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Dairanger had the best costumes of any sentai team
Dairenoh is probably the best looking combiner robot ever.
Like holy shit ancient chinese general aesthetics.
It's also practically undefeated in it's own series.
It's tied between Dairanger and Jetman for me
It's a fucking crime that they didn't use these suits for PR.
Dairanger's story was solid I liked that it had a sub plot for each ranger who each got decent focus and Kaku wS a cool mentor all in all a TENSHIN-DA out of ten
Not a fan of the underwear-cut.
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>not Kakuranger
>not Kiramager
1. Dairanger
2. Megaranger
3. Kakuranger
4. Zyuranger
5. Maskman

90s were the golden age of Sentai suits
>best costumes
>best opening song

certified kino
Severely overrated shit
this or zyuranger for me
zyuranger has perfect helmets but i can never vibe with the harlequin diamond patterns.
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Dairanger's aesthetics and fight choreography are top fucking notch, but unfortunately I don't like the show itself too much because of how weirdly written it is.
Dairanger is peak Sugimura
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It's Flashman for me, personally.
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I like Ohranger, but it's a real shame that the series itself is such a snore.
>there's an alternate reality where real life events didn't for the early retool and allowed Ohranger to be tokuota-kino

i still think about what could've been
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Dairanger's strength was Kiba White and the poses.
For me it's between Go Go V, Abaranger and Dekaranger. But that's the heisei fag in me talking
Hey guys, I have an amazing idea for how to make a guaranteed box office success with Power Rangers. You take footage from a bunch of expensive movies that flopped at the box office (The Flash, The Marvels, Dial of Destiny, Black Adam, Moonfall, Jungle Cruise, Chaos Walking, Matrix 4, Snake Eyes, etc), cut out anything that gives context or where you can clearly see the actors' faces, hire a bunch of really cheap actors, write new context to glue it together and film the new scenes with as few expenses as possible.

The franchise was built on corner cutting and corner cutting will save it.
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You could probably do all that with the Power Rangers movie that flopped with the one that has that she-devil of a witch in it. It would probably still do better than the 2017 movie.
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I'd like those costumes if there wasn't so much white. The costumes I like have more to them than just spandex, helmet, and a belt. And use black for the team's secondary/unifying color.
tl;dr designs like Lupinranger over Patranger
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For me it's
Hurricanger had some real kino suits
What happened here?
I like the Zeo Ranger designs, it had everything to be a memorable show but then, well, you know the rest.
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>it's a Zack episode
Boom! comics was sold off. Power Rangers is dead.
oh wow, that's a pretty unique opinion

the only suit from that show I liked was ZyuOhWhale
The helmets are great, but I really don't care for the white shirts/vests look.
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Best animal motif in the entire franchise for my money.
It has the best mecha for sure. Gaoking is kino
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A patrician scholar of culture I see.

Best helmets, best costumes, best music, best foot soldiers, best showa giant robo, best (prototype, fuck you he counts) sixth ranger, best Pebo.
Breaks the mold a little bit by not being purely monster of the week.
Good mix of ridiculous and serious (killing off yellow so early on was pretty bold).
1984 was just the perfect year for those kinds of special effects and film stock color for that perfect “feel”.

I know we are just talking costumes but read my blog.

The Bioman costumes are just pure Japanese 80s sci-fi goodness. When the circuits on their chest glow and their helmets flash led lights…ugh so cool. And they all had fucking lightsabers…pure beautiful autism.
hard call between megaranger and shinkenger for me
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What they should have done is picrel. I actually don’t think the dairanger costumes are better than zyu and changing something that was such a massive cultural phenomenon would have been a huge mistake for the brand so I see why they didn’t.

Stingy evil jew Haim Saban should have shelled out the pittance it would have cost to mold new helmets based on the thunder/ninja zords that were tastefully in line with the zyuranger look everybody fell in love with. It also would have gave a lot more personality to western power rangers.

He should have also took the offer from Toei for them to redesign the Dino Megazord to combine with the Tigerzord.

Tell me picrel doesn’t look awesome as hell…zyuranger did a lot of shit right and this style of helmet is pure kino. Would have given “American” sentai its own identity and simultaneously keep the zyu kino steaming ahead.
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The World is also good.
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This is now a Peebo thread.
Anyone here that can seed me the GUIS Maskman set?
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Best costumed Sentai coming through.
Make way for the GOAT
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To think what we could've had
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Oh yeah, there was that one time we almost had a sentai mecha that had cunt written on it.
>Do not google what happened with the costume. Worst mistake of my life...
To think it got this far only for it to get shelved…what a shame.
The 90s Sentai designers were on another level of creativity.
I liked the thunderzords growing up but not like I loved those fucking dinosaur robots. I would have much preferred this.

Hasbro should say fuck it and make a toy of this.
>reddit spacing
>retarded opinion
>shitty image
No wonder Power Rangers general is dead
The retooling could've worked. Tons of shows get retooled or has a tonal change after the first few episodes. The problem with Ohranger is they couldn't decide what the fuck to do with it, the show is constantly throwing out ideas then ditching them after an episode or two. Remember Riki? Yeah neither did the staff.
>saban doing the bare minimum was the best choice for the show, it makes total sense for a guy in a T. rex helmet to be inside a dragon robot and an ape robot
>line breaks make your opinion wrong

Power Ranger generals are most likely dead because the entire franchise rests on 30 year old nostalgia.

Btw, calling out someone for “reddit spacing” means you’re a newfag. Line breaks were everywhere in old Chan and nobody called them “reddit spacing” until after the ShareBlue shilling of 2016.
These are among the cheapest looking and worst designed costumes in Sentai history. I think people say they like Abaranger because Dino Thunder was babbys first PR.

Everything about this season is hideously ugly with one of the worst looking Zords ever.

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