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First Lady Oscar and now this?
Translating the tweet on DeepL:
>◤Celebrate #CLAMP Exhibition! New "Magical Knight Rayearth" project starts! ◢

>It's been 30 years since the TV anime "#Magical Knight Rayearth" aired,
>The anime will be adapted again as a "new project"!

>The PV and KV will be exhibited at the CLAMP exhibition starting 7/3!
>We will keep you posted on this account.

HOLY FUCK. I guess it might be interesting if it follows the manga more closely, having read it I believe that's a good basis.
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I generally prefer the anime over the manga honestly. There's that whole.... Presea situation but on the whole the manga was comparatively moreuh.... streamlined than the TV series.
They would be the same, obviously, they are still around. All of them returned to voice them in SRW T and 30 and still sound the same, so no reason to change that.

Speaking of which, did SRW actually influenced that project to come to fruition? It happened before with Mazinkaiser and Kotetsushin Jeeg.
>did SRW actually influenced that project to come to fruition?
Well the tweet (Or x or whatever) seems to put the rebroadcast as the big reason. I guess it rated well. Though I imagine any additional attention was helpful.
>All of them returned to voice them in SRW T and 30 and still sound the same,
No they fucking don't, Umi's VA is way too old now

>Speaking of which, did SRW actually influenced that project to come to fruition?
Not really Rayearth always had a sizeable fandom especially in Korea part of the reason it was highly requested for SRW for years
Zagato's new VA would be Furuya or Sakurai Takahiro, who are the victim of feminist metoo movement.
>All of them returned to voice them in SRW T and 30 and still sound the same
All of them do not sound the same and are clearly too old for pass as preteens
>First Lady Oscar
Say sike right now.
Don’t! For the love of god, don’t! We already have enough Isekai to consume. Plus, it’s a modern Mecha show, which means CGI mechs that’ll pale in comparison to the original.

Uh uh. Fuck that. Do something original or leave.
mental illness
I'm not particularly fond of Rayearth either, but there's nothing really hateable about it. It just has a weak, meandering second half

I hope this remake will at least provide us with some good looking mechanic battles since the original show utterly failed at doing so
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Maybe Sentinel will now finally finish the trio.
Eh. Probably a combination of the rebroadcast recently + anniversary and maybe a bit of SRW reigniting interest in the series again.

Its absolutely not a Zeorymer situation though since unlike that, Rayearth has always been popular; just not as popular as CLAMP's other works like Holic, CCS and the like.
As good as Rayearth's mecha designs were, the actual mecha fights in the original show were nearly slideshows. Any animation at all would be an improvement. Doesn't matter if the new show is CGI or not, it really has nowhere to go but up in this regard
Huh, I just finished reading the manga
I liked it, but felt like the first half went by too fast and could've built up the characters and their relationships more
It was funny when Hari's voice sounds younger than Yzak and Dearka when he shouts "Didn't u forgot your brethren's death?" before managing to collide on Millenium ship to become Tassadar, failing due to Yzak fragging Hari. Spite Hari is old man with mario beard.
I'm at least hoping for maybe a figma reissue
>Rayearth has always been popular; just not as popular as CLAMP's other works like Holic, CCS and the like.
Eh compared to the bulk of their 90s catelog and the shitty wasteland in the 00s and 10s it's more popular than you give it credit for especially since unlike a lot of their works it stood the test of time much like CCS. It's also the only CLAMP work still getting new merch alongside CCS
More Angelic Layer when?
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Honestly I'm relatively okay with this. The original Rayearth and it's sequel aren't good so a remake/reboot can go about improving many aspects of it so the series can finally reached it's true potential though on the other hand they'll probably just follow the manga verbatim while ignoring all the improvements the anime made to it which would render it completely pointless. That said let's hope this actually happens this time around and it won't end up like the canned Tokyo Babylon remake
Oscar looks nice, Andre looks fucking atrocious.
Yep in one of the SRW 30 PVs they had for the Korean release once the Rayearth units became available everyone in the panel started singing the theme song.
>The original Rayearth and it's sequel aren't good
You're dumb.
I hope that Obari will do the OP again.
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The sequel fucking sucks and only gets brought up because people are horny for this shitty character
You are no friend of Iczer-1
If they remake the whole thing, they should no longer kill off Presea. It's all TMS's fault. But the rest of the anime will still follow, keeping in Debonair and Nova. Don't even care if they let Eagle live.
>All of them returned to voice them in SRW T and 30 and still sound the same, so no reason to change that
So are the Hathaway's Flash cast in G Gen and SRW but they recasted everyone anyway
>did srw actually influence that project
I think you got that in reverse. Cowboy Bebop and Rakuen Tsuihou also got a sequel announced after covid, srw is the advertisement for their future products.
You know what's surprising? Konami Yoshida still able to voice a kid. All the way back in T, even!
>Cowboy Bebop also got a sequel announced
i meant new project
why are you guys so autistic
Probably meant that live-action adaptation. Which sucked so much it's second part got canned.
I thought maybe I had missed a cancelled "sequel" or OVA announcement or something you fucking retard, why can't you just speak properly instead of being a vague little cunt with shitty ambiguous statements? If you meant the LA then you are a fucking moron.
Pretty sure that Cowboy Bebop live action was announced years before it's debut in T and Rakuen Tsuihou had a sequel in development before then too it's not like SRW T did much with it anyways given how it barely adapted the plot
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> finish the trio

lol so the Rose of Versailles movie is finally gonna come out, after an eternity in development hell

i had completely given up on that project a long time ago
This is an entirety different project I'm afraid, the one you're thinking of was scrapped years ago. Looks way better than the new one.

This year surely has had some weird, unexpected sequels and revivals.
The first season is pretty great, I can see the remake doing something inferior to it. But the second part is so bad, it can only be improved.
What is SRW T?
Did it really need one? Of all the CLAMP anime I want to see a new anime project of, a remake of MKR isn't one of them. Also it will have a contemporary setting, which is a downgrade, though it's not as bad as something like the failed Tokyo Babylon remake which waa retarded because half the appeal of that series was the fact that it was set in the 90s.

At least I'll get to buy an Umi figurine now. My perfect goddess...
I mean I'm still holding out we may get a full RG Veda anime one of these days but yeah.
The one who doesn't exist, baby eater?
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You should have posted this.
who's duel?
A local strawman the schizos make up to scapegoat because every contrarian post has to be some mastermind. Named after a forumfag that was last confirmed in 2016. Legit insane stupidity.
Anyone the drug addict proclaims that day. Unfortunately this thread is about to derail once he reads people disagree with his theories.
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>all these remakes
>still no Layzner remake
It's not fair.
didnt the anime killed someone? I wonder if it will be faithful to the manga this time
also needs YUZURENAI NEGAI as an opening
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How will yurifags hijack this series when all 3 girls found boyfriends?
They always find a way. Yurifags are more annoying than Amuro/Char shippers.
Hey, the thing that makes things miserable for everyone else because it's bored. Tell me, what's your retarded reason to treat CLAMP as a animation studio when "i judGE wOrks bASed on THeir stuDIos, Not THEIr STAFf!"?

Honestly, the modern yuri crown probably will be mind-broken when they realize CLAMP is not averse to doing yuri AND yaoi at the same time.
But Clamp is a manga studio.
The modern ____ won't care because it's an old series. They'll probably be distracted by some other meme series that's airing.
Manga authors, to be more exact, but yes, thats the point, the bored thing judges works based on their studios, not the staff or creators. And whenever it harps on a anime created by CLAMP, it never mentions the actual animation studio behind the adaptation. You know, rules for thee, not for me.
G-Witch has this board jumping at shadows, it's pathetic

>still no Layzner remake

Same. Heck, we could also use a Mobile Sit Gunam F91 remake regardless of what Yoshiyuki Tomino says.
you have your ggg vs bm and you will like it
i just wanted to know who duel was
For what purpose? There is nothing the old TV series is lacking. I hate all these recent anime remakes.
Manga accurate
>There is nothing the old TV series is lacking.
Good animation
Good pacing
The second season being shit
>Good animation
You watch your mouth.
I'm honestly amazed, was not expecting this annoucement
>no mecha on the teaser art
At least Rayearth trio are cute unlike ugly g-woke girls.
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I'll take credit for this since I just started rewatching the The Powderpuff Girls.
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My Queen
My only hope is that Fuu's sword somehow gets even bigger than before
Considering the Rune Gods don't show up until halfway in I think it's fair to focus on the girls right now
how does it make sense to make judgements based on staff or creators? that's no less divorced from the actual qualities of the work than animation studio
I haven't even watched Rayearth and even I could tell that their VAs were way too old for the roles now in SRW. Don't be delusional anon.
There was a manga?
There are no good CGI mecha. It's a big part of why G-Witch wasn't good.
>bright colored digital anime slop that looks like literally any other isekai

thanks i guess
The funny part of that is the varying degrees of want.

Fuu and Ferio were pretty latched onto each other romantically from their first meeting.

Umi seemed to be attracted to Clef in S2 out of sympathy for his burden, but that didn't go anywhere. Meanwhile Ascot aged himself up to try to appeal to her and that didn't seem to entirely work.

Hikaru meanwhile had a love triangle with Eagle and Lantis, and at some level was so innocent that she wants to pick both - because she loves literally everyone she knows about the same.

Then over here we got Caldina and Lafarga just flagrantly making out.
So? The guy is talking about yuri anime, not gbitch.
G-Witch was mostly handdrawn
okay fellas
how much SOVL will be excised from this
Is he more insane than even the Xenoshitter?
let me guess, they are gonna be Yuri-bait woke trash like G-Bitch
So it's July 3
when is the PV supposed to drop
gee, I wonder who is behind these posts
Lock them in a room with Akumatsu T Fish and see who kills each other first
Cry more faggot, Yurichads run this shit

It was a nice looking show, and basically perfect. Why? How about: A new movie? or special? Or something? I hate rehashing shit from 30 years ago because we have nothing new. I know even if they try their best it's gonna be a downgrade in terms of direction, animation, music, and everything. The best we can hope for is "ah whatever" like the Urusei Yatsura remake.
Speaking of remakes: Patlabor reboot? It's been confirmed to totally be real and happening but then it never comes out and we never get news of it being cancelled. My guess has been funding has been suspect, so they stop and start work at times and it makes little progress.
>It was a nice looking show, and basically perfect.
the fucking delusion it would take to make a statement like this
the show's mecha battles and really its entire second half were complete garbage. I look forward to them being done better
really pointless but I hope they at least keep the iconic original opening song instead of some garbage """epic""" theme
anyway this announcement gives me a bit of hope regarding the gorgeous FTO.
FTO... GO!
so, who's getting raceswapped?
and are they remaking with anime plot or manga?
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Would be funny if the Mashins get redesigned in the remake.
And this bad boy needs a figure.
This is fucking CLAMP, everyone's sexuality is a flux of who the crazy bitches in the group want to ship that second in time.
>the show's mecha battles and really its entire second half were complete garbage. I look forward to them being done better
They're gonna be done worse, you're a fool if you think anything good can come from a remake.
>you're a fool if you think anything good can come from a remake.
You can't do any worse than the original show. There won't be any forced chibi tansitions or cotton mouths throughout. The mechs are a different story you should be prepared for them to be CG
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I want to see her hurt
I want to see her in pain
I want to see her suffer
I want to see her broken.
I want to console her and tell her everything will be alright
Shut up, Iczer 4.
I heard an old tale...that there was a Queen in this board. Is that true?
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That she is.
What is this thing even plugged into
A lot of Autozam's technology is brainwave operated or literally running on 'mental energy' as a kind of techno-mage analogy to Cephiro's more classical wielding of magic.

(Yes; they're cyberpunk. And there you were, thinking Rayearth wasn't /m/ enough...)
>>22712270 (cont.)

Eagle's disease and him coughing up blood until he finally croaks is because his body rejects the technology to the point that it starts attacking his normal body functions like an auto-immuno disease. He bears with it because he believes he isn't the only one with this problem and he believes he is the right choice and only chance to lead the mission to obtain Cephiro's 'pillar system' to serve as a replacement and save a nation that is slowly killing itself.
So we've gotten to the point where cyberpunk just means "has high tech implants".
Clamp hate lesbians.
Transmutative physical augmentation that involves use and manifestation of spiritual energies. So yes. Cyberpunk.

There's also, the short flashbacks shown of Autozam and Lantis' trip there - which show it's a dystopian hell-hole of dense skyscrapers; not to mention the fact that Lantis and Eagle got to know each other through battling each other in a colloseum, Thunderdome style.
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>you have your ggg vs bm and you will like it
Except we never got an anime before Kimura left us.
Ah, you meant Autozam specifically. Fair enough; thought you were talking about Rayearth as a whole.
> Okawa likes Iczer-1
It's not gay if it's masturbation.
To be fair, Iczer fuck off somewhere and Nagisa canonically married a man and have children. That's the kind of lesbianism Clamp can accept
what yuri
the closest thing to yuri was that bitch from season 2
Go back to Khazar
I don’t get the hate for season 2. Season 1 is a drag and nothing but generic J-RPG shit.
Name 10 jrpgs you've completed.
The Rayearth RPG for instance. Which only covers season 1.
This, it's actually one of my go-to examples of an adaptation being superior.
Are you unfamiliar with the fanbase? They literally don't care, they pick and choose.
shut the fuck down
Good morning sir.
For the great majority of people cyberpunk is just a aesthetic.
It's on the level of a Dragon Quest title except the names aren't as punny.
Never saw this as a kid, can someone post the mechs? I want to see what they look like
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Fat and ugly
sorry, meant to post >>22714396 in the thread about my mom
>3 protagonist mechs
>manga/show name is based on only of them
This is very biased
>Actually wanted to have a spiritual successor to Rayearth
>Getting a remake of the original
Hoping this time they will go maximum Getter Robo here with the Rune Gods and have them and the girls interact a lot.
>HOLY FUCK. I guess it might be interesting if it follows the manga more closely, having read it I believe that's a good basis.
Read the manga. While it's nice and all I prefer the anime overall.
the first Super robot wars that featured Rayearth? and it was localized? i mean its not even on asia steam compared to V or X, yeah, but still...
desu, since back then i never read the manga, (surprisingly it was entirely localized in mexico, comic book style but we never bought it all). i never really gave that much of a shit about the Presea deal, now that i know, i can say it was retarded, but its not that big of a deal.
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I feel like people who complain about it often miss the real issue with it. It's not bad because it was a quick bandage fix over a sudden change in the manga they didn't account for. It's kind of just a waste of a potentially good plot hook that could have played into the drama Hikaru was already feeling. I'll admit it's been a hot while since I saw S2 in it's entirety, I should rectify that, but from what I recall Sierra never really comes clean to the girls. She spends the whole time letting them think she's Presea. It could have been really interesting if the reveal was what really pushed Hikaru over the edge when she has to re-deal with a death she still wasn't completely over the first time. Or if you didn't want to do anything like that there's really no reason they had to pretend at all. Sierra could have been upfront from the start, maybe the girls have a quick sad, get a hug and then the story proceeds like normal because they're functionally the same character.
>the goddamn rune lords
Fuckers have waists so thin the only reason they don't snap is because they're magic incarnate.
Wish they were in a game with the La Gias crew at least once.
hope this means we get moderoids of the other mechs
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I wish the girls sword style are more distinct.
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>Long sword
Seem decently distinct to me. Unless you want something gay like a katana.
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They don't wield the way they are supposed to
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>the five foot nothing magical girls don't use their magical swords realistically
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Rapiers are wielded in one hand and are exclusively thrusting swords.
Umi's sword is light enough to wield such (actually; all of them are - the Escudo mineral makes for metal that is light as a feather) and she actually does use it for fencing, but it features an elongated grip which qualifies it for two-handed use as well and it can be used (and in-series is ued) for slashing strikes as well. It's a bastard sword, or in more modern parlance: a hand-and-a-half sword. A bastard sword emphasizes flexibility (which corresponds to Umi's element: water) and when she uses it one-handedly akin to a rapier, it still emphasizes speed - her aspect in the power/speed/defense trifecta.

Zweihänder or Bidenhänder.
Claymores were meant for wielding two-handed, but were relatively speaking shorter than what Fuu has. And were also still wielded as an actual two-handed SWORD. The Zweihänder or Bidenhänder was the ultimately evolution of 'the big sword' and was wielded and carried more as a POLEARM - like a halberd, than as a sword. The polearm style corresponds more typically to how Fuu wields her blade and also carries the notion of a 'guardian at the gate', which alludes to her carrying the defense aspect of the three.
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Shut up.
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Hopefully there won't be any scenes of them using Tik Tok or Tinder like in the new UY remake
File deleted.
He's correct though. Can't handle facts?
The Sailor Moon syndrome.
Going bald in your teenage years must hurt.
Meanwhile, Umi maintained her hair compared to Hikaru and Fuu.
she just has a better combover
They're not trained fighters so to them their swords are just sharp sticks.
>They're not trained fighters
Actually at least Umi and Hikaru have formal training in fencing and Kendo respectively.
And Fuu in archery, which - along with the fact that she wields her sword like a polearm, say for instance: a naginata - reflects the traditional weaponry of a Japanese lady in the Samurai caste taking up arms to guard the family home.
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The only time modern stuff was shown was the first opening, the remake still had it set in the 80s. They even had rotary phones show up in the first episode
How would MKR change if these three gentlemen became the main protagonists.
You know it's weird but I kind of feel like the Rayearth girls would handle the Getter's situation better than the Getters would handle the Rayearths.
I love that in Clear Card despite everyone having smartphones, Tomoyo still uses her old camcorder.
Not quite. The second camcorder she used until the end of the original series was a Sony DCR-PC1(DV). Whereas her Clear Card one is potentially a Sony HDR-XR500:

In any case it's nice that she's not taking videos by point her phone vertically at stuff.
I hate retardation like this. Do they really think the audience is that stupid? And Tomoyo is supposed to be a 'rich girl' too.
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Camcorder is still her main one, but she also uses her smartphone, drones, and a personal camera for Kero at times.
Just want to point out that OP is a retard and it's not a remake but a new anime project

The difference is important because remake would imply remaking the previous version which deviated from the manga (Nova and Debonair and so on)

This is probably going to be like the new LotGH show where they try to more faithful to the source material
That’s pretty pedantic of your part.
shut up bitch
There was literally nothing wrong with season 2 and the mech fights would only look worse if they were remade. You're wrong on all counts and probably gay.
I enjoyed season 2 more than season 1.
a testament of how smart Tomoyo actually is, vertical video layouts are gay.
Me too.
I hope they will add a Menu System to the isekai.
And some RPG stuff like skills and stats.
I hope they won't nerf her tits.
Probably they will toned down for the western market. And to be fair, Clamp stopped drawing huge tits after CCS
Are you for real?
Ok if they change her to be completely flat but keep her outfit the same I'd be ok with that.

For those interested.
Interesting read here, very organized.
>No uniform exchange between SV2 and the Magic Knights
How many women does it take to draw a babe?
four of them
Molly vs. Mokona needs to be a thing.
Umi is worst girl don't change my mind.
Glad we have a board wikia.
this is why fuu is the best
I mean, we call those HD cams
that is what youtubers use
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why is this still up?
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Clamp Piano.
Based brazilian.
hope for new VAs, the old ones are well... dated
You're a whore
>it might be interesting if it follows the manga more closely
>no Nova

Mashins with no Obari
Mashins redesigned by Nagano
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Manga Mashins
We better see them naked
Would you want them to bring the original voice actors back or use new ones?

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