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What is the absolute worse place to put a cockpit?
In the arm.
Yeah, on the chest. It's literally center-mass and the easiest thing to hit.
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The head
Too exposed, etc
>What is the absolute worse
WORST. Why do so many of you retards now have trouble with this? "What is the worst place to put something" or "which place is is worse."
Seconding chest
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Lol. Just lol.
It's not the dick, ZoE's cockpit placements are probably some of the best when it comes to mecha. closer to the center of gravity which reduces g-forces on pilots.

Imo I think Code Geass is one of the worst examples of cockpit placement.
Those designs basically turn the cockpit into a swing.
I honestly can't imagine how Suzaku doesn't end up in a pulp with the way he spins the lancelot.
Contradictory statements.
>Those designs basically turn the cockpit into a swing.
Forget that, they're literally just a big ol target. They're both in the center of mass and more on display. And they're retardidly top heavy.
this also hard to get too
The chest is also the most armored in most mechs. Its the same thing as a tank, unless you specifically have an AT weapon and hit dead center (even then most handheld AT weapons cant outside the Javelin, which hits from above) you wont touch the crew from a frontal shot.
In a safe room far away from the battlefield. Pilots should slways make the decision to fight on the battlefield. Mobile dolls and drones are honorless chess pieces.
right next to the nuclear reactor
Try saving the sinking boat. Note it already sank.
They are trap robots or robots with dicks
Anywhere but the fist. You should be able to punch the fuck out of enemy mecha with your entire being.
Also get severed a lot.
>It's not the dick,
>proceeds to praise the dick as the best cockpit.
The head, since it’s so easy to snipe.

Code Geass cockpits are behind the back?
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>What is the absolute worse place to put a cockpit?
>it's not the dick
Exclusion applies for pocket-universe alternate-dimension cockpits. Those are fucking awesome.

And probably lethal in their own right.
Imagine the mech blowing up and the pilot being stuck in the pocket-verse, literally until they die of starvation. What a way to go...
Speech to text and/or ESL, take your pick.
This, it just doesn't work in Gundam because armor does fuck all there.
File deleted.
Doubt it.
Avatarfagging is not allowed.
Provided the enemy can access the pocket dimension.
Whatever you say Treize.
Probably on the arms or legs. Parts that are expected to be among the first sacrificed to save the rest of the mech. Most other choices are a matter of trade-offs with some advantages and some disadvantages.

Some good things to think about: Ease of entry, exit, and ejection. Protection, both armor wise and being kept out of the line of fire. Visibility in case the sensor/camera system becomes compromised. Resistance to electronic warfare in the case of drone systems.
Stop ban evading.
Stop ban evading.
No, stalkerchild. It is (You) who is ban-evading. Enjoy prison.
The feet.

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