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Which /m/ work had the best captains?
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Close this thread now.
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My brother
Ironically, SRW

It's one hell of a lineup
Bask was so cool, I wish he did more in Zeta
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At least 0083 rebellion gave us more Bask and Titans
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He was too good for this world...
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Sounds like some of you forgot Jinn Geneham...
>Bask talking about the Roman Empire
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I love her.
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Shoutout to Natarle Badgiruel and Talia Gladys from Cosmic Era gundam. They are both embodiments of the phrase "the good die young". Both Captains were objectively superior Captains compared to their rival, Murrue Ramius; their losses can be attributed to worse circumstances and/or literal plot armor more so than a skill deficiency.
>Natarle Badgiruel
Was easily the best Captain in the Cosmic Era. As the Archangel's XO, she was arguably held back by Murrue at times, e.g., when she wanted to use the Lohengrin during the final Desert Dawn battle. While some may argue that Murrue's objection on environmental grounds is sound, both the EA (Gulnahan Commander) and ZAFT (Talia) made liberal use of the tech when they could and did not share her concerns, making Murrue the outlier.
As Captain of the Dominion, Natarle soundly wiped the floor with Ramius' Archangel during their first encounter (note that this technique is re-used in SEED Freedom by Murrue and she calls it the "Badgiruel Maneuver"). While Muruta Azrael was impressed by her tactics, she remarked that they were "hardly remarkable". Ironically, it was Azrael's presence on the Dominion and his incessant need to act as a backseat driver of sorts which fueled the Dominion's loss in the final battle of SEED.
>Talia Gladys
That she is not phased at all after Lacus embarrasses Meer on live television because "its not as if she gives us our orders" shows she has the high maturity necessary for a Captain.
Later in the GSD final battle she cornered Murrue; forcing the Archangel to choose between taking a fatal attack from the Minerva's Tannhauser or letting the Eternal take the hit instead. The Archangel chooses the former but is saved due to Mwu "making the impossible possible". That was a technically impossible feat fueled solely by rule of cool, and when questioned on it, Mitsuo Fukuda laughs, deflects, or says "I forgot those tech details", demonstrating how flimsy his writing is.
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I love this guy
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Just calm down and take deep breath
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Ben was the best captain.
Dude Ben was awesome, guy had genuine faith on his soldiers and busted out some damn fine simple but effective e plans, a true master of Occams Razor
>Later in the GSD final battle she cornered Murrue; forcing the Archangel to choose between taking a fatal attack from the Minerva's Tannhauser or letting the Eternal take the hit instead. The Archangel chooses the former but is saved due to Mwu "making the impossible possible". That was a technically impossible feat fueled solely by rule of cool, and when questioned on it, Mitsuo Fukuda laughs, deflects, or says "I forgot those tech details", demonstrating how flimsy his writing is.
Getting hit by giant beams can only work on Mwu once, hence his ability to casually face-tank the full blast of the Requiem and say, "man it's hard being the guy that has to make the impossible possible". The man is simply immune to giant death beams now.
I will always give the G-Saviour game the praise of really humanising its cast and dedicating plenty of time to do them given they're only seen in small portraits.
Well I mean the in-universe reason is the Akatsuki is specifically designed to deflect big lasers because the Lohengrin killed him last time so it makes sense he could block the Tannhauser. But like...Requiem is a really, REALLY big laser man. It's designed to destroy entire colonies.
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Based Amane
The ending always gets me, from Reed's genuine mix of horror and rage at the truth of project Raven, to Ben choosing to wait for Reed and Asaka's post tearful sounding happiness to Reed and Asaka's post credits conversation, G-Saviour's game is fantastic for what is more or less a budget tie in license game
Yeah, all of the Macross captains are pretty great
It's very cool, they could have given us absolutely nothing but they gave it a lot of charm.
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Really wish Harlock would receive a treatment similar to 2199 one day. The Kamiyama movie was pure ass.
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Good ol' Sensible Amane. I really liked Captain Mom too. I liked that the adults in MJP weren't all massive cock heads and the one that was was fired like IMMEDIATELY.
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Weren't they supposed to be doing something with Harlock and Emeraldas before Leiji passed?
I don't recall such a thing but if it was real and Matsumoto was attached to it as a senior production staff, yeah that project is gone for good.
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RinRin definitely deserves honorable mention, as acting captain of Godinion, best girl, and accredited miracle of the Universe.
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I liked the guy from Gundam X, he was committed to his cool shades
his vision is augmented
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>Well I mean the in-universe reason is the Akatsuki is specifically designed to deflect big lasers because the Lohengrin killed him last time so it makes sense he could block the Tannhauser. But like...Requiem is a really, REALLY big laser man. It's designed to destroy entire colonies

It really doesn't make sense since Akatsuki is designed to reflect the smaller beams of other mobile suits. And MAYBE ship beam weapons (like Archangel Gottfried beam cannons) if we push it. Which is still weird because those ship beam cannons fire a beam that's bigger than the diameter of a mobile suit, but okay whatever.

Don't get me started on it tanking positron blasts. It shouldn't be able to handle the raw power output of something like Lohengrin or Taunhauser positron cannons. That's beyond pushing it.

And tanking Requiem? The giant laser beam that's bigger than entire ships? Wtf? Thats super beyond pushing it. Its super silly territory. And Akatsuki wasn't even scratched by the attempt either! At least add some damage for crying out loud.

The Yata armor should be like phase shift armor: Very Strong but will eventually break or run out of power if hammered with enough power or beams.

Also did anyone notice that the Requiem beam laser suddenly got super small when hitting Akatsuki? How tf can Akatsuki block that? The beam diameter is supposed to be enormous and bigger than entire ships!

Come on Fukuda at least give Akatsuki a nuclear reactor. Least that way my mind can have a flimsy reason why it can block super powerful beams.
I don't think you understand how much Fukada does not give a shit when it comes to drama and theatrics

That was gainax supposed to be doing something with them iirc.
>Punches Bright and gets away with it
>Actually makes valid points in hunting Zeon remnants
If Bandai wasn't busy wanking the OYW to death and downplaying the Titans, we'd actually see more post-0083 content already
>Also did anyone notice that the Requiem beam laser suddenly got super small when hitting Akatsuki?
I was under the impression that the direct initial blast is smaller and it gets magnified as it passes through the routing colonies.
Finally, an excuse to post this
Rin Rin loves her bunnies.
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>No one mentioned Bright yet
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No one mentioned Ramba Rai either. A disaster for the 0079 master race
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Came here to post this.
I love competent dorks.
Inez best girl, though
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Gainax was going to do 3 movies, but it was canned. And now Gainax finally disappeared.
I wonder if Gaina will take the project some day. But yes, a worthy remake of Harlock is something that should happen eventually.
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Are you talking about Gainax's Zero Century? That trilogy got cancelled wayyy before Matsumoto's passing. Who knows though, maybe Gaina, the former Gainax division that's now animating Grendizer U, can pick up where Gainax left off.
Gaina's the studio that's working on Yamaga's Uru in Blue too right? (If they're still working on it that is)
Yeah, Yamaga is at Gaina along with Sadamoto as well, who is designing Grendizer U's characters now.
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Got to love the future where thigh highs and short shorts are part of the official military female uniform.
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Liked Kodai's role in Yamato Ressurection. Was nice seeing him go from battle chief that only got in because his brother died and needed to fill the place to literally fighting interdimensional beings and stopping black holes. Shame he cut his beard at the beginning of the film.
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She's pāfekuto
Without a doubt he and Captain Gomez are truly based.

"without this sacrifice everyone will die and they will be forgotten, but as long as the young survive the name of Jinn Gehenam will live forever."

And indeed 1000 years later his name is still remembered.
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Uncle Bask did nothing wrong.
Best girl twice in a row.
Is the second season even worth watching?
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I watched it for Tatiana, and Tatiana only, so can't really complain.
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My favourite captain is a Titans guy, not a big fan of the Titans but I loved Gady. He was a pretty competent fleet officer.
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Standard military issue ZR

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