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New trailer and information for the french-japanese collab VR movie

price : 1,790 yen

release: fall 2024

translated synopsis :
UC 0096.
Argent Keel, an unofficial mercenary organization that is neither the Federation nor Zeon, has been commissioned to assassinate Azami Megine, a high-ranking Federation official. The mission was requested by the Federation, who cannot make public Azami's existence as a collusion with Zeon, but just before the fleet is to depart, it is none other than the Federation's Jegan unit that attacks them. In the midst of this extremely chaotic situation, a silver Gundam that Argent Keel secretly owns is released into space.

Director: Kenichi Suzuki
Screenplay: Ryoji Kansai
Character Design: Tsukasa Kotobuki
Mechanical Design: Mika Akitaka
Yoshiya Ikeda Sound Director: Sadayoshi Fujino
Interactive Designer: Ferdinand Dervieux
Technical Artist Director: Gaël Chaize
CG Animation Director: Naoki Yamamoto
Production: Atlus V Bandai Namco Filmworks
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The protagonist (male/female)
is a pilot belonging to the mercenary organization Argent Keel. He was once a soldier of the Federation, but was rescued by Babia when he was lost during a battle and decided to join the mercenary force. He does not have outstanding abilities as a pilot, and feels pressured by being given a special mobile suit, the Gundam.
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Baber Rena
is a pilot of the Argent Kiel. She is 25 years old. She is an orphan of war and grew up to be a cheerful person, inheriting her adoptive mother Mabel's personality. She sees her former colleague Fixie Fix in the protagonist whom she rescues by chance. She pilots the Jagd Weisse, a mobile suit that she has modified herself.
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Mabel Lena
is a veteran pilot of Argent Keel. She is 41 years old. She is a reliable big sister type and also operates the operations. She cares for her adopted daughter Babia more than anyone else. She pilots a Li-GZ that she modified herself.
>world's first animated feature length VR
is this really true?
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Delta Zain
Model Number: DZ-001
A modified Delta Plus provided by AE to Argent Keel. Due to a secret agreement, non-standard parts are used for the exterior of the aircraft. The head is reused from a prototype of a different project, the armor shape uses data from a phantom aircraft that was frozen in the design stage, and the shield is a new, specially made item. It is painted silver, the symbol of Argent Keel.
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Jagd Weise
Model number: JW-001
Argent Keel acquired a Jagd Doga that was intended to be handed over to the Neo Zeon remnants as a spare part, and modified it into this machine. All of the original psycommu equipment has been omitted. In addition to strengthening the sensors, the shoulder shield has also been redesigned, increasing thrust capacity. It is equipped with a special beam shot launcher.
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Re-GZ (Argent Keel Specification)
Model Number: RZ-002
After the Second Neo Zeon War, multiple Re-GZs were manufactured for technical testing, and Argent Keel acquired one of them and modified it himself. It has been specially adjusted for use in MS form, which does not assume the optional BWS (Back Weapon System) is installed, and the backpack has been strengthened.
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Some screenshots, the style reminds me of a few french CGI cartoons. Some part of the movie do seem in 2D though, looks like a strange hybrid type of project
No idea
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also the english dub of the trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmBs8rHkcQc
cool doga, wouldn't mind getting a plamo of that
but knowing bandai it'll probably just be a rehash of the 2007 HG Jagd Doga with some new runners slapped on
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Good to see the story is not zeek shit or unicorn shit
the 3D models looks a bit ugly for the characters, but fine for the MS. the artstyle reminds me of one of the Gundam evolve short
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...I can sense a mother
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The project can be pre-ordered already, for 15 bucks
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From the oculus page, there's also two bonus additions :

Battle mode - Grab your Gundam and unleash its powers to defeat your enemies through multiple levels. Dodge enemies, defend yourself, shoot missiles and master your Gundam’s Beam Saber!
video :

Gallery mode - Explore a wide variety of life-sized Mobile Suits and discover them from every angle, as if they were there in real life for the first time.
additional videos (with sounds)

I assumed this was a mistranslation of Weiss, but it does seem like it actually is Weise
Jagdweise would basically mean the ways/tradition/wisdom of hunting
This sounds like it could be really cool.
...if it wasn't pointless, worthless vr shit.
I don't mind it being VR. Gundam always had strange stuff before like the theater experience short movie GREEN DIVERS
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>The protagonist
There is only ONE Protagonist
Are you stupid?
Yeah and it took over a decade for people to be able to actually watch green divers normally, they play around with these gimmicks and absolutely nothing comes out of them.
Eh, I don't think everything should be catered to the usual anime experience. It's not like those project are very numerous, so I'm still good with them.
Oculus quest is pretty easily available too (Yeah I know they named meta quest now but they are still Oculus Quest to me)
You know what would be even more easily available? Making it a normal video. Sure, playing around with new technology is fine and can bring results, but at some point it's just a waste of everyone's time and resources for a gimmick that will never evolve beyond that.
So what? It's not your fucking money and in no way does this impact you. Quit acting like an entitled cunt muffin. You can't have everything
Gundam did this for years, there's bigger project for the general market, this is more an experimentation thing
not everything is for everyone
This has nothing to do with "woke" (a word which does not even have a real meaning and is mostly use by grifters these days), that's just the model being a bit fucked by the animation. She looks fine on other shot. She's just an older lady
So every mobile suits is silver?
all shiny and chrome >>22714337
How about Requiem's Zeon being troon faction instead of Space Samurais in 0083 and 0080, like Gato, Ral, Misha, Matsunaga?
>another fat poc woman
Can they stop?
If she is Earthling, okay. But if she was ex-Zeek, it is unforgivable.
Why does she look familiar to me?
Possibly because you played ff8.
No, it's gotta be Killy Garret. Remember she and the entire Noisy Fairy survived Code Fairy, so it's gotta be a link to that.
>Full length vr
Doesn't that kind of fuck with any concept of cinematography
Her costume looks similar to Char's costume in Neo zeon.
>You become the Protagonist
Yes but you can only pilot Delta Gundam and nothing else.
>v fin
Damn it the original Delta Plus/Hyaku Shiki head design looks really good you don't need to stick more shit on it
But I don't want to pilot anything I haven't even been trained!
cult of gundam
it's been a thing in the UC since the titans started putting gundam heads on everything
>Delta Kai head
>Delta Gundam body
>"it's a Delta Plus!"
>AE pic of "put a gundam head on that GM & charge them 3 times more"
oh, neat.
that guy might be retarded, but you got to be retarded too if you dont think that woke is a thing.

unless you want to use a different word with the same meaning for something like Velma.

For Gundam it's not a thing. People just toss it around for shit they don't like now. That's all it boils down to.
nah you are retarded
Her voice sounds like Inoue Kikuko again.
>titled "silver phantom"
>"So every mobile suits is silver?"
Heh, bet you feel real dumb right now
>people barely realizing now that zeon was the troon faction outside certain outliers this entire time
This is why the feddies always called them degenerates
Did this old womyn appeared in GBO code fairy?
Why does it look worse than gbo2
Basically every player in gbo2
GBO2 steam should have Destiny gundam as Melee oriented general suit. With "Mirage ability" which can be used only once per respawn.
Fixie Fix?
Pretty shining for a flying coffin
Who the fuck in their right mind looks at the ReGZ's service record and goes
>Oh yeah this is perfect I love how it blew up in every sortie it was ever fielded on
Just go with a fucking Jegan
>Some love for the Delta+
I'm cool with it.
So we have a Mabel Lena, and a Babel Lena.
... This is going to turn out to be some next-tier Bibidi-Babidi-Buu shittery involved naming scheme, isn't it?
>Baber Rena
バビア・レナ -> Babia Lena.
(Babia is a genus of leaf beetles; as well as a mountain range in Poland. Given the strong zeonic wehraboo influences, the mountain range is probably the namesake.)

>Mabel Lena
メイベル・レナ -> Maibel Lena
(Strict German pronounciation of the name Mabel or Maybel in English)

>Delta Zain
デルタザイン -> Delta Sein
(As in the german verb for "to be")
Sasuga Gundamu
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>I love how it blew up in every sortie it was ever fielded on
Amuro used it on the top 2 Zeon MS at the time and did well, and it did not blow up.
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Will the kits be pricey as Delta Gundam?
I thought this Big Black womyn would pilot heavy MS like Jesta or Gustav Karl.
Sorry, but you're wrong on that one. It's Delta Zayin.
Babia Lena and Mabel Lena are the spellings. So quit pulling out your ass.
Everything's a fucking Hebrew origin.
フィクジィ・フィクス is a weird one.
this looks like a PS2 fmv
what the fuck
You clearly didn't play many PS2 games
>look at arrow to dodge incoming fire
so it has moments of interactions? does that also mean is has fail states?
Citation needed.
As neither the Youtube trailer, nor the news bulletin posted on gundam.info contains official romanized names.
Probably. This gives me flashbacks to those interactive laserdisc movies of the '80s.
E.g. Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.
Since it's made with Meta Quest, how am I supposed to watch this?
This whole "VR movie" thing just sounds like a crappy overly long video game cutscene.
Rogue Galaxy's fmvs look exactly like that retard.
But fine, if you want more accurate
"this looks like the gameplay from PS Vita launch title Gravity Rush"
>Inb4 the asspull twist is it's an Amuro clone
HGUC Jagd Doga holds up really well, possibly the best HG of its time.
I've probably already played worse QTEs
I like this
then wouldn't this be more of a cinematic VN?
It'd be fucking kino if it was White Unicorn tho
They're on the Gundam.info page you dumb fucktard.
What would you even name him instead? Hollow Rear?
The latest news article on Silver Phantom over on the english side of the site is
https://en.gundam.info/news/video-music/02_11995.html from back in May, which reveals no character details.

The OP's article, https://www.gundam.info/news/video-music/01_14992.html has no english equivalent and contains no english romanized names. The only thing it contains is names in katakana.

Consider that maybe YOU are the dumb enough fucktard here. A dumb fucktard Chrome user who doesn't realize their browser has automatic translation with Google Translate turned on, for instance.

Yes. See also the description given in aforementioned older English article:
> Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Phantom represents a new frontier for the iconic series, integrating immersive VR technology to create a cinematic story where fans can engage interactively.
>modified Delta Plus.

That's literally Delta Gundam with a V Fin and a goth makeover and a fancier shield. This looks more like another offshoot of the Delta Gundam rather than an expansion of the D+.
White Unicorn. Guy doesn't have any other name, he's just Karaba's Amuro-clone for propaganda purposes. Remember that he was deployed at a Newtype Laboratory that changed sides and aligned with Karaba, who's to say they didn't offer a great value Amuro like that?
I dig older women with glasses. Even more if they have white or metallic colored stilettos on.
Shit for brains, there are little white boxes on the fucking official site for characters/mecha spellings on the site.


Congrats on showcasing just how fucking stupid you are in not being able to conduct basic research.
>Cites a totally different part of the site that doesn't connect to the original posted article of which initially only a very poor machine translation (that e.g. translated the ReGZ as Li-GZ) was given.

Hence; citation needed.
Could've just posted that to begin with instead of chimping out.
you may be right but my God you're a fucking idiot
god damn Mika Akitaka is wasted on this 3d shit

A simple google search did the same thing. RESULT #1! Wow! Amazing! Quit shifting goalposts for being a fucking lazy dipshit.
The "Zain" part is a corruption of "zehn" which is German for 10
So the name is Delta 10
>has big sister energy
>is a big sista
Into the trash it goes!
>He was once a soldier of the Federation, but was rescued by Babia when he was lost during a battle and decided to join the mercenary force. He does not have outstanding abilities as a pilot, and feels pressured by being given a special mobile suit, the Gundam.
Fuck's sake, this is the backstory for my oc.
>Queen Latifah
>Tomino who is anti-wokism
Sir I'm not sure you know Yoshiyuki "Half my characters are brown in the 70s/80s and the ultimate goal of my life's work is spreading the idea that War is Bad and Peace Through Understanding Is Rad" Tomino.
There's nothing about such a character online so you either made it up or have info about this movie that we don't
My guy if your calling Tomino "Anti-woke" You don't know Tomino, he may not be a DEI type of guy but he's very much in favor of diversity of multiple kinds, the 3ntire mixed race casts of MSG, Zeta, Dunbine, G-Reco, tje fact Char's love i.trest in the novels was his fat secretary and his love intrest in the show was an Indian woman. Ryi Jose is a confident heroic strong fat Brazillian man. He doesn't shove ot down your throat but "Anti-woke" he is not
No, it's not. It's Hebrew for weapon. They said this at the AX panel.
kind of a gross oversimplification of zain
they chose it because its the proto-form of the letter zeta
that it would also feed into aramaic and hebrew words for arms is just bonus trivia
Oh, why yes, please tell us how you know more than what the staff said at the panel. Hm? Fuck off, twat
>It's Hebrew
Again. God, this is becoming depressing.
The hebrew thing was cute when SRW did it with the Balmar, but UC Gundam didn't need it.
Especially not when everything Zeonic and Zeonic-aligned already has fucking German at its disposal.
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>but UC Gundam didn't need it
Yes it does.
Continue being upset at people who know more than you, it's a winning strategy in life for sure.
In modern usage, it's mostly about cock now anyway. So feel free to call it the Delta Dick.
But that's not a story the panel would tell you.
But why do they have to looks so awful?
It's a Delta Kai head.
>Anaheim is a front for Zionists, is the big bad that's pulling all the strings and that's making bank off of selling goy-slop MS-tech to the highest bidder, all while playing the long game of brokering war and misery long enough for the Earth to depopulate so they can eventually swoop in when it's at its weakest and can claim it for their Jewish heritage.

I mean, just ... wow. WOW !!
Is Tomino, like, the king of anti-semitism, or what?
low effort + budget spent elsewhere
Apparently not when that other anon was proven wrong throughout the thread.

Get new fucking material, mate.
Fuck... That sounds so evil
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>boot every goy off planet
>we now have Earth!
>they are now in space
After X is the future of this plan.
>7th Space War
>Zayin is also the Hebrew numeral 7
talking about the implication that woke isn't a thing in general. retards can cry wolf about anything, doesn't mean there aren't wolves. Its about if the evidence stacks up for a wolf or not.
I love the Re-GZ so much

Post-op Ryu
>Half the comments are asking for Hathaway 2 and joking about Unicorn’s newtype power scaling
I guess the japs are kindered spirits
>your dick is your weapon
[laughs in Rance]
The producer of the franchise right now himself joked about Hathaway 2, saying he wondered if he still be around when it release (as a joke)
he later said "wait just a little more"
I assume it will be announced in 2025 maximum, late 2024 if we are lucky

though if we go that way, Hathaway 3 will release around the 30th anniversary of the book.
40th anniversary, not 30th*
quite depressing to see how it stil is as impacting so many years later, as Tomino made it as a warning...
Stop spamming ban evader.
>More fats in Gundam
the architect needed so
Is she Zeek or Earthling? Forgive if she is Earthling.
She’s a mercenary so neither
Though I could assume former EFF due to her MS
Tomino was right.
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Is she related to the Carbine family lol
Is the MC yet another black haired Japanese character? Of course the assistants are blonde super attractive white women. Japan seems obsessed with them. I don't think I've seen a single series that had a black haired Japanese woman assistant/radio operator or partner.

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