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So what exactly happens if any of these obvious weakpoint cables running through the Zaku II are destroyed?

Going from that Zeon trio in 08th MS Team, it doesn't seem to disable anything.
The cockpit gets really sweaty because the air conditioning got turned off
The man inside the suit won't be able to breathe :(
They are coolant pipes/cables. If some are destroyed, the Zaku overheats quicker than normal, and needs to shut off for maintenance. Imagine a Zaku walking in the desert for 1 hour with a damaged leg cable. Then the cockpit meter redlines and says the legs is overheating. So you need to shut down to cool off.

Another databook source says the pipes/cables are also used to help transfer power. We can this on suits like the Sazabi where the cables lead to the chest beam cannon. If they are damaged, then the cannon can't fire.
>Imagine a Zaku walking in the desert for 1 hour with a damaged leg cable.

Pretty sure that's exactly what happens in the 08th MS Team.
>So what exactly happens if any of these obvious weakpoint cables running through the Zaku II are destroyed?
1980s Japanese toy executives then look for something else to be their selling point.

Japanese toy executives famously didn't care about the enemy mecha in the original Gundam TV show. Tomino and many other staff members have said this. The toy executives only cared about the hero suits like the Gubdam, Guncannon, etc.

The mecha designers for 0079 had free reign to design whatever they wanted for the enemy mecha. That's why the Zaku, Dom, etc are so ironic and memorable. Tomino only gave the mecha designer 2 rules when making enemy mecha. They must be unique, and they must be simple enough that a 7 year could vaguely draw it on a piece of paper. Tomino wanted kids to be able to remember what the enemy mecha looked like.

It was only after 0079 when the toy executives startes to care about enemy mecha. When the enemy mecha like the original Zaku was almost more popular than the Gundam itself. The Zaku gunpla was flying off the shelves.
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You say that, but here's a piece by Koichi Ohata where he recalls his time meeting with Arii Manufacturing at the planning stages of High Speed Galvion:

>President Arii, as if to have our unease about the prospective future abated, asserted strongly, “just as how the Zaku was a hit in Gundam, robots with the cable and armour motif will sell from now on! Truck Yarou model kits are doing well too. In other words, we need the real world detail of a raw and powerful exposed engine. Draw me a robot that meets these two, then leave the rest up to me”.
>air conditioning
reverse engineering has already deduced they are merely the CO2 feed tubes for the onboard fountain drink machine
Actually, that’s the first thing Amuro did when he got into the cockpit of RX-78-2.
Honestly I wish more mecha went with the exposed cables/pipes aesthetic even if it's not practical.
It looks cool.
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Precisely why Zaku I is superior
that zaku got some nice titties
I agree that the Zaku I is just a sleek design
This is why Zeon should have more female pilots, preferably young too.
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>from sleek to bulky
What the fuck happened?
you want to stuff more weapons on a vehicle, you need to have a bigger frame to stick that stuff on
But in terms of shoving every possible weapon onto a single unit the Doven Wolf absolutely shits on the Zaku III and Zaku IV. The Zaku lineage should have leaned on the Marasai as a generalist suit, which they realized with the Geara Doga and Zulu
>But in terms of shoving every possible weapon onto a single unit the Doven Wolf absolutely shits on the Zaku III and Zaku IV.

You are just looking at specs without looking at the bigger picture.

The factories that made the Doven Wolf no longer exist. It's also very extremely high maintenence, and the Doven Wolf frame isn't easily customizable. Weapon compatibility with newer weapons made in the UC 0090s is a problem. Lastly, getting spare parts for the Doven Wolf is nearly impossible now that the original factories are gone. It's probably why Neo Zeon groups like the Sleeves retired the Doven Wolf and we don't see any in service during Unicorn.

The design philosophy behind the Doven Wolf is also not suited to modern UC. The Doven Wolf was made during a time when Neo Zeon was at the absolute peak of their power. Money was no issue. Resources were no issue. Maintenance was no problem. Not even a consideration. They could afford to give every pilot a lavish super high performance mobile suit regardless of cost. If you were a good Neo Zeo pilot, then you could literally pick and choose what you wanted. Neo Zeon was living a super luxurious life. Times are different now. Neo Zeon isn't the dominant faction and they aren't ultra rich like they were in the past. So things must change.

So The Zaku IV is built using the latest technology. It's focused on versatility, ease of use, and reliability. A more commen sense approach. Could a single Doven Wolf beat a Zaku IV? Maybe (it would close). But you could built a fleet of Zaku IVs. That's not possible with Doven Wolf.
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>It's probably why Neo Zeon groups like the Sleeves retired the Doven Wolf and we don't see any in service during Unicorn.

But they did, and we did.
Did they? It's been a long time since I watched Unicorn. I don't remember that appearing in the anime.

Looks like they are just maintaining whatever leftover stock of Doven Wolfs they have left. Each one probably very precious and irreplaceable.
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Neo Zeon should've bringing back Zudah
It can't use beam weapons.
Is that even a concern with e-pac tech?
Apparently the Gundam writers say that there's still a minimum amount of reactor power needed to use E-Pac technology.

But it's probably Bandai's way of pushing more model kits.
Synthesizing mega particles requires insane amounts of energy and an impractically large reactor for mobile suit use.
It also takes time, which is precious in combat. Can't spend minutes charging a mega beam cannon, or you're getting picked off.

E-CAP (energy capacitor) technology solved that problem by storing positive and negative charged compressed Minovsky particles generated at a critical stage just before the fusion into mega particles. It's still an endergonic reaction, i.e. needs continuous outside energy to finish, which means it needs a reactor that can supply the critical threshold amount of juice for the fusion to occur. This is a non-minor amount, but still FAR less than the whole reaction done from scratch.
The reaction being strongly endergonic though does mean it also makes the whole thing safe for long-term storage. No risk of the Minovsky-equivalent of thermal runaway that we have in real world Li-ion battery packs, for instance.

E-PAC (energy pack) technology basically made E-CAP hot-swappable like a cartridge. Where E-CAP was a built-in capacitor that needed to be refueled at a mothership like a built-in fuel-tank, E-PAC switched things up and minituarized the tech, standardized the interfaces, and allowed it to be turned into hot-swappable cartridges like rifle magazines. But even then; that's just the storage aspect. The suit reactor itself STILL needs to provide enough charge to perform the fusion reaction into mega particles.
>The suit reactor itself STILL needs to provide enough charge to perform the fusion reaction into mega particles.
And a Zaku's nuclear can't do that? Lmao.

But the Zaku reactor can explode in a massive nuclear explosion killing millions.

Still somehow not enough power for a laser gun though!
>laser gun
Mega particles aren't lasers. They're superheated plasma-state mass, shot from a version of a railgun that uses I-Fields rather than magnetic fields.
that doesn't help your point because Galvion came out 5 years after MSG not concurrently.
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the petite-mobile used a hyper beam gun, but i assume the weapon had an internal reactor
it still takes a lot of power to keep the zaku running, and it's older technology so it's probably less efficient.
Those have to be sub 1 megawatt output. Wouldnt want to get hit with it, but I cant imagine those need the same draw.
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I really wish we had an OVA featuring the petites in combat. Little bastards are neat.
Probably also limited range and long charge-up time
I think the Lotto was probably as close as we're getting. I really liked ECOAS for that stuff. Expanding on some of the ideas in CCA with the operation to mine Axis and introducing a dedicated unit for it was one of Unicorn's better ideas.
It'd be a very niche capability but you'd absolutely want people who could do it and it'd require extreme amounts of specialisation, no way you could just stick regular ground pounders on an EFF cruiser and tell them their job is to, I dunno, make entrance into an uncooperative colony without blasting an MS-sized hole.
I thought the issue was that Zeon was having trouble miniaturizing the beam technology into a small beam rifle for mobile suits? Not that Zeon mobile suits didn't have powerful enough reactors. We see Doms running around with beam bazookas. So I thought they just were delayed in making the final step from going to beam bazookas to smaller beam rifles.
That's part of the issue. But even though the likes of the Gelgoog had beam rifles and naginatas, and the Dom had a beam bazooka, we still didn't get Zakus retrofit with beam weaponry. The reactor just not being up to it is kind of a hand-wavy explanation. Who knows, maybe the Gelgoog and Dom were designed with bigger housing for a reactor and the Zaku's frame just simply can't be bulked out to support it without compromising on something vital. It's still a monococque design after all - it doesn't really have an internal skeletal structure that would make it easier to shift some parts around or redesign them. The armor shell is literally what's holding the thing together.
The act zaku does!
And it was developed at the near end of the war.
Except Dra-C's were running around with beam sabers, and they were built using leftover broken Zaku 2 parts in a scrapyard. So clearly Zaku 2 had enough power to use beam weapons.
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>we still didn't get Zakus retrofit with beam weaponry
Zaku Sniper
Act Zaku
Zaku II High Mobility type R-2P and type R-3S
Psycommu Zaku & High Mobility Psycommu Zaku

>The reactor just not being up to it is kind of a hand-wavy explanation
Well there's also other issues like cooling systems and not being able to produce enough high end reactors or even beam weapons for that matter.

Also the histories for the Zaku variants up there, it wasn't as simple as dropping in a better reactor. Outside of the ability to use beam weapons, the Zaku's general combat performance like mobility and whatnot was also lacking, so they ended up having to redesign a lot of the Zaku to have it try to meet requirements for each project, and sometimes still failing to get there. By the time they get something that works kinda well, they already heavily modified most of the Zaku to the point where it's no longer really a standard Zaku with some easy field-mods or something they can produce on the regular Zaku factory lines, at that point you might as well build a completely new mobile suit.
I meant actual stock, grunt Zakus. What did get equipped with beam weapons were off-by-one prototypes, kitbashes, and completely different combat loadouts like a sniper model. The cited high mobility types are probably the closest to original Zakus reworked to support beam weaponry.
0083 is a bit different because in other UC stories a beam saber will lose power quickly if it's not held in the hand, but Gato was able to toss a beam saber to use as a decoy. The beam saber didn't run out of power, which suggests it has a battery built in to power the weapon. The Dra-C saber probably works the same way, where it powers on with a battery so it doesn't need to suck power from the reactor all the time except for when the saber needs to recharge.

That's literally the point, it wasn't possible to have a bog-standard Zaku II F-type power a decent beam weapon on its own with no changes.
At least use the standard production model instead of the one-off ace version if you're gonna say that, man.
I don't remember exactly offhand but aren't there at least a couple of models that plug their sabers directly into the unit via a cable?
Not really? It depends, but the vast majority of UC beam sabers are portable and not wired to a power source. Units could steal beam sabers from each other and use them, which suggested that there was maybe some kind of universal standard going on. In Zeta, Buran steals the Mark II's beam sabre and is able to use it just fine. Yazan picks up a derelict Gelgoog's beam naginata and can power it on, but it was weak, defective, or low on power and couldn't withstand much use. I actually don't remember any UC MS off the top of my head that have their beam sabers tethered to the MS, but there's a bunch from different AUs and things like G-Reco which is far future UC.

There's a scene in 08th MS team which shows a beam sabre plugging into a hand's electrical connector. Presumably a beam rifle works the same way. This agrees with most Gundam databooks' explanation of the weapons tech and how the suit is supposed to power and control beam weapons, but it also doesn't agree very well with scenes from other Gundam stories where enemy weapons can be picked up and used immediately.
>And a Zaku's nuclear can't do that? Lmao.
A general misconception about nuclear reactors is that infinite energy = limitless output. And yes that wouldn't be enough for a laser gun (not a particle gun) based on the specs given.
No, they’re for improved power distribution
>making the pilot drink flat soda
war crime

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