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Post ships you just think are cool (east or west)
Kira X Fllay
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For me, it's the Argonaut. Weird that they named the ship after the crew of the Argo instead of calling it the Argo, but other than that it's faultless, inside and out.
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>Just realised the OP is the fucking Argonaut too
Forgive me, it's been a long week, but allow me to compliment your fine taste.
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Anyone remember the silver morphing ship from Flight of the Navigator? Cool movie, I'm surprised it has not been remade.
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The Empire shall rise again
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That movie was classic 80's goodness. Back when people could swear in Disney movies. Let's pray modern Disney won't ever sink their claws into that treasure.
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Reminds me of the Culture.
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ISA Cruiser from the Killzone series.
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Heroic Age was cool
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I just think they're neat.
I love Blake's 7 more than most people love their families.
There's something charming about aggressively utilitarian designs.
dead earthnigger storage
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I like the Romulan ships
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Starship Operators was a neat show. But I can't find decent art of it or it's vessels to save my life.
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Infinite Space has many designs I really like. A shame that the NDS can't do justice to them in 3D.
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It's impressive what they were able to achieve with it, all things considered.
Things get a bit silly lategame when ships start clipping into each other due to their size though.
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GOD, the Cobra MkIII is so beautiful. Almost all the ship designs from Elite: Dangerous are perfect, it's got the most consistent variety of winners of any series I've seen.
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what's a Kira?
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For me, its the Destiny.
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I like three things.
1. Solar Sails
2. Heavy Metal
3. Solar Sails AND Heavy Metal.
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I love how starkiller base, which has a breathable atmosphere and a biosphere. Is supposedly a fraction of the size of the moon.
I love how the person who made this made no account for font readability. At all.
Original is too big to post here. Also...the TARDIS unfolded is really that big?
why is Terra Cathedral so small?
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'Got to love a vessel that traps terrestrial planets in a cage and noms on gas giants like poor Saturn here.
It's also right next to (and larger than) the Magog worldship, which even the numbers on this put at a thousand times the size. The scale's fucked.
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any...fans of titan ae?
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LoGH DNT has some cool ships.
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For the Empire maybe. They really dropped the ball on the FPA's ships. For the Empire they look like faithful redesigns whereas for the FPA they looks like they look too similar to each other and honestly look better from the aft view.
Fuck Creed
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hell yeah brother
Whatever this retro style is featuring rounded hulls with vents & scoops everywhere, I'm all about it.
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I love the Akira, I love the TMP style, they go great together.
I wish I had a high-res picture of the Kuun-Lan, though. That would be my real pick.
I don't think I've seen it in that particular aesthetic before (assuming we discount the Miranda). It does fit it quite nicely.
> Kuun-Lan

Fuck yeah.
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That's right, it's time to play......GUESS WHAT THIS SHIP IS FROM!

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Sador's Hammerhead ship from Battle Beyond the Stars.
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Got anymore clear views of it?
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I always forget there's ships in that that don't have boobs.
In the not too distance future
Winner! You win 8 billion Galactocredits.
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Now strap in tight, let's get set for action
to launch the ship out of the sand
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How about the 3,000 Megacredits for those 3 girls?
The show...had its problems. I still think the Galactica herself was an awesome ship that gave her absolute all in the service of humanity and its future.

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