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I'm amazed that they made Gundam MC pro xenophobic. What the absolute madlads Level-5 are.
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And then it turns out and wants you to feel bad for the genocidal maniacs.
gayest ending and biggest letdown
they literally could've moved their colony at any time, they chose to suffer
>pro xenophobic
what does that even mean
I like how it frames local "newtypes" as returning to monke, rather than the new step in human evolution.
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supports hating the aliens
Like I said then by the end the show wants you to not hate them because they have cancer and Flit is now a bad guy for wanting to genocide them all.
What they want and what they write are often very different things
I know. It's hard to sympathize with the Vagans when they're killing civilians.
Vagan have cute girls though so it’s ok.
I've seen cuter.
I'm going to sound insane but I don't think Kio needs all the hate he get, like it's a 13 years old kid too. He spent most of his life thinking Vagans were literal monsters, and to have the truth and everything he thought about broken in front of him : it make sense he got from "I will kill them all " to "I will protect everyone". One extreme to another.

And it worked in the end
I just think the show did a poor job at making the Vagans sympathetic.
Like most things in AGE, the problem is execution while the broad ideas are fine. Except the baby carrier MS, which was stupid from the start.
is age worth watching or is it tedious and dumb and worth skipping? I keep hearing about how it's pro genocide for at least a portion of it and that sounds fun, it was one of the better aspects of SEED for example. what do?
It's pretty long and spends a lot of that time being tedious and dumb (or at least mediocre). Not entirely valueless, but there's far better shows for you to spend your time on.
Good pacing, due to it being three times Stardust Memory in one series. Probably best paced ~50 eps Gundam.
Good animation and directing. There is a fight in every episode but one, and each has something unique to it.
Flit is one of the best MCs who is unique due to us watching him as kid/adult/old man.
Fags cry over a children show not promoting a genocide. The truth is that each MCs was partially wrong and partially right. The war wouldn't be ended without their combined effort. While the ending could be improved, it is still easily better than SEED.
>baby carrier MS
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fuck you I wanted so bad a gunpla of that for fun build potentials
Same for the Lemon MS
To be fair, that's mainly the fault of the writers at Level 5, because they can't do anything resembling nuance when it comes to their antagonists.
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So, does the Federation.
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Speaking of cute Federation girls, Asemu was mental to gun for Vegan sympathizer like Romary instead of pursuing the best girl Arisa.
You think Kio would have married Lu if she didn't die?
I want to tickle her Einus.
Anon, there's a reason why old kio is alone in the end...
one of the MSV has a story of a 18 years old Kio piloting a variant of the AGE-FX with gun funnels with his blond friend, but there's nothing confirming they are together or in love.
Anyone have an actually readable version of this?
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Here how it looks btw
It fight a new version of SID.
Link to story?
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Dumping the pages, it's all in moonrune though
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>Try to genocide colonies to make people angry
>Do false flags in his own faction and colony to make people angry here too
>final plan is to all the angry people to kill each others (???)
>Also believe X-rounders shouldn't exist because they are "humans returning to their most basic instinct"

What the fuck was his plan? Was he insane or I am too low IQ?
I'm going with the former. Though, I think he was supposed to be seen as a tragic figure because his son died.
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He got hit by Twink death and couldn't accept it
This setting is not thought through. Expecting it to make sense is folly.
Senile old man
He was insane.

>bitch about Mars radiation killing people
>can move the colony all along and only do so when you want to wage war rather than when people started dying
Something something suffering breeds progress
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I've come to believe that was an intentional part of the story. For a kid's show there's an interesting angle there about how some politicians/leaders become more concerned about military ambitions instead of allocating resources towards their countrymen. It shows how revenge and hatred blinds people to obvious answers or contradictions. Kinda like Flit becoming to the Vegans what they were to him and failing to be a savior.
Although it doesn't seem like AGE's writing operates on that level the Vegan's being able to move the colony this entire time sticks out way too much for that point to not be intentional.
I wonder if another reason they never moved the colony is that Ezelcant intentionally wanted to breed strong warriors in the harsh environment of mars. Fits in with AGE's whole motif of evolution/adaptation.
That's a very generous interpretation for a show where they said the Vagans show up randomly because that's how RPG random encounters work.
That's what I thought was the case. Otherwise, the whole war is pointless.
been a while since i watched the show but IIRC some of the original mars colonists tried to return and the earth forces attacked them?
I believe there was tech issues too, at least until the asemu era.
Gafran have a dragon mode for long distance travel from mars to earth, which is absent from most later Vagan MS
No normal MS would be traveling by itself anyway since they use ships, so range isn't a big deal. Besides, it was established that they were using an abandoned asteroid as a forward base in the earthsphere, ain't noone spending 3 to 6 months by himself in an MS to go from Mars to Earth.
It's fun and Flit is great. It's also good to see characters age over time. Also great enemy MS.
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You could always just actually open the image in a new tab and read it at 100% instead of squinting gramps
The Yokai Watch guys.
And all it took was one sickly girl to change his mind. Too bad she died.
But it won’t save that way dummy
Level 5 are the kings of "interesting concept, terrible execution". I had to quit Layton because I got sick of all the lame late game twists
Flit is honestly the biggest piece of shit in the entire franchise imo with him manipulating his son and grandson because muh Yurin died
Worse than Desil?
Desil is just like Flit.
A guy who never grew up from his initial «trauma». Though unlike Flit, he had no positive influences and was pretty much despised. So instead of a leader he became a manchild fuck up. He’s not even that good of a pilot as he only kept using his x rounders abilities
I think you can make the same argument about Vagans being too unsympathetic or whatever. It's like yeah, of course they're bloodthirsty monsters, they've been brainwashed into thinking they've been persecuted for generations and there's no other way out of their suffering. If you think of it like that they're as much victims as anyone.

I do agree that way too many people go for the "why does this make no sense, the writer must just be stupid" argument, but like in a lot of cases like this even if the criticism is not entirely accurate, it suggests the typical root problem is that the story just isn't conveyed well enough to allow for that level of thinking on the part of the viewers.

The movie version of AGE helped Zeheart a lot with scenes that show he's too deep in and weighed down by the deaths of his comrades to give into his own better senses are the sort of thing the show needed more of to make stuff like that work. Just a few extra scenes spent on it made a notable difference in how an audience received the same basic idea.
Also, sometimes the writers actually are stupid.
Like most Gundam shows it has some great MS designs and action scenes throughout, and if you don't love that shit why are you even here.

Story-wise it's a bag of missed opportunities. I know it probably would never happen, but an SRW trilogy (or one that jumps around in time) that puts AGE front and center to fix a lot of its more obvious narrative problems would be pretty great.
AGE deserves some credit for actually willing to go that far with how corrupted the main character gets, and it was supposed to be the kiddie entry of the franchise.
00 for example had to create a totally separate Celestial Being to do the "actual" evil terrorist shit instead of daring to show the prettyboy main characters doing anything remotely close.
>00 for example had to create a totally separate Celestial Being to do the "actual" evil terrorist shit instead of daring to show the prettyboy main characters doing anything remotely close.
Setsuna is shown via flashback to have killed his parents and performed terrorist bombings. Al submits a plan to Sumeragi to bombard and demolish a HRL facility known to house children being experimented on (because his backstory is that he grew up there) which is approved and carried out in the show.

The whole goddamn point of S1 is not that they're fucking evil, just that they perform actions unilaterally and some people of the different nations found CB distasteful since they operated on a "ends justifies the means" type of reasoning. CB didn't go out of their way for pointless mayhem but they weren't afraid to wipe out enemies if the situation called for it. Thrones were definitely edgier and would go after civilian targets and didn't feel bad about collateral damage, but the main CB crew generally didn't become moralfags until S2.
I love AGE.
One of my favorite fact about it is that many of the MS, especially in the Vagan side, were really unpopular with some Bandai higher ups. They kept selling «they will not sell you have to change them» but the designers didn’t listened.
In the end the higher ups were right, the gunplas got abyssal sales, but boy do I love them
The Vagan designs can be weird but at least they're unique, over a lot of the Gundam designs which are largely just another retread of UC designs (and even the gimmicks have been done better, like the whole big-arms boxer thing for Titus). From the customer side I prefer the risk-taking because you'll get the occasional unique gem out of it (Ghirarga is pretty great), but it makes sense that the bean counters will wag their finger at it.
I’m painting my Genoace 2 blue to cope with the fact we will never get the o-custom as gunpla.
Obright was a damn good side character too. AGE has a lot of plain ones but he managed to stick out to me (killing a main antagonist out of nowhere in a suicide attack does that too)
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They didn't think through it enough, or they learned their lesson from AGE. Given that the video game let you combine just about any head/torso/legs together, if they designed/marketed AGE similar to 30MM (and Build series) it probably would've worked out a lot better.

The Espossito could easily pass for a customized Clanche.
Did Flit ever meet any Vagans that weren't genocidal psychopaths like his son and grandson did? If not, I can see why he would think all of them are like that, especially when he was a kid, when they killed his mom and Yurin.
Vagan women should be bred
Was she the AGE cyber newtype equivalent ? Or is that already taken by the Vagan X-rounder helmet given to many troops, which canonically fry their brains
Thread got me thinking, in episode 15, I wonder how Flit would have reacted is he saw this Vagan kid instead of the leader
…and then this made me thinking again, why the FUCK did they added a scene like this with Woolf when it leads to nothing ? Did he even kept the pendant ? He doesn’t seem to have any mercy again Vagan pilots in arc 2. Did they cut an entire plot with him ? Was he rewrote ?
She was a mashup of the crazy cyber newtype girl trope along with some vague elements of Unicorn
Technically Unicorn didn’t had much done when AGE was done (beside the novel)
The AGE episode with Girard Spriggan aired at the end of July 2012, by that time Unicorn OVA had already released 5 episodes.
Which of the protags has the biggest kill count?
Flit has the age advantage and if you consider his contributions as a commander he easily dwarfs Asem and Kio combined.

Though I'm sure Kio would've been way more effective at it had the war dragged on and he never fell for muh understanding.
The Vagans WERE literal monsters except for one sick girl.
The Vagan population was manipulated into a holy war by a guy whose grand plan for humanity would result in the death of most of it, on both sides.
Definitely not Kio in that regard.
A lot of the Kio dislike I saw back when AGE was airing stemmed not only from him feeling sympathy/wanting to help the Vagan but because during battles he was actively using funnels to protect Vagan pilots while his own allies blew up around him without him doing anything to protect them. Rather than him just being sympathetic it came off like he actively valued the Vagan lives over those of people in the Federation.
Age doesn't excuse Kio when he's the same age as Uso motherfucking Ewin.
IIRC, didn't he also spare some of the more irredeemable Vagans, like the fat guy, and that ended up biting him in the ass later? I think if not for Kio looking like he cared more about the Vagans than his own people and if the writers did a better job at making the Vagans sympathetic then I feel it would be easier to agree with Kio in wanting to help them. One sick girl isn't enough.
Tbh Kio only protect the Vagans pilot who cannot fight back. And he do protect his Allies to when he can. He doesn’t just watch his allies dying. He really want to protect everyone. Even if it bite him in the ass
The difference is that while Uso and Kio both were taught in simulators, Uso was given a realistic vision of the world and who would be enemies.
Kio was extremely sheltered and literally told lies by Flit about Vagan, of how they are all literal monsters. Flit also did a custom modification of the simulator to make it more like a game (and also did this for the AGE3 so that it’s easier for him to pilot. Kio is a very strong X-rounder but he’s not really a good pilot. The AGE-FX is almost fully piloted by his X-rounder powers unlike the AGE3)
So basically, when Kio realized all he was taught for his entire life was a lie, he basically did a 180 on all his believes. Going from «I’m going to beat all the bad guys with no second thoughts» to «I’m going to protect everyone from being hurt»

Kio also was in the Vagan colony for a little while, with the actual civilians. Meanwhile all the Vagan pilots are much more extreme case, either due to being more erratic due to years of indoctrination or becoming more agressive due to the X-rounder helmets (for the less powerful ones),
>literally told lies by Flit about Vagan, of how they are all literal monsters
Those weren't exactly lies, the Vagans even came to Kio's hometown and started massacring the place. He's just too naive and trusting, like why would he keep assuming the Vagans had a valid and moral reason to go after civilians or exploit people like Shanalua and Girard?
In other words, Kio didn't taste enough tragedy as a direct result of his own naive actions.
If Flit had died trying to protect him like he tried to, he perhaps would have become very different
But Kio even when he was a murder hobo was too kind with those he saw as important. So he wasn’t going to let his grandpa die.
He’s simply naturally too nice and never was made or even decided to be a pilot. When he played on simulator he thought it was a game. Meanwhile Uso knew the truth from the start. Many characters even tells Uso he’s much more mature than a kid should be (and are sad by it)
So, it's like the opposite of his grandpa where instead of thinking all Vagans are bad he thinks all of them are good?
He got swindled by the old fucker who suckered him in by showing him a photo saying "you look just like my dead son" and letting him mingle with the poor suffering peasants. If they aren't displaying outward hostile intent, then Kio is too trusting towards them. That's basically why he traded away his family's heirloom Gundam data and the Federation's greatest technical secret in exchange for a handful of pills that only treat the SYMPTOMS for a dying girl. Her condition was terminal and not even in grave discomfort, just sickly.

It never even occurred to Kio to try to buy the pills elsewhere, to trade something else for the pills, to steal the pills, or to demand that Ezelcant prioritize caring for citizens' welfare before waging war on the Federation for reasons of revenge or secret plans. Or why Ezelcant wants some of the most valuable military data in known human civilization (the only other comparable data being the fragment of the EXA database that the vagans already found decades ago). I mean, what's wrong with the idea of giving highly advanced weapons data to the ruler of the enemy nation, surely he wouldn't use it to make weapons to kill people?
I don't get why AGE gets so much hate, I feel like it's the best 2010's gundam other than Thunderbolt, the story is epic, the action is great and it has possibly the most action of any gundam, and Flit is based
Characters are too kiddy looking, it broke people even before it got released. After that it had to be flawless to not recieve hate for every single miss and AGE got quite a few.
Kio arc in particular is very divisive.
Would it be right to compare Kio to Princess Asselyum from Aldnoah Zero? Both want peace but are also too naive for their own good. Funny how both shows are about people from Mars going to war with Earth.
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It's got easy flaws to poke at, simple as. It's sort of a very average Gundam series overall, not terribly bad but not brilliant either. The action is good when it's good, but I feel like the kiddy aesthetic sorta failed to marry well with the traditionally Gundam sci-fi storyline, and certain story beats were just odd.
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Are there not even raws for Memories of Sid?
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Can't forget the supposed "cell phone" gimmick, which basically made /m/ go nuclear
It never was fully released digitally so No… but I can to make some of you want with a very barebone translation
(And in case you wonder yes the Asemu card still was in)
Adding onto this, remember Uso's entire background is that he is an illegal immigrant to Earth who has to barely survive off the grid with some other child refugees. He was forced to grow up very quickly in a world that has already been ravaged by generations of war.

Setting-wise AGE is sorta similar by Gen 3, but Kio is the grandchild of the most prominent commander of the Earth Federation who prepped him his entire life to be his ultimate X-Rounder weapon. And instead of training the child-like naivete out of Kio, Flit tried to harness it by making being a pilot seem like some kind of cool video game.
I didn't really hate AGE at the time it came out, but I do remember feeling a lot of disappointment as the show developed. Ironically it's the fact that the show was too busy trying to be Gundam that made it worse for me. By that I mean it does the same thing I don't really like about Wing and SEED where a lot of the story is just a Cliffnotes retread of UC Gundam. The first few episodes where it felt like a cliche kid's show with kid hero fighting weird dinosaur alien robots honestly was a lot more fun to me. It was fairly obvious they were angling for the "it was humans all along" twist pretty early, but I was hoping it was wrong if only because it would've been fresh at that point for Gundam to just do some cliche humans vs dinosaur aliens plot. Once they started doing the obvious cliches like magic newtype girlfriends I adjusted my expectations down. This especially sucked because we just came off 00, where the second season of that show was similarly made worse by excessive Gundam metareference bukkake.

The bright spots I found in AGE were the same things you hear most people agree were cool or at least good concepts. Flit's story, Asem's section (which is immediately ruined by another needless Gundam reference). I didn't even hate Kio, I honestly found him hilarious because it just felt like he parodying the entire understanding meme. I'm still not totally convinced that wasn't the intent. And of course the action/animation was consistently decent.
One thing I love about Age is the design of the EF mobile suits, especially if we are including Shaldolls and other Madorna suits.
If it's not too much trouble, sure.

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