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What is the most disgusting piece of /m/ related media you ever endured?
Promare a d there is no close second. Closest thing I can think of is that weird baby style coloring for Shinkalion.
Bravern, because faggots are extremely disgusting.
Gundam Wing
I'm a lightweight I know but genuinely, never before have I actively wanted the entire cast to die. I regret finishing that show.
>Couldn't handle OP
FLCL Grunge. I know all the FLCL sequels are generally disliked, but Grunge especially reeks of cynical corporate slop
>This panicky guy again
Get therapy, please and thanks.
Genlock 100%
Srungle is second, fuck Srungle
The Galaxy Express 999 movie and Zeta Gundam.
>inb4 I'm the boogeyman
Thunderbolt was far too edgy and up its own ass for me.
wouldn't go as far as "disgusting" but you fags told me gasaraki was a hard-boiled, grounded military thriller not the goofy voodoo shit i got
86 was dogshit
I bounced off Orguss really hard. I've never seen a show that I just did not enjoy at all like that before. What a waste of an interesting setting. The Orgroid and the op are really cool tho.
/m/ itself
There are other /m/ shows I like less, but of all the /m/ shows I dislike, Godannar is the most crass
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Very few shows have made me want to gouge my eyes as much as Dragonauts. Not even fucking IS pissed me as much.
All characters are retarded and annoying, plot is told like shit. The' 'love' is forced and they have awful chemistry. Character design that makes the whole thing like a joke. CGI animation cancer at its finest.
Like wow, i want that pat in the back.
Literally all of it except for Votoms, Dougram, and maybe 0083.
that indian spammer and his waifu in half a leotard
I got filtered by wing, 8th ms team and turn a
>hard-boiled, grounded military thriller
That's what happens anytime you ask for something "gritty".
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>Darling in the Franxx
>Cross Ange
>Witch from Mercury
Lamune FRESH
Somehow managed to feel like someone raped my childhood despite not even having watched the previous shows at that point.
Zeta Gundam. Now guess why.
Violet Everfarten or 86. They're both so fucking bad and boring I will never forgive /a/ for convincing me they're good.
I did not care for Blue Gender
That ripoff of Bubblegum Crisis that's so random that I even forgot the name. Venus something?
EoE specifically
>so random XD
Eureka 7 sequel and movies
oh god
Absolute trash and an ugly one too.
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Destiny's original TV airing, Geass, Rebuild, a lot of Go Nagai's lesser mentioned work.
>Cross Ange
We have a winner
>We have a winner
Nah, those titles are good.
If you enjoy shit. The original series is almost as bad.

Venus 5?
Demonbane, how anyone can enjoy that shit is beyond me.
Kakugo no Susume
aka “Apocalypse Zero”
it starts out like that, and kinda meanders without a ton of plot but gets by on being cool, but the more goofy stuff it adds the more tedious and nonsensical it becomes, and it never really indulges in the goofy stuff enough either. They set up way to much of a serious plot to sideline it for goofy stuff sadly, and the end was just a bad rip on Evangelion rushed into the last 10 minutes of the last episode
darling in the franxx got me to quit seasonal anime for good. To this day I make VERY few exceptions
Sorry but everyone likes that now. Total renaissance.
It's been years and that combination of grimderp autofellatio and nip projection still makes me angry. I've seen bad shows. I've been filtered by shows. But SM is the only one that made me feel legitimate anger and I sincerely hope the people behind it never pollute the world with another one of their "works" ever again.
I don't even know what the plot of Jinki Extend was but the parts that actually were coherent were also unbearable.
Rent free
This. CG is terribly written and it's main saving is it's visual aesthetics, pacing, soundtrack and sexy waifus that only exist to fap to. Also the ending is the most overhyped, overrated and very flawed conceptually.
Aldnoah.Zero but honestly I am not sure if it was because I was butthurt over what happened to Slaine or if it was really that bad.
I used to think it was good during its run on adult swim in my teens but seeing other /m/ and getting more experience with the genre. It's not very impactful or good anymore.
I genuinely really did not enjoy Code Geass at all and just kind of watched it out of obligation due to it being such a relevant mecha series.
I can enjoy "dumb fun" mecha like GunXSword, but Code Geass really wasn't any fun to me. I didn't like any of the characters and every twist made me groan. The mecha themselves were the only part I liked much.
>darling in the franxx
It was genuinely interesting watching an anime go from super mainstream to niche as fuck during it's own run like that. I wonder what retention for that show looks like, cause it really seems like more people are familiar with the premise than what actually happens.
Code geass sure, other sunrise shows? Naw.
Going purely by visuals, I feel like this may be the objective winner of the thread's premise.
>I didn't like any of the characters and every twist made me groan.
Because everything was overly dramatic in the most obnoxious form possible
Fuck off Zrager
>Getting filtered by mommy Maetel...
Nah, Shinkalion had a worse art style.
>anything rider related worse than Build
Galaxy Express 999 the series > the dogshit speedrun movie
I'll let other anon handle your post. I've seen both but never finished the series, so i can't fully comment. But your post sounds off.
Gundam Build Fighters
Everyone told me that it's fun and a love letter to the franchise but it's just Inazuma Eleven with Gundam references
>not liking mommy Maetel in every shape and form she comes in.
Adieu, Maetel, adieu...
Folks with bad takes must be put in their place.
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SEED. Absolutely 0 redeeming qualities. If I could be bothered to finish Franxx that might have overtaken it.
>Darling in the Franxx
Holy fuck I wiped that from my memory what a fucking horrid show that was.
>Inazuma Eleven with Gundam references
Yeah so what's the problem?
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mech = robots
Are you the guy that was raging about the movie on AL? While I'm sure a fleshed out series is better, what do you expect out a film version?
It's pretty standard Rintaro fare, and definitely more entertaining than the sequel.
>Are you the guy that was raging about the movie on AL?
I wouldn't be surprised
God I wish more of it got adapted to anime. That, Geist and Mad Bull 34 are my holy trifecta of fun schlock
cross ange is epic
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gundam narrative
Seiya actually has awoken his 8th sense, but it doesn't matter he and everyone else forgot everything
Bravern was pretty gay and disgusting
>ready player one.jpg
knights of cydonia
Majestic Piss, not even once
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Gundress. Ripoff of Bubblegum Crisis made in 1999. Everything is so bland and random that I saw it last week and don't even remember the names of the characters.
There's a lot of "just posting the name of a show I dislike" going on here so allow me to post some actual criticism for this pile of shit
>2D Animation budget is non existent, there are manga that are more animated than this
>3D animation is passable at best, but nothing noteworthy
>Show is set up as a harem but MC settles on the main girl (Glasses girl) pretty early on despite his whole running gag of getting hives whenever he's near girls
>Speaking of being a harem show despite being set in a bathhouse with a litany of peeping tom scenes the bluray doesn't even add in any nipples so it's not even worth a pity fap
>You know how in Zeta Gundam there's a random fight every episode just to showcase the robots and everyone retreats back to their ships after a few minutes? The fights in this feel just like that except nobody dies, not even in the finale. Everyone just runs away at the end of a fight so none of the "victories" feel worth it. I think the only actual character deaths are the one-note Dutch traders and they're very minor characters.
>Has the gall to end on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved because the producer thought it was a better idea to have the show be chapter 1 of a greater story
>Show bombed so hard he went and made a Kickstarter for a 3D VR reboot of the show instead of a second season (which also bombed hard)

It sucks cause I feel that underneath all the piss and shit there could've been a decent feudal era mecha show here. The mech designs are pretty damn cool (I like Takemikazuchi a lot) and looking at the kickstarter for the VR reboot there's some neat concept art there.

There's a lot of people naming "bad" shows like Darling in the FranXX or Cross Ange, but at the very least those shows had some level of production values. In comparison Dai Shogun looks like it was slapped together with band-aids and wads of gum.
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She's hot but i can't stand Dancouga Nova at all, all the other characters are bland, animation is poor, non-sense ending which tries to insert the original Dancouga for some reason, it's not even fun, it's just a poor quality Gravion rethread
New Getter Robo accomplishes a lot more with the same kinda episode count, but the secret identity shenanigans and investigative journalist Isabella Cronkite were pretty fun for what they were.
I'm frankly baffled that some people treat it as an abomination, though to be fair I sought out the DVD release (which added some new scenes and touched up the visuals) rather than watching the broadcast version.
It's kind of bafflingly incompetent. Dancouga was no work of genius, but it felt more thought through.
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Dangaioh's sequel "Great Dangaioh". Had absolutely nothing to do with the plot/characters of the original and has quite possibly the biggest drop off in writing and animation quality out of any sequel ever.
Nobunaga the fool, dropped that shit after 2 episodes because of how bad it was.
>has quite possibly the biggest drop off in writing and animation quality out of any sequel ever.

that's Twinkle Nora Rock Me
Is that guy who has a ridiculously intense hatred for Active Raid still around? He always made me laugh, was such a random inoffensive show that no one cares about to have a vendetta against
I liked that show, fuck right off you no attention spanned fuck.

This shit also wins it for me and I've sat through all the classically shit /m/ shows. This is literally so bad it makes the original series utterly dogshit.
It sure is summer.
Looks like it
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I should be glad that I only watched Pocketful of Rainbows once and forgot about it and never watched AO or the Hi-Evo movies, I swear to God that Kuroda actually need meds

Can't forget this bit before the show aired
Dragonaut was funny because it was an unintentional parody of 00s anime
OG Tetsujin - as one of animes firsts with the length of 96EPs this was unsurprisingly unwatchable bottom-of-the-barrel stuff, even if visually interesting sometimes. mightve enjoyed more if i knew JP

Zero Tester - ok visuals bc of Tomino and Yas, but far from being a good-looking show (barely animated). run-of-the-mill story. mightve enjoyed more if i knew JP

GaoGaiGar - Brave series' weakest entry among Exkaiser, Fighbird and Goldran. doesnt stand out it any way, neither visually nor story-wise. J-Decker >

Dougram - neat conceptually but mind-numbingly boring

Zambot 3 - sadly a contender for Tominos worst besides stuff like Garzeys Wing. Kanada animation and cute girl in cast tho

MSG Twilight Axis - solo project of the dir. who's actually a renowned animator. has nice shots, but is a slideshow ad for the novel

Wing & G Gundam - sleep-inducing, ugly, unfunny. got the impression theyre liked by mostly westerners with nostalgia-goggles whove seen the shows in their childhoods and actually dont remember any of it.

(Other bad ones: Thunderbolt, 0083, NT, IBO, 00, 08th MS Team)

Mighty Orbots - us-jp collab dir by Dezaki that has absurdly well animated mecha cuts but otherwise looks butt ugly and is aggravating on all other departments

M7 & Delta - both extremely unfun shows. at least M7 looks ok and Delta has some of the franchises best songs (e.g. Axia)

Shin Mazinger - probs worst Imagawa besides G. Manga/Toeizinger >

Toei Getter, Great Mazinger - downgrade from manga for Getter. Great is downgrade from Mazinger/Toezinger

Astroganger - same studio as Chargeman Ken. feels like it tried to appeal to Tetsujin fans but doesnt have an ounce of its originality

Linebarrels of Iron, Giniro no Olynssis - solely worth for character designs, otherwise unwatchable

Code Geass - seen S1 only then skipped bc I rmber it being a quasi-parody with asburd drama (?) and tone-switches. table scene, mass shooting, Lelouch's mask searching EP, etc. come to mind. need to revisit
AMAIM was so punishingly bad i couldn't even finish it. I don't think I've ever seen a show more unsure of what it wants to be than this. It seems like it's trying to be sort of like Code Geass but the geopolitical conflict is extremely dumbed down and simplistic, the characters are all walking stereotypes with barely anything interesting about them outside their base traits (Protect muh friends/get revenge/pottery is fun) and the pacing is absolute molasses. It also cannot seem to figure out whether it's aiming for kids or adults. The cutesy AI characters, simple and basic characters and colorful art style seem to suggest its for a younger audience but there's sudden graphic violence, topics like human trafficking rings and semi-autonomous cities that are both inappropriate/way too complex for a young audience to understand. All the territorial blocks in Japan are portrayed as comically evil supervillains who get off on murdering civilians or selling them into slavery, bar like one guy on the American side who ends up becoming the main villain anyway, while the noble japanese resistance movement who do nothing wrong and are unabashedly good and moral like to spend time setting up entire villages with intricate waterways and reusable energy for a small family out of the kindness of their heart. All this during their critically important job to take back Japan and while they're being tracked of course. Least the battle animation is really good but fucking hell
cross ange was great

i will give you the other two though franxx was abhorrent
Why did he do it? Why did the writer/director hate the anime?
Watch more anime.
>Darling in the Franxx
IBO more like IBS
>ctrl+f muv-luv
i have IBS and it sucks. this is not funny.
Hi drool.
Guilty Crown is pretty painful.
If you think this shit is genuinely good then there’s no fucking saving you
I'm glad I haven't watched them.
It's just really generic moreso than offensively bad. But, I think that's sorta the problem. Awful works stick out but bog standard series will get forgotten about.
phonefags deserve the rope
what kind of mental problem is this

It's fucking dog shit. But people eat it up. I don't understand.
Witch from mercury was a fascinating experience since it started out well enough in prologue but then gradually and consistently became worse the longer it went on, sort of like watching a whale get beached, die and then slowly rot.
The speed at which G-Witch signaled it'd be trash wasn't really that steady. The pilot made it look like it'd be an actual space opera and then it immediately said "actually it's going to be high school lmao socially awkward girl /u/shit"
i'll admit there were hiccups. In particular there was episode 15 which felt like it was pulled from a completely different script and gave all of the WfM dickriders a seizure for not being about retard girl white and retard girl red. It was still a mediocre episode writing wise but the mindbreak it inflicted was hilarious
I thought it was ok. Expecting lte 80s ova quality from early 2000 tv series is not very fair.
Guilty Crown is like watching a gifted gymnast try to do something ambitious, only to somehow faceplant directly into a concrete floor.
It made me realize I'm a sucker for the trashiest garbage dressed up in the slickest production values, though.
>the mindbreak it inflicted
You are severely overestimating the reach that show had.
>I watched a YouTube video!
The first Nora OVA wasn't exactly well-animated either.
I do not like Zeta or ZZ Gundam. As shows they are incredibly inconsistent, and many characters like Rosamia seem to just exist for the sake of it. They are a pain to get through, because many episodes simply have a weird energy that puts you off
>I watched a YouTube video!
Good to know you did.
What's there to hate about Active Raid?

>unintentional parody
These are always crap and painful to watch.

>It made me realize I'm a sucker for the trashiest garbage dressed up in the slickest production values, though.
You've been harmed.
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Senkitan was strangely enjoyable garbage.
The sequel, however, had no redeeming qualities besides the mechs being hand-drawn instead of CGI.
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I read all of this and I am still mad.
aoki ryuusei spt layzner
Darling in the Franxx. It was a horrid, awful show. Didn't drop it, I sit through everything I start. Still the worst anime I've seen in a while and I watched a lot of crap after it. There is one positive about it, the porn of the mecha in the show is still top tier stuff.
aldnoah zero is literally the worst mecha show I had to watch, it was legitimately painful to sit through
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