type K
i hope they add more bosses
If not for the horrible idea it is. I wish there could be a situation battle where one team gets a boss and four native level grunts.
We already have quite a few to choose from for it, but they are a guilty pleasure of mine with this game.
>this guy's mines explode while he's 0.1 inches off the ground
>mine don't
How the fuck does he do that?
afaik they detonate faster if you're in the air, they're doing a really quick jump in between the melees and dropping a few mines then
sounds like a pain in the ass to get the timing right
Yea, the mines are supposed to explode in the air but he's not even really off the ground as far as I can tell for some of these clips. Unless he's just using boost to keep himself very barely above the ground in which case that's just absurdly autistic.
Oh, I think I found out what he's doing? He's dropping the mines directly on them so they explode on impact.
God I fucking hate that the mine gimmick is so integral to Messer not being a complete piece of shit
Im guessing you're talking specifically the Ankha clip.
He's positioning the mine drop point right on them by boosting backwards
based "kill secured"er
that's not what it means retardus
Ensuring extra assist points for his team. Truly an expert player.
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that's the joke dumbass
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digits confirm
Beam bazooka or beam mg on the gelgoog stutzer?
Rick dias stutzer
Jegan Manhunter
>500 March with. I TR5s, level 2 Marasai or level 2 Efreet Jaeger
have fun
>550 with no Doga TT
Have fun
>600 with no Faglus or Ankshits
have fun
>650 with no 3As
Have fun
>700 with no Norns
have fun
>A+ rank
>All teammates are A ranked
>None of them have situational awareness
>No one caps points
>Ignore supports who are whittling away at their health, not even taking cover
>Entire time I'm busy running around keeping the double supports off my allies in my Zudah

I'm never playing rated with majority lower rated players again
just carry your entire team bro
hate the break it to you but S players do the same shit. It's maddening.
if it's not obvious at this point most of the player base are shitters that somehow manage to fail upwards to A rank and its not that hard to achieve those ranks either
>Pick 450 GM Striker
>Heavy stun all day erryday
>Get hijacked because I died during a retaliatory base bomb after our base got murked
>Enemy sucks at using my ms and dies immediately
We ended up winning without need for the base bomb anyway, but oh lawd was it vindicating to see an enemy pilot essentially experience the first episode of 0083
Someone explain to me how "New Anri-Beam Armor" works please.
By additional max, are they saying I can push beam def to 70 as opposed to the normal max of 50?
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Yes, it increases the cap to 70 basically. Just like the ballistic armor version for example.
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Another sitbat for spacechads

>Next Situation Battle Schedule
>1st week: 07/04/2024 12:00 – 07/07/2024 11:59
>2nd week: 07/11/2024 12:00 – 07/14/2024 11:59
>1st week: 07/04/2024 21:00 – 07/07/2024 20:59
>2nd week: 07/11/2024 21:00 – 07/14/2024 20:59

>Lunar Debris Belt
>No. of Players
>5 vs 5
>Team A
>MS Type COST Main weapons
>Gundam Unit 4 General 450 Ranged: Hyper Beam Rifle
>Melee: Beam Saber (Further Enhanced)
>Gundam Unit 5 Raid 450 Ranged: Hyper Beam Rifle
>Melee: Beam Saber (Further Enhanced)
>Guncannon Support 350 Ranged: Guncannon Beam Rifle
>Melee: Blow
>GM Command (Space Type) General 300 Ranged: Beam Gun
>Melee: Beam Saber (Late Model)
>GM Command (Space Type) General 300 Ranged: Hyper Bazooka
>Melee: Beam Saber (Late Model)

>Team B
>MS Type COST Main weapons
>Galbaldy Alpha General 400 Ranged: Galbaldy Alpha Beam Rifle
>Melee: Galbaldy Alpha Beam Saber
>Act Zaku Commander Type Raid 400 Ranged: Act Zaku Beam Rifle
>Melee: Double Heat Hawk
>Gelgoog General 350 Ranged: Gelgoog Beam Rifle
>Melee: Beam Naginata
>Rick Dom II General 350 Ranged: RD II Giant Bazooka
>Melee: Heat Saber
>Zaku II F2 General 300 Ranged: MMP-78GN (Anti-Air)
>Melee: Heat Hawk (Enhanced)
This week's MS Messer F02 raid 650 cost.

Clan match next MS Barry's Armored GM custom 300cost gen.
This week's sitbat "Death Knight Returns"

I pity whoever gets the eyezack
Some people actually like being sissies that plink away with their machine guns and never commit to anything
Beam MG dps/build stun is too good to pass up. beam bazooka is also too sluggish personally
>Hmm I would like the IO Heavy Gundam
>Clueless 10 spin
stats and loadout seem eh
don't do it anon, do not go against the teachings of the Buddha
meanwhile I did 30 spins and only got like 60 recycle tickets
>Has one different weapon, boring shield grenade, and better flight than the general
>Artwork shows 02 with long rifle
Laziest suit release to date. Should have had the long run and been a support. Easy pass. At least the general's shit shield vulcans sound cool.
The flight is worse tho
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Why the fuck doesn't the F01 get the rapid fire BR? Why the fuck doesn't the F01 get the shield nade? The shield model is the FUCKING SAME. Literally the only fucking difference between the two units is the bell bottoms. BB makes me so fucking mad holy shit why are these gook faggots so fucking raid biased. It's not even like the F02 is going to be good, either.
F01 has smoke nades instead, presumably using the same launch port
same reason Silver Bullet has smokes while Supressor has offensive ones while Doven Wolf doesn't get shit because it's too powerful for this game and the devs fear it
F01 isn't remotely powerful enough for that to be a justification. You know that the smoke using the shield grenade port is bullshit, too.
F01 is surprisingly effective in the right hands. Now, these hands aren't mine and I assume aren't yours either, but once in a while I see one absolutely dominate the enemy team or woop our asses so it's clearly workable. That being said, people that can make it work are probably a minority so it's likely to get buffs somewhere down the line. Slapping an extra rifle mode might be an early attempt at testing them, though that's probably giving the devs too much credit.
And I just explained how the nade works.
>And I just explained how the nade works.
No you didn't, you made a conjecture based on, fuck if I know. The smoke grenade pops out of some vague area around the head like every other personal smoke grenade in the game. They can remove the smoke for all I care anyway if it means giving F01 more than a single instant stun and mediocre vulcans. The shield vulcan shits out some obscene damage but you'll never stun anyone with it so it relies on your own stuns or team mates. Most high damage Messer videos I see are just abusing the piss out of the mines anyway though so who cares.
But you know that BB almost never buffs suits by giving them new tools. They always just tweak numbers because they're lazy and incompetent.
ah, okay. My apologies for thinking this was an intelligent conversation.
Your mistake for thinking you were intelligent
>another useless clan suit after 3 weeks of no clan matches
clan match bros...we lost
its over, eos soon
>Raid actually has a worse ability
Damn that’s a first.
He's wrong. It's the same skill. F02 gets MA3 too so it's not constantly getting stun fucked on the ground.
I got the Hi-Nu
Feels pretty good
still cheaters in every pc ranked match
guy boosted backwards into base to kill my stealth acguy going for a last min base bomb at 1k hp
>everyone better than me is a cheater
still won, keep coping
you're not very smart huh
you're not very good if you can't even win with cheats are you?
Barry's Armored GM is cool and will end up replacing the normal Armored GM due to having more weapon options and subs.

what a silly nonny
Can it use the beam gun? If not then it's never replacing Armored for me.
back to kumfag discord with you
It can use all of normal Armored weapons and the missile launcher plus has an MG for a sub as seen from CF.
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any general suits thats worth using this under 550 cost? all i can think fo is hizack with the MG
using this for QM/customs
oooh, nice
gonna be great when it's in RT store
Gonna have to wait two years at best for it then, unless you find a clan that wins CM's often.
nah, couldn't be assed to look for a clan at this point
I want it something fierce.
What the fuck, why does code fairy have full AI matches to test shit out and we don't?
Zaku Sniper.
The training room has AI if you turn it on. It's not really the same as a proper match but for testing it's alright.
Nah it's worthless, they just try to melee you most of the time and don't dodge roll out of anything which is really important for learning timing. The combat simulator levels without bosses actually have way better AI but right now we're stuck with a space one
welp, spent 90 tokens on heavy gundam banner and got absolutely nothing of value besides like 4 RT mission completions
pc cuties sisquede is in the rt store
That suit is fun, but good god 550 is not fun
i like sometimes playing in completely different hours than usual so that I can be as much of an asshole to my team as I can without harming my reputation
>successfully 1v2ing
>nigger shezarr out from nowhere
was such a good fight too
I understand why port base was not in rotation now.
if someone is already in your team with Mk-IV selected don't fucking switch to Mk-IV too. It's a good suit but two stealth generals just fuck over your team and yourself
>Gbo2 matches on YouTube from 2 years ago
the game looks like chinese anime slop now in motion and during fights
fucking hell the playerbase really just gets dumber and dumber huh?
I am convinced the best players in the game all reroll their accounts and constantly live at B. Every time I see one dragged up they always do well while nearly everyone at A or S is a has an IQ on par with winter temperatures.
The secret is to both have the same paint job, with one always using stealth and the other in allied beacon.
okay pulling that off would be fucking hysterical
Lucky. Just got spaced armor and New Anti-beam.
whens composite frame coming to rt/dp?
The Type-A? Christmas at the earliest.
Expect the Gustav Karl from Hathaway’s flash to show up next week, now we know what they’re planning for this year’s anniversary
god I hope so, I like Gustav Karl's design but I HATE Powered GM III's playstyle and HATE they turned it into a higher cost version of it. Though I also don't know how I'd feel if it was a raid or support which it will probably be to set it apart from UC version.
messer should've been 600 cost, feels too gimmicky for 650
Hard agree, so should’ve the Gustav Karl, both machines fit that cost range much better not just in game, but in universe as well
The raid is fine, it's really just the gen that needs attention. Turns out all it really needed was a second stagger and a better follow up weapon.
i had the messer, i didnt know it can just dash in the air forever what a meme suit
If it's penelope and not xi i'll be mad.
650 is fine, Messer is developed from the Sazabi after all. The issue is that the F01 just got shafted with a gimmick instead of thinking about a way to make it's kit fit around the flight skill.
The shield vulcans aren't even that bad as a ranged follow up, but the single instant stun on a long cooldown really fucks it. Letting you fire the shield vulcans while boosting would go a long way, too. I'm not hopeful that they'll add both the shield nade and rapid fire mode since that would make the suits too similar, but I hope they do SOMETHING
Following UC timeline it should be XI and Penelope.
Have they ever dropped two new 4* suits at the same time?
It has the smoke in place of the shield nade, but there's really no reason for it to not have the secondary rifle fire mode.
Yea, the rapid fire mode would be fine. It just needs some kind of alternate stun and something to fill in that disgusting down time it suffers from. Even though it has fairly high melee spec it's really annoying to actually take advantage that due to aforementioned lack of stuns. Fix that and it'll fit just fin in to 650.
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quit dodging, you fuckers! my lv4 PRC is starting to get rusty.
Nightingale and HiNu were back to back
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>average level 4 PRC pilot
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that beorufu guy is always out of suit
I've ran in to him twice. If he loses the first fight he'll immediately spend the rest of the game in the base.
Not at the same time but every anniversary since Sazabi-Nu has back to back 4-star drops
Unicorn-Banshee then HiNu-Nightingale
Penelope and Xi are hideous flying triangles. Worst part of Hathaway is the antag and protag suit fights. So fucking ugly.
The conspiracy sector sitbat would be a lot more fun if the goog marine downswing wasn't so shitty
Penelope is ugly as fuck even without the flight unit off. While I thought Xi was fairly ugly at first, it's really grown on me. It still looks kinda goofy in flight mode but it's pretty cool overall.
they're the same (imo)
>gelgoogs either get a machine gun w/ grenade launcher or the slowest beam rifle
Gelgoogs feel really awful to use.
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Personally, I always see Xi as the Xardion or Zeorymer Gundam and Penelope is a like an extreme version of both or a Gundam that would be made by Zeon.

GBO2 has a track record of making ugly suits look better in 3D models so Penelope might end up looking decent in game.
oh right today was the day before PC patch
no wonder i kept running into cheaters constantly
Whoever formulated the roster for the current sitbat should be taken out into the grotto and have all of their orifices raped with barbed wire wrapped tree branches, while being waterboarded by tons of rushing water via the adjacent waterfall.
The Xi and Penelope are doing to be dogshit like the Nightingale and you know it

That never stopped Xeku Zwei or Kshatriya to exist.
Depends on if they are made of anti stagger buffers like kshatriya and how shooty they are.
naw, the Xi is going to be king of ballistic damage funnels. Penelope will just exist however
Hideous. Looks like that picture of the frog looking out while being swallowed by a snake.
Nightinfail can actually be good if you resist the urge to unga. Seeing around it is a problem though. They should move the camera back further. But who am I kidding they probably can't do that.
>Idiot using level 4 Jegan on enemy team.
>One sided victory for us
>His profile pic is Dan
My theory is now proven. Level 4 trash suit users are low tier fags.
I love these idiots flying around in the 02 thinking they are as safe as the 01 only to be melted in seconds. You still have type disadvantage retard.
Really should've been backwards with the weapon loadouts. The raid would benefit from the stealth smoke far more than the gen.
do we really need another raid with stealth, temporary or not? The general can get better use of it because it lets you do a stealth bombing run on a pile of enemy gens and get better damage out of it. Which works well because gen Messer is meant to park up on a building or something and snipe with the rifle and use the mines while repositioning.
no that's not how you play messer lmao what the fuck
I myself am very hype for it. How long is the wait until top 40's/100's? Haven't done CMs in a while, hopefully I can join up with 2PB again.
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>Custom match
>Cost unrestricted, Space Battle, Mix Up

Truly the 24/7 2fort of GBO2
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just meeled a level 5 pixy until I got kicked, I can't do it anymore man how are these shitters in A+ rank he didn't get a single kill the entire match
Not really. Nobody is actually playing in a/b rooms just farming dailies/monthlies
I just follow them around and stand in front of them.
You expect me to actually play a hundred space battles in a month?
I can hardly get games on space days.
I'll continue to not play in A/B rooms for that.
They win
>Lmao I am awesome I totally didn't get carried!
They lose
>Lmao yippy you beat my level 4 piece of shit! I would have won with a native! (So why not use one?)
That's their reasoning.
another 3 matches and another 3 blocked tantrum throwing bitch
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>he blocked one of my alts
>he needs alt to avoid hurting his feefees
>he has enough time and willpower to play on multiple accounts
>retard instalocks level 4 mudrock
>instantly dodge game
Char's Rick Dom 400 raid with beam bazooka when?

>Wouldn't that just make it a strictly better pezun dowa-
Why would it be a 400 though?
And if they do that I'd rather they get creative and base it on the novel version it originated from. Whe don't know about any differences except that it was 16m tall and was intended to have a beam sword but Zeon couldn't make it work
I'd rather have a level 4 mudrock player than a whiny match dodging bitch
Nobody wants to play with you, faggot.
You evidently don't want to play, period, woman.
I just got out of a game where I topped damage and score, actually. Turns out dodging you useless fuckwits is the right thing to do.
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the GDPTT is more broken than perfect
I wouldn't go that far, if only because it's melee is kind of ass(which isn't enough of a downside to balance it even remotely, but does lower it's burst damage). But it's true that the only reason it isn't the absolute king is because parfait exists.
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can jesta get active guard kai already. it would make the shit baseline range stat actually make sense.
It needs EE, too. Shit, give it EE2 I don't give a fuck .
It's getting there but I wanna say the Perfect needs to get hit with one more nerf before that's true.
Not quite, but it's definitely the 2nd problem child of 550 and is just as cost ruining. It sucks too since it's actually fun to play with the funnel/incom spam.
>severe health nerf because it;s a ranged raid and doesn't need to be tankier than most raids in 550
>active guarn nerfed to level 1
>emergency evasion nerfed to level 1
>active guard nerfed to level 1
>maneuver armor nerfed to level 1
yall aint kidding, gouf unga stick is fun when you can actually hit something but lvl 4 suits are fucking useless
Honestly I think nerfing evasion and guard would probably be enough. Maybe hit it's hp down to 18k to bring it in line with it's smaller peers too. The real issue is Engage and CH are the only other remotely recent 550 raids so it doesn't have a lot of direct competition. And musica I guess, but musica has it's own problems.
It needs more than that. Even with EE1 and AG1 it would still be fucked. It's too fast, too tanky, and does to much constant damage. It will still have no downsides.
It's downside is the lack of delete button melee other raids get. Right now that's not really enough of a downside of course, but it's also probably on the verge of being alright with just a few nerfs because it. Still strong, but not at risk of running the cost. Cutting it down to a single roll would do wonders for the ability of gens to wrangle it and removing the 40% damage boost it gets when guarding attacks lowers it's damage output by a pretty big margin. It might not sound like a lot but together that's a pretty big nerf.
>It's downside is the lack of delete button melee other raids get
It literally doesn't fucking need it. It could keep AGK and it would make no difference because it almost never needs to melee. It dominates the cost purely on absurd ranged damage.
Like I said, remove the damage boost and a lot of that ranged damage goes away. Remove the 2nd roll and it's a lot easier to kill. If it's still too strong after that hit it again but I really don't think it would be.
Frankly I don't think it needs EE at all and removing AGK wouldn't be enough to stop it from being obnoxious as all fuck. It needs a hit to HP as well at minimum and preferably something to stop it from infinitely chain stunning any support it looks at from range.
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>play with chinese teammates
>match and day instantly ruined
Outside of the 400m beam rifle it's range is pretty modest. Let's be honest, a support within 250m of a raid that wants it dead is probably gonna die or be crippled regardless of if it's PTT or something else. The only difference is it's death by funnels, incoms, and stuns rather than stun into melee.
Musica/Mushika needs.. I don't know what it needs, but I just have this painful memory of having a shot on a GP02 MLRS, but being unable to fire due to a teammate getting in the way close enough to put the shot off its mark.
I do enjoy reminding people it has shield piercing heavy staggers, but god I'm just mad thinking about that match.
man there are so many suits i never see in matches,went to play the vertex kyanos because when i first played it i sucked ass with it and never played it again and kept thinking it was ass

>finally learn how the thing actually plays
jesus this thing literally stun locks you forever along with having the the arm grenade that literally deletes legs
>Let's be honest,
You're not though
at some point it's clear you don't want to balance it, you're just seething you got beaten up by one
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>Your rival: 6 deaths
>You: 1 death

Rival win because of 1k more damage and 300 assist points
fuck off
nah the rival did better
It's clear you're a retard.
sometimes I forgot how goddamn stupid people here are
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do we have a clan channel...

you all missed the clan match today....
I haven't bothered with them since the suit wasn't interesting to me. We'll do them again once the armored GM is the reward
>not a top 100 match
>JP hours match
There's your explanation
speak for yourself, all gundams need gm head
You mean Zaku head variants.
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either or
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we have barely anything from Flag of Titans, at this rate it's gonna be a long while before Inle stuff comes around
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I prefer the other way around
gotta work on weekends and the gm looks boring to me
you look boring to me
thats a pretty good looking gundam as far as gundams go, antenna ez8 energy (peak) but its still no gm (bestest suits)
>but its still no gm
But...it's a GM with a Gundam head on it
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wait, does the pixy not even have dodge roll? why do people USE this thing?
high level stealth and high melee damage. If you sneak up on something you'll do massive damage to it but if they ever catch you you're dead. So most pixies are either too timid and creep around all match being useless or too aggressive and get wiped out the second they're spotted.
There's far better tools for doing that at anything above level 1, what kind of retard takes an upleveled pixy out? I've been giving lvl 4 suits a far try and have found a single one that was marginally useful, and only one that was at least entertaining. Max overtune isnt worth it.
every once in a while you run into a person that can make it work even at 600 and they ruin your day
lv5 anti beam in rt store
Stealth 3 makes you basically invisible to the average retard. If they can't see your health bar you might as well not exist, even if you are nuking the suit right next to them.
I disagree with this statement.
Unless the person is deaf and blind, suits like the Pixy or Act Zaku Commander demand help from their teammates to start swinging. Moreso with uplevels.
They do insane amounts of damage but without help, they're never going to start swinging.
Honestly if it wasn't for the SEVEN base melee defense, I'd rather takes the GM Nightseeker V to 600 than a Pixy. Since at least then you'd have either an instant stun or leg breaker rifle with two to three melee weapons and a wire on top of stealth.
It working is more about the team they are facing than the suit itself. If your team is paying attention it's a free kill, if they ignore it's gonna do a bunch of damage. Either way it's an annoying gnat.
mate I don't give a damn if you disagree with objective fact
at least gouf unga stick is funny when it hits
And I'm telling you, you're giving the Pixy too much credit for their team's hard work.
just had the most cursed match
guy dcs at start, everything runs fine for the first few mins, then bam, no one is on map but I'm taking damage
enemies and allies are dying but no one is visible except one enemy but I can't interact with him at all
after a few mins finally the "low connection" pops up
gas all efreet jeager players
What he says is 100% correct. A Pixie isn't wrecking shit against a competent player and needs something else to set it up.
>objective fact
You need to go back to school or fuck off until you graduate.
I agree. Hate playing against a godlike one but eveytime I get one(or more) on my team they get rolled by a single raid all match.
happy birthday gacha whore
i wanna marry her
trips allows it
but you should know...
know what?
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>only 650 native on my team
>somehow winning despite base gone
>up by 400, less than a minute
>dumbass upleveled support runs in 1v5
how do you think she affords to supply all these fancy suits?
she's a great worker "on her knees"
bold of you to assume I wouldn't join her
She works on commission, probably a go between for anaheim.
>he doesn't know
anon... I hope you're cute
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yet the most recognizable feature of any humanoid looking thing like a mobile suit *is* the head, which is exactly why they even put a gundam head on it in the first place, so it looks like a gundam, thereby, outwardly, its effectively a gundam - and the most important thing about mecha is how they look, so doesnt change anything, its still a gaydum and still lesser.
Why doesn't gachaslut have an operator voice yet? I want her to praise me when I get lots of kills.
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that I would trade Neid for
did Leona get one before? Can't remember
We just got an Operator voice for the hair saloon chick, so those two should be next in line unless they want to give an op voice for one of the guys who doesn't have one.
So this thing is basically just a superior version of the Dom TTT in every way

>more health
>better melee stat
>Zook AND Missie launcher AND grenade AND incendiary grenade
>lunging downswing like Dom TTT/EZ8 with slightly higher damage correction than the TTT's and a faster startup
oh and I forgot,
>AND maneuver armor AND explosive reactive armor
I wish I had that fancy new Armored GM.
It's a straight downgrade from the original
>muh beam gun
It's a melee version of the suit with two stuns, maybe they should give normal Armored GM a MG sub in a later update.

I'm pretty hype for it. When can we start getting it?
It's the current clan match and it's top 10 so I would wait for top 40 or top 100 and join a clan that places around that to gain it.
Shit, I need to find a clan then. How long do we have until top 40s?
is it just me or is matchmaking particularly fucked today?
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Got this thing in 3 star guarantee drop
Makes easiest Kowloon Gundam, despite ironically having shite melee stats
>Play GBO2 for years, on and off.
>Since we were just getting 0083 suits.
>Ranked up yesterday.
>Game refuses to let me play today unless I run a space rated.

What the fuck is this bullshit?
you're a grown ass man just fucking play space
I'm trying. It's just not forming rooms or getting people into the lobbies. I don't understand what makes the game randomly demand I play Ranked Space in order to let me play quick match.
>2 raids on my team
>enemy support runs uncontested all match
nice to meet you!
It has to auto adjust you to your mandatory minimum ranked rank.
Good luck getting a space game.
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ZZ gundam beam saber range feels like i'm cheating
>It has to auto adjust you to your mandatory minimum ranked rank.
Seems odd considering I've been playing nothing but ground ranked to hit A- for my promotion. Feels stupid, but thanks for giving me context to why it's randomly forcing this on me.
Yeah it has to up both your space and ground to B minimum or something at that promotion. It's the main reason I'm B+ now on PC as there was no way in hell I could find enough space games to rank up normally.
Is that the general dolmel? The raid is better for it
Guess I'll try to rise up the ranks in space. I'm at C- now since I mostly stick to QM. What a drag.
If youre significantly lower youll get a huge boost
It'll just put you at B once you play a game.
The challenge is finding it, not grinding it.
It's all fun and games until someone five meters behind you clips your saber with a tackle and throws you on your ass.
I take it back, red rider is hilarious if you can work around the lack of dodge roll
>How long do we have until top 40s?
iirc they are usually around 4 weeks after top 10 has been around.
It's to stop older players who refuse to rank up bullying D rank new players.
After the Gelgoog III
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the fuck?
it's a good port :)
>Looking forward to first match after taking a break.
>S Jap cries about suit choice in lobby. He switches to a level 4 support to spite.
>He sits on top of our base for 95% of the match.never shooting.
Fun. Fucking faggot dodge the lobby if you have to be such a rice nigger.
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still love using the gatsha. landing the hammer is like a giant middle finger to whoever gets hit
it's such a a weird suit to me because I either develop newtype senses and land nearly all hammer hits all match or barely hit anything, no in between. But hey, it still has really nice missiles so that's something.
Also you put way too much effort into censoring the names, look suspicious
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just wanted to kill time
fair enough
New thread is up
Did they buff the range? I always thought it was a short range weapon.
the listed range is a "suggestion" since thats the range where it will noticeably start dropping so u can get to 250-ish meters of range if u angle it upwards but at that range, its more reliable to dump ur missiles into their legs then go for a downswing
meant to say that if u hit them with the hammer at around 250 meters, going for a downswing is a bit risky so its safer to just pelt with ur missiles afterwards since they evade out by the time u get there
>Did they buff the range?
With fireworks and damn do they look awesome.
get the fuck out of here you spamming faggot

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