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Previous thread: >>22706107

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

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Which Heisei+Reiwa pairing will you roll for?
anyone still have that potato chips leak pic?
Rider Gochizou Series

Kamen Rider Gavv
>Poppin/ Kickin/ Punchin Gummy (gummy)
>ZakuZaku Chips (potato chips)
>FuwaMallow (marshmallow)
>GuruKyan (lollipop candy - probably the "giant robot" item)
>CaKing (cake - Q1 powerup item)

Kamen Rider Valen (based on Valentine)
>Chocodon (Chocolate)

Diabetes galore...
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>Memorial Mark-IX getting upgraded due to sheer popularity
Geats wa never endo
Faiz/Geats is objectively the only right answer here. If you include Phase 2 I think Kuuga/Zero-One/W takes it, although maybe Blade/Gotchard/Gaim has an outside shot
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These ones?
Saber and Agito is the best pair there.
Is Color verifying or debunking? Since IIRC he said choco Rider was Zoku.
Need zombie
Last thread said he confirmed it.
Wanna bet he only follows Dukemon after whole butt thing?
I know it has fans but Saber was legitimately one of the worst pieces of media I’ve ever watched period
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You're lucky anon. I won't pretend every Rider is good or even okay but none of them are close to the worst thing I've ever seen, even limiting it to superhero media.
*exclusively subjectively to /krg/
Being super hyperbolic like that isn't healthy anon. Have a little more nuance.
yup. thanks
What thing? And Baron doesn't use a gun
So chips, marshmallow, and lollipop are the Q1 forms? What about the third Rider?
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God I have such grievance with Chinese to English translations
the fact he bought a cake just to do this as a leak is hilarious.
has nothing to do with the question

Caking Sword by color
>The blade is round like a spear
>Take a piece of the cake and put on Gavv to transform
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Kamen Rider Vvag...
Using a piece of the cake to transform is honestly such a cool idea
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Agito and Saber is a godly combo.
Ryuki and Revice are the worst match.
Geats is embarrassing compared to Faiz.
all of these are dragged down by the reiwa counterparts
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So basically this
Watch more rider
Watch more toku
Watch more shows
I'm in a blood oath with my friend to watch every season of rider ever. usually when i come across something bad, i simply don't engage with it. but I'm stuck with rider. and i agree with anon. I'm not being hyperbolic when i say that of the things I've watched in my life, saber and ex aid both rank as some of the most unbearable schlock I've subjected myself to.
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Boy, you haven't seen shit.
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I honestly want to see a whole season of Valvarad and his little girl sidekick
Uh huh, sure.
I understand Ex-Aid at least
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It's a match between shows to see which one can be sillier
what does this response even mean. do you think i'm lying? why would i do that.

so far we've watched kuuga, agito, ex aid, drive, ryuki, W, ooo, super 1, zero one. ex aid and saber. also kr shin, shin kr and the first 50 ep of ichigo. zero one was very bad but not a distant third. ex aid is the absolute worst but saber isnt close behind.

i really tried to give it a fair shake even though i never liked the aesthetics but its like baby sensory for 50 episodes straight.
I still find it strange how they haven't announced the writer right away.
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You will watch his show.
I'd think that the reason why they wouldn't is because they landed a big outside name and want to reveal it during the conference.
For me, it's gotta be Agiter.
You forgot Gaim...
inoue is back

get ready for diabetes faiz
They have Muto chained in a basement trying to force him to write Gavv.
Takebe is writing it herself

Or Kobayashi

Diabetes Den O because no way the Gochizos ain't speaking
Give me a 2 or 3, if I get 5-6 I'm never rolling on anything again.
>Only two Riders so far at the start
>Only four form-change Gochizous and one traditional power-up Gochizou

Guess there are skill-based Gochizous to compensate for the bare-bones toyline?
You clearly haven't seen much media, let alone rider, then. Ghost and Faiz exist after all.
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In another world, this was the Gotchard trio.
I bet you think edgy = mature = good don't you? You're a literal manbaby.
Probably something like Ryusouls. They're also based on onomatopoeias
If the swords are chips and cake, what happened to the road sword with the mini bike that the gochizo are supposed to ride?
why the fuck is astolfo a bunny boy_ and why is he_ on a rider cake?
So it's like the Raising Sword, cool.
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Basically the cake spear, take out a piece, turn it into a Gochizou and feed it to Gavv

The ZakuZaku Chips is the Gochizou that comes with the road sword, it can read other Gochizous as well. It was confirmed before that the main sword's not based on chips but comes with the chips item.
And the Chinese, who vastly outnumber the Japanese and the /krg/ anons who have shit taste.
Its not so much the translations fault, he specifically talks that way to confuse english and japanese speakers from translating what he's saying. the shinji guy says he also mixes in old chinese characters to confuse people even more
Is Geats worth watching? I haven't watch a series since the end of Zero-one.
Who's big enough of a name, but still someone they could get for kamen rider?
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Feels surreal not seeing Driver on the protagonist belt name after so many years.
Just realized that Gavv's undersuit material is meant to evoke the foil candy wrapper
Hotaro is the heroine?
Probably someone Urobuchi level. It was a big deal when he was announced as Gaim's writer
If you liked Zero-One, you'll probably like it. If not, I don't recommend it.
Half of it is fine, the other half is unbearable garbage.
No, it's the first female main Rider
Well, here goes nothing.
>Gotchard finally beating Sentai numbers
We're so back gotchabros
Since 2009 with Decade. Technically, Faiz did it first, but then Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O and Kiva didn't.
You are forgetting the LED belt rider at the very end of Q1.
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please let Gavv be Tokuota-core
Either Kobayashi or the rumored Hanada guy is Gavv's writer.
I don't think there's a single chance Muto comeback with how he didn't bother to finish Build novel.
You got a 2 at least.
No, Sabi is.
So will the final episode recolor be Blackbahamut Majede or black flame Valvarad or both???
>Both red and silver/white
>Both have diamond patterns

Reiwa Sayoko arc?
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Ride Kamens if it was good.
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Wow, ikemen characters in aristocrat outfits! This will totally make me want to play Ride Kamens!
You're not the game's target audience.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Sfi9Y1lCU this super at the end was pretty cool
And the game's target audience doesn't give a shit because they have Twisted Wonderland to play.
"Merchandise coming this summer.
"Master Magenta Series"
This series of goods took a lot of time to create, so if you like it, try getting it!"
Okay I love Kabuto's Rider kick just being a roundhouse kick
This explains the cranking handle design
Valentine-themed Secondary... Don't tell me...

This is gonna suck immediately, I swear.
Fingers crossed the show after Gavv is awesome.
I love Den-O but let's see who I get
what's the pun on Valen/Varen?
It's not a woman so it will be fine.
He's chocolate themed and Valen is the first half of Valentine. Pretty simple.

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