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Do you prefer your Klan chibi or macro?
Well what makes her great is that you don't have to choose. You get both
The voluptuous hot lady, that’s easy
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/m/, we know about Klan's tits. How big is her clit?
Does Michael know?
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We needed a macro mirage
Made for all night ear licking.
Fully engorged? 2.4 ft. She prefers you boxing it like a punching bag.
Do you think there's any opposite case where a Meltran has a buxom miclone form and turns petite when they're macro? Just asking for a friend haha
mirage butt best butt
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I prefer...
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Alto IS the hottest character in the franchise and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
If nothing else I love his hair.
>petite giant meltran
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Mirage Culo
A gigantic asshole.
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It's what makes him hot.
Man rewatching the Macross series was eye opening. My opinions on Delta and Frontier completely flip flopped with me liking the former and it's MC way more and the latter's MC a good bit less. Other series remained more or less the same opinion.
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I remember a doujinshi where Klan forces Mikhail to undergo macronization, and upon doing so he turns into a gigantic kid version of himself.

I don't think that's how that's supposed to work...
The whole thing never made any sense to start with other than a cheap way to get an angry tsundere loli pilot on screen because that shit was popular at the time.
>at the time
I love how freaked out he is here. And she just starts talking shit.
pedofags and trapfags are mentally ill niggers that deserve a bullet in their brain
pixie sex
....got a name for that Doujin my guy?
take your little tourist ass back to tumblr, buddy
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I prefer them white.
I wish we got to see more towns/ships that were integrated for both miclone and macrone living.
It really is an interesting idea. Imagine being an ER doctor over there.
I hadn't even thought of that. You'd need hangar sized operating rooms lol
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Sheryl my beloved.

Giantess clan cause I'm no loli lover and I can dream about crawling up her wet, tight pussy and being engulfed and caressed by her warm, wet, slimy, sensual love folds. The only drawback are that those big suckable luscious titties will be impossible for me to wrap my mouth around.
You either get to be a pocket protector for big, big sis or you get to be Onii-chan to an angry nuts-high-punch-throwing imouto.
>drowning in vaginal juice with the accompanying smells
Loli Klan is cute (not pedo)
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"Dancing Skull"

It's pretty vanilla.
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Too aroused to care. A baptism in her love fluids while cocooned in her sweet poon just makes me revel in ecstasy. The smell will be a negligible afterthought just to be able to be full body caressed by Klan's delicate, warm, moist love pocket.
>crushed like a grape during climax
no, thank you.

Best way to go IMO. Crushed in a sexy Meltradi's most intimate area coated from head to toe with her sweet, warm, sticky love lube.
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>appeal of Zentradi girls is their giants
>lets make the best Zentradi girl ever turn herself to regular humansize, but also a loli
Sometimes you gotta let off a few shots to scare the carpetbaggers off.
Leads to a good question /m/. What are Meltrandi pubes like? Course? Fine? Curley? Would they make a good weave? Organic dental floss?
Trimmed, neat landing strips of course!
>you could get lost in her jungle
You can practice a lot of sports with zentran female bodies, like hiking, mountain climbing, spelunking...
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Imagine dressing up like Indiana Jones and hacking through her giant bush with a machete.
>finding the clitoris
Is it trapped?
No, don't want to clip said clitty.
How many gallons of milk again?
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Reminder that Klan hates her loli form because she can't have a proper relationship.
It's fine, her boyfriend is dead anyway.
>hacking through her giant bush with a machete
You are now legitimately the worst namefag in this board.
Year of the dead sniper.
Who else?
Only Lockon I truly stayed dead though
MIchel is a bit of a half and half situation. He's still dead as far as the show is concerned.
I wish macro Klan was real
As a beachfag this is heavenly.
Somehow, better
>the decolorization around her crotch
...is she excited or something?
Three (3) years old. THREE!

That's probably the weirdest thing I've ever done with Koikatsu.
Now make him wear spelunking gear
...would her clitoris serve as a rope post?
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Kill, fuck, marry.
>both Sheryl and Alto know how to crossdress for a performance
>show never touches on it
If there's one thing the Sheryl and Alto romance lacked, it's this. Give me suited short haired reverse trap Sheryl ravishing kabuki girl Alto, dammit.

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