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How influential was the G1 Transformers show on the landscape of 80s /m/echa anime and toys?
I really don't think it influenced much at all. About all I can think of is that it prompted Bandai to spawn Machine Robo as a competitor.
The thing about Transformers is that it's not really possible for most companies to replicate. Having such a massive roster of designs and merchandise just isn't in the cards for most mecha productions.
Pretty fucking big toy lines back in the day, especially for a toy line that had no concurrent media releasing alongside it (ie: Basically any other mecha anime airing at the time that also had a toy line like Macross)
>G1 TV series
Is pretty memorable among audiences that watched it, even though it's mostly for the dub (Primarily Convoy's VA and the overly-descriptive narrator). Overall it was seen as just another robot show mostly
>G1 Toys
Sold pretty damn well, even though they had a slightly smaller release than the US had (ie: a bunch of toys like Ratchet, Dirge, and Repugnus were only available as mail-order item)
>Japanese G1 (Headmasters-Victory)
Did okay, but nowhere near as its competition (Victory was airing around the same time as Patlabor, Granzort, and War in the Pocket).

The most influential thing that G1 Transformers
led to was the creation of the Brave Series. The "Transforming robots show for kids" slot has mostly been filled in by Shinkalion these days.
Tourists/redditors/info harvesters/homework posters out out out.
I would say it was influential enough that the legacy if left through Yuusha, Machine Robo, Eldran, and then all of the anime that took inspiration from those is pretty considerable. It revitalized robot anime for young kids as it was being primarily geared towards older audiences post-Gundam.

I think the only major reason the initial lineup of Transformers was slightly smaller in Japan was because Hasbro had the edge to license whatever Japanese robots they wanted for the USA market. They eventually made up for it after 1986 with tons of unique JPN exclusives.
What I found hilarious from the japanese localization was that in some scenes they added “more casualties” for instance in the original a unmanned rocket was blown up but in the Japanese version screams were added, also every time they transform they shout TRANSFOOOORM
Yelling TRANSFORM is a staple of Japanese transformers that should never be tossed out
Oh look another Transformer fag thread where he desperately tries to get validation.
Why are you projecting your insecurities onto me.
/m/s law: every time a Transformers thread is posted, regardless of its content or the nature of /m/ as a board, it will drag out a single angry anon who hates Transformers yet still wastes his time replying to every Transformers thread.
Maybe if every transformers thread wasn't hot garbage made by the same person to start with.
Its no different from any other /m/ thread but you're the only common factor across all of them, not me.
There he is!
I'm not the "Transformers -> /co/" guy, I'm the "migrants out" guy.
IIRC the transforming Mobile Suits in Zeta were influenced by Transformers'
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Tomino specifically said Transformers inspired him to make the conversions between modes part of the action and not rely as much on stock footage or bank cels. The Japanese Transformers shows would ironically go harder on stock footage for that and something like Machine Robo often gave up and had characters turn into flashes of light to change forms.
Transformers was the shit when I was a kid in the 80s. There was a Kay-Bee toys in the mall in town back then, they carried all the Transformer toys, and I remember the exact spot where Optimus was on the shelf. They were too expensive, I wanted Optimus and Grimlock soooo bad. Eventually i managed to get the smaller ones like Powerglide and the green and yellow UFO guy.
The Gainax/Trigger guys are huge Transformers fans.
>Director Tomino has a great appetite as a dramatist, continually incorporating things he likes into his own works. Around that time, he heard that TRANSFORMERS, which hadn't yet been broadcast in Japan, was becoming popular in America. So he had a video sent over and watched it together with the staff. When he saw the mecha transformation scenes, he said "That's it! Let's do this kind of instant transformation in Gundam as well!" That was the origin of transforming mobile suits like the Asshimar and Messala. I remember being surprised, because I'd expected that Gundam mecha would transform via an orderly process like the docking scenes in the original series.

I thought the transformations were inspired from Macross.
Maybe the executive decision to make a transforming mobile suit toy was, but the actual depiction in animation is what we're talking about (and is what Tomino is in charge of).
bro just take the L.
It was, troonformers fans just have a primal need to shove themselves into everything.
>About all I can think of is that it prompted Bandai to spawn Machine Robo as a competitor.
Machine robo as a line predates the G1 show. Diaclone came first, but the car robots line started around the same time machine robo did. In general it's arguable since Takara did do transforming toys as early the 70's(but then again Bandai and other JP companies did, too)
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Just a reminder that this is a thing.
Turning Machine Robo into an anime was a direct response to Transformers being launched in Japan.
Sneed and cope >>22719875
The narrator really sells the comical nature of the show. Like he had to narrate something that's either too obvious to the viewers or had to explain what's going on from their wonky animation or storyboards
what is this supposed to be againn
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz reference
My favorite is when they would have the narrator say “And then!” (そして!) when nothing happened except a cut from one shot to another.
Mazin Scream Go.
It's Starscream after putting on a bunch of spare Mazinger parts.

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