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>was an absolute nothingburger
Gundam is dead.
Did someone say burgers?
I don't know what you are possibly expecting from a Gundam conference in 2024
>salamis useless, musai fun
as opposed to
>giant drone gets upset when you tell it it's immature
>Burger cannibalism
Gandumb died, killed by Tanuki
Gundam? More like GAY'N'DUMB!
Gundam is dead. Consider this mercy.
What the fuck is happening with the franchise? Why is it slowing down?

Gundam isn't recession proof
Japan is still reeling terribly from all the economic turmoil caused by the Wu Flu. So the general production and talent pipelines are still very slow. As a franchise though It's in a really weird spot. Gundam's experimenting again and we're kind of just waiting to see where the pieces fall. Hathaway got a lukewarm reception, G-Witch had a very spirited reception on all sides, but it still made a lot of money. It wouldn't shock me if they're waiting to see how Requiem, the american movie, and Silver Phantom shake out.
Makes sense. If it was me I would see how current productions turn out, then draft plans for new projects - either trying out something new again, or continuing something that turned out well. Ride things out then maybe splash on a new big project.
>Hathaway got a lukewarm reception
why are you getting on the internet and just telling lies? it was extremely well received critically and was the highest profiting gundam film since the char's counterattack
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>G-Witch had a very positive reception on all sides
>big budget theatrical movie from 2024 makes more money than movie from 1988 when gundam was still a brand largely isolated to southeast asia, and didn't have 30 years of additional global marketing and brand awareness to push it
>still didn't make more money at the box than the third gundam compilation movie from 1981

what the fuck are you supposed to call it other than lukewarm?
>Hathaway got a lukewarm reception
What the fuck are you smoking?
Hathaway only got official theatrical releases in Japan and China. It's really not a worldwide vs East Asian-only thing.

Don't forget that the aftermath of the first Gundam with the reruns and movie trilogy was the peak of Gundam's popularity in Japan, and CCA was obviously closer to that.
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But Korea is even suffering more from this. They have no soldiers(job) so that they are suffering from unemployment rate while Japan is recovering from this.
Except for Kishida's destiny plan banning bikinis from anime and Japanese cosnole games since July 2022.
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>more western gundam shilling
They never make major announcements at these things anyway.
They did a big push as part of the wider little mecha boom coming out of the worst of covid and then badly fumbled key parts of its initial set up through assheaded decisions and are now trying to figure out how to right the boat before it capsizes which seems to involve seeing how the last of their stuff that's already in the pipeline shakes out.
At least Silver Phantom has a normal woman in it lol.
>Except for Kishida's destiny plan banning bikinis from anime and Japanese cosnole games since July 2022.
The what now? If that's true then it's officially over.
It isn't? It's just that the next bunch of things out, including an OVA and movie this year, are shit people really don't care about.
Only in his deluded mind. Do not engage.
Would fat womyn be Earthling or Zeonic? Cannot forgive if she is Zeonic. Cuz no way that our Zeon is woke faction instead of Brave space samurais.
You just got a TV series and a movie. Just because you didn't like them doesn't mean they didn't release
Blondie is Zeon. Purest spacenoid phenotype, she just got adopted by a feddie fatso. Trust the plan.
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En taro Deikun. Nakul afal Munzo!!! Na adan Zeon!!(Translation- Zeon dialect: For Deikun!! For vengeance of side 3!! We stand as Zeon!!)
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- COVID forced Bandai to reshuffle plans; including speeding up whatever had the most planning and production already in progress and pushing back others. Mizushima tweeted that part of the delay in getting everyone back together for the 00 Sequel was COVID and Bandai's reshuffling of projects.
- Then Bandai seems to have gone retarded and their UC Next 100 seems to only be animating in timeline order one series at a time instead of doing say, Hathaway and F90 so that both can be knocked out and on their way to Crossbone. I guess it has to do with keeping continuity, but unless they change a lot around, there isn't much that needs to be tweaked for F90 to follow up the ending of HF:The Animation.
- Then that leaves the side collabs with Netflix, Legendary, and France as something they could quickly hammer out, but the former 2 will suck and last is more like a Space Ace animated VN with quicktime responses to incoming attacks or elements.

On the bright side, Bandai did imply more SEED, more IBO, and more 00, and maybe more Witch, given they'll also focus on expanding AUs in a similar manner to OYW-era UC, with more sidestories.
I swear this is a phenomenon with young people who get into gundam for the first time. Where for a while it feels like there's a billion things to watch, then they kind of catch up and are part of the wait cycle for the first time and go "DID GUNDAM DIED?" I swear this shit happens right after every new series ends.
Same thing happens with the genre in general, there's no new big productions (that they are aware of) so they go "hurr why did the genre die?", and to some extent the same happens with anime in general, where they cherrypick a bunch of shows decades apart and say "why don't we get unique shows like these anymore? everything is isekai nowadays". Zoomers grew up in an era where call of duty, pokemon and marvel had yearly releases so they expect everything else to be just as constant.
Fucking Bandai
Never forget

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