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Galaxy Force was the last good Transformers show desu
>even children shows aren't safe from waifushit
It's all so tiresome...
What the hell is going on with that hair?
I noticed its semi transparent
Literally all kids anime is subject to waifushit
Then they should stop doing that shit.
The last good show was Micron Legend, it's all CGI shit from then
Does this board hate Animated? I recall that one being alright. Probably had the most solid writting besides Beast Wars.
It's my favorite, granted I haven't watched basically anything between it and BW or anything after Prime
Don't really plan on doing so either
Incorrect. These are good ones after Galaxy Force:
- Animated
- first season of Prime
- Rescue Bots
- RID2105
- Cyberverse
- BotBots

Which leaves these as the bad post-GF stuff:
- the rest of Prime
- Go!
- Machinima (CW, TR, POTP)
- Netflix (S, ER, K)
- EarthSpark

I can't judge RBA because I haven't seen it yet.
Oh you have to be shitting me, that can't be a real title. That is Moon Moon grade naming! How is this real!
have you attempted the simple action of googling what botbots are
Speaking of those terms, Moon was put into the Last Bot Standing comic as a replacement for a BotBot character being in it, because Hasbro didn't want a BotBot to be killing organics and processing them into biofuel. So Moon, the next best cutesy Transformers guy, got the spot instead.
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What about q transformers?
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What the FUCK was wrong with Japan to let this be one of the main branch of Transformers in Japan, let alone creating it
Funny thing is I believe most of the girls are over 18. Also, the one in the picture is Marissa Faireborn, the daughter of Flint and Lady Jaye from G.I. Joe.
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The old wiki said
"It derives its name from its controversial gimmick, which involves Transformers getting "power-ups" when they are kissed by human girls—the eponymous "Kiss Players"—who fuse with the robots and share their adventures. Although this plotline may seem like a shift in demographics to young girls, it is said that this line was aimed at a much older adult male audience. Indeed, the toys bear an "ages 15 and up" warning, and the subject matter of the accompanying manga is far from child-friendly.

Following the conclusion of its first storyline in late 2006, Kiss Players moved into its second and final phase, which shifted focus to a distinctly more PG-rated (and "huge Transformers history nerd") theme, though it was still kind of heavy on the "cute girls" theme. "

Apparently it was very controversial even with japanese fans too at the time, so I wonder how the hell Hasbro even accepted this. it be like if they made a borderline NSFW Pony show
Does /co/ like Kiss Players?
>muh wiki
>reddit spacing
>so I wonder how the hell Hasbro even accepted this. it be like if they made a borderline NSFW Pony show
They basically had no say in it. Takara co-owns the license with them so they can do as they please- but Hasbro does put money into the franchise so I think they've since pressed Takara not to do something like this again
One thing people don't quite understand these days is just how big an impact the 2007 movie had on the franchise. Not just profitwise, but how Hasbro went from being largely hands off with the media to wanting to become a media company
All the 2000's anime were done with Hasbro having little direct input in what that the writers did. Hasbro and takara co-developed the lines, with the initial idea/direction for the line being Hasbro's and Takara helping develop and engineer the designs. As a result a lot of ideas Hasbro wanted ended up not getting implemented in the anime(for example, the character Smokescreen and Hoist in armada were designed as separate characters with Hoist as a replacement to Smokescreen after he died- the show wrote it so Hoist was a rebuilt Smokescreen)
The lack of input is a large reason why Hasbro has largely kept the series done in the anglosphere these days. The stakes got higher and they care more about having control over TF media. Irony is they had very little say in the live action movies for years and have been trying to shift that as well.
Takara is okay just following Hasbro's lead because Transformers isn't popular enough in Japan currently from them to invest their own money into something original.

However, the toyline always has and always will be co-developed between both companies. Toys are designed in collaboration with Hasbro and TT, they have repeatedly said they don't view themselves as the "American side" or the "Japanese side", but as a single team. There is a lot that goes into toy design that can't be boiled down into one side being more responsible for a product.
I almost feel like this is bait, but genuinely never trust the Wiki, especially when it comes to anything Japanese. The retards running it think that because Hasbro's referenced it a few times, accidentally or not, that makes them bigshot pillars of the community with objectively correct opinions, so you get shit like people being led to believe that all Japanese TF media is shit because M Sipher and co are genuinely borderline racist against Japan.
Damn the earthspark are still shit though
Considering it's run by a guy who went on Twitter crying about how when he masturbated he probably made a dead relative feel bad yeah you're probably right. Also they've been caught a few times with anti weebshit opinions too.
I haven't touched Earthspark and it's just because that art style just looks bad.
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It has a nice finale.
Japan doesn't care about Transformers like America does, so they were just throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck, and that includes weird as hell otakubait
>weird as hell
How new?
Kiss Players is a strange premise, to say the least
I'm not going to pretend to like it just because I'm on /m/ and the guy who heads the wiki hates it like some people here
Not liking it and going "weird as hell" are very different stances.
I always found it funny how the JPN versions tried to keep the three shows separate only to reverse it when they noticed what the Americans did.
Is it true that the Japanese dub of Prime made Arachnid yandere for Jack?
It’s really a shame as the animation is quite nice https://youtu.be/ruHISqhNiFI?feature=shared
Swing and a miss anon
A Kiss Players sequel by studio Trigger would easily revitalize tf in japan
A prequel would be even better, set 5 or so years earlier.
>Only borderline
TFwiki blatantly just hates Japan
Cybertron was GOATed on cap my G
>Can stand Beast Wars' CGI just fine.
>But can't stomach the stiff models from Enerjohn and Cybertron, to the point I haven't watched those.
Must be the nostalgia. I recently watched Micron Densetsu, so I should try them soon.
Energon CGI was bad even for the era. Very telling that they had to do use 2D animation for some shots just to sell the emotion of the scene.
Cybertron's biggest issue is how weird the faces are. Overall it looks slightly better, but nowhere near great.
What makes BW palatable is that the characters themselves animate well even if the quality of the CGI is still early. You can more easily buy the emotional acting in BW animation than the two 2000's TF anime.
Was Robots in Disguise 2001 any good?
It originated as a spin-off of the failed Binaltech/Alternators toyline in which every vehicle mode was licensed from a real world car manufacturer. They seem to have attempted to bolster the sales of some of the last released units by packaging them with cute girl figures. The controversial manga seems to have been purely a case of the mangaka begin left of the leash because no one really cared about a 3 month filler.
For really brief moments. Every single person shilling it on twitter basically just posts the cool fights you always see posted because that's the only part of the show that looks good. Having watched half of the first season so far the entire show feels like AI slop that's been lovingly put together by a team of talented artists, but they can't cover up the fact that it's still AI slop.
You'd like it if you like Brave shows.
Keep in mind that it's better watched subbed.
It's the only good piece of Transformers media. As another anon mentioned, the only version you should watch is the original JP one.
Super God Masterforce and The Movie is good and Micron Legend has its moments.
I don't see the issue
Masterforce is trash.
Only G1 and BW are good. Everything else ranges from mediocre to garbage.
kek filtered normie

Rewatched this recently, still don't like it very much.

I concede the art style and the stilted framerate don't start things off on the best foot, but I honestly can't stand most of the characters (Grimlock gets a chuckle out of me now and then, but even that gets old), especially since there are so many episodes that wouldn't have happened if the characters actually remembered anything they learned.
I think we should make a separate thread dedicated to hating on them. It’s about time we tear that shithole down.
Is it just TFwiki or does anyone else in the fandom share this mentality?
Hard to say because TFWiki inadvertently spoon feeds opinions to people who don't feel like watching things to form their own opinions.
Transformers Animated and Prime were good.

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